926 resultados para Male and female


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With the advent of digital era web applications have become inevitable part of our lives. We are using the web to manage even the financially or ethically sensitive issues. For this reason exploration of information seeking behavior is an exciting area of research. Current study provides insight on information seeking behavior using a classic ‘Find the Difference’ game. 50 university students between the age of 19 and 26 participated in the study. Eye movement data were recorded with a Tobii T120 device. Participants carried out 4 continuous tasks. Each task included two pictures side by side with 7 hidden differences. After finishing the tasks, participants were asked to repeat the game with the same picture set. This data collection methodology allows the evaluation of learning curves. Additionally, participants were asked about their hand preference. For the purpose of analysis the following metrics were applied: task times (including saccades), fixation count and fixation duration (without saccades). The right- and left-hand side on each picture was selected as AOI (Area of Interest) to detect side preference in connection with hand preference. Results suggest a significant difference between male and female participants regarding aggregated task times (male 58.37s respectively female 68.37s), deviation in the number of fixations and fixation duration (apparently female have less but longer fixations) and also in the distribution of fixations between AOIs. Using eyetracking data current paper highlights the similarities and differences in information acquisition strategies respectively reveals gender and education (Arts vs. Sciences) dependent characteristics of interaction.


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Os Professores assumem um papel determinante nas aprendizagens dos alunos, que está fortemente ligada ao sentimento de competência que os mesmos têm. O objectivo deste estudo é investigar se o sentimento de competência dos Professores de Educação Física se relaciona ou não com: a aprendizagem cooperativa, as relações entre o professor e o aluno, a negociação e o ensino cooperativo. A amostra foi constituída por cento e quinze Professores de Educação Física do ensino regular (N=46 Género Feminino e N=69 Género Masculino), dos quais setenta e oito leccionam o 2º e 3ºciclo e trinta e sete o ensino Secundário. Quanto aos instrumentos de recolha de informação foram utilizados dois inquéritos por questionário denominados por: A PERCEPÇÃO DOS PROFESSORES SOBRE A APRENDIZAGEM NA SALA DE AULA (A.S.A. – E.P.A., Leitão, 2012) e a ESCALA DE AUTO-ESTIMA PROFISSIONAL (E.A.P., Leitão, 2012). Neste estudo é possível verificar que os Docentes de Educação Física sentem-se mais competentes e capazes quando percepcionam na sala de aula um ambiente mais cooperativo. A relação professor-aluno é significativa visto que o Professor sente-se mais capaz e competente quando tem uma melhor ligação com os alunos, tal como nos refere Jesus (1996) que considera que um Docente motivado e realizado tende a ter alunos também motivados e activos. No que se refere à Negociação, esta não é sentida pelos Docentes como um factor que influencie o seu sentimento e a capacidade de competência. Por último, no que diz respeito ao ensino cooperativo, os professores sentem-se mais competentes e capazes quando partilham com os colegas várias estratégias de ensino ou feedbacks, mostrando ser importante, na aquisição de competências e capacidade, a ligação com outros profissionais de ensino.


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A preocupação central dessa pesquisa foi compreender se dá o ensino da Educação Ambiental na perspectiva da sustentabilidade, no cotidiano da sala de aula no Projovem Urbano na região metropolitana do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida com 110 alunos de ambos os sexos, de escolas públicas da RMR e matriculados no curso do Projovem e 10 professores que lecionam nesse projeto. Para isso aplicamos o questionário adaptado com os alunos e com os professores utilizamos uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Na realização da Análise dos dados quantitativos utilizamos o Software Package for Social Sciences – SPSS versão 18.0 e na elaboração dos gráficos o Software Microsoft Excel 2007; enquanto a análise dos dados qualitativos foi orientada pela Análise do Discurso – AD. Os resultados demonstram que apesar de A Educação Ambiental e a Sustentabilidade serem um tema recente, já está fazendo parte das salas de aulas objetivando a formação de cidadãos conscientes das suas atitudes para com o meio ambiente. Podemos verificar que ainda faz necessário o investimento cada vez mais na educação para que possamos formar cada vez mais cidadãos a fim de mantermos uma relação harmoniosa entre o homem e a natureza, possibilitando com isso um ambiente sustentável para a presente e futuras gerações. Com base na pesquisa, podemos verificar que ainda é pouco o investimento em palestras, reuniões e eventos voltados para os professores, para que os mesmo possuam mais conhecimento para aplicar de melhor forma de acordo com a necessidade da comunidade em que a escola está inserida com o intuito de promover sempre a EA e a sustentabilidade, além de proporcionar um melhor ambiente para a comunidade, com a minimização dos problemas enfrentados pelos mesmos, como é a questão do lixo, que não é apenas uma questão ambiental, mas também de saúde, já que o mesmo pode transmitir várias doenças através dos insetos, roedores e outros.


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La autora destaca la influencia de los “diarios perdidos” de Manuela Sáenz sobre el Diario de Paita (editado por Carlos Álvarez Saá), la biografía publicitada por el Museo Manuela Sáenz en Quito y la película venezolana de Diego Rísquez. Por otro lado, señala que la imagen de Sáenz ha sido apropiada como símbolo de causas cívicas o feministas, predominando la imagen de una atrevida transgresora de las normas de género, sexualmente pervertida, perturbadora del orden social. No obstante, el Museo y la película de Rísquez la presentarían como alguien honorable, e insistirían en la perseverancia del amor y lealtad de Sáenz a Bolívar. Hennes señala, además, que Rísquez trata las cuestiones de género y sexualidad respetando la complejidad e integridad de la Sáenz fílmica y de la histórica, que su performance de género le permite navegar los espacios masculinos y femeninos, para gozar de cierta agencia política y social en el círculo de Bolívar. Habría en la película y el Diario un lugar común, que no aparece en la literatura del Museo: la representación de Bolívar como figura trágica. Pese a sus discrepancias, los textos mencionados contribuyen a la construcción continua del ícono político, social y cultural.


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The offspring of parasitoids, Aphidius colemani Viereck, reared on Brussels sprouts and emerging from Myzus persicae Sulzer on a fully defined artificial diet, show no preferences in a four-way olfactometer, either for the odour of the diet, the odour of Brussels sprouts, or the odour of two other crucifers (cabbage and Chinese cabbage). A similar lack of odour preferences is shown when the host aphids are exposed for parasitization (for 48 h) on cabbage, Chinese cabbage or wheat. However, if parasitization occurs on Brussels sprouts, a weak but statistically highly significant response to Brussels sprout odour is observed. Although as many as 30-35% of the parasitoids show no response to any odour, another 35% respond positively to the odour of Brussels sprout compared with responses to the odours of cabbage, Chinese cabbage or wheat of only approximately 10%. An analagous result is obtained when the parent parasitoids are reared on cabbage. In this case, significant positive responses of their offspring to cabbage odour occur only if the 48-h parasitization has occurred also on cabbage. However, with parasitoids from Brussels sprouts parasitizing the aphids for 48 h also on Brussels sprouts, the offspring subsequently emerging from pupae excised from the mummies show no preference for Brussels sprout odour. Thus, although the Brussels sprout cue had been experienced early in the development of the parasitoids, they only become conditioned to it when emerging from the mummy. Both male and female parasitoids respond very similarly in all experiments. It is proposed that the chemical cue (probably glucosinolates in these experiments) is most likely in the silk surrounding the parasitoid pupa, and that the mother may leave the chemical in or around the egg at oviposition, inducing chemical defences in her offspring to the secondary plant compounds that the offspring are likely to encounter.


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1. Life-history theory assumes that trade-offs exist between an individual's life-history components, such that an increased allocation of a resource to one fitness trait might be expected to result in a cost for a conflicting fitness trait. Recent evidence from experimental manipulations of wild individuals supports this assumption. 2. The management of many bird populations involves harvesting for both commercial and conservation purposes. One frequently harvested life-history stage is the egg, but the consequences of repeated egg harvesting for the individual and the long-term dynamics of the population remain poorly understood. 3. We used a well-documented restored population of the Mauritius kestrel Falco punctatus as a model system to explore the consequences of egg harvesting (and associated management practices) for an individual within the context of life-history theory. 4. Our analysis indicated that management practices enhanced both the size and number of clutches laid by managed females, and improved mid-life male and female adult survival relative to unmanaged adult kestrels. 5. Although management resulted in an increased effort in egg production, it reduced parental effort during incubation and the rearing of offspring, which could account for these observed changes. 6. Synthesis and applications. This study demonstrates how a commonly applied harvesting strategy, when examined within the context of life-history theory, can identify improvements in particular fitness traits that might alleviate some of the perceived negative impact of harvesting on the long-term dynamics of a managed population.


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The costs of dispersal are an important factor promoting natal philopatry, thereby encouraging the formation of social groups. The red fox, Vulpes vulpes, exhibits a highly flexible social system and one that is thought to represent a possible stage in the evolution of more complex patterns of group-living. Although the potential benefits accruing to philopatric offspring have previously been studied in this species, the potential costs of dispersal have received less attention. We contrasted survival rates, nutritional status, injuries and reproductive output of dispersing and non-dispersing male and female foxes in an urban population to assess the relative costs of dispersal versus natal philopatry. Mortality rates were not significantly higher for dispersing foxes, either in the short- or long-term. There was no evidence of increased nutritional stress in dispersing individuals. Dispersing individuals did, however, exhibit greater levels of wounding, although this did not appear to affect survival. Dispersing females were more likely to miss a breeding opportunity early in their reproductive lifespan. In contrast, both dispersing and non-dispersing males were unlikely to breed in their first year. We conclude that the major fitness component in females affected by dispersing is age at first reproduction.


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The possibility that parents of one sex may preferentially invest in offspring of a certain sex raises profound evolutionary questions about the relative worth of sons and daughters to their mothers and fathers. Post-fledging brood division-in which cacti parent feeds a different subset of offspring-has been well documented in birds. However, a lack of empirical evidence that this may be based oil offspring sex, combined with the theoretical difficulty of explaining such an interaction, has led researchers to consider a gender bias in post-fledging brood division highly unlikely. Here we show that in the toc-toc, Foudia sechellarum, postfledging brood division is extreme and determined by sex; where brood composition allows, male parents exclusively provision male fledglings, whereas female parents provision female fledglings. This is the first study to provide unambiguous evidence, based on molecular sexing, that sex-biased post-fledging brood division can occur in birds. Male and female parents provisioned at the same rate and neither offspring nor parent survival appeared to be affected by the sex of the parent or offspring, respectively. The current hypotheses predicting advantages for brood division and preferential care for one specific type of offspring are discussed in the light of our results.


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Rensch’s rule, which states that the magnitude of sexual size dimorphism tends to increase with increasing body size, has evolved independently in three lineages of large herbivorous mammals: bovids (antelopes), cervids (deer), and macropodids (kangaroos). This pattern can be explained by a model that combines allometry,life-history theory, and energetics. The key features are thatfemale group size increases with increasing body size and that males have evolved under sexual selection to grow large enough to control these groups of females. The model predicts relationships among body size and female group size, male and female age at first breeding,death and growth rates, and energy allocation of males to produce body mass and weapons. Model predictions are well supported by data for these megaherbivores. The model suggests hypotheses for why some other sexually dimorphic taxa, such as primates and pinnipeds(seals and sea lions), do or do not conform to Rensh’s rule.


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This study examines differences in net selling price for residential real estate across male and female agents. A sample of 2,020 home sales transactions from Fulton County, Georgia are analyzed in a two-stage least squares, geospatial autoregressive corrected, semi-log hedonic model to test for gender and gender selection effects. Although agent gender seems to play a role in naïve models, its role becomes inconclusive as variables controlling for possible price and time on market expectations of the buyers and sellers are introduced to the models. Clear differences in real estate sales prices, time on market, and agent incomes across genders are unlikely due to differences in negotiation performance between genders or the mix of genders in a two-agent negotiation. The evidence suggests an interesting alternative to agent performance: that buyers and sellers with different reservation price and time on market expectations, such as those selling foreclosure homes, tend to select agents along gender lines.


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Purpose: Malawi’s current extension policy supports pluralism and advocates responsiveness to farmer demand. We investigate whether smallholder farmers’ experience supports the assumption that access to multiple service providers leads to extension and advisory services that respond to the needs of farmers. Design/methodology/approach: Within a case study approach, two villages were purposively selected for in-depth qualitative analysis of available services and farmers’ experiences. Focus group discussions were held separately with male and female farmers in each village, followed by semi-structured interviews with 12 key informants selected through snowball sampling. Transcripts were analysed by themes and summaries of themes were made from cross case analysis. Findings: Farmers appreciate having access to a variety of sources of technical advice and enterprise specific technology. However, most service providers continue to dominate and dictate what they will offer. Market access remains a challenge, as providers still emphasize pushing a particular technology to increase farm productivity rather than addressing farmers’ expressed needs. Although farmers work in groups, providers do not seek to strengthen these to enable active interaction and to link them to input and produce markets. This limits farmers’ capacity to continue with innovations after service providers pull out. Poor coordination between providers limits exploitation of potential synergies amongst actors. Practical implications: Services providers can adapt their approach to engage farmers in discussion of their needs and work collaboratively to address them. At a system level, institutions that have a coordination function can play a more dynamic role in brokering interaction between providers and farmers to ensure coverage and responsiveness. Originality/value: The study provides a new farmer perspective on the implementation of extension reforms.


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Risk assessment for mammals is currently based on external exposure measurements, but effects of toxicants are better correlated with the systemically available dose than with the external administered dose. So for risk assessment of pesticides, toxicokinetics should be interpreted in the context of potential exposure in the field taking account of the timescale of exposure and individual patterns of feeding. Internal concentration is the net result of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME). We present a case study for thiamethoxam to show how data from ADME study on rats can be used to parameterize a body burden model which predicts body residue levels after exposures to LD50 dose either as a bolus or eaten at different feeding rates. Kinetic parameters were determined in male and female rats after an intravenous and oral administration of 14C labelled by fitting one-compartment models to measured pesticide concentrations in blood for each individual separately. The concentration of thiamethoxam in blood over time correlated closely with concentrations in other tissues and so was considered representative of pesticide concentration in the whole body. Body burden model simulations showed that maximum body weight-normalized doses of thiamethoxam were lower if the same external dose was ingested normally than if it was force fed in a single bolus dose. This indicates lower risk to rats through dietary exposure than would be estimated from the bolus LD50. The importance of key questions that should be answered before using the body burden approach in risk assessment, data requirements and assumptions made in this study are discussed in detail.


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The hypothesis that foraging male and female Coccinella septempunctata L. would exhibit a turning bias when walking along a branched linear wire in a Y-maze was tested. Individuals were placed repeatedly in the maze. Approximately 45% of all individuals tested displayed significant turning biases, with a similar number of individuals biased to the left and right. In the maze right-handed individuals turned right at 84.4% of turns and the left-handed individuals turned left at 80.2% of turns. A model of the searching efficiency of C. septempunctata in dichotomous branched environments showed that model coccinellids with greater turning biases discovered a higher proportion of the plant for a given number of searches than those with no bias. A modification of the model to investigate foraging efficiency, by calculating the mean time taken by individuals to find randomly distributed aphid patches, suggested that on four different sizes of plants, with a variety of aphid patch densities, implementing a turning bias was a significantly more efficient foraging strategy than no bias. In general the benefits to foraging of implementing a turning bias increased with the degree of the bias. It may be beneficial for individuals in highly complex branched environments to have a turning bias slightly lower than 100% in order to benefit from increased foraging efficiency without walking in circles. Foraging bias benefits increased with increasing plant size and decreasing aphid density. In comparisons of two different plant morphologies, one with a straight stem and side branches and one with a symmetrically branched morphology, there were few significant differences in the effects of turning biases on foraging efficiency between morphologies


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Background Somatic embryogenesis (SE) in plants is a process by which embryos are generated directly from somatic cells, rather than from the fused products of male and female gametes. Despite the detailed expression analysis of several somatic-to-embryonic marker genes, a comprehensive understanding of SE at a molecular level is still lacking. The present study was designed to generate high resolution transcriptome datasets for early SE providing the way for future research to understand the underlying molecular mechanisms that regulate this process. We sequenced Arabidopsis thaliana somatic embryos collected from three distinct developmental time-points (5, 10 and 15 d after in vitro culture) using the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Results This study yielded a total of 426,001,826 sequence reads mapped to 26,520 genes in the A. thaliana reference genome. Analysis of embryonic cultures after 5 and 10 d showed differential expression of 1,195 genes; these included 778 genes that were more highly expressed after 5 d as compared to 10 d. Moreover, 1,718 genes were differentially expressed in embryonic cultures between 10 and 15 d. Our data also showed at least eight different expression patterns during early SE; the majority of genes are transcriptionally more active in embryos after 5 d. Comparison of transcriptomes derived from somatic embryos and leaf tissues revealed that at least 4,951 genes are transcriptionally more active in embryos than in the leaf; increased expression of genes involved in DNA cytosine methylation and histone deacetylation were noted in embryogenic tissues. In silico expression analysis based on microarray data found that approximately 5% of these genes are transcriptionally more active in somatic embryos than in actively dividing callus and non-dividing leaf tissues. Moreover, this identified 49 genes expressed at a higher level in somatic embryos than in other tissues. This included several genes with unknown function, as well as others related to oxidative and osmotic stress, and auxin signalling. Conclusions The transcriptome information provided here will form the foundation for future research on genetic and epigenetic control of plant embryogenesis at a molecular level. In follow-up studies, these data could be used to construct a regulatory network for SE; the genes more highly expressed in somatic embryos than in vegetative tissues can be considered as potential candidates to validate these networks.


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Culex (Culex) dolosus (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891) is re-described and compared with Cx. eduardoi Casal & Garcia ( 1968) based on morphological characteristics. Both species are morphologically similar, and they have been largely misidentified throughout Brazil. Adult male and female, fourth instar larvae, and pupae of Cx. dolosus were examined, based on specimens from Pico do Itapeva, Pindamonhangaba Municipality, Serra da Mantiqueira, Sao Paulo State, southern Brazil. Male genitalia, larvae and pupae are illustrated. Geographical distribution is summarized from published records, and information on bionomics is based on the literature and field data.