1000 resultados para Matemática (Ensino fundamental)
Lettres àune Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (Letters to a Princess of Germany on various topics of physics and philosophy) is the work taken as an object of study of this thesis. It is a literary success written in the eighteenth century by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783) in order to meet a request from the Prussian king, Frederick II, the Great (1712-1786) to accept to guide the intellectual education of his niece, the young princess Anhalt-Dessau (1745-1808). The method of teaching and learning through letters elected to the education of the German monarch resulted in a collection of 234 matches in which Euler theory is about music, Philosophy, Mechanics, Optics, Astronomy, Theology and Ethics among others. The research seeks to point out mathematical content contained in this reference work based on the exploitation and adaptation of original historical works as an articulator of development activities for teaching mathematics in basic education and in accordance with the National Curriculum Parameters of Mathematics (NCP) work. The general objective point out the limits and didactic potential of Lettres à une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie as a source of support for teachers of basic education in developing activities for teaching mathematics. The discussions raised point to concrete possibilities of entanglement between the extracted mathematical content of the bulge of the work with current teaching methodologies from resizing the use of letters according to Freire's pedagogical perspective of the correspondence, and especially the use of new communication channels in the century XXI, both aimed at dialogue and approximation between those who write and those who read.
This essay aims to present and describe a proposal of insertion of Mathematics History into teachers undergraduation. Such addition proposal is expected to take place as curricular component to be taught on initial undergraduation for mathematics teachers. The selection of contents for the proposal has been based on the national Curriculum Guidelines (DCN, 2001, acronym in portugueses) for bachelor’s degree in Mathematics; the National Curricular Guidelines for Elementary School (PCNEF, 1998, acronym in Portuguese); and the National Curricular Guidelines for High School (PCNEM, 1999, acronym in Portuguese). The curricular component now presented is supposed to take a 60 hour workload, and includes the following topics: History of Ancient Numbering Systems, History of Trigonometriy and History of fuctions. For the sake of exemplification, the topic History of Ancient Numbering Systems is discussed and analysed in detail as practice for the new curricular component.
Studies carried out in several countries have confirmed the students’ difficulty in explaining the causes of the seasons of the year, and most of times their learning takes place incorrectly. The seasons of the year have been generally treated in didactic books apart from people´s routine, based on the heliocentric system, what demands abstraction to understand the phenomenon. Before this difficulty, it is necessary to think about a teaching proposal which allows the students to realize the environmental characteristics and its changes over time, as well as the seasons themselves. Thus, our goal was to work from the perspective of the observer on the terrestrial surface, therefore using the topocentric system. For that, we constructed a didactic sequence, grounded in Ausubel´s meaningful learning theory (2003) and in Moreira´s critical meaningful learning theory (2010), which was applied to students in 9th grade of elementary school and in 2th grade of high school at Escola Estadual Jerônimo Arantes, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, owing to their previous knowledge and alternative conceptions, which were collected via interviews. Afterwards, to evaluate the applied methodology, we made new interviews, by which we realized improvement in learning in relation to the characteristics of the seasons based on Sun´s apparent path, which we attribute to reference the change of observation and the means to obtain data on the volume of rainfall and average temperature in the city throughout the year. On the other hand, there are points that were not highlighted in learning, such as the link between winter and rainy season and the causes of the seasons, points left to be discussed in future investigations.
Science and technology are increasingly present in society’s everyday living, interfering with the appearance and social relationships, which requires from the population: knowledge, skills and actions to intervene consciously and responsibly in the new socio-cultural setting. The science education might become a great ally in the task of literacy and / or enable students to live consciously and critically in a world even more influenced by scientific and technological aspects. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a didactic-pedagogic proposal for science classes of the 6th year of elementary school, based on the "Generator Theme: Water and its treatment", involving the dynamics of the Three Pedagogic Moments. Such proposal consists of a Course which embraces seven teaching modules containing topics related to Generator Theme. The modules were designed and developed with four student groups of 6th year in twelve hours / class per group, with a total of approximately 120 students. The interpretation of the developed content, resulting from the thematic modules with students, led to the creation of five analysis categories. Considering the results, it is possible to conclude it is necessary, for successful teaching practices in the school environment, that the teachers embrace the aim of teaching in a meaningful way, drawing up activities that really recognize and include the student as an active subject of the educational and learning process. The use of activities that lead students to recognize themselves as main process actors, developing practices based on previous knowledge and on their specific learning, results in a situation which they will recognize the science in their lives, learn to be reflective and aware of their attitudes about the world where they live.
Science and technology are increasingly present in society’s everyday living, interfering with the appearance and social relationships, which requires from the population: knowledge, skills and actions to intervene consciously and responsibly in the new socio-cultural setting. The science education might become a great ally in the task of literacy and / or enable students to live consciously and critically in a world even more influenced by scientific and technological aspects. The aim of the dissertation is to develop a didactic-pedagogic proposal for science classes of the 6th year of elementary school, based on the "Generator Theme: Water and its treatment", involving the dynamics of the Three Pedagogic Moments. Such proposal consists of a Course which embraces seven teaching modules containing topics related to Generator Theme. The modules were designed and developed with four student groups of 6th year in twelve hours / class per group, with a total of approximately 120 students. The interpretation of the developed content, resulting from the thematic modules with students, led to the creation of five analysis categories. Considering the results, it is possible to conclude it is necessary, for successful teaching practices in the school environment, that the teachers embrace the aim of teaching in a meaningful way, drawing up activities that really recognize and include the student as an active subject of the educational and learning process. The use of activities that lead students to recognize themselves as main process actors, developing practices based on previous knowledge and on their specific learning, results in a situation which they will recognize the science in their lives, learn to be reflective and aware of their attitudes about the world where they live.
Studies carried out in several countries have confirmed the students’ difficulty in explaining the causes of the seasons of the year, and most of times their learning takes place incorrectly. The seasons of the year have been generally treated in didactic books apart from people´s routine, based on the heliocentric system, what demands abstraction to understand the phenomenon. Before this difficulty, it is necessary to think about a teaching proposal which allows the students to realize the environmental characteristics and its changes over time, as well as the seasons themselves. Thus, our goal was to work from the perspective of the observer on the terrestrial surface, therefore using the topocentric system. For that, we constructed a didactic sequence, grounded in Ausubel´s meaningful learning theory (2003) and in Moreira´s critical meaningful learning theory (2010), which was applied to students in 9th grade of elementary school and in 2th grade of high school at Escola Estadual Jerônimo Arantes, in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, owing to their previous knowledge and alternative conceptions, which were collected via interviews. Afterwards, to evaluate the applied methodology, we made new interviews, by which we realized improvement in learning in relation to the characteristics of the seasons based on Sun´s apparent path, which we attribute to reference the change of observation and the means to obtain data on the volume of rainfall and average temperature in the city throughout the year. On the other hand, there are points that were not highlighted in learning, such as the link between winter and rainy season and the causes of the seasons, points left to be discussed in future investigations.
Science application has faced problems in the process of training and cognizant thinking subjects in their actions. Thus, this work is justified in order to reorganize the contents of this area of knowledge. Thus, the research entitled "Plantation School: generating themes and teaching moments in teaching of science" was developed with a group of 6th grade of elementary school, from the planting of vegetables in tires without usefulness, with purpose of building meanings and scientific concepts to students. This work was based on sociointeractionist perspective of Vygotsky (1996, 1998), education for thematic research Freire (1983, 1996) as well as in problem-solving situations identified by the methodology of Pedagogical Moments Delizoicov and Angoti (1992; 2002 ) which together corroborated for the construction of a proposed teaching and learning, curriculum reorganization and significance of scientific concepts. Thus, the project breaks in practice with the linearity of the contents, to develop and analyze themes mediated by pedagogical moments, in order to ascertain the contribution of this methodological resource for the teacher's work, with regard to the understanding of scientific concepts by students. Thus, lesson plans were built based on the study situation "Horta School" and Themes Generators "human interaction with the environment", "photosynthesis", "Ecology and Nutrition of living beings", culminating in the work proposal developed in the classroom. From these themes, the contents were worked through pedagogical moments, which are organized into three stages: questioning, organization / systematization of knowledge and application / contextualization of knowledge. Thus, within each Theme Generator activities were planned which resulted in the involvement of students in learning scientific concepts, such as the issue of sustainability, environmental pollution, nutrition of living beings and the decomposition of organic matter. This work led and motivated student participation in Themes generators, and allows greater interaction between teacher-student and student among his peers, through dialogism established in the classroom, which promoted a more meaningful learning for students.
This paper intends to analyze which contribution for teachers formative training the participation on extension projects can bring to the bachelors in Mathematics teaching. The research was conducted during the developing of a Project from the Program of Extension - Programa de Extensão UFU/Comunidade (PEIC) in a municipal school located in a country zone from Uberlândia-MG. The research was constituted by a series of activities with students from the ninth year of the Fundamental Education, Middle School. The main focus is the work developed by two bachelors of Mathemactics teaching from the Federal University from Uberlândia who were part of the PEIC team. This present research intends to answer the following question: How the extension project “Information technology and communication on Mathematics problem resolution in country zone schools” has contribited to reinforce and to (re)criate the fomative experiences of students from the Mathematics teaching course who have developed such project? The presente study is from a qualitative nature and has made use of the partaker searching methodology. The presente paper was organized in three chapters. On chapter I evidence is given to theoretical discussion made, having as main references the works of Larrosa, Ponte e Shön. Chapter II brings the description of the three activities that were developed and aplied during the PEIC Project, which are: Problems in the Park, Inaccessible Hight and Lili Game. On chapter III, the data analysis is presented. The data was obtained through instruments of registration such as: camera recording, photografic material, meetings reports, field notes, surveys and semi-structured interviews. The initial hypothesis aim is on the fact that the participation on extention projects during the graduation course can bring rich contribution for the teachers to be, since it’s going to provide the knowledge and chalenge close to the one from the future profession. With the analysis of the obtained results from the colected data, it was possible to conclude that the PEIC has provided the bachelors in Mathematics teching the opportunity of recreate and potenciate their formative experiences. Such opportunity happened in situations that involved, for example, planning makings, development of colective work, softwares usage, different school spaces and the direct interaction with school bureaucracy. Beyond that, it was possible to work with the cocepts of reflection in action in a way to contribute to the professional development of the future Mathematics teachers. Thereby, in our final considerations, is possible to conclude that extension projects performed during the graduation course can bring great contributions to the professional formation of the bachelors in Mathematics teaching, among them we highlight the potentiation of the previous formative experiences and the development of colective work and behavior related to a reflexive teacher.
O presente relatório teve a sua génese no âmbito do Mestrado em En-sino do 1.º e do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e encontra-se dividido em duas partes distintas, que se complementam: a dimensão reflexiva e a dimensão investigativa. Na dimensão reflexiva apresenta-se um excerto do percurso de forma-ção docente e reflete-se, crítica e fundamentadamente, acerca das experiências vivenciadas em cada um dos contextos da Prática Peda-gógica. Estas reflexões retratam a forma singular de encarar a prática profissional e explanam o processo de (re)construção da minha identi-dade enquanto professora. A dimensão investigativa surgiu da experiência educativa, no âmbito da Prática Pedagógica realizada numa turma do 4.º ano de escolarida-de, e incidiu na área da comunicação matemática, num contexto de ensino exploratório. Este estudo apresenta um carácter qualitativo, na medida em que se pretende compreender e analisar o contributo do ensino exploratório no desenvolvimento da capacidade de comunica-ção matemática dos alunos. A recolha de dados incidiu sobre a realização de três tarefas matemáticas em aula, tendo sido registado em vídeo os momentos de discussão coletiva com a turma e realizada a análise de conteúdo das resoluções escritas dos alunos. Os resultados obtidos parecem demonstrar que a dinâmica do ensino exploratório proporcionou o desenvolvimento da capacidade de comunicação ma-temática dos alunos, através da participação em momentos de partilha, justificação e discussão de diferentes estratégias.
Esta dissertação propõe sete atividades acerca do estudo da circunferência para alunos do Ensino Médio. A maioria das atividades propostas utilizam o software gratuito de geometria dinâmica GeoGebra como ferramenta de aprendizagem. Programa com diversas vantagens. Além da concepção da geometria dinâmica, a associação entre Geometria e Álgebra, relação enfatizada até no seu nome. As atividades sugeridas abordam os seguintes conteúdos: equações da circunferência (reduzida e geral), análise da equação completa do 2o grau a duas variáveis, método de completar quadrados para reestabelecimento do centro e medida do raio da circunferência, posição relativa entre ponto e circunferência, reta e circunferência e entre duas circunferências. No presente trabalho consta ainda uma análise de alguns livros didáticos para ciência do que está sendo oportunizado ao professor como subsídio para suas aulas. Associamos esta análise também com a argumentação de que o produto deste trabalho é inovador. Mostraremos também a análise das atividades que embasaram a proposta desse trabalho quando aplicadas nas turmas de 3o ano do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Rio Grande, assim como os resultados de uma pesquisa feita sobre os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos sobre geometria do Ensino Fundamental, especificamente relacionados ao círculo.
Os avanços e a disseminação do uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC) descortinam novas perspetivas para a educação com suporte em ambientes digitais de aprendizagem usados via internet (Fiolhais & Trindade, 2003). A plataforma usada no Projeto Matemática Ensino (PmatE) da Universidade de Aveiro (UA) é uma das ferramentas informáticas que suporta esses ambientes através da avaliação baseada no Modelo Gerador de Questões (MGQ), possibilitando a obtenção da imagem do progresso feito pelos alunos (Vieira, Carvalho & Oliveira, 2004). Reconhecendo a importância didática desta ferramenta, já demonstrada noutras investigações (por exemplo, Carvalho, 2011; Pais de Aquino, 2013; Peixoto, 2009), o presente estudo tem como objetivo geral desenvolver material didático digital de Física, no contexto do programa moçambicano de Física da 12ª classe, para alunos e professores sobre radiações e conteúdos da Física Moderna. Pretendeu-se, ainda, propor estratégias de trabalho com recurso às TIC para a melhoria da qualidade das aprendizagens nesta disciplina. O estudo assentou nas três seguintes questões de investigação: (a) Como conceber instrumentos de avaliação das aprendizagens baseadas no modelo gerador de questões para o estudo das radiações e conteúdos da Física Moderna, no contexto do programa moçambicano de Física da 12ª classe? (b) Que potencialidades e constrangimentos apresentam esses instrumentos quando implementados com alunos e professores? (c) De que forma o conhecimento construído pode ser mobilizado para outros temas da Física e para o ensino das ciências em geral? O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de Estudos de Desenvolvimento, de natureza mista, que compreendeu as fases da Análise, Design, Desenvolvimento e Avaliação, seguindo como paradigma um estudo de cariz exploratório, com uma vertente de estudo de caso. Assim, na Análise, foi discutido o contexto da educação em Moçambique e a problemática da abordagem das radiações e conteúdos de Física Moderna no ensino secundário no quadro desafiante que se coloca atualmente à educação científica. No Design foram avaliadas as abordagens dasTIC no ensino e aprendizagem da Física e das ciências em geral e construída a árvore de objetivos nos conteúdos referidos na fase anterior. Na fase do Desenvolvimento foram construídos os instrumentos de recolha de dados, elaborados os protótipos de MGQ e sua posterior programação, validação e testagem em formato impresso no estudo exploratório. Na Avaliação, foi conduzido o estudo principal com a aplicação dos modelos no formato digital e feita sua avaliação, o que incluiu a administração de inquéritos por questionário a alunos e professores. Os resultados indicam que na conceção de MGQ, a definição dos objetivos de aprendizagem em termos comportamentais é fundamental na formulação de questões e na análise dos resultados da avaliação com o objetivo de reajustar as estratégias didáticas. Apontam também que a plataforma do PmatE que suporta os MGQ, embora possua constrangimentos devido a sua dependência da internet e limitações de ordem didática, contribui positivamente na aprendizagem e na identificação das dificuldades e principais erros dos alunos, por um lado. Por outro, estimula através da avaliação os processos de assimilação e acomodação do conhecimento. O estudo recomenda a necessidade de mudanças nas práticas de ensino e de aprendizagem para que seja possível a utilização de conteúdos digitais como complemento à abordagem didática de conteúdos.
This essay presents a proposal on methodology over the mathematical object Exponential Function which enables the development of interpretative and creative skills with potential meaning to the students starting from a didactic sequence structured on the light of The Theory of Didactic Situations from Guy Brousseau and, from the Records of Semiotic Representation of Duval, providing interactions among the students, the teacher and the environment of cooperative learning where the students feel free to express their own ideas as well as to suggest their own approaches. The methodology presented has been developed according to the students first knowledge, valuing their different ways of registering, which have such an important role during the teaching and learning processes. The proposal has been applied to the students from the first year of high school of Colégio Estadual José de Anchieta Ensino Fundamental e Médio, located in a town called Dois Vizinhos –Paraná. In order to the development of the research the methodological tool Didactic Engineering Artigue which consists in a methodology developed only to the research with didactic situations. The main goal has been reached at first, which was to work on the conceptual part of the Exponential Function, the relation of dependence and its main characteristic so that the variable part is in the exponent. Moreover with no imposition but starting from suitable didactic situations, the students were able to realize that they could solve the problems which involve the exponential function and furthermore create new problems (according to their universe) modeled by this kind of function. Its believed that the methodology based on the theory of didactic situations, analysis of students registers, observation on mistakes and obstacles as well as reflections over the aspects of the didactic contract are of fundamental importance to the teaching practice and determinant during the teaching-learning process.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Matemática, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional, 2016.