972 resultados para Martineau, Harriet, 1802-1876.


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Anais do Parlamento Brasileiro, 1876.


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Perspective map not drawn to scale.


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The crustaceans activity of move about could alter in function of the environmental conditions. In the present study, this activity of the hermit crab Clibanarius vittatus was studied in dry and submerged areas of the intertidal region of Pescadores Beach in Sao Vicente (SP), Brazil. In both areas 110 animals (86 of dry and 24 of submerged area) were analyzed and C. vittatus show more activity in the submerged area than in the dry one. The low activity of locomotion presented when exposed to the air, can be due by the stress caused in function of the high temperature and desiccation.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o crescimento de machos e fêmeas do ermitão Clibanarius vittatus (Bosc, 1802), da região de São Vicente, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram realizadas coletas mensais de maio/2001 a abril/2003, na Praia dos Pescadores em São Vicente. Os 2.501 animais capturados foram identificados, determinados quanto ao sexo e mensurados quanto ao seu comprimento de escudo cefalotorácico (CEC). Para o estudo sazonal do crescimento, a população foi dividida em classes de tamanho de 5mm de (CEC), e analisada pelo método de Bertalanffy, com o auxílio do software Fisat II. Foram obtidos 703 indivíduos machos e 1.798 fêmeas, com média de tamanho de 8.94±1.80 e 6.61±1.13mm, respectivamente. Constatou-se um padrão de crescimento sazonal, com machos atingindo um tamanho assintótico (14.92mm) superior ao das fêmeas (13.85mm), além de iniciarem o processo de crescimento aproximadamente cinco meses antes destas. Desta forma, é provável que este seja um padrão que auxilia na diminuição da disputa intra-específica por conchas, uma vez que os machos atingiram maior tamanho e estariam disponibilizando conchas menores para as fêmeas.


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Diet composition of the blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, from the southwestern equatorial Atlantic Ocean was analyzed between October 2004 and November 2005. In the 226 stomachs of fish ranging between 100 and 311 cm lower jaw -fork length (LJFL), 44 items were identified, including 31 fishes and 13 cephalopods. Seventy stomachs were empty (23.6 %). M. nigricans fed preferentially on heavy and muscular scombrid fishes especially upon the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis (Linnaeus, 1758), probably to sustain their high metabolism, and on a variety of other items composed mainly by epipelagic species of fish and cephalopods.


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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the inclusion of meal of tilapia industrial waster in bullfrog tadpoles' diets (Rana Catesbeina Shaw, 1802). Two hundred fifty tadpoles with initial weight and length of 0,18 +/- 0,05g and 2,50 +/- 0,18 centimeters were used, respectively, they were used and distributed in 25 aquariums of 30 liter each in a complete randomized design with five treatments and five repetitions. The tadpoles were fed four times a day with diets containing 0, 5, 10 and 15% of inclusion of tilapia filleting and another diet with 0% of supplemented tilapia filleting with synthetic methionine, being supplied four times a day at ease. The experiment period was 30 days. The diets with tilapia filleting inclusion and methionine supplementation did not have influence in the final weight and length averages, feed survival and conversion of bullfrog tadpoles. It cam be used until 15% of tilapia filleting inclusion in the bullfrog tadpoles food. The synthetic methionine supplementation in diets for bullfrog tadpoles is not necessary in diets with levels over 0,471/4 of the total methionine.


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A minhoca (Eisenia fetida Savigny, 1826) é uma boa fonte de proteína. O elevado teor em humidade (82,80% ±2,128) e cinzas (10,70% ±2,345), principalmente terra, poderão ser um fator limitante à sua utilização como alimento para peixes. Com o objetivo de avaliar o interesse da utilização de E. fetida na alimentação de peixes, em 23 setembro 2014 foram capturados 22 juvenis de achigã (Micropterus salmoides Lacépède, 1802) (0+ anos) numa pequena barragem de rega Os achigãs foram colocados em três aquários para habituação a um alimentos compostos comercial. Três semanas depois 86,4% já ingeriam o alimento. A taxa de sobrevivência foi de 100%. Em 13 outubro 2014 foram escolhidos aleatoriamente 16 achigãs e colocados em dois aquários (8 peixes/aquário; 0,048 m3 de água). Os valores médios iniciais de peso, comprimento, fator K e densidade foram semelhantes nosdois aquários. No aquário G1 (minhocas) e aquário G2 (alimento composto) o peso, o comprimento, o fator K e a densidade iniciais foram, respetivamente, 13,62 g (±3,171) e 13,40 g (±3,002) (P>0,05); 10,49 cm (±0,757) e 10,39 cm (±0,649) (P>0,05); 1,160 (±0,043) e 1,179 (±0,082) (P>0,05); 2,27 kg/m3 e 2,23 kg/m3. No nosso estudo laboratorial a temperatura média da água variou entre 19,9ºC e 16,8ºC. Como em Portugal não se produzem alimentos específicos para achigãs foi utilizado um alimento composto comercial formulado para douradas (Sparus aurata L., 1758) e robalos (Dicentrarchus labrax L., 1758) (proteína 49,74%MS; gordura 18,07%MS; cinzas 11,57%MS; fibra bruta 0,84%MS; humidade 6,55%). No dia 88 do estudo (09 janeiro 2015) os valores médios de peso, comprimento, fator K e densidade nos aquários G1 e G2 foram, respetivamente, 17,57 g (±4,071) e 19,19 g (±4.811) (P<0,05); 10,88 cm (±0,875) e 11,29 cm (±0,871) (P<0,05); 1,346 (±0,051) e 1,311 (±0,061) (P>0,05); 2,93 kg/m3 e 3,20 kg/m3). Os resultados obtidos até agora parecem indicar que a E. fetida pode ser utilizada na alimentação de achigãs.


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ResumenEste artículo se encarga de estudiar las develaciones de estatuas que se dieron en Costa Rica durante las fiestas patrias de la independencia, en un periodo ubicado entre 1876 y 1921. Su objetivo fundamental consiste en comprender la forma en que se seleccionó un cierto pasado político, y las estrategias discursivas que se utilizaron para fomentarlo y representarlo a través de la estatuaria. Así, inspecciona las discusiones que se dieron en torno de la elección de los personajes históricos que se iban a seleccionar para ser convertidos en estatuas públicas, y el papel de las representaciones en la elaboración de una memoria oficial.AbstractThis article intends to study the unveiling of statues carried out during the national independence celebrations between 1876 and 1921. Its fundamental purpose is to understand how a certain political period from the past was chosen, as well as the discourse strategies used for promoting and representing it through statuary activities. Therefore, it assesses the discussions that arose in relation with the selection of historical characters that were to be sculpted as public statues, and the role played by the representatives in the preparation of an official memory.


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Resumen Este trabajo analiza la concepción política que proporcionó legitimidad a las revoluciones liberales que tuvieron lugar en Costa Rica, Guatemala, El salvador y Honduras, entre 1870 y 1876, las cuales inauguraron una nueva etapa histórica en cada uno de esos países. Abstract This article analyzes the political conception which legitimized the liberal revolutions which occurred in Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras between 1870 and 1876, revolutions which inaugurated a new stage of history in each of those countries.


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Suggestions that peripheral imagery may affect the development of refractive error have led to interest in the variation in refraction and aberration across the visual field. It is shown that, if the optical system of the eye is rotationally symmetric about an optical axis which does not coincide with the visual axis, measurements of refraction and aberration made along the horizontal and vertical meridians of the visual field will show asymmetry about the visual axis. The departures from symmetry are modelled for second-order aberrations, refractive components and third-order coma. These theoretical results are compared with practical measurements from the literature. The experimental data support the concept that departures from symmetry about the visual axis in the measurements of crossed-cylinder astigmatism J45 and J180 are largely explicable in terms of a decentred optical axis. Measurements of the mean sphere M suggest, however, that the retinal curvature must differ in the horizontal and vertical meridians.


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Mark Taylor's new essay assesses the impact of the diagram on interior design from the late 19th century to the present. Taylor identifies the pop-cultural discourse of advice writing in both books and magazines as a starting point for his analysis. Drawing on diverse sources, his analysis focuses on texts relating to the dynamics of use and flexibility by Catherine Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Melusina Fay Peirce, Mary Haweis and Christine Frederick among others. The examples in these texts use the home, domestic housekeeping and kitchens as the sites and practices of intervention through which interior design innovations can be enacted. Taylor's analysis identified the innovations in both the social and the political aspects of space and the critique of static space behind these seemingly amateurish and innocuous texts. Identifying these contributions as early precursors of Modernism's open-plan and flexible, dynamic spaces, Taylor also interprets them with a critical concern for the oppositions and hierarchies that can exist in spatial design, and which are the hallmarks of recent Postmodern, phenomenological approaches to interior design and its theorisations. The progressive and subversive "paradigms for living" implicit in these diagrams can be argued to present a model of greater economic, social and political equality as well as representing a more balanced set of power relations in the home. Progressing through the 20th century to the present, Taylor's analysis shifts byond the dressed body and on to the more intimate rituals of the revealed body to further examine how diagrams of the interior, and the interior as a set of diagrams, are also mediators, sites and grounds for the design of social and sexual intimacy. Through a consideration of the link between design, indentity and intimacy (whether of the invisible, fashioned or sexualised body), the diagrms of interiors are reconfigured as radical and critical tools for an animate, material and emancipatory "redressing" of the balance between the body, identity, sexuality, gender, function, mis(use), aesthetics and the interior.


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Pure and Iron incorporated nanostructured Tungsten Oxide (WO3) thin films were investigated for gas sensing applications using noise spectroscopy. The WO3 sensor was able to detect lower concentrations (1 ppm-10 ppm) of NH3, CO, CH4 and Acetaldehyde gases at operating temperatures between 100 degrees celcius to 250 degrees celcius. The iron doped Tungsten Oxide sensor (WO3:Fe) showed some response to Acetaldehyde gas at relatively higher operating temperature (250 degrees celcius) and gas concentration of 10 ppm. The sensitivity of the WO3 sensor towards NH3, CH4 and Acetaldehyde at lower operating temperatures (50 degrees celcius - 100 degrees celcius) was significant when the sensor was photo-activated using blue-light emitting diode (Blue-LED). From the results, photo-activated WO3 thin film that operates at room temperature appeared to be a promising gas sensor. The overall results indicated that the WO3 sensor exhibited reproducibility for the detection of various gases and the WO3:Fe indicated some response towards Acetaldehyde gas.