978 resultados para MUCUS CLEARANCE
TNF is an essential player in infections with Leishmania major, contributing to the control of the inflammatory lesion and, to a lesser degree, to parasite killing. However, the relative contribution of the soluble and transmembrane forms of TNF in these processes is unknown. To investigate the role of transmembrane TNF (mTNF) in the control of L. major infections, mTNF-knock-in (mTNF(Delta/Delta)) mice, which express functional mTNF but do not release soluble TNF, were infected with L. major, and the development of the inflammatory lesion and the immune response was compared to that occurring in L. major-infected TNF(-/-) and wild-type mice. mTNF(Delta/Delta) mice controlled the infection and resolved their inflammatory lesion as well as wild-type mice, a process associated with the early clearance of neutrophils at the site of parasite infection. In contrast, L. major-infected TNF(-/-) mice developed non-healing lesions, characterized by an elevated presence of neutrophils at the site of infection and partial control of parasite number within the lesions. Altogether, the results presented here demonstrate that mTNF, in absence of soluble TNF, is sufficient to control infection due to L. major, enabling the regulation of inflammation, and the optimal killing of Leishmania parasites at the site of infection.
The Center for Transportation Research and Education performed a traffic signal inventory study for the Iowa Department of Transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and other industry standards of traffic signals on the state highway system. Signals were randomly selected throughout the State of Iowa. Only signals in cities with a population less than 5,000 were considered. Several intersections need to be addressed immediately to correct clearance timing settings. Red clearance intervals were frequently too short. A handful of intersections had inadequate pedestrian clearance times. Six intersections had at least one yellow clearance interval that did not meet Institute of Transportation Engineers standards. Some of the intersections likely would not meet traffic signal warrants and should be investigated for possible removal. The most common problem found with traffic signals was a lack of maintenance. Many of the signals had at least one of the following problems: burned out lights (signals and/or pedestrian heads), pedestrian lenses in need of replacement, dirty cabinet/missing or poor filter, missing visors, or inoperative pedestrian push buttons. Timing sheets were frequently missing or out of date. Another frequent noncompliance issue was the use of backplates. The MUTCD states that backplates should be used on signals viewed against a bright sky. The majority of signals inventoried did not have backplates on the mast-arm mounted signals. The timing at some intersections could likely be improved by reducing the cycle length. Where there were multiple signals in close proximity rarely was there any attempt at signal coordination. Finally, a number of intersections had equipment that by today’s standards would be considered obsolete.
Les cellules dendritiques sont des cellules du système immunitaire qui permettent d'instruire les lymphocytes T, autres cellules de ce système, pour mettre en place une réponse immunitaire adaptée afin de combattre et vaincre une infection. Ces cellules dendritiques vont reconnaître des motifs spécifiquement exprimés par des pathogènes par l'intermédiaire de récepteurs exprimés à leur surface. En détectant ces molécules, elles vont s'activer et subir diverses modifications pour pouvoir activer les lymphocytes T. Elles vont alors interagir avec les lymphocytes Τ et transférer les informations nécessaires pour que ces cellules s'activent à leur tour et produisent différentes protéines de façon à éliminer le pathogène. En fonction du type de pathogène, les informations transférées entre les cellules dendritiques et les lymphocytes seront différentes de manière à produire la réponse immunitaire la mieux adaptée pour supprimer l'élément infectieux. Dans le corps, les cellules dendritiques circulent continuellement afin de détecter les éléments étrangers. Quand elles reconnaissent une protéine étrangère, elles la phagocytent, c'est-à-dire qu'elles la mangent afin de pouvoir la présenter aux lymphocytes T. Mais quand elles phagocytent un élément étranger, elles peuvent également prendre des éléments du soi, comme par exemple quand elles phagocytent une cellule infectée par un virus. Les cellules dendritiques doivent alors être capables de différentier les molécules du soi et du non-soi de façon à ne pas induire une réponse en présentant un antigène du soi aux lymphocytes T. D'autant plus que lors de leur développement, les lymphocytes Τ qui sont capables de reconnaître le soi sont éliminés mais ce système n'est pas parfait et donc certains lymphocytes Τ auto-reactifs peuvent se trouver dans le corps. Il existe ainsi d'autres mécanismes en périphérie du site de développement pour inhiber ces lymphocytes Τ auto-reactifs. Ce sont les mécanismes de tolérance. Quand les lymphocytes Τ induisent une réponse aux antigènes du soi, cela résulte à des maladies auto-immunes. Dans mon projet de recherche, nous avons travaillé avec des lignées de cellules dendritiques, c'est-à-dire des cellules dendritiques semblables à celles que l'on peut trouver in vivo mais qui sont immortalisées, elles peuvent donc être cultiver et manipuler in vitro. Nous avons génétiquement modifiées ces lignées cellulaires pour qu'elles expriment des molécules immunosuppressives afin d'étudier comment induire une tolérance immunitaire, c'est-à-dire si l'expression de ces molécules permet d'éviter de générer une réponse immunitaire. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé des modèles murins de tumeurs et de maladies auto-immunes. Nous avons démontré que ces lignées de cellules dendritiques peuvent être un grand outil de recherche pour étudier les bénéfices de différentes molécules immuno-modulatrices afin d'induire une tolérance immunitaire à différents antigènes. - Les cellules dendritiques sont responsables de l'induction des réponses immunitaires adaptatives. Suite à une infection microbienne, les cellules dendritiques s'activent, elles induisent l'expression de molécules de costimulation à leur surface, sécrètent des cytokines et induisent la différentiation des cellules Τ effectrices et mémoires. De plus, les cellules dendritiques ont un rôle important dans l'induction et la maintenance de la tolérance immunitaire au niveau du thymus et en périphérie, en induisant l'anergie, la délétion ou la conversion des cellules Τ naïves en cellules régulatrices. Dans notre groupe, une nouvelle lignée de cellules dendritiques appelée MuTu a été crée par la culture de cellules dendritiques tumorales isolées à partir d'une rate d'une souris transgénique, dans laquelle l'expression de l'oncogène SV40 et du GFP sont sous le contrôle du promoteur CD1 le, et sont ainsi spécifiquement exprimés dans les cellules dendritiques. Ces nouvelles lignées appartiennent au sous-type des cellules dendritiques conventionnelles exprimant CD8a. Elles ont conservé leur capacité d'augmenter l'expression des marqueurs de costimulation à leur surface ainsi que le production de cytokines en réponse à des ligands des récepteurs Toll, ainsi que leur capacité à présenter des antigènes associés aux molécules du complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH) de classe I ou II pour activer la prolifération et la différentiation des lymphocytes T. En utilisant un système de transduction de lentivirus de seconde génération, ces nouvelles lignées de cellules dendritiques ont été génétiquement modifiées pour sur-exprimer des molécules immunosuppressives (IL-10, TGFP latent, TGFp actif, Activin A, Arginase 1, IDO, B7DC et CTLA4). Ces lignées permettent d'étudier de manière reproductible le rôle de ces molécules potentiellement tolérogènes sur les réponses immunitaires in vitro et in vivo. Ces lignées potentiellement tolérogènes ont été testées, tout d'abord, in vitro, pour leur capacité à inhiber l'activation des cellules dendritiques, à bloquer la prolifération des cellules Τ ou à modifier leur polarisation. Nos résultats démontrent qu'en réponse à une stimulation, la sur-expression des molécules costimulatrices et la sécrétion de molécules pro- inflammatoires est réduite quand les cellules dendritiques sur-expriment l'IL-10. La sur¬expression de TGFp sous sa forme active induit le développement de cellules régulatrices CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ et bloque la réponse CD8 cytotoxique tandis que la sur-expression de CTLA4 à la surface des cellules dendritiques inhibe une réponse Thl et induit des lymphocytes Τ anergiques. Ces lignées ont également été utilisées pour étudier l'induction de tolérance in vivo. Tout d'abord, nous avons étudié l'induction de tolérance dans un modèle de développement de tumeurs. En effet, quand les lignées tumorales sont transférées dans les lignées de souris C57BL/6, elles sont reconnues comme du non-soi du à l'expression de l'oncogène SV40 et du GFP et sont éliminées. Ce mécanisme d'élimination a été étudié en utilisant une lignée de cellules dendritiques modifiée pour exprimer la luciférase et qui a permis de suivre le développement des tumeurs par de l'imagerie in vivo dans des animaux vivants. Ces lignées de cellules dendritiques MuTu sont éliminées dans la souris C57BL/6 par les lymphocytes CD8 et l'action cytotoxique de la perforine. Après plusieurs injections, les cellules dendritiques sur-exprimant CTLA4 ou l'actif TGFp peuvent casser cette réponse immunitaire inhérente aux antigènes de la lignée et induire le développement de la tumeur dans la souris C57BL/6. Le développement tumoral a pu être suivi en mesurant la bioluminescence émise par des cellules dendritiques modifiées pour exprimer à la fois l'actif TGFp et la luciférase. Ces tumeurs ont pu se développer grâce à la mise en place d'un microenvironnement suppressif pour échapper à l'immunité en recrutant des cellules myéloïde suppressives, des lymphocytes CD4 régulateurs et en induisant l'expression d'une molécule inhibitrice PD-1 à la surface des lymphocytes CD8 infiltrant la tumeur. Dans un deuxième temps, ces lignées tolérogènes ont également été testées dans un modèle murin de maladies auto-immunes, appelé l'encéphalomyélite auto-immune expérimental (EAE), qui est un modèle pour la sclérose en plaques. L'EAE a été induite dans la souris par le transfert de cellules de ganglions prélevées d'une souris donneuse préalablement immunisée avec une protéine du système nerveux central, la glycoprotéine myéline oligodendrocyte (MOG) émulsifiée dans de l'adjuvant complet de Freund. La vaccination des souris donneuses et receveuses avec les cellules sur-exprimant l'actif TGFP préalablement chargées avec la protéine MOG bloque l'induction de l'EAE. Nous sommes actuellement en train de définir les mécanismes qui permettent de protéger la souris du développement de la maladie auto-immune. Dans cette étude, nous avons ainsi démontré la possibilité d'induire la tolérance in vivo et in vitro à différents antigènes en utilisant nos nouvelles lignées de cellules dendritiques et en les modifiant pour exprimer des molécules immunosuppressives. En conséquence, ces nouvelles lignées de cellules dendritiques représentent un outil pour explorer les bénéfices de différentes molécules ayant des propriétés immuno-modulatrices pour manipuler le système immunitaire vers un phénotype tolérogène. - Dendritic cells (DC) are widely recognized as potent inducers of the adaptive immune responses. Importantly, after microbial infections, DC become activated, induce co- stimulation, secrete cytokines and induce effector and memory Τ cells. DC furthermore play an important role in inducing and maintaining central and peripheral tolerance by inducing anergy, deletion or commitment of antigen-specific naïve Τ cells into regulatory Τ cells. In our group, stable MuTu DC lines were generated by culture of splenic DC tumors from transgenic mice expressing the SV40 large Τ oncogene and the GFP under DC-specific CDllc promoter. These transformed DC belong to the CD8a+ conventional DC subtype and have fully conserved their capacity to upregulate co-stimulatory markers and produce cytokines after activation with Toll Like Receptors-ligands, and to present Major Histocompatibility class-I or MHCII-restricted antigens to activate Τ cell expansion and differentiation. Using a second- generation lentiviral transduction system, these newly developed MuTu DC lines were genetically modified to overexpress immunosuppressive molecules (IL-10, latent TGFp, active TGFp, Activin A, Arginase 1, IDO, B7DC and CTLA4). This allows to reproducibly investigate the role of these potentially tolerogenic molecules on in vitro and in vivo immune responses. These potentially tolerogenic DC were tested in vitro for their ability to inhibit DC activation, to prevent Τ cell proliferation and to modify Τ cell polarization. Our results show that the upregulation of costimulatory molecules and the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines were reduced upon stimulation of DC overexpressing IL-10. The overexpression of active TGFP induced the development of CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory Τ cells and inhibited the cytotoxic CD8 Τ cell response as shown by using the OT-II Τ cell system whereas the surface expression of CTLA-4 on DC prevented the Thl response and prompted an anergic antigen-specific Τ cell response. These MuTu DC lines were also used in vivo in order to study the induction of tolerance. First we addressed the induction of tolerance in a model of tumorogenesis. The adoptively transferred tumor cell lines were cleared in C57BL/6 mice due to the foreign expression of SV40 LargeT and GFP. The mechanism of clearance of MuTu DC line into C57BL/6 mice was investigated by using luciferase-expressing DC line. These DC line allowed to follow, by in vivo imaging, the tumor development in living animals and determined that MuTu DC lines were eliminated in a perforin-mediated CD8 Τ cell dependent and CD4 Τ cell independent response. After multiple injections, DC overexpressing CTLA4 or active TGFp could break the immune response to these inherent antigens and induced DC tumorogenesis in wild type mice. The tumor outgrowth in C57BL/6 mice was nicely observed by double-transduced DC lines to express both luciferase and active TGFp. actTGFp-DC tumor was shown to recruit myeloid-derived suppressor cells, induce CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory Τ cells and induce the expression of the inhibitory receptor PD-1 on tumor- infiltrating CD8+ Τ cells in order to escape tumor immunity. Tolerogenic DC lines were also tested for the induction of tolerance in a murine model of autoimmune disease, the experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) model for human multiple sclerosis. EAE was induced in C57BL/6 mice by the adoptive transfer of lymph node cells isolated from donor mice previously immunized by a protein specific to the central nervous system, the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) emulsified in the complete freund adjuvant. The vaccination of donor and recipient mice with MOG-pulsed actTGFP-DC line prevented EAE induction. We are still investigating how the active TGFP protect mice from EAE development. We generated tolerogenic DC lines inducing tolerance in vitro and in vivo. Thereby these MuTu DC lines represent a great tool to explore the benefits of various immuno-modulatory molecules to manipulate the immune system toward a tolerogenic phenotype.
A human in vivo toxicokinetic model was built to allow a better understanding of the toxicokinetics of folpet fungicide and its key ring biomarkers of exposure: phthalimide (PI), phthalamic acid (PAA) and phthalic acid (PA). Both PI and the sum of ring metabolites, expressed as PA equivalents (PAeq), may be used as biomarkers of exposure. The conceptual representation of the model was based on the analysis of the time course of these biomarkers in volunteers orally and dermally exposed to folpet. In the model, compartments were also used to represent the body burden of folpet and experimentally relevant PI, PAA and PA ring metabolites in blood and in key tissues as well as in excreta, hence urinary and feces. The time evolution of these biomarkers in each compartment of the model was then mathematically described by a system of coupled differential equations. The mathematical parameters of the model were then determined from best fits to the time courses of PI and PAeq in blood and urine of five volunteers administered orally 1 mg kg(-1) and dermally 10 mg kg(-1) of folpet. In the case of oral administration, the mean elimination half-life of PI from blood (through feces, urine or metabolism) was found to be 39.9 h as compared with 28.0 h for PAeq. In the case of a dermal application, mean elimination half-life of PI and PAeq was estimated to be 34.3 and 29.3 h, respectively. The average final fractions of administered dose recovered in urine as PI over the 0-96 h period were 0.030 and 0.002%, for oral and dermal exposure, respectively. Corresponding values for PAeq were 24.5 and 1.83%, respectively. Finally, the average clearance rate of PI from blood calculated from the oral and dermal data was 0.09 ± 0.03 and 0.13 ± 0.05 ml h(-1) while the volume of distribution was 4.30 ± 1.12 and 6.05 ± 2.22 l, respectively. It was not possible to obtain the corresponding values from PAeq data owing to the lack of blood time course data.
BACKGROUND: Therapy of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) with pegIFNα/ribavirin achieves a sustained virologic response (SVR) in ∼55%. Pre-activation of the endogenous interferon system in the liver is associated with non-response (NR). Recently, genome-wide association studies described associations of allelic variants near the IL28B (IFNλ3) gene with treatment response and with spontaneous clearance of the virus. We investigated if the IL28B genotype determines the constitutive expression of IFN stimulated genes (ISGs) in the liver of patients with CHC. METHODS: We genotyped 93 patients with CHC for 3 IL28B single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, rs12979860, rs8099917, rs12980275), extracted RNA from their liver biopsies and quantified the expression of IL28B and of 8 previously identified classifier genes which discriminate between SVR and NR (IFI44L, RSAD2, ISG15, IFI22, LAMP3, OAS3, LGALS3BP and HTATIP2). Decision tree ensembles in the form of a random forest classifier were used to calculate the relative predictive power of these different variables in a multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The minor IL28B allele (bad risk for treatment response) was significantly associated with increased expression of ISGs, and, unexpectedly, with decreased expression of IL28B. Stratification of the patients into SVR and NR revealed that ISG expression was conditionally independent from the IL28B genotype, i.e. there was an increased expression of ISGs in NR compared to SVR irrespective of the IL28B genotype. The random forest feature score (RFFS) identified IFI27 (RFFS = 2.93), RSAD2 (1.88) and HTATIP2 (1.50) expression and the HCV genotype (1.62) as the strongest predictors of treatment response. ROC curves of the IL28B SNPs showed an AUC of 0.66 with an error rate (ERR) of 0.38. A classifier with the 3 best classifying genes showed an excellent test performance with an AUC of 0.94 and ERR of 0.15. The addition of IL28B genotype information did not improve the predictive power of the 3-gene classifier. CONCLUSIONS: IL28B genotype and hepatic ISG expression are conditionally independent predictors of treatment response in CHC. There is no direct link between altered IFNλ3 expression and pre-activation of the endogenous system in the liver. Hepatic ISG expression is by far the better predictor for treatment response than IL28B genotype.
BACKGROUND: Interferon and ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection yields sustained virological response (SVR) rates of 50-80%. Several factors such as non-1 genotype, beneficial IL28B genetic variants, low baseline IP-10, and the functionality of HCV-specific T cells predict SVR. With the pending introduction of new therapies for HCV entailing very rapid clearance of plasma HCV RNA, the importance of baseline biomarkers likely will increase in order to tailor therapy. CD26 (DPPIV) truncates the chemokine IP-10 into a shorter antagonistic form, and this truncation of IP-10 has been suggested to influence treatment outcome in patients with chronic HCV infection patients. In addition, previous reports have shown CD26 to be a co-stimulator for T cells. The aim of the present study was to assess the utility of CD26 as a biomarker for treatment outcome in chronic hepatitis C and to define its association with HCV-specific T cells. METHODS: Baseline plasma from 153 genotype 1 and 58 genotype 2/3 infected patients enrolled in an international multicenter phase III trial (DITTO-HCV) and 36 genotype 1 infected patients participating in a Swedish trial (TTG1) were evaluated regarding baseline soluble CD26 (sCD26) and the functionality of HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells. RESULTS: Genotype 1 infected patients achieving SVR in the DITTO (P = 0.002) and the TTG1 (P = 0.02) studies had lower pretreatment sCD26 concentrations compared with non-SVR patients. Sixty-five percent of patients with sCD26 concentrations below 600 ng/mL achieved SVR compared with 39% of the patients with sCD26 exceeding 600 ng/mL (P = 0.01). Patients with sCD26 concentrations below 600 ng/mL had significantly higher frequencies of HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Low baseline systemic concentrations of sCD26 predict favorable treatment outcome in chronic HCV infection and may be associated with higher blood counts of HCV-specific CD8(+) T cells.
The formation of toxic protein aggregates is a common denominator to many neurodegenerative diseases and aging. Accumulation of toxic, possibly infectious protein aggregates induces a cascade of events, such as excessive inflammation, the production of reactive oxygen species, apoptosis and neuronal loss. A network of highly conserved molecular chaperones and of chaperone-related proteases controls the fold-quality of proteins in the cell. Most molecular chaperones can passively prevent protein aggregation by binding misfolding intermediates. Some molecular chaperones and chaperone-related proteases, such as the proteasome, can also hydrolyse ATP to forcefully convert stable harmful protein aggregates into harmless natively refoldable, or protease-degradable, polypeptides. Molecular chaperones and chaperone-related proteases thus control the delicate balance between natively folded functional proteins and aggregation-prone misfolded proteins, which may form during the lifetime and lead to cell death. Abundant data now point at the molecular chaperones and the proteases as major clearance mechanisms to remove toxic protein aggregates from cells, delaying the onset and the outcome of protein-misfolding diseases. Therapeutic approaches include treatments and drugs that can specifically induce and sustain a strong chaperone and protease activity in cells and tissues prone to toxic protein aggregations.
We have explored the threshold of tolerance of three unrelated cell types to treatments with potential cytoprotective peptides bound to Tat(48-57) and Antp(43-58) cell-permeable peptide carriers. Both Tat(48-57) and Antp(43-58) are well known for their good efficacy at crossing membranes of different cell types, their overall low toxicity, and their absence of leakage once internalised. Here, we show that concentrations of up to 100 microM of Tat(48-57) were essentially harmless in all cells tested, whereas Antp(43-58) was significantly more toxic. Moreover, all peptides bound to Tat(48-57) and Antp(43-58) triggered significant and length-dependent cytotoxicity when used at concentrations above 10 microM in all but one cell types (208F rat fibroblasts), irrespective of the sequence of the cargo. Absence of cytotoxicity in 208F fibroblasts correlated with poor intracellular peptide uptake, as monitored by confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. Our data further suggest that the onset of cytotoxicity correlates with the activation of two intracellular stress signalling pathways, namely those involving JNK, and to a lesser extent p38 mitogen-activated protein kinases. These responses are of particular concern for cells that are especially sensitive to the activation of stress kinases. Collectively, these results indicate that in order to avoid unwanted and unspecific cytotoxicity, effector molecules bound to Tat(48-57) should be designed with the shortest possible sequence and the highest possible affinity for their binding partners or targets, so that concentrations below 10 microM can be successfully applied to cells without harm. Considering that cytotoxicity associated to Tat(48-57)- and Antp(43-58) bound peptide conjugates was not restricted to a particular type of cells, our data provide a general framework for the design of cell-penetrating peptides that may apply to broader uses of intracellular peptide and drug delivery.
Abnormalities of sodium excretion and other disorders of renal function in fulminant hepatic failure
Renal function was evaluated in 40 patients with fulminant hepatic failure, They were divided into two groups on the basis of glomerular filtration rates greater than 40 ml/min or less than 25 ml/min. A number of patients in group 1 had markedly abnormal renal retention of sodium together with a reduced free water clearance and low potassium excretion which could be explained by increased proximal tubular reabsorption of sodium. The patients in group 2 had evidence that renal tubular integrity was maintained when the glomerular filtration rate was greater than or equal ml/min (functional renal failure), but evidence of tubular damage was present when this was less than 3 ml/min (acute tubular necrosis).
Mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) is secreted by goblet cells of the respiratory tract and, surprisingly, also expressed de novo in mucus secreting cancer lines. siRNA-mediated knockdown of 7343 human gene products in a human colonic cancer goblet cell line (HT29-18N2) revealed new proteins, including a Ca(2+)-activated channel TRPM5, for MUC5AC secretion. TRPM5 was required for PMA and ATP-induced secretion of MUC5AC from the post-Golgi secretory granules. Stable knockdown of TRPM5 reduced a TRPM5-like current and ATP-mediated Ca(2+) signal. ATP-induced MUC5AC secretion depended strongly on Ca(2+) influx, which was markedly reduced in TRPM5 knockdown cells. The difference in ATP-induced Ca(2+) entry between control and TRPM5 knockdown cells was abrogated in the absence of extracellular Ca(2+) and by inhibition of the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX). Accordingly, MUC5AC secretion was reduced by inhibition of NCX. Thus TRPM5 activation by ATP couples TRPM5-mediated Na(+) entry to promote Ca(2+) uptake via an NCX to trigger MUC5AC secretion
BACKGROUND: An ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion)-pharmacogenetics association study may identify functional variants relevant to the pharmacokinetics of lopinavir co-formulated with ritonavir (LPV/r), a first-line anti-HIV agent. METHODS: An extensive search of literature and web resources helped select ADME genes and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, functional and HapMap tagging SNPs) with a proven or potentially relevant role in LPV/r pharmacokinetics. The study followed a two-stage design. Stage 1 (discovery) considered a Caucasian population (n=638) receiving LPV/r, where we selected 117 individuals with low LPV clearance (cases) and 90 individuals with high clearance (controls). Genotyping was performed by a 1536-SNP customized GoldenGate Illumina BeadArray. Stage 2 (confirmation) represented a replication study of candidate SNPs from the stage 1 in 148 individuals receiving LPV/r. The analysis led to formal population pharmacokinetic-pharmacogenetic modeling of demographic, environmental and candidate SNP effects. RESULTS: One thousand three hundred and eighty SNPs were successfully genotyped. Nine SNPs prioritized by the stage 1 analysis were brought to replication. Stage 2 confirmed the contribution of two functional SNPs in SLCO1B1, one functional SNP in ABCC2 and a tag SNP of the CYP3A locus in addition to body weight effect and ritonavir coadministration. According to the population pharmacokinetic-pharmacogenetic model, genetic variants explained 5% of LPV variability. Individuals homozygous rs11045819 (SLCO1B1*4) had a clearance of 12.6 l/h, compared with 5.4 l/h in the reference group, and 3.9 l/h in individuals with two or more variant alleles of rs4149056 (SLCO1B1*5), rs717620 (ABCC2) or rs6945984 (CYP3A). A subanalysis confirmed that although a significant part of the variance in LPV clearance was attributed to fluctuation in ritonavir levels, genetic variants had an additional effect on LPV clearance. CONCLUSION: The two-stage strategy successfully identified genetic variants affecting LPV/r pharmacokinetics. Such a general approach of ADME pharmacogenetics should be generalized to other drugs.
Developing a vaccine against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) poses an exceptional challenge. There are no documented cases of immune-mediated clearance of HIV from an infected individual, and no known correlates of immune protection. Although nonhuman primate models of lentivirus infection have provided valuable data about HIV pathogenesis, such models do not predict HIV vaccine efficacy in humans. The combined lack of a predictive animal model and undefined biomarkers of immune protection against HIV necessitate that vaccines to this pathogen be tested directly in clinical trials. Adaptive clinical trial designs can accelerate vaccine development by rapidly screening out poor vaccines while extending the evaluation of efficacious ones, improving the characterization of promising vaccine candidates and the identification of correlates of immune protection.
In the gastro-intestinal tract,Peyers patches have been describedas a major inductive site for mucosalsecretory IgA (SIgA) responses directedagainst pathogens. The classicalview is that SIgAserves as the firstline of defense against microorganismsby agglutining potential invadersand faciliting their clearance byperistaltic and mucociliary movements,a mechanism called immuneexclusion. Our laboratory has shownthat SIgA is not only able to be"retrotransported" into Peyers patchesvia the associated M cells, but also todeliver sizeable cargos in the form ofSIgA-based immune complexes, resultingin the onset of non-inflammatorytype of responses. Such a novelfunction raises the question of thepossible role of mucosal SIgA in theinterplay with commensal bacteriaand the contribution of the antibody inbacterial homeostasis. To address thisquestion, Lactobacillus rhamnosus(LPR) was administered into a mouseligated loop comprising a Peyerspatch, in association or not with SIgA.The fate of fluorescently labelled bacteriawas followed by laser scanningconfocal microscopy at different incubationtimes. After 2 hours of incubationin the loop, LPR bacteria arefound more abundantly in thesubepithelial dome (SED) regionwhen they are coated with SIgA thanLPR administered alone despite theyare absent from neighboring villi.Herein, it is shown that this mechanismof entry involves M cells inPeyers pathes. After their sampling byM cells, bacteria are engulfed by thedendritic cells of the subjacent SEDregion. Interestingly, LPR bacteriaare found coated by the endogenousnatural SIgA present in mice intestinalsecretions, confirming the requirementof SIgA for this type of entry.The subsequent effect on the maturationof dendritic cells after interactionwith LPR was investigated in vitroin presence or not of SIgA by measuringthe expression of CD40, CD80and CD86 surface markers with flowcytometry analyses. Results show thatDCs respond in the same way in presenceof SIgA than with LPR bacteriaalone, indicating that SIgA does notmodulate the interaction betweenDCs and bacteria in this context. Thiswork gives new evidences about theinvolvement of SIgA in the mechanismby which the intestinal immunesystem permanently checks the contentof the intestine.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a proteção antiviral específica via RNA de interferência (RNAi) contra o vírus da síndrome da mancha-branca (WSSV), em camarões marinhos (Litopenaeus vannamei). Os camarões foram injetados com uma sequência dsRNA específica (vp28 do envelope viral), seguida por desafio com WSSV após 48 horas. Avaliaram-se o hemograma às 0, 3, 6, 24, 48 e 72 horas após o desafio, e a taxa de mortalidade durante 30 dias. Nos animais tratados com dsRNA vp28, a infecção viral foi limitada, e a sobrevivência (73%) e a "clearance" viral (80%) foram maiores do que nos camarões infectados, não tratados, que apresentaram 100% de mortalidade em cinco dias. Nos camarões tratados com dsRNA, o hemograma diminuiu até 6 horas após o desafio, seguido por aumento, tendo atingido o nível normal em 72 horas. O tratamento com dsRNA vp28 limita a infecção nos camarões por WSSV, restaura as suas condições imunológicas e promove "clearance" viral na maioria dos sobreviventes. Esses resultados são indicativos de que dsRNA vp28 pode servir como ferramenta molecular para combater o WSSV e que o RNAi representa abordagem promissora para controlar doenças virais em camarões cultivados.
RESUME - FRANÇAISRésuméDans ce travail de thèse, l'importance de la pharmacogénétique des traitements antiviraux a été évaluée en déterminant, au moyen de trois différentes approches, l'impact de variations génétiques sur la pharmacocinétique de deux traitements antirétroviraux (à savoir l'efavirenz et le lopinavir) ainsi que sur la capacité de pouvoir éliminer le virus de l'hépatite C de façon naturelle ou suite à un traitement médicamenteux.L'influence des variations génétiques sur les taux plasmatiques de l'efavirenz et de ses métabolites primaires a été évaluée par l'analyse d'un seul gène candidat : le cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6, impliqué dans une voie métabolique accessoire de l'efavirenz. Cette étude a permis de démontrer que le génotype du CYP2A6 devient cliniquement déterminant en l'absence de fonction du CYP2B6, impliqué dans la voie métabolique principale, et que la perte simultanée des voies métaboliques principales et accessoires entraine une augmen¬tation du risque d'interruption du traitement, soulignant la valeur prédictive du génotypage.L'influence de la génétique sur la clairance du lopinavir a été évaluée par l'analyse à grande échelle de gènes candidats, à savoir les gènes potentiellement impliqués dans l'absorption, le métabolisme, la distribution et l'élimination d'un médicament. Cette étude a permis l'identification de 4 polymorphismes, dans des transporteurs et des enzymes métaboliques, associés à la clairance du lopinavir et expliquant 5% de la variabilité inter¬individuelle de ce phénotype.L'influence de la génétique sur la capacité d'éliminer le virus de l'hépatite C, de façon naturelle ou à la suite d'un traitement, a été évaluée par l'analyse du génome entier. Cette étude a permis l'identification d'un polymorphisme situé à proximité de l'interféron-X3. Quatre variations génétiques potentiellement causales ont ensuite pu être identifiées par reséquencage. Finalement, la contribution nette de ce gène sur l'élimination du virus a pu être évaluée dans une cohorte infectée par une seule et même source, permettant ainsi de contrôler l'effet de la diversité virale, du genre et de la présence de co-infections.Cette thèse a permis de mettre en évidence les diverses méthodes disponibles pour la recherche en pharmacogénétique, ainsi que l'importance du reséquencage pour l'identification de variations génétiques causales.SUMMARY - ENGLISHSummaryIn this thesis work the relevance of pharmacogenetics of antiviral treatment has been assessed by investigating, through three different approaches, the impact of host genetic variation on antiretroviral drug disposition (namely efavirenz and lopinavir) and on natural or treatment-induced clearance of hepatitis C virus.The influence of host genetic variation on efavirenz and its primary metabolite plasma levels was assessed by single candidate gene approach, through comprehensive analysis of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2A6 - involved in efavirenz accessory metabolic pathway. The study could demonstrate that CYP2A6 genotype became increasingly relevant in the setting of limited CYP2B6 function - involved in efavirenz main metabolic pathway - and that individuals with both main and accessory metabolic pathways impaired were at higher risk for treatment discontinuation, overall emphasizing the predictive power of genotyping.The influence of host genetic variation on lopinavir clearance was assessed by large scale candidate gene approach, through analysis of genes involved in the absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. The study identified four genetic variants in drug transporters and metabolizing enzymes that explained 5% of the interindividual variability in lopinavir clearance.The influence of host genetic variation on hepatitis C virus (HCV) natural or treatment- induced clearance was assessed through genome-wide association study approach. This study identified an intergenic polymorphism, part of a linkage disequilibrium block encompassing the interferon-3 gene, as highly associated with treatment-induced and spontaneous HCV clearance. Resequencing and recombinant mapping lead to the identification of four potentially causal genetic variants. Finally, we could assess the net contribution of genetic variants in interferon-3 to clearance by controlling for viral diversity, gender and co-infection status in a single source infected cohort.This thesis highlights the various genetic tools available to pharmacogenetic discovery (candidate gene, pathway or and genome-wide approaches), and the importance of resequencing for mapping of causal variants.