984 resultados para Martins, Nabur, d. ca. 1454.


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The influence of chloride on the electrodeposition of lead films and their dissolution in anodic stripping voltammetric experiments was examined. Gold substrates were plated with lead films, and mass changes were monitored by using the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation factor (EQCM-D). The results showed that the amount of electrodeposited lead is slightly dependent on the chloride concentration. The charge/mass ratio data indicated the presence of Pb(I) and Pb(II) as a result of film dissolution, and the precipitation and deposition of PbCl2 onto the electrode surface. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed that the morphology of the lead film was strongly influenced by chloride present in the plating solution and that much rougher films were obtained in comparison with those obtained in the absence of chloride. The rate of the anodic dissolution was higher for lead films with higher surface areas, which lead to an increase in their stripping voltammetric currents. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Prior to the selection of disinfectants for low, intermediate and high (sterilizing) levels, the decimal reduction time, D-value, for the most common and persistent bacteria identified at a health care facility should be determined. Methods The D-value was determined by inoculating 100 mL of disinfecting solution with 1 mL of a bacterial suspension (104 – 105 CFU/mL for vegetative and spore forms). At regular intervals, 1 mL aliquots of this mixture were transferred to 8 mL of growth media containing a neutralizing agent, and incubated at optimal conditions for the microorganism. Results The highest D-values for various bacteria were determined for the following solutions: (i) 0.1% sodium dichloroisocyanurate (pH 7.0) – E. coli and A. calcoaceticus (D = 5.9 min); (ii) sodium hypochlorite (pH 7.0) at 0.025% for B. stearothermophilus (D = 24 min), E. coli and E. cloacae (D = 7.5 min); at 0.05% for B. stearothermophilus (D = 9.4 min) and E. coli (D = 6.1 min) and 0.1% for B. stearothermophilus (D = 3.5 min) and B. subtilis (D = 3.2 min); (iii) 2.0% glutaraldehyde (pH 7.4) – B. stearothermophilus, B. subtilis (D = 25 min) and E. coli (D = 7.1 min); (iv) 0.5% formaldehyde (pH 6.5) – B. subtilis (D = 11.8 min), B. stearothermophilus (D = 10.9 min) and A. calcoaceticus (D = 5.2 min); (v) 2.0% chlorhexidine (pH 6.2) – B. stearothermophilus (D = 9.1 min), and at 0.4% for E. cloacae (D = 8.3 min); (vi) 1.0% Minncare® (peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide, pH 2.3) – B. stearothermophilus (D = 9.1 min) and E. coli (D = 6.7 min). Conclusions The suspension studies were an indication of the disinfectant efficacy on a surface. The data in this study reflect the formulations used and may vary from product to product. The expected effectiveness from the studied formulations showed that the tested agents can be recommended for surface disinfection as stated in present guidelines and emphasizes the importance and need to develop routine and novel programs to evaluate product utility.


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Abstract Background Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is a frequent neoplasm, which is usually aggressive and has unpredictable biological behavior and unfavorable prognosis. The comprehension of the molecular basis of this variability should lead to the development of targeted therapies as well as to improvements in specificity and sensitivity of diagnosis. Results Samples of primary OSCCs and their corresponding surgical margins were obtained from male patients during surgery and their gene expression profiles were screened using whole-genome microarray technology. Hierarchical clustering and Principal Components Analysis were used for data visualization and One-way Analysis of Variance was used to identify differentially expressed genes. Samples clustered mostly according to disease subsite, suggesting molecular heterogeneity within tumor stages. In order to corroborate our results, two publicly available datasets of microarray experiments were assessed. We found significant molecular differences between OSCC anatomic subsites concerning groups of genes presently or potentially important for drug development, including mRNA processing, cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis, metabolic process, cell cycle and apoptosis. Conclusion Our results corroborate literature data on molecular heterogeneity of OSCCs. Differences between disease subsites and among samples belonging to the same TNM class highlight the importance of gene expression-based classification and challenge the development of targeted therapies.


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Fluorcalciomicrolite, (Ca,Na,□)2Ta2O6F, is a new microlite-group, pyrochlore supergroup mineral approved by the CNMNC (IMA 2012-036). It occurs as an accessory mineral in the Volta Grande pegmatite, Nazareno, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Associated minerals include: microcline, albite, quartz, muscovite, spodumene, "lepidolite", cassiterite, tantalite-(Mn), monazite-(Ce), fluorite, "apatite", beryl, "garnet", epidote, magnetite, gahnite, zircon, "tourmaline", bityite, hydrokenomicrolite, and other microlite-group minerals under study. Fluorcalciomicrolite occurs as euhedral, untwinned, octahedral crystals 0.1-1.5 mm in size, occasionally modified by rhombododecahedral faces. The crystals are colourless and translucent; the streak is white, and the lustre is adamantine to resinous. It does not fluoresce under ultraviolet light. Mohs' hardness is 4½- 5, tenacity is brittle. Cleavage is not observed; fracture is conchoidal. The calculated density is 6.160 g/cm3. The mineral is isotropic, ncalc. = 1.992. The Raman spectrum is dominated by bands of B-X octahedral bond stretching and X-B-X bending modes.The chemical composition (n = 6) is (by wavelength dispersive spectroscopy, H2O calculated to obtain charge balance, wt.%): Na2O 4.68, CaO 11.24, MnO 0.01, SrO 0.04, BaO 0.02, SnO2 0.63, UO2 0.02, Nb2O5 3.47, Ta2O5 76.02, F 2.80, H2O 0.48, O=F -1.18, total 98.23. The empirical formula, based on 2 cations at the B site, is (Ca1.07Na0.81□0.12)∑2.00(Ta1.84Nb0.14Sn0.02)∑2.00 [O5.93(OH)0.07]6.00[F0.79(OH)0.21]. The strongest eight X-ray powder-diffraction lines [d in Å(I)(hkl)] are: 5.997(59)(111), 3.138(83)(311), 3.005(100)(222), 2.602(29)(400), 2.004(23)(511), 1.841(23)(440), 1.589(25)(533), and 1.504(24)(444). The crystal structure refinement (R1 = 0.0132) gave the following data: cubic, Fd3m, a = 10.4191(6) Å, V = 1131.07(11) Å3, Z = 8.


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Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Pr"{a}paration, Charakterisierung und Untersuchung der elektronischen Eigenschaften von d"{u}nnen Schichten des Hochtemperatursupraleiters HgReBa$_{2}$Ca$_{n-1}$Cu$_{n}$O$_{y}$, die mittels gepulster Laser-Deposition hergestellt wurden. Die HgRe1212-Filme zeigen in der AC-Suszeptibilit"{a}t einen scharfen "{U}bergang in die supraleitende Phase bei 124 K mit einer "{U}bergangsbreite von 2 K. Die resistiven "{U}berg"{a}nge der Proben wurden mit zunehmender St"{a}rke des externen Magnetfeldes breiter. Aus der Steigung der Arrheniusplots konnte die Aktivierungsenergie f"{u}r verschiedene Feldst"{a}rken bestimmt werden. Weiterhin wurde die Winkelabh"{a}ngigkeit des Depinning-Feldes $B_{dp}(theta)$ der Filme gemessen. Hieraus wurde ein Anisotropiewert von $gamma$ = 7.7 bei 105 K ermittelt. Dies ist relevant, um den f"{u}r Anwendungen wichtigen Bereich im $T$-$B$-$theta$-Phasenraum des Materials absch"{a}tzen zu k"{o}nnen. Die kritische Stromdichte $J_{c}$ der d"{u}nnen Filme aus HgRe-1212 wurde mit Hilfe eines SQUID-Magnetometers gemessen. Die entsprechenden $M$-$H$ Kurven bzw. das magnetische Moment dieser Filme wurde f"{u}r einen weiten Temperatur- und Feldbereich mit einem magnetischen Feld senkrecht zum Film aufgenommen. F"{u}r einen HgRe-1212-Film konnte bei 5 K eine kritische Stromdichte von 1.2 x 10$^{7}$ A/cm$^{2}$ und etwa 2 x 10$^{6}$ A/cm$^{2}$ bei 77 K ermittelt werden. Es wurde die Magnetfeld- und die Temperaturabh"{a}ngigkeit des Hall-Effekts im normalleitenden und im Mischzustand in Magnetfeldern senkrecht zur $ab$-Ebene bis zu 12 T gemessen. Oberhalb der kritischen Temperatur $T_{c}$ steigt der longitudinale spezifische Widerstand $rho_{xx}$ linear mit der Temperatur, w"{a}hrend der spezifische Hall-Widerstand $rho_{yx}$ sich umgekehrt proportional zur Temperatur "{a}ndert. In der N"{a}he von $T_{c}$ und in Feldern kleiner als 3 T wurde eine doppelte Vorzeichen"{a}nderung des spezifischen Hall-Widerstandes beobachtet. Der Hall-Winkel im Normalzustand, cot $theta_{H}= alpha T^{2} + beta$, folgt einer universellen $textit{T }^{2}$-Abh"{a}ngigkeit in allen magnetischen Feldern. In der N"{a}he des Nullwiderstand-Zustandes h"{a}ngt der spezifische Hall-Widerstand $rho_{yx}$ "{u}ber ein Potenzgesetz mit dem longitudinalen Widerstand $rho_{xx}$ zusammen. Das Skalenverhalten zwischen $rho_{yx}$ und $rho_{xx}$ weist eine starke Feld-Abh"{a}ngigkeit auf. Der Skalenexponent $beta$ in der Gleichung $rho_{yx}$ =A $rho_{xx}^{beta}$ steigt von 1.0 bis 1.7, w"{a}hrend das Feld von 1.0 bis 12 T zunimmt.


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Calretinin (CR) and calbindin D-28k (CB) are cytosolic EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins and function as Ca(2+) buffers affecting the spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) transients and possibly also as Ca(2+) sensors modulating signaling cascades. In the adult hippocampal circuitry, CR and CB are expressed in specific principal neurons and subsets of interneurons. In addition, CR is transiently expressed within the neurogenic dentate gyrus (DG) niche. CR and CB expression during adult neurogenesis mark critical transition stages, onset of differentiation for CR, and the switch to adult-like connectivity for CB. Absence of either protein during these stages in null-mutant mice may have functional consequences and contribute to some aspects of the identified phenotypes. We report the impact of CR- and CB-deficiency on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells within the subgranular zone (SGZ) neurogenic niche of the DG. Effects were evaluated (1) two and four weeks postnatally, during the transition period of the proliferative matrix to the adult state, and (2) in adult animals (3 months) to trace possible permanent changes in adult neurogenesis. The absence of CB from differentiated DG granule cells has no retrograde effect on the proliferative activity of progenitor cells, nor affects survival or migration/differentiation of newborn neurons in the adult DG including the SGZ. On the contrary, lack of CR from immature early postmitotic granule cells causes an early loss in proliferative capacity of the SGZ that is maintained into adult age, when it has a further impact on the migration/survival of newborn granule cells. The transient CR expression at the onset of adult neurogenesis differentiation may thus have two functions: (1) to serve as a self-maintenance signal for the pool of cells at the same stage of neurogenesis contributing to their survival/differentiation, and (2) it may contribute to retrograde signaling required for maintenance of the progenitor pool.


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The Ca(2+)-binding proteins parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin D-28k (CB) are key players in the intracellular Ca(2+)-buffering in specific cells including neurons and have profound effects on spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) transients. The previously observed increase in mitochondrial volume density in fast-twitch muscle of PV-/- mice is viewed as a specific compensation mechanism to maintain Ca(2+) homeostasis. Since cerebellar Purkinje cells (PC) are characterized by high expression levels of the Ca(2+) buffers PV and CB, the question was raised, whether homeostatic mechanisms are induced in PC lacking these buffers. Mitochondrial volume density, i.e. relative mitochondrial mass was increased by 40% in the soma of PV-/- PC. Upregulation of mitochondrial volume density was not homogenous throughout the soma, but was selectively restricted to a peripheral region of 1.5 microm width underneath the plasma membrane. Accompanied was a decreased surface of subplasmalemmal smooth endoplasmic reticulum (sPL-sER) in a shell of 0.5 microm thickness underneath the plasma membrane. These alterations were specific for the absence of the "slow-onset" buffer PV, since in CB-/- mice neither changes in peripheral mitochondria nor in sPL-sER were observed. This implicates that the morphological alterations are aimed to specifically substitute the function of the slow buffer PV. We propose a novel concept that homeostatic mechanisms of components involved in Ca(2+) homeostasis do not always occur at the level of similar or closely related molecules. Rather the cell attempts to restore spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) signals prevailing in the undisturbed (wildtype) situation by subtly fine tuning existing components involved in the regulation of Ca(2+) fluxes.


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This technical report discusses the application of the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) and Cellular Automata (CA) simulation in fluid flow and particle deposition. The current work focuses on incompressible flow simulation passing cylinders, in which we incorporate the LBM D2Q9 and CA techniques to simulate the fluid flow and particle loading respectively. For the LBM part, the theories of boundary conditions are studied and verified using the Poiseuille flow test. For the CA part, several models regarding simulation of particles are explained. And a new Digital Differential Analyzer (DDA) algorithm is introduced to simulate particle motion in the Boolean model. The numerical results are compared with a previous probability velocity model by Masselot [Masselot 2000], which shows a satisfactory result.


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To study the effect of fluoride on bone mineral density (BMD) in patients treated chronically with glucocorticosteroids, 15 subjects (renal grafted, n = 12; skin disease, n = 1; broncho pulmonary disorder, n = 1; Crohn's disease, n = 1) were prospectively studied in a double-blinded manner and randomly allocated either to group 1 (n = 8) receiving 13.2 mg/day fluoride given as disodium monofluorophosphate (MFP) supplemented with calcium (1,000 mg/day) and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (calcifediol) (50 micrograms/day), or to group 2 (n = 7) receiving Cas+ calcifediol alone. An additional group of 14 renal transplant patients treated chronically with glucocorticosteroids but exempt of specific therapeutic intervention for bone disease was set up as historical controls. BMD was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA, Hologic QDR 1000) performed at months 0, 6 and 12 for groups 1 and 2 (lumbar spine, total upper femur, diaphysis and epiphysis of distal tibia), or 11-31 months apart with calculation of linear yearly changes for the historical cohort. Lumbar BMD tended to rise in groups 1 and 2, and to fall in group 3, the change reaching statistical significance (p < 0.05) in group 1, thus leading to a significant difference between groups 1 and 3 (p < 0.05). At upper femur, tibial diaphysis and tibial epiphysis, no significant change in BMD occurred in any of the groups. In conclusion, lumbar BMD rises more after a mild dosis of fluoride given as MFP and combined to calcium and calcifediol than on Ca+ calcifediol alone, without changes in BMD at the upper femur or distal tibia.


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Augmented inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R) function has been linked to a variety of cardiac pathologies, including cardiac arrhythmia. The contribution of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release (IP3ICR) in excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) under physiological conditions, as well as under cellular remodelling, remains controversial. Here we test the hypothesis that local IP3ICR directly affects ryanodine receptor (RyR) function and subsequent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release in atrial myocytes. IP3ICR was evoked by UV-flash photolysis of caged InsP3 under whole-cell configuration of the voltage-clamp technique in atrial myocytes isolated from C57/BL6 mice. Photolytic release of InsP3 was accompanied by a significant increase in the Ca2+ release event frequency (4.14±0.72 vs. 6.20±0.76 events (100 μm)−1 s−1). These individual photolytically triggered Ca2+ release events were identified as Ca2+ sparks, which originated from RyR openings. This was verified by Ca2+ spark analysis and pharmacological separation between RyR and InsP3R-dependent sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)-Ca2+ release (2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, xestospongin C, tetracaine). Significant SR-Ca2+ flux but eventless SR-Ca2+ release through InsP3R were characterized using SR-Ca2+ leak/SR-Ca2+ load measurements. These results strongly support the idea that IP3ICR can effectively modulate RyR openings and Ca2+ spark probability. We conclude that eventless and highly efficient InsP3-dependent SR-Ca2+ flux is the main mechanism of functional cross-talk between InsP3Rs and RyRs, which may be an important factor in the modulation of ECC sensitivity.