964 resultados para Martikainen, Petri: Pro


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Las redes de Petri son un lenguaje formal muy adecuado para la modelizacion, analisis y verificacion de sistemas concurrentes con infinitos estados. En particular, son muy apropiadas para estudiar las propiedades de seguridad de dichos sistemas, dadas sus buenas propiedades de decidibilidad. Sin embargo, en muchas ocasiones las redes de Petri carecen de la expresividad necesaria para representar algunas caractersticas fundamentales de los sistemas que se manejan hoy en da, como el manejo de tiempo real, costes reales, o la presencia de varios procesos con un numero no acotado de estados ejecutandose en paralelo. En la literatura se han definido y estudiado algunas extensiones de las redes de Petri para la representaci on de las caractersticas anteriores. Por ejemplo, las Redes de Petri Temporizadas [83, 10](TPN) incluyen el manejo de tiempo real y las -redes de Petri [78](-PN) son capaces de representar un numero no acotado de procesos con infinitos estados ejecutandose concurrentemente. En esta tesis definimos varias extensiones que reunen estas dos caractersticas y estudiamos sus propiedades de decidibilidad. En primer lugar definimos las -Redes de Petri Temporizadas, que reunen las caractersticas expresivas de las TPN y las -PN. Este nuevo modelo es capaz de representar sistemas con un numero no acotado de procesos o instancias, donde cada proceso es representado por un nombre diferente, y tiene un numero no acotado de relojes reales. En este modelo un reloj de una instancia debe satisfacer ciertas condiciones (pertenecer a un intervalo dado) para formar parte en el disparo de una transicion. Desafortunadamente, demostramos que la verificacion de propiedades de seguridad es indecidible para este modelo...


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Este trabalho prope dois mtodos para teste de sistemas de software: o primeiro extrai ideias de teste de um modelo desenvolvido em rede de Petri hierrquica e o segundo valida os resultados aps a realizao dos testes utilizando um modelo em OWL-S. Estes processos aumentam a qualidade do sistema desenvolvido ao reduzir o risco de uma cobertura insuficiente ou teste incompleto de uma funcionalidade. A primeira tcnica apresentada consiste de cinco etapas: i) avaliao do sistema e identificao dos mdulos e entidades separveis, ii) levantamento dos estados e transies, iii) modelagem do sistema (bottom-up), iv) validao do modelo criado avaliando o fluxo de cada funcionalidade e v) extrao dos casos de teste usando uma das trs coberturas de teste apresentada. O segundo mtodo deve ser aplicado aps a realizao dos testes e possui cinco passos: i) primeiro constri-se um modelo em OWL (Web Ontology Language) do sistema contendo todas as informaes significativas sobre as regras de negcio da aplicao, identificando as classes, propriedades e axiomas que o regem; ii) em seguida o status inicial antes da execuo representado no modelo atravs da insero das instncias (indivduos) presentes; iii) aps a execuo dos casos de testes, a situao do modelo deve ser atualizada inserindo (sem apagar as instncias j existentes) as instncias que representam a nova situao da aplicao; iv) prximo passo consiste em utilizar um reasoner para fazer as inferncias do modelo OWL verificando se o modelo mantm a consistncia, ou seja, se no existem erros na aplicao; v) finalmente, as instncias do status inicial so comparadas com as instncias do status final, verificando se os elementos foram alterados, criados ou apagados corretamente. O processo proposto indicado principalmente para testes funcionais de caixa-preta, mas pode ser facilmente adaptado para testes em caixa branca. Obtiveram-se casos de testes semelhantes aos que seriam obtidos em uma anlise manual mantendo a mesma cobertura do sistema. A validao provou-se condizente com os resultados esperados, bem como o modelo ontolgico mostrouse bem fcil e intuitivo para aplicar manutenes.


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Haft. 47 (1920-1921)


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v. 7 (1890)


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The bound volume holds handwritten transcriptions of selected Harvard Commencement Quaestiones copied by Isaac Mansfield (Harvard AB 1742). The manuscript volume includes from the 1708 Quaestiones onward, the notation "N.B." next to questions performed by the candidate during the Commencement exercises; the original printed Quaestiones sheets do not note this information. The volume includes Quaestiones transcriptions for which no original broadsides are known to still exists.


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The bound volume holds handwritten transcriptions of selected Harvard Commencement Theses copied by Isaac Mansfield (Harvard AB 1742). The manuscript volume holds only the Theses chosen for public disputation. The volume includes Theses transcriptions for which no original broadsides are known to still exists.


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immenso labore et maximis sumptibus facta, atque ex autographo in lucem edita per Reinerum Ottens geographum Amstelaedam ; Iacob Keyser sculp.


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From Europe and Poland's point of view, one of the most important recent developments in international politics was the re-orientation of Russia's foreign policy. This paper aims to answer three important questions relating to this issue: 4. When and why did the "pro-Western turn" in the Russian Federation's policy take place? 5. Has it been profitable for Russia? 6. What goals will the Russian policy pursue in the future? An analysis of the last two years in Russia's foreign policy leads to the several conclusions, including those: 5. Clearly, the Russian leaders realise that in the longer term, Russia - in its desire for more influence in the world - will not be able to survive as an independent pole of power in international politics and it will have to join forces with the West (most likely, the European Union). 6. September 11 was not the cause of Russia's pro-Western turn, but rather a catalyst that put the process which started when Vladimir Putin took his office in sharp focus. 7. In the nearest future, this new direction of Russia's foreign policy seems not be challenged by internal opposition in Russia. 8. The "pro-Western turn" proved to be beneficial for Russia, although: d. Russia has not become a strategic ally of the US e. There has been no breakthrough in the relations between Russia and the European Union, and Moscow has not gained any real influence on NATO's important decisions. f. Russia has not become a major decision-maker of international politics. 5. Russia's closing to the West is in Poland's and Europe's interest.


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From Europe and Poland's point of view, one of the most important recent developments in international politics was the re-orientation of Russia's foreign policy. This paper aims to answer three important questions relating to this issue: 1. When and why did the "pro-Western turn" in the Russian Federation's policy take place? 2. Has it been profitable for Russia? 3. What goals will the Russian policy pursue in the future? An analysis of the last two years in Russia's foreign policy leads to the several conclusions, including those: a. Clearly, the Russian leaders realise that in the longer term, Russia - in its desire for more influence in the world - will not be able to survive as an independent pole of power in international politics and it will have to join forces with the West (most likely, the European Union). b. September 11 was not the cause of Russia's pro-Western turn, but rather a catalyst that put the process which started when Vladimir Putin took his office in sharp focus. 7. In the nearest future, this new direction of Russia's foreign policy seems not be challenged by internal opposition in Russia. c. The "pro-Western turn" proved to be beneficial for Russia, although: d. Russia has not become a strategic ally of the US e. There has been no breakthrough in the relations between Russia and the European Union, and Moscow has not gained any real influence on NATO's important decisions. f. Russia has not become a major decision-maker of international politics. g. Russia's closing to the West is in Poland's and Europe's interest.


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Russias increasingly aggressive policy and its enhanced military activity in the Nordic-Baltic region has led to revaluations in Swedens and Finlands security and defence policies and a rethinking of the formats of their military co-operation. While remaining outside NATO, the two states have been developing closer bilateral defence co-operation and working more closely with the United States, while at the same time developing co-operation with NATO. Sweden and Finland perceive the United States as the guarantor of regional and European security. From their point of view, the United States is currently the country that has both the necessary military capabilities and the political will to react in the event of a conflict between Russia and NATO in the Nordic-Baltic region, in which both countries would inevitably become involved despite their non-aligned status. For Sweden and Finland, intensified co-operation with the United States offers an alternative to NATO membership, which is currently out of the question for domestic political reasons. Meanwhile, the US has also become increasingly aware of the strategic importance of the two states, which, for the purposes of contingency planning, are in fact an extension of NATOs north-eastern flank.


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UNLABELLED Bok (Bcl-2-related ovarian killer) is a Bcl-2 family member that, because of its predicted structural homology to Bax and Bak, has been proposed to be a pro-apoptotic protein. In this study, we demonstrate that Bok is highly expressed in neurons of the mouse brain but thatbokwas not required for staurosporine-, proteasome inhibition-, or excitotoxicity-induced apoptosis of cultured cortical neurons. On the contrary, we found thatbok-deficient neurons were more sensitive to oxygen/glucose deprivation-induced injuryin vitroand seizure-induced neuronal injuryin vivo Deletion ofbokalso increased staurosporine-, excitotoxicity-, and oxygen/glucose deprivation-induced cell death inbax-deficient neurons. Single-cell imaging demonstrated thatbok-deficient neurons failed to maintain their neuronal Ca(2+)homeostasis in response to an excitotoxic stimulus; this was accompanied by a prolonged deregulation of mitochondrial bioenergetics.bokdeficiency led to a specific reduction in neuronal Mcl-1 protein levels, and deregulation of both mitochondrial bioenergetics and Ca(2+)homeostasis was rescued by Mcl-1 overexpression. Detailed analysis of cell death pathways demonstrated the activation of poly ADP-ribose polymerase-dependent cell death inbok-deficient neurons. Collectively, our data demonstrate that Bok acts as a neuroprotective factor rather than a pro-death effector during Ca(2+)- and seizure-induced neuronal injuryin vitroandin vivo SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Bcl-2 proteins are essential regulators of the mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. The Bcl-2 protein Bok is highly expressed in the CNS. Because of its sequence similarity to Bax and Bak, Bok has long been considered part of the pro-apoptotic Bax-like subfamily, but no studies have yet been performed in neurons to test this hypothesis. Our study provides important new insights into the functional role of Bok during neuronal apoptosis and specifically in the setting of Ca(2+)- and seizure-mediated neuronal injury. We show that Bok controls neuronal Ca(2+)homeostasis and bioenergetics and, contrary to previous assumptions, exerts neuroprotective activitiesin vitroandin vivo Our results demonstrate that Bok cannot be placed unambiguously into the Bax-like Bcl-2 subfamily of pro-apoptotic proteins.