983 resultados para Malón de Chaide, 1530-1589.


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Epidemiological studies suggest that hypopituitary patients have an increased risk for cardiovascular mortality. The dyslipidaemia associated with this condition is often characterised by an increase in total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (LDL-C) and may contribute to these findings. The underlying mechanisms are not fully elucidated.


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In view of the growing health problem associated with obesity, clarification of the regulation of energy homeostasis is important. Peripheral signals, such as ghrelin and leptin, have been shown to influence energy homeostasis. Nutrients and physical exercise, in turn, influence hormone levels. Data on the hormonal response to physical exercise (standardized negative energy balance) after high-fat (HF) or low-fat (LF) diet with identical carbohydrate intake are currently not available. The aim of the study was to investigate whether a short-term dietary intervention with HF and LF affects ghrelin and leptin levels and their modulators, GH, insulin and cortisol, before and during aerobic exercise. Eleven healthy, endurance-trained male athletes (W(max) 365 +/- 29 W) were investigated twice in a randomized crossover design following two types of diet: 1. LF - 0.5 g fat/kg body weight (BW) per day for 2.5 days; 2. HF - 0.5 g fat/kg BW per day for 1 day followed by 3.5 g fat/kg BW per day for 1.5 days. After a standardized carbohydrate snack in the morning, metabolites and hormones (GH, ghrelin, leptin, insulin and cortisol) were measured before and at regular intervals throughout a 3-h aerobic exercise test on a cycloergometer at 50% of W(max). Diet did not significantly affect GH and cortisol concentrations during exercise but resulted in a significant increase in ghrelin and decrease in leptin concentrations after LF compared with HF diet (area under the curve (AUC) ghrelin LF vs HF: P < 0.03; AUC leptin LF vs HF: P < 0.02, Wilcoxon rank test). These data suggest that acute negative energy balance induced by exercise elicits a hormonal response with opposite changes of ghrelin and leptin. In addition, the hormonal response is modulated by the preceding intake of fat.


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OBJECTIVE: Only a few studies have investigated variations of different markers for inflammatory processes during the physiological menstrual cycle. The results are conflicting, particularly concerning the correlation between the marker leptin and steroid hormones. The aim of the study was to investigate the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein (CRP) and leptin in the serum of healthy, normally ovulating women and to correlate these with each other and with the hormones of the gonadal axis. A cycle-dependence of the markers studied would imply an exact timing of the blood sampling for clinical needs. DESIGN: Observational study investigating the two inflammatory markers CRP and leptin in relation to the hormonal pattern of the gonadal axis during the normal cycle. METHODS: Ovulatory cycles of 36 healthy, young, normo-androgenic women, having a normal body mass index were evaluated. Serum concentrations of leptin and CRP, as well as of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinising hormone, 17beta-oestradiol, progesterone, prolactin (PRL) and free testosterone were measured every 1-2 days during one full cycle. RESULTS: Serum levels of leptin and CRP behaved differently during ovulatory cycles, with higher concentrations for leptin only during certain phases. Significant correlations were found in the follicular phase between leptin and PRL and leptin and free testosterone. CONCLUSIONS: Leptin levels change during the menstrual cycle. Leptin levels are more stable on cycle days 1-5 than later in the cycle. For precise cycle-independent measurements, these fluctuations have to be taken into account. There is no similar cyclic pattern for CRP.


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CD4+ T cells are involved in several immune response pathways used to control viral infections. In this study, a group of genetically defined goats was immunized with a synthetic peptide known to encompass an immunodominant helper T-cell epitope of caprine arthritis encephalitis virus (CAEV). Fifty-five days after challenge with the molecularly cloned CAEV strain CO, the vaccinated animals had a higher proviral load than the controls. The measurement of gamma interferon and interleukin-4 gene expression showed that these cytokines were reliable markers of an ongoing immune response but their balance did not account for more or less efficient control of CAEV replication. In contrast, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor appeared to be a key cytokine that might support virus replication in the early phase of infection. The observation of a potential T-cell-mediated enhancement of virus replication supports other recent findings showing that lentivirus-specific T cells can be detrimental to the host, suggesting caution in designing vaccine candidates.


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Patients with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) have increased cardiovascular risk and may show elevated triglyceride and reduced high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations, two lipid abnormalities usually accompanied by increased small dense LDL in the 'atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype' (ALP). In the present study, we directly investigated (1) whether hypopituitary patients with GHD have increased small dense LDL; (2) whether growth hormone replacement therapy (GHRT) beneficially impact on such particles; (3) the prevalence of ALP in GHD and GHRT patients.


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Nitric oxide mediates a wide array of cellular functions in many tissues. It is generated by three known isoforms of nitric oxide synthases (NOS). Recently, the endothelial isoform, NOSIII, was shown to be abundantly expressed in the rat thyroid gland and its expression increased in goitrous glands. In this study, we analyzed whether NOSIII is expressed in human thyroid tissue and whether levels of expression vary in different states of thyroid gland function. Semiquantitative RT-PCR was used to assess variations in NOSIII gene expression in seven patients with Graves' disease, one with a TSH-receptor germline mutation and six hypothyroid patients (Hashimoto's thyroiditis). Protein expression and subcellular localization were determined by immunohistochemistry (two normal thyroids, five multinodular goiters, ten hyperthyroid patients and two hypothyroid patients). NOSIII mRNA was detected in all samples: the levels were significantly higher in tissues from hyperthyroid patients compared with euthyroid and hypothyroid patients. NOSIII immunoreactivity was detected in vascular endothelial cells, but was also found in thyroid follicular cells. In patients with Graves' disease, the immunostaining was diffusely enhanced in all follicular cells. A more intense signal was observed in toxic adenomas and in samples obtained from a patient with severe hyperthyroidism due to an activating mutation in the TSH receptor. In multinodular goiters, large follicles displayed a weak signal whereas small proliferative follicles showed intense immunoreactivity near the apical plasma membrane. In hypothyroid patients, NOSIII immunoreactivity was barely detectable. In summary, NOSIII is expressed both in endothelial cells and thyroid follicular cells. The endothelial localization of NOSIII is consistent with a role for nitric oxide in the vascular control of the thyroid. NOSIII expression in thyroid follicular cells and the variations in its immunoreactivity suggest a possible role for nitric oxide in thyrocyte function and/or growth.


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Floral scents are important information cues used to organize foraging-related tasks in honeybees. The waggle dance, apart from encoding spatial information about food sources, might facilitate the transfer of olfactory information by increasing the dissipation of volatiles brought back by successful foragers. By assuming that food scents are more intensive on specific body parts of returning foragers, i.e., the posterior legs of pollen foragers and mouthparts of nectar foragers, we quantified the interactions between hive mates and foragers during dances advertising different types of food sources. For natural sources, a higher proportion of hive mates contacted the hind legs of pollen dancers (where the pollen loads were located) with their heads compared to non-pollen dancers. On the other hand, the proportion of head-to-head contacts was higher for non-pollen foragers during the waggle runs. When the food scent was manipulated, dancers collecting scented sugar solution had a higher proportion of head-to-head contacts and a lower proportion around their hind legs compared to dancers collecting unscented solution. The presence of food odors did not affect in-hive behaviors of dancers, but it increased the number of trophallaxes in-between waggle runs (i.e., during circle phases). These results suggest that the honeybee dance facilitates the olfactory information transfer between incoming foragers and hive mates, and we propose that excitatory displays in other social insect species serve the same purpose. While recent empirical and theoretical findings suggested that the colony level foraging benefits of the spatial information encoded in the waggle dance vary seasonally and with habitats, the role of the dance as a compound signal not only indicating the presence of a profitable resource but also amplifying the information transfer regarding floral odors may be important under any ecological circumstances.


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Despite the important role of the Central Andes (15–30° S) for climate reconstruction, knowledge about the Quaternary glaciation is very limited due to the scarcity of organic material for radiocarbon dating. We applied 10Be surface exposure dating (SED) on 22 boulders from moraines in the Cordon de Doña Rosa, Northern/Central Chile (~31° S). The results show that several glacial advances in the southern Central Andes occurred during the Late Glacial between ~14.7±1.5 and 11.6±1.2 ka. A much more extensive glaciation is dated to ~32±3 ka, predating the temperature minimum of the global LGM (Last Glacial Maximum: ~20 ka). Reviewing these results in the paleoclimatic context, we conclude that the Late Glacial advances were most likely caused by an intensification of the tropical circulation and a corresponding increase in summer precipitation. High-latitude temperatures minima, e.g. the Younger Dryas (YD) and the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR) may have triggered individual advances, but current systematic exposure age uncertainties limit precise correlations. The absence of LGM moraines indicates that moisture advection was too limited to allow significant glacial advances at ~20 ka. The tropical circulation was less intensive despite the maximum in austral summer insolation. Winter precipitation was apparently also insufficient, although pollen and marine studies indicate a northward shift of the westerlies at that time. The dominant pre-LGM glacial advances in Northern/Central Chile at ~32 ka required lower temperatures and increased precipitation than today. We conclude that the westerlies were more intense and/or shifted equatorward, possibly due to increased snow and ice cover at higher southern latitudes coinciding with a minimum of insolation.


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The clinical manifestations of anti-cancer drug associated cardiac side effects are diverse and can range from acutely induced cardiac arrhythmias to Q-T interval prolongation, changes in coronary vasomotion with consecutive myocardial ischemia, myocarditis, pericarditis, severe contractile dysfunction, and potentially fatal heart failure. The pathophysiology of these adverse effects is similarly heterogeneous and the identification of potential mechanisms is frequently difficult since the majority of cancer patients is not only treated with a multitude of cancer drugs but might also be exposed to potentially cardiotoxic radiation therapy. Some of the targets inhibited by new anti-cancer drugs also appear to be important for the maintenance of cellular homeostasis of normal tissue, in particular during exposure to cytotoxic chemotherapy. If acute chemotherapy-induced myocardial damage is only moderate, the process of myocardial remodeling can lead to progressive myocardial dysfunction over years and eventually induce myocardial dysfunction and heart failure. The tools for diagnosing anti-cancer drug associated cardiotoxicity and monitoring patients during chemotherapy include invasive and noninvasive techniques as well as laboratory investigations and are mostly only validated for anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity and more recently for trastuzumab-associated cardiac dysfunction.


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What happens in the brain when we reach or exceed our capacity limits? Are there individual differences for performance at capacity limits? We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate the impact of increases in processing demand on selected cortical areas when participants performed a parametrically varied and challenging dual task. Low-performing participants respond with large and load-dependent activation increases in many cortical areas when exposed to excessive task requirements, accompanied by decreasing performance. It seems that these participants recruit additional attentional and strategy-related resources with increasing difficulty, which are either not relevant or even detrimental to performance. In contrast, the brains of the high-performing participants "keep cool" in terms of activation changes, despite continuous correct performance, reflecting different and more efficient processing. These findings shed light on the differential implications of performance on activation patterns and underline the importance of the interindividual-differences approach in neuroimaging research.


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This research project measured the effects of real-world content in a science classroom by determining change (deep knowledge of life science content, including ecosystems from MDE – Grade Level Content Expectations) in a subset of students (6th Grade Science) that may result from the addition of curriculum (real-world content of rearing trout in the classroom). Data showed large gains from the pre-test to post-test in students from both the experimental and control groups. The ecology unit with the implementation of real-world content [trout] was even more successful, and improved students’ deep knowledge of ecosystem content from Michigan’s Department of Education Grade Level Content Expectations. The gains by the experimental group on the constructed response section of the test, which included higher cognitive level items, were significant. Clinical interviews after the post-test confirmed increases in deep knowledge of ecosystem concepts in the experimental group, by revealing that a sample of experimental group students had a better grasp of important ecology concepts as compared to a sample of control group students.