957 resultados para Many body perturbation theory


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Investiga-se, nesta tese, o corpo, a partir da trilogia freudiana: inibição, sintoma e angústia. De forma particular, interessam à pesquisa o corpo ideal, propagado pela cultura, e seus efeitos. Para tanto, desenvolvemos os elementos teóricos de Freud e Lacan, a partir dos quais se dividiu a tese em três partes. Na primeira parte, considerou-se o conceito de inibição ao lado do da imagem, privilegiando-se o corpo, seu caráter de imagem e a anorexia. O estudo se baseou na teoria freudiana do narcisismo, incluindo-se seus derivados, as noções de Eu ideal, Ideal do Eu e o Estádio do Espelho lacaniano. Na intenção de ilustrar a busca imperativa por um corpo ideal, apresentou-se um caso clínico. Demarquei a segunda parte desta tese elucidando o sintoma no corpo. Para verificar sua incidência, revisitou-se a História, desde Hipócrates até o início da psicanálise, quando a histeria aparece na clínica; ressaltando-se alguns casos clínicos da clínica freudiana. Verifiquei que o corpo tem ressonância com alguns conceitos essenciais da psicanálise, tal como a pulsão e o inconsciente, além de ilustrarem sua relação com o narcisismo, o sintoma e a angústia. Na terceira parte, privilegiei o estudo da angústia relacionada ao corpo em Freud e Lacan, e o referencial usado para essa etapa foi a clínica da fobia. Procurou-se, ainda, exemplificar as diversas figuras do corpo tal como modificado na atualidade. Como resultado desta pesquisa, verificou-se que ser dono do próprio corpo não significa ficar reduzido a ele, mas apropriar-se de sua imagem. Embora o corpo fale através de seus sintomas, ele pode também ganhar nova moldura, através dos significantes constituídos pela linguagem. Foi possível constatar, como as diferentes dimensões do corpo é ligada aos três registros propostos por Lacan: imaginário, simbólico e real, percebendo-se, por fim, o lugar que o corpo ganha na topologia borromeana, na última etapa do ensino de Lacan.


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Tendo como referência os territórios creches, situados em diferentes localidades, o lócus da pesquisa abordará o cotidiano social e as diferentes identidades que os circundam. Situar-se em diferentes espaços implica, naturalmente, uma dinâmica organizacional que comporta formações subjetivas e características socioculturais distintas. Assim, a pesquisa volta-se para uma revisão da literatura, com ênfase nos princípios que norteiam os estudos sobre o território creche, incluindo a construção desse território pela via do social e do cultural. Pode-se dizer que a ideologia cultural adotada dentro do território creche reflete as muitas subjetividades que transitam naquele espaço, no decorrer de um tempo: corpo docente, corpo discente, equipe técnico-pedagógica, equipe administrativa, comunidade, entre outras. A metodologia adotada firma-se em duas vertentes: a teórica, com seleção, leitura e interpretação dos estudiosos relacionados com o tema, e a empírica, que vem trazer as experiências práticas da pesquisadora nos territórios creches, a fim de explicitar/exemplificar um conhecimento até então não formalizado. Assim, a teoria dialoga com os dados coletados nas muitas creches que administrou, na tentativa de trazer à discussão novos ângulos.


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Body-size measurement errors are usually ignored in stock assessments, but may be important when body-size data (e.g., from visual sur veys) are imprecise. We used experiments and models to quantify measurement errors and their effects on assessment models for sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus). Errors in size data obscured modes from strong year classes and increased frequency and size of the largest and smallest sizes, potentially biasing growth, mortality, and biomass estimates. Modeling techniques for errors in age data proved useful for errors in size data. In terms of a goodness of model fit to the assessment data, it was more important to accommodate variance than bias. Models that accommodated size errors fitted size data substantially better. We recommend experimental quantification of errors along with a modeling approach that accommodates measurement errors because a direct algebraic approach was not robust and because error parameters were diff icult to estimate in our assessment model. The importance of measurement errors depends on many factors and should be evaluated on a case by case basis.


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We investigated developmental changes in the body compositions and fatty acid (FA) profiles of embryos and preparturition larvae of the quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger). Comparisons of proximate composition data from early-stage embryos with data from hatched preparturition larvae taken from wild-caught gravid females indicated that embryos gain over one-third their weight in moisture while consuming 20% of their dry tissue mass for energy as they develop into larvae. Lipid contributed 60% of the energy consumed and was depleted more rapidly than protein, indicating a protein-sparing effect. Oil globule volume was strongly correlated with lipid levels, affirming its utility as an indicator of energetic status. FA profiles of early embryos differed significantly from those of hatched larvae. Differences in the relative abundances of FAs between early embryos and hatched larvae indicated different FA depletion rates during embryonic development. We conclude that some metabolically important FAs may prove useful in assessing the condition of embryos and preparturition larvae, particularly 20:4n-6, which cannot be synthesized by many marine fish and which is conserved during embryogenesis. Variability in body composition and energy use among rockfish species should be considered when interpreting any measures of condition.


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Standard and routine metabolic rates (SMRs and RMRs, respectively) of juvenile sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) were measured over a range of body sizes (n=34) and temperatures normally associated with western Atlantic coastal nursery areas. The mean SMR Q10 (increase in metabolic rate with temperature) was 2.9 ±0.2. Heart rate decreased with increasing body mass but increased with temperature at a Q10 of 1.8−2.2. Self-paired measures of SMR and RMR were obtained for 15 individuals. Routine metabolic rate averaged 1.8 ±0.1 times the SMR and was not correlated with body mass. Assuming the maximum metabolic rate of sandbar sharks is 1.8−2.75 times the SMR (as is observed in other elasmobranch species), sandbar sharks are using between 34% and 100% of their metabolic scope just to sustain their routine continuous activity. This limitation may help to explain their slow individual and population growth rates, as well as the slow recoveries from overfishing of many shark stocks worl


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A tese pesquisa a problemática da inserção da Escola na Sociedade do Conhecimento no contexto da Cibercultura, considerando o distanciamento que as práticas educativas escolares vêm apresentando em relação ao universo midiático da cultura social contemporânea na qual os alunos estão inseridos. Utiliza como referencial teórico os fundamentos da Teoria da Complexidade, a partir do que ficou conhecido como paradigma complexo de Edgar Morin. Neste contexto, visa refletir sobre a necessidade de ampliar o olhar sobre o conhecimento como forma de superação do paradigma fragmentador. Parte da hipótese de que as práticas educativas, permeadas pela tecnologia, quando fundamentadas em um paradigma complexo, podem abrir novas possibilidades de superação com a promoção de mudanças pedagógicas em direção a um novo paradigma educativo mais dinâmico, criativo e integrador. Investiga se o uso da Informática na Educação pode, de fato, contribuir com as reformas necessárias à Educação em tempos de complexidade. Tendo o Colégio Pedro II como espaço de investigação, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se em duas fases e objetivou compreender o movimento do Colégio para ajustar-se e atender as demandas educacionais da sociedade contemporânea em acelerado processo de transformação e imersa na Cultura da Convergência. Analisa a incorporação e apropriação das tecnologias no processo de escolarização pelo corpo docente do Colégio e como isto tem se dado na prática da instituição. A pesquisa qualitativa de caráter exploratório tem como cenário de investigação os laboratórios de Informática Educativa (espaços multimídia com conexão a Internet) nos diferentes CAMPI do 1 e 2 Segmentos do Ensino Fundamental e nas atividades desenvolvidas, através da atuação dos professores de Informática Educativa, em parceria ou não, com os professores de outras disciplinas. Para analise dos dados foram utilizados conceitos da Teoria da Complexidade, como por exemplo, as categorias provenientes do Tetragrama Organizacional e os Operadores da Complexidade. O material empírico extraído da análise documental e das entrevistas sobre as práticas realizadas nos laboratório do Colégio resulta em mapeamento das diferentes formas de estruturação do trabalho pedagógico dos laboratórios, análise do ciclo docente: planejamento, execução e avaliação. A pesquisa de campo exploratória, inicialmente de caráter descritivo, passa a enfatizar, progressivamente, o caráter qualitativo da pesquisa, objetivando assim, oferecer maior clareza e visibilidade ao real estado da Informática Educativa para o Colégio Pedro II. A pesquisa desenvolvida analisa a realidade escolar no ponto onde estamos, que é a prática da interdisciplinaridade em direção a transdisciplinaridade. A transdisciplinaridade, em vários aspectos, ainda representa uma utopia pedagógica no contexto formal do sistema educacional brasileiro que estrutura-se de modo visivelmente fragmentado.


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Through most of their annual migration, gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, remain within 10 km of shore, but in the Southern California Bight many individuals migrate much farther from shore. This paper summarizes aerial survey and photogrammetric efforts to determine body lengths and temporal and spatial distributions of migratory gray whales in the southern portion of the Southern California Bight. Aerial surveys were flown along 13 east–west transects between lat. 32°35′N and 33°30′N during the southbound gray whale migratory seasons of 1988–90 in the Southern California Bight. Photogrammetry was used to obtain body length estimates of animals during some of the surveys. A total of 1,878 whales in 675 groups were sighted along 25,440 km of transect distance flown and 217 body lengths were measured. Using position and heading data, three major migratory pathways or corridors in the southern portion of the bight are defined. Those migrating offshore were split almost evenly between two corridors along the west sides of Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands. These corridors converge on the mainland coast between San Diego and the United States–Mexico border. No whales larger than 11.5 m were photographed within 30 km of the mainland coast, suggesting that smaller, and presumably younger, whales use the coastal migratory corridor through the California Bight.


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Product-Service Systems (PSS) are new business strategies moving and extending the product value towards its functional usage and related required services. From a theoretical point of view the PSS concept is known since a decade and many Authors reported reasonable possible success factors: higher profits over the entire life-cycle, diminished environmental burden, and localization of required services. Nevertheless the PSS promises remain quantitatively unproven relaying on a simple theory that involves a few constructs with some empirical grounding, but that is limited by weak conceptualization, few propositions, and/or rough underlying theoretical logic. A plausible interpretation to analyze the possible evolution of a PSS strategy could be considering it as a new business proposition competing on a traditional Product-Oriented (PO) market, assumed at its own equilibrium state at a given time. The analysis of the dynamics associated to a possible transition from a traditional PO to a PSS strategy allows investigating the main parameters and variables influencing an eventual successful adoption. This research is worthwhile because organizations undergoing fundamental PSS strategy are concerned about change and inertia key processes which, despite equilibrium theory and because of negative feedback loops, could undermine, economically, the return of their PSS proposition. In this paper Authors propose a qualitative System Dynamics (SD) approach by considering the PSS as a perturbation of an existing PO market featured by a set of known parameters. The proposed model incorporates several PSS factors able to influence the success of a PSS proposition under a set of given and justified assumptions, attempting to place this business strategy in a dynamic framework.


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In recent years, many industrial firms have been able to use roadmapping as an effective process methodology for projecting future technology and for coordinating technology planning and strategy. Firms potentially realize a number of benefits in deploying technology roadmapping (TRM) processes. Roadmaps provide information identifying which new technologies will meet firms' future product demands, allowing companies to leverage R&D investments through choosing appropriately out of a range of alternative technologies. Moreover, the roadmapping process serves an important communication tool helping to bring about consensus among roadmap developers, as well as between participants brought in during the development process, who may communicate their understanding of shared corporate goals through the roadmap. However, there are few conceptual accounts or case studies have made the argument that roadmapping processes may be used effectively as communication tools. This paper, therefore, seeks to elaborate a theoretical foundation for identifying the factors that must be considered in setting up a roadmap and for analyzing the effect of these factors on technology roadmap credibility as perceived by its users. Based on the survey results of 120 different R&D units, this empirical study found that firms need to explore further how they can enable frequent interactions between the TRM development team and TRM participants. A high level of interaction will improve the credibility of a TRM, with communication channels selected by the organization also positively affecting TRM credibility. © 2011 Elsevier Inc.


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Developing a theoretical description of turbulent plumes, the likes of which may be seen rising above industrial chimneys, is a daunting thought. Plumes are ubiquitous on a wide range of scales in both the natural and the man-made environments. Examples that immediately come to mind are the vapour plumes above industrial smoke stacks or the ash plumes forming particle-laden clouds above an erupting volcano. However, plumes also occur where they are less visually apparent, such as the rising stream of warmair above a domestic radiator, of oil from a subsea blowout or, at a larger scale, of air above the so-called urban heat island. In many instances, not only the plume itself is of interest but also its influence on the environment as a whole through the process of entrainment. Zeldovich (1937, The asymptotic laws of freely-ascending convective flows. Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz., 7, 1463-1465 (in Russian)), Batchelor (1954, Heat convection and buoyancy effects in fluids. Q. J. R. Meteor. Soc., 80, 339-358) and Morton et al. (1956, Turbulent gravitational convection from maintained and instantaneous sources. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 234, 1-23) laid the foundations for classical plume theory, a theoretical description that is elegant in its simplicity and yet encapsulates the complex turbulent engulfment of ambient fluid into the plume. Testament to the insight and approach developed in these early models of plumes is that the essential theory remains unchanged and is widely applied today. We describe the foundations of plume theory and link the theoretical developments with the measurements made in experiments necessary to close these models before discussing some recent developments in plume theory, including an approach which generalizes results obtained separately for the Boussinesq and the non-Boussinesq plume cases. The theory presented - despite its simplicity - has been very successful at describing and explaining the behaviour of plumes across the wide range of scales they are observed. We present solutions to the coupled set of ordinary differential equations (the plume conservation equations) that Morton et al. (1956) derived from the Navier-Stokes equations which govern fluid motion. In order to describe and contrast the bulk behaviour of rising plumes from general area sources, we present closed-form solutions to the plume conservation equations that were achieved by solving for the variation with height of Morton's non-dimensional flux parameter Γ - this single flux parameter gives a unique representation of the behaviour of steady plumes and enables a characterization of the different types of plume. We discuss advantages of solutions in this form before describing extensions to plume theory and suggesting directions for new research. © 2010 The Author. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications. All rights reserved.


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In this work, a Finite Element implementation of a higher order strain gradient theory (due to Fleck and Hutchinson, 2001) has been used within the framework of large deformation elasto-viscoplasticity to study the indentation of metals with indenters of various geometries. Of particular interest is the indentation size effect (ISE) commonly observed in experiments where the hardness of a range of materials is found to be significantly higher at small depths of indentation but reduce to a lower, constant value at larger depths. That the ISE can be explained by strain gradient plasticity is well known but this work aims to qualitatively compare a gamut of experimental observations on this effect with predictions from a higher order strain gradient theory. Results indicate that many of the experimental observations are qualitatively borne out by our simulations. However, areas exist where conflicting experimental results make assessment of numerical predictions difficult. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate performance bounds for feedback control of distributed plants where the controller can be centralized (i.e. it has access to measurements from the whole plant), but sensors only measure differences between neighboring subsystem outputs. Such "distributed sensing" can be a technological necessity in applications where system size exceeds accuracy requirements by many orders of magnitude. We formulate how distributed sensing generally limits feedback performance robust to measurement noise and to model uncertainty, without assuming any controller restrictions (among others, no "distributed control" restriction). A major practical consequence is the necessity to cut down integral action on some modes. We particularize the results to spatially invariant systems and finally illustrate implications of our developments for stabilizing the segmented primary mirror of the European Extremely Large Telescope. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The fanning of Chinese mitten crab, a quality aquatic product in China and neighbouring Asian countries, has been developing rapidly in China since last decade. It reached a total yield of 3.4 X 10(5) tonnes in 2002. Due to the successive over-stocking year after year, many lakes in the mid-lower Yangtze Basin, the main farming area, are under deterioration, leading to a reduction of crab yield and quality, and, subsequently, a loss of fanning profits. Aiming at a normal development of crab culture and the sustainable use of lakes, an annual investigation dealing with lake environmental factors in relation to stocked crab populations was carried out at 20 farms in 4 lakes. The results show that the submersed macrophyte biomass (B-Mac) is the key factor affecting annual crab yield (CY). Using the ratio of Secchi depth to mean depth (Z(SD)/Z(M)), an easily measured parameter closely correlated to BMac, as driving variable, 10 regression models of maximal crab yields were generated (r(2) ranging 0.49-0.81). Based on the theory of MSY (Maximum Sustainable Yield), in combination with body-weight (BW) and recapture rate (RR) of adult crabs, a general optimal stocking model was eventually formulated. All models are simple and easy to operate. Comments on their applications and prospects are given in brief. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a novel mathematical model of neuron-Double Synaptic Weight Neuron (DSWN)(l) is presented. The DSWN can simulate many kinds of neuron architectures, including Radial-Basis-Function (RBF), Hyper Sausage and Hyper Ellipsoid models, etc. Moreover, this new model has been implemented in the new CASSANN-II neurocomputer that can be used to form various types of neural networks with multiple mathematical models of neurons. The flexibility of the DSWN has also been described in constructing neural networks. Based on the theory of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition (BPR) and high-dimensional space covering, a recognition system of omni directionally oriented rigid objects on the horizontal surface and a face recognition system had been implemented on CASSANN-II neurocomputer. In these two special cases, the result showed DSWN neural network had great potential in pattern recognition.


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Many-beam dynamical simulations and observations have been made for large-angle convergent-beam electron diffraction (LACBED) imaging of crystal defects, such as stacking faults and dislocations. The simulations are based on a general matrix formulation of dynamical electron diffraction theory by Peng and Whelan, and the results are compared with experimental LACBED images of stacking faults and dislocations of Si angle crystals. Excellent agreement is achieved.