996 resultados para Marine yeast Candida MCCF 101
Removal of introns during pre-mRNA splicing is a critical process in gene expression, and understanding its control at both single-gene and genomic levels is one of the great challenges in Biology. Splicing takes place in a dynamic, large ribonucleoprotein complex known as the spliceosome. Combining Genetics and Biochemistry, Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides insights into its mechanisms, including its regulation by RNA-protein interactions. Recent genome-wide analyses indicate that regulated splicing is broad and biologically relevant even in organisms with a relatively simple intronic structure, such as yeast. Furthermore, the possibility of coordination in splicing regulation at genomic level is becoming clear in this model organism. This should provide a valuable system to approach the complex problem of the role of regulated splicing in genomic expression.
Poor understanding of the spliceosomal mechanisms to select intronic 3' ends (3'ss) is a major obstacle to deciphering eukaryotic genomes. Here, we discern the rules for global 3'ss selection in yeast. We show that, in contrast to the uniformity of yeast splicing, the spliceosome uses all available 3'ss within a distance window from the intronic branch site (BS), and that in 70% of all possible 3'ss this is likely to be mediated by pre-mRNA structures. Our results reveal that one of these RNA folds acts as an RNA thermosensor, modulating alternative splicing in response to heat shock by controlling alternate 3'ss availability. Thus, our data point to a deeper role for the pre-mRNA in the control of its own fate, and to a simple mechanism for some alternative splicing.
Background: The cooperative interaction between transcription factors has a decisive role in the control of the fate of the eukaryotic cell. Computational approaches for characterizing cooperative transcription factors in yeast, however, are based on different rationales and provide a low overlap between their results. Because the wealth of information contained in protein interaction networks and regulatory networks has proven highly effective in elucidating functional relationships between proteins, we compared different sets of cooperative transcription factor pairs (predicted by four different computational methods) within the frame of those networks. Results: Our results show that the overlap between the sets of cooperative transcription factors predicted by the different methods is low yet significant. Cooperative transcription factors predicted by all methods are closer and more clustered in the protein interaction network than expected by chance. On the other hand, members of a cooperative transcription factor pair neither seemed to regulate each other nor shared similar regulatory inputs, although they do regulate similar groups of target genes. Conclusion: Despite the different definitions of transcriptional cooperativity and the different computational approaches used to characterize cooperativity between transcription factors, the analysis of their roles in the framework of the protein interaction network and the regulatory network indicates a common denominator for the predictions under study. The knowledge of the shared topological properties of cooperative transcription factor pairs in both networks can be useful not only for designing better prediction methods but also for better understanding the complexities of transcriptional control in eukaryotes.
ABSTRACT Upregulation of the Major Facilitator transporter gene MDR1 (Multi_drug Resistance 1) is one of the mechanisms observed in Candida albicans clinical isolates developing resistance to azole antifungal agents. To better understand this phenomenon, the cis-acting regulatory elements present in a modulatable reporter system under the control of the MDR1 promoter were characterized. In an azole-susceptible strain, transcription of this reporter is transiently upregulated in response to either benomyl or H2O2, whereas its expression is constitutively high in an azole-resistant strain (FR2). Two cis-acting regulatory elements, that are necessary and sufficient to convey the same transcriptional responses to a heterologous promoter (CDR2), were identified within the MDR1promoter. The first element, called BRE (for Benomyl Response Element, -296 to -260 with respect to the ATG start codon), is required for benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation and for constitutive high expression of MDR1 in FR2. The second element, termed HRE (for H2O2 Response Element, -561 to -520), is required for H2O2-dependent MDR1 upregulation, but is dispensable for constitutive high expression. Two potential binding sites (TTAG/CTAA) for the blip transcription factor Cap1p lie within the HRE. Moreover, inactivation of CAP1 abolished the transient response to H2O2 and diminished significantly the transient response to benomyl. Cap1p, which has been previously implicated in cellular responses to oxidative stress, may thus play a transacting and positive regulatory role in benomyl- and H2O2-dependent transcription of MDR1. However, it is not the only transcription factor involved in the response of MDR1 to benomyl. A minimal BRE element (-290 to -273) that is sufficient to detect in vitro sequence-specific binding of protein complexes in crude extracts prepared from C. albicans was also delimited. Genome-wide transcript profiling analyses undertaken with a matched pair of clinical isolates, one of which being azole-resistant and upregulating MDR1, and with an azole-susceptible strain exposed to benomyl, revealed that genes specifically upregulated by benomyl harbour in their promoters Cap1p binding site(s). This strengthened the idea that Cap1p plays a role in benomyl-dependent upregulation of MDR1. BRE-like sequences were also identified in several genes co-regulated with MDR1 in both conditions, which was consistent with the involvement of the BRE in both processes. A set of 147 mutants lacking a single transcription factor gene was next screened for loss of MDR1response to benomyl. Unfortunately, none of the tested mutants showed a loss of benomyl-dependent MDR1 upregulation. Nevertheless, a significant diminution of the response was observed in the mutants in which the MADS-box transcription factor Mcm1p and the C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor orf19.13374p were inactivated, suggesting that Mcm1p and orf19.13374p are involved in MDR1response to benomyl. Interestingly, the BRE contains a perfect match to the binding consensus of Mcm1p, raising the possibility that MDR1may be a direct target of this transcriptional activator. In conclusion, while the identity of the trans-acting factors that bind to the BRE and HRE remains to be confirmed, the tools we have developed during characterization of the cis-acting elements of the MDR1promoter should now serve to elucidate the nature of the components that modulate its activity. RESUME La surexpression du gène MDR1 (pour Résistance Multidrogue 1), qui code pour un transporteur de la famille des Major Facilitators, est l'un des mécanismes observés dans les isolats cliniques de la levure Candida albicans développant une résistance aux agents antifongiques appelés azoles. Pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène, les éléments de régulation agissant en cis dans un système rapporteur modulable sous le contrôle du promoteur MDR1 ont été caractérisés. Dans une souche sensible aux azoles, la transcription de ce rapporteur est transitoirement surélevée en réponse soit au bénomyl soit à l'agent oxydant H2O2, alors que son expression est constitutivement élevée dans une souche résistante aux azoles (souche FR2). Deux éléments de régulation agissant en cis, nécessaires et suffisants pour transmettre les mêmes réponses transcriptionnelles à un promoteur hétérologue (CDR2), ont été identifiés dans le promoteur MDR1. Le premier élément, appelé BRE (pour Elément de Réponse au Bénomyl, de -296 à -260 par rapport au codon d'initiation ATG) est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl et pour l'expression constitutive de MDR1 dans FR2. Le deuxième élément, appelé HRE (pour Elément de Réponse à l'H2O2, de -561 à -520), est requis pour la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante de l'H2O2, mais n'est pas impliqué dans l'expression constitutive du gène MDR1. Deux sites de fixation potentiels (TTAG/CTAA) pour le facteur de transcription Cap1p ont été identifiés dans l'élément HRE. De plus, l'inactivation de CAP1 abolit la réponse transitoire à l'H2O2 et diminua significativement la réponse transitoire au bénomyl. Cap1p, qui est impliqué dans les réponses de la cellule au stress oxydatif, doit donc jouer un rôle positif en trans dans la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl et de l'H2O2. Cependant, ce n'est pas le seul facteur de transcription impliqué dans la réponse au bénomyl. Un élément BRE d'une longueur minimale (de -290 à -273) a également été défini et est suffisant pour détecter une interaction spécifique in vitro avec des protéines provenant d'extraits bruts de C. albicans. L'analyse du profil de transcription d'une paire d'isolats cliniques comprenant une souche résistante aux azoles surexprimant MDR1, et d'une souche sensible aux azoles exposée au bénomyl, a révélé que les gènes spécifiquement surexprimés par le bénomyl contiennent dans leurs promoteurs un ou plusieurs sites de fixation pour Cap1p. Ceci renforce l'idée que Cap1p joue un rôle dans la surexpression de MDR1dépendante du bénomyl. Une ou deux séquences ressemblant à l'élément BRE ont également été identifiées dans la plupart des gènes corégulés avec MDR1 dans ces deux conditions, ce qui était attendu compte-tenu du rôle joué par cet élément dans les deux processus. Une collection de 147 mutants dans lesquels un seul facteur de transcription est inactivé a été testée pour la perte de réponse au bénomyl de MDR1. Malheureusement, la surexpression de MDR1 dépendante du bénomyl n'a été perdue dans aucun des mutants testés. Néanmoins, une diminution significative de la réponse a été observée chez des mutants dans lesquels le facteur de transcription à MADS-box Mcm1p et le facteur de transcription à doigts de zinc de type C2H2 orf19.13374p ont été inactivés, suggérant que Mcm1p et orf19.13374p sont impliqués dans la réponse de MDR1au bénomyl. Il est intéressant de noter que la BRE contient une séquence qui s'aligne parfaitement avec la séquence consensus du site de fixation de Mcm1p, ce qui soulève la possibilité que MDR1 pourrait être une cible directe de cet activateur transcriptionnel. En conclusion, alors que l'identité des facteurs agissant en trans en se fixant à la BRE et à la HRE reste à être confirmée, les outils que nous avons développés au cours de la caractérisation des éléments agissant en cis sur le promoteur MDR1 peut maintenant servir à élucider la nature des composants modulant son activité.
In this study, we show that a chemical dye, malachite green (MG), which is commonly used in the fish industry as an antifungal, antiparasitic, and antibacterial agent, could effectively kill Candida albicans and non-C. albicans species. We have demonstrated that Candida cells are susceptible to MG at a very low concentration (MIC that reduces growth by 50% [MIC(50)], 100 ng ml(-1)) and that the effect of MG is independent of known antifungal targets, such as ergosterol metabolism and major drug efflux pump proteins. Transcriptional profiling in response to MG treatment of C. albicans cells revealed that of a total of 207 responsive genes, 167 genes involved in oxidative stress, virulence, carbohydrate metabolism, heat shock, amino acid metabolism, etc., were upregulated, while 37 genes involved in iron acquisition, filamentous growth, mitochondrial respiration, etc., were downregulated. We confirmed experimentally that Candida cells exposed to MG resort to a fermentative mode of metabolism, perhaps due to defective respiration. In addition, we showed that MG triggers depletion of intracellular iron pools and enhances reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. These effects could be reversed by the addition of iron or antioxidants, respectively. We provided evidence that the antifungal effect of MG is exerted through the transcription regulators UPC2 (regulating ergosterol biosynthesis and azole resistance) and STP2 (regulating amino acid permease genes). Taken together, our transcriptome, genetic, and biochemical results allowed us to decipher the multiple mechanisms by which MG exerts its anti-Candida effects, leading to a metabolic shift toward fermentation, increased generation of ROS, labile iron deprivation, and cell necrosis.
BACKGROUND: Exclusive liver metastases occur in up to 40% of patients with uveal melanoma associated with a median survival of 2-7 months. Single agent response rates with commonly available chemotherapy are below 10%. We have investigated the use of fotemustine via direct intra-arterial hepatic (i.a.h.) administration in patients with uveal melanoma metastases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 101 patients from seven centers were treated with i.a.h. fotemustine, administered intra-arterially weekly for a 4-week induction period, and then as a maintenance treatment every 3 weeks until disease progression, unacceptable toxicity or patient refusal. RESULTS: A median of eight fotemustine infusions per patient were delivered (range 1-26). Catheter related complications occurred in 23% of patients; however, this required treatment discontinuation in only 10% of the patients. The overall response rate was 36% with a median overall survival of 15 months and a 2-year survival rate of 29%. LDH, time between diagnosis and treatment start and gender were significant predictors of survival. CONCLUSIONS: Locoregional treatment with fotemustine is well tolerated and seems to improve outcome of this poor prognosis patient population. Median survival rates are among the longest reported and one-third of the patients are still alive at 2 years.
Geographic differences in frequency and azole resistance among Candida glabrata may impact empiric antifungal therapy choice. We examined geographic variation in isolation and azole susceptibility of C. glabrata. We examined 23 305 clinical isolates of C. glabrata during ARTEMIS DISK global surveillance. Susceptibility testing to fluconazole and voriconazole was assessed by disk diffusion, and the results were grouped by geographic location: North America (NA) (2470 isolates), Latin America (LA) (2039), Europe (EU) (12 439), Africa and the Middle East (AME) (728), and Asia-Pacific (AP) (5629). Overall, C. glabrata accounted for 11.6% of 201 653 isolates of Candida and varied as a proportion of all Candida isolated from 7.4% in LA to 21.1% in NA. Decreased susceptibility (S) to fluconazole was observed in all geographic regions and ranged from 62.8% in AME to 76.7% in LA. Variation in fluconazole susceptibility was observed within each region: AP (range, 50-100% S), AME (48-86.9%), EU (44.8-88%), LA (43-92%), and NA (74.5-91.6%). Voriconazole was more active than fluconazole (range, 82.3-84.2% S) with similar regional variation. Among 22 sentinel sites participating in ARTEMIS from 2001 through 2007 (84 140 total isolates, 8163 C. glabrata), the frequency of C. glabrata isolation increased in 14 sites and the frequency of fluconazole resistance (R) increased in 11 sites over the 7-year period of study. The sites with the highest cumulative rates of fluconazole R were in Poland (22% R), the Czech Republic (27% R), Venezuela (27% R), and Greece (33% R). C. glabrata was most often isolated from blood, normally sterile body fluids and urine. There is substantial geographic and institutional variation in both frequency of isolation and azole resistance among C. glabrata. Prompt species identification and fluconazole susceptibility testing are necessary to optimize therapy for invasive candidiasis.
Antifungal therapy failure can be associated with increased resistance to the employed antifungal agents. Candida glabrata, the second most common cause of invasive candidiasis, is intrinsically less susceptible to the azole class of antifungals and accounts for 15% of all Candida bloodstream infections. Here, we show that C. glabrata MED2 (CgMED2), which codes for a tail subunit of the RNA polymerase II Mediator complex, is required for resistance to azole antifungal drugs in C. glabrata. An inability to transcriptionally activate genes encoding a zinc finger transcriptional factor, CgPdr1, and multidrug efflux pump, CgCdr1, primarily contributes to the elevated susceptibility of the Cgmed2Δ mutant toward azole antifungals. We also report for the first time that the Cgmed2Δ mutant exhibits sensitivity to caspofungin, a constitutively activated protein kinase C-mediated cell wall integrity pathway, and elevated adherence to epithelial cells. The increased adherence of the Cgmed2Δ mutant was attributed to the elevated expression of the EPA1 and EPA7 genes. Further, our data demonstrate that CgMED2 is required for intracellular proliferation in human macrophages and modulates survival in a murine model of disseminated candidiasis. Lastly, we show an essential requirement for CgMed2, along with the Mediator middle subunit CgNut1 and the Mediator cyclin-dependent kinase/cyclin subunit CgSrb8, for the high-level fluconazole resistance conferred by the hyperactive allele of CgPdr1. Together, our findings underscore a pivotal role for CgMed2 in basal tolerance and acquired resistance to azole antifungals.
Recent observations demonstrated that fluconazole plus cyclosporine (Cy) synergistically killed Candida albicans in vitro. This combination was tested in rats with C. albicans experimental endocarditis. The MICs of fluconazole and Cy for the test organism were 0.25 and >10 mg/liter, respectively. Rats were treated for 5 days with either Cy, amphotericin B, fluconazole, or fluconazole-Cy. Although used at high doses, the peak concentrations of fluconazole in the serum of rats (up to 4.5 mg/liter) were compatible with high-dose fluconazole therapy in humans. On the other hand, Cy concentrations in serum (up to 4.5 mg/liter) were greater than recommended therapeutic levels. Untreated rats demonstrated massive pseudohyphal growth in both the vegetations and the kidneys. However, only the kidneys displayed concomitant polymorphonuclear infiltration. The therapeutic results reflected this dissociation. In the vegetations, only the fungicidal fluconazole-Cy combination significantly decreased fungal densities compared to all groups, including amphotericin B (P < 0.0001). In the kidneys, all regimens except the Cy regimen were effective, but fluconazole-Cy remained superior to amphotericin B and fluconazole alone in sterilizing the organs (P < 0.0001). While the mechanism responsible for the fluconazole-Cy interaction is hypothetical, this observation opens new perspectives for fungicidal combinations between azoles and other drugs.
We have used genetic and molecular techniques to investigate the interactions among genes required for the initiation and regulation of septum formation in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Our data suggest that the products of the cdc7, cdc11, cdc14 and cdc16 genes interact. These activities may regulate the function of the cdc15 gene product. A model for the control of septation in fission yeast is presented.
Fungal pathogens are a frequent cause of opportunistic infections. They live as commensals in healthy individuals but can cause disease when the immune status of the host is altered. T lymphocytes play a critical role in pathogen control. However, specific Ags determining the activation and function of antifungal T cells remain largely unknown. By using an immunoproteomic approach, we have identified for the first time, to our knowledge, a natural T cell epitope from Candida albicans. Isolation and sequencing of MHC class II-bound ligands from infected dendritic cells revealed a peptide that was recognized by a major population of all Candida-specific Th cells isolated from infected mice. Importantly, human Th cells also responded to stimulation with the peptide in an HLA-dependent manner but without restriction to any particular HLA class II allele. Immunization of mice with the peptide resulted in a population of epitope-specific Th cells that reacted not only with C. albicans but also with other clinically highly relevant species of Candida including the distantly related Candida glabrata. The extent of the reaction to different Candida species correlated with their degree of phylogenetic relationship to C. albicans. Finally, we show that the newly identified peptide acts as an efficient vaccine when used in combination with an adjuvant inducing IL-17A secretion from peptide-specific T cells. Immunized mice were protected from fatal candidiasis. Together, these results uncover a new immune determinant of the host response against Candida ssp. that could be exploited for the development of antifungal vaccines and immunotherapies.