965 resultados para Martinsmyia reginae sp. nov.
A new cunaxid genus from Brazil, Cunaxatricha gen. nov., is erected and its type species, Cunaxatricha tarsospinosa sp. nov. is described and figured. A key to the genera of the subfamily Cunaxinae, to which this new genus belongs, is provided.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Species of Ceraeochrysa Adams are distributed from southeast Canada to Argentina. Larvae feed on aphids, thrips, white flies, mites, and neonatal larvae of Lepidoptera in varied agroecosystems. Seven species are known in Venezuela, viz. Ceraeochrysa achillea Freitas & Penny, C. angulata (Navas), C. bitacornua Freitas & Penny, C. caligata (Banks), C. cubana (Hagen), C. everes (Banks), and C. valida (Banks). In this study, three species are described as new to science, Ceraeochrysa melaenopareia sp. nov., Ceraeochrysa pittieri sp. nov., and Ceraeochrysa torresi sp. nov.
Titanochrysa Sosa & Freitas is a new genus of Neotropical Chrysopini (Chrysopidae: Chrysopinae) recorded from Costa Rica, Venezuela and Brazil. Titanochrysa gen. nov. shares several external and genitalic characters with Ceraeochrysa Adams, 1982; Chrysopodes Navas, 1913; Cryptochrysa Freitas & Penny, 2000; Parachrysopiella Brooks & Barnard, 1990 and Ungla Navas 1914. It may be distinguished from those genera by its very long sternite 8+9, sternites 2-8 usually with microtholi, male genitalia with the dorsal surface of the arcessus striated, gonosaccus well-developed, bearing elongate gonosetae and microsetae, and a spoon-like gonapsis. Herein, Titanochrysa circumfusa (Burmeister, 1939) [= Chrysopodes circumfusa (Burmeister)] comb. nov. and Titanochrysa pseudovaricosa (Penny) [= Ceraeochrysa pseudovaricosa Penny, 1998] comb. nov. were identified; Titanochrysa ferreirai Sosa & Freitas sp. nov. and Titanochrysa trespuntensis Sosa & Freitas sp. nov. were described. The external morphology, and male and female genitalia of all these species are described. Titanochrysa circumfusa (Burmeister, 1939) comb. nov. is recorded for the first time from Venezuela.
A new Neotropical genus and its species, Allocunaxa heveae gen. et sp. nov., is described and figured. The generic features are provided. The subfamily Cunaxinae is discussed and a key to it is provided.
Eight taxa of marine invertebrates, including two new bivalve species, are described from the Low Head Member of the Polonez Cove Formation (latest early Oligocene) cropping out in the Vaureal Peak area, King George Island, West Antarctica. The fossil assemblage includes representatives of Brachiopoda (genera Neothyris sp. and Liothyrella sp.), Bivalvia (Adamussium auristriatum sp. nov., ?Adamussium cf. A. alanbeui Jonkers, and Limatula (Antarctolima) ferraziana sp. nov.), Bryozoa, Polychaeta (serpulid tubes) and Echinodermata. Specimens occur in debris flows deposits of the Low Head Member, as part of a fan delta setting in a high energy, shallow marine environment. Liothyrella sp., Adamussium auristriatum sp. nov. and Limatula ferraziana sp. nov. are among the oldest records for these genera in King George Island. In spite of their restrict number and diversification, bivalves and brachiopods from this study display an overall dispersal pattern that roughly fits in the clockwise circulation of marine currents around Antarctica accomplished in two steps. The first followed the opening of the Tasmanian Gateway at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary, along the eastern margin of Antarctica, and the second took place in post-Palaeogene time, following the Drake Passage opening between Antarctic Peninsula and South America, along the western margin of Antarctica.
A new species of phytoseiid mites is described from Brazil, Typhlodromus moraesi sp. nov., collected on Tabebuia alba (Cham.) Sandwith and Chamaesyce hirta (L.) Millsp. in the State of São Paulo. This is the second species of the T. arizonicus group. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.
Biscutulumnemus neotropicus gen. nov., sp. nov. (Tarsonemidae: Tarsoneminae: Tarsonemini) is described from adult female and male mites, collected on Croton floribundus Spreng., from São José do Rio Preto, State of São Paulo, Brazil. This new genus resembles members of Dendmptus and Tarsonemus, but male mites have two triangular shields anterolaterally to the prodorsal shield and the sejugal apodeme is absent. In addition, Biscutulumnemus differs from Dendroptus by the presence of femoral seta l″ and tibial solenidion φ1 and the presence of a vestigial apodeme I on female mites. Unlike Tarsonemus, Biscutulumnemus has a beaklike gnathosomal capsule, a round flange on leg IV of male mites, and stigmata very close to v1 on the prodorsal shield of female mites. Copyright © 2006 Magnolia Press.
A new species of Sphaenorhynchus, probably closely related to S. surdus, is described from the states of São Paulo, Paraná, and Santa Catarina in the southeast and south of Brazil. This species, Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii sp. nov., is an intermediate species in size within the genus and is characterized by the absence of external tympanum, by the snout from truncate to slightly mucronate in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, by the presence of a dark line from the snout to the eye, and mainly by differences in the advertisement call (a long call with several notes). It is found in open areas, calling during the wet season of the year, generally, in the deepest area of permanent ponds. Illustrations of the adults, descriptions of the advertisement calls, and a map of geographic distribution of the species are provided. Also, we provide data on the distribution and natural history of S. surdus and describe its advertisement call. Copyright © 2007 Magnolia Press.
The genus Pseudobonzia Smiley 1975 is revised and divided into two genera. The genus Pseudobonzia Smiley, 1975, with its type species and five other related species, is retained. The remainder of the group is now known as Coleobonzia gen. nov. of which the main characteristics are provided. Coleobonzia argillae (Den Heyer, 1977) is designated as type species for the new genus. Two species from Brazil, viz. Coleobonzia clava sp. nov. and C. moraesi sp. nov. are described and figured. A key to the two genera as well as a key to the Brazilian and South African species of the new genus are provided. Copyright © 2008 Magnolia Press.
The genus Physoclypeus Hendel, 1907 has its distribution restricted to the Neotropical region. In this study, its species have been redescribed, three new combinations have been proposed, three lectotypes have been designated, seven new species have been described, and an identification key to the species is presented. An updated list of species of Physoclypeus is presented as: P. annulatus Hendel, 1925; P. coquilletti (Hendel, 1908); P. farinosus (Hendel, 1925); P. flavus (Wiedemann, 1830); P. hendeli sp. nov. (Type locality, Jamaica, N. Irish Town); P. lineatus (Williston, 1896) new comb.; P. montanus (Becker, 1919) new comb.; P. plaumanni sp. nov. (Type locality, Brazil, Santa Catarina); P. risaraldensis sp. nov. (Type locality, Colombia, Risaralda); P. saltensis sp. nov. (Type locality, Argentina, Salta); P. scutellatus (Curran, 1926) new comb.; P. unimaculatus sp. nov. (Type locality, Mexico, Vera Cruz); P. vitattus sp. nov. (Type locality, Brazil, Santa Catarina) and P. zebrinus sp. nov. (Type locality, Costa Rica, Limón).
Two new species of Diaptomidae were found in the Middle Paraná River. The new species are referred to as Diaptomus curvatus sp. nov. and Diaptomus frutosae sp. nov. Important character states in Diaptomus curvatus include: right fifth leg with a well-developed endopod and with the lateral spine of the second exopod segment curved and longer than the segment on which it is inserted, plus the presence of a large dorsal process on urosomite 4 of the male. For Diaptomus frutosae they include: a differentiated hook-like process on segment 20 with chitinous protuberances at base of male right antennule; the last segment of the right leg 5 of male is triangular, and the lateral spine inserted distal to mid-level of this segment. Both species are placed in Diaptomus sensu lato as a temporary placement. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:FECDD6C4-C0AC-4043-ADDD-F29539B451F0. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)