960 resultados para MOUTH MUCOSA


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The efficacy of fluorescence spectroscopy to detect squamous cell carcinoma is evaluated in an animal model following laser excitation at 442 and 532 nm. Lesions are chemically induced with a topical DMBA application at the left lateral tongue of Golden Syrian hamsters. The animals are investigated every 2 weeks after the 4th week of induction until a total of 26 weeks. The right lateral tongue of each animal is considered as a control site (normal contralateral tissue) and the induced lesions are analyzed as a set of points covering the entire clinically detectable area. Based on fluorescence spectral differences, four indices are determined to discriminate normal and carcinoma tissues, based on intraspectral analysis. The spectral data are also analyzed using a multivariate data analysis and the results are compared with histology as the diagnostic gold standard. The best result achieved is for blue excitation using the KNN (K-nearest neighbor, a interspectral analysis) algorithm with a sensitivity of 95.7% and a specificity of 91.6%. These high indices indicate that fluorescence spectroscopy may constitute a fast noninvasive auxiliary tool for diagnostic of cancer within the oral cavity. (C) 2008 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The reconstruction of physical environments of Amazonian areas is of great interest to determine the dynamic evolution of the Amazon drainage basin. However. few studies have emphasized the Quaternary deposits in this region. which is mostly due to the lack of natural exposures imposed by the low topography. This work integrates facies analysis. radiocarbon dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N of an 124 m-thick core from an area located at the mouth of the Amazon River. northeastern Amazonia. The study records deposits up to 50.795 (14)C yr B P. in age. which formed in a variety of depositional environments including fluvial channel, tidal flat, outer estuarine basin to shallow marine. inner estuarine basin, estuarine channel and lagoon. Facies interpretation was significantly improved with the inclusion of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N analyses of organic matter extracted from the sediments The obtained values conform to a transitional. mostly estuarine paleosetting evolved during successive relative sea-level fluctuations. The results suggest fluvial deposition between 40,950 (+/- 590) and 50.795 (14)C yr B P, with a rise in relative sea level that commenced between 35,567 (+/- 649) and 39,079 (+/- 1114) (14)C yr B P. An overall transgression took place until 29,340 (+/- 340) (14)C yr B P., after which the relative sea level dropped, favoring valley rejuvenation and incision. Following this time up to 10,479 (+/- 34) (14)C yr B.P. a rise in relative sea level filled up the valley with estuarine deposits After 10.479(+/- 34) (14)C yr B.P., the estuary was replaced by a lagoon At the end of the Holocene, the coastline prograided approximately 45 km northward, replaci ng the lagoon by a lake system Despite the influence of eustatic fluctuations. regional tectonics played a significant role to create new space where these Late Pleistocene and Holocene sediments accumulated. (C) 2009 Elsevier B V All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine somesthetic, olfactory, gustative and salivary abnormalities in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS), idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (ITN) and trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty patients from each group (BMS, ITN, PHN) and 60 healthy controls were evaluated with a systematized quantitative approach of thermal (cold and warm), mechanical, pain, gustation, olfaction and salivary flow; data were analyzed with ANOVA, Tukey, Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests with a level of significance of 5%. RESULTS: There were no salivary differences among the groups with matched ages; the cold perception was abnormal only at the mandibular branch of PHN (P = 0.001) and warm was abnormal in all trigeminal branches of PHN and BMS; mechanical sensitivity was altered at the mandibular branch of PHN and in all trigeminal branches of BMS. The salty, sweet and olfactory thresholds were higher in all studied groups; the sour threshold was lower and there were no differences of bitter. CONCLUSION: All groups showed abnormal thresholds of gustation and olfaction; somesthetic findings were discrete in ITN and more common in PHN and BMS; central mechanisms of balance of sensorial inputs might be underlying these observations. Oral Diseases (2010) 16, 482-487


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Natural selection has caused prey species to evolve distinct defensive mechanisms. One of such mechanisms was the evolution of noxious or distasteful chemicals, which have appeared independently in a number of vertebrates and invertebrates. In detailed analyses of arthropod behaviour, scent gland secretions have consistently been shown to be responsible for repelling specific predators. Because using such chemicals is costly, animals with alternative cheaper defences are expected not to release such secretions when alternative options exist. In this study, we sought to determine the defensive mechanisms of the harvestman Discocyrtus invalidus, a heavy bodied species that bears a pair of repugnatorial glands. The spider Enoploctenus cyclothorax was used as the predator, and the cricket Gryllus sp. was used as a control. In a first set of experiments, the harvestmen were preyed upon significantly less than the crickets. In two other experiments, we found that harvestmen did not use their scent gland secretions to deter the predator. Moreover, results of a fourth experiment revealed that these spiders are not repelled by defensive secretions. Discocyrtus invalidus has a thick cuticle on the entire body: scanning electron micrographs revealed that only the mouth, the articulations of appendages and the tips of the legs are not covered by a hard integument. In a fifth experiment, we found that these spiders had difficulty piercing the harvestmen body. This is the first experimental evidence that a chemically defended arachnid does not use its scent gland secretions to repel a much larger predator but instead relies on its heavily built body. (c) 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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FUNDAMENTS: The lethality of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) of the skin is considered low. SCC in the mouth is usually associated with poor prognosis. Current evidence suggests that mast cells in the normal tissue contribute to the tumorigenesis of SCC, probably by promoting angiogenesis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the concentration of mast cells in SCC of the mouth and skin and evaluate whether there is a correlation with the degree of differentiation of these tumors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty cases of SCC of the skin and 34 of the mouth were investigated. Toluidine blue staining was used to identify mast cells in blocks containing the central portion of the neoplasm. RESULTS: A concentration of between 0 and 10 mast cells was found in one single case of SCC of the skin and there were no cases of SCC of the mouth with concentrations of mast cells in the tumor >201. In the majority of cases of SCC of the mouth (47%; n=16), mast cell concentration was between 0 and 10, with a concentration >51 mast cells in 80% of cases of SCC of the skin. All the cases of SCC of the mouth with a concentration of mast cells between 100 and 200 and 80% of those with a concentration of 51-99 were located on the lip. The concentration of mast cells was unrelated to the degree of differentiation of the tumor. CONCLUSION: The concentration of mast cells is lower in SCC of the mouth except when the tumor is located on the lip. This may reflect a lower need for cell activation in the microenvironment to improve vascularization in oral cancer.


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Swallowing dynamics involves the coordination and interaction of several muscles and nerves which allow correct food transport from mouth to stomach without laryngotracheal penetration or aspiration. Clinical swallowing assessment depends on the evaluator`s knowledge of anatomic structures and of neurophysiological processes involved in swallowing. Any alteration in those steps is denominated oropharyngeal dysphagia, which may have many causes, such as neurological or mechanical disorders. Videofluoroscopy of swallowing is presently considered to be the best exam to objectively assess the dynamics of swallowing, but the exam needs to be conducted under certain restrictions, due to patient`s exposure to radiation, which limits periodical repetition for monitoring swallowing therapy. Another method, called cervical auscultation, is a promising new diagnostic tool for the assessment of swallowing disorders. The potential to diagnose dysphagia in a noninvasive manner by assessing the sounds of swallowing is a highly attractive option for the dysphagia clinician. Even so, the captured sound has an amount of noise, which can hamper the evaluator`s decision. In that way, the present paper proposes the use of a filter to improve the quality of audible sound and facilitate the perception of examination. The wavelet denoising approach is used to decompose the noisy signal. The signal to noise ratio was evaluated to demonstrate the quantitative results of the proposed methodology. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work examines the effect of weld strength mismatch on fracture toughness measurements defined by J and CTOD fracture parameters using single edge notch bend (SE(B)) specimens. A central objective of the present study is to enlarge on previous developments of J and CTOD estimation procedures for welded bend specimens based upon plastic eta factors (eta) and plastic rotational factors (r (p) ). Very detailed non-linear finite element analyses for plane-strain models of standard SE(B) fracture specimens with a notch located at the center of square groove welds and in the heat affected zone provide the evolution of load with increased crack mouth opening displacement required for the estimation procedure. One key result emerging from the analyses is that levels of weld strength mismatch within the range +/- 20% mismatch do not affect significantly J and CTOD estimation expressions applicable to homogeneous materials, particularly for deeply cracked fracture specimens with relatively large weld grooves. The present study provides additional understanding on the effect of weld strength mismatch on J and CTOD toughness measurements while, at the same time, adding a fairly extensive body of results to determine parameters J and CTOD for different materials using bend specimens with varying geometries and mismatch levels.


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We study the spreading of contagious diseases in a population of constant size using susceptible-infective-recovered (SIR) models described in terms of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and probabilistic cellular automata (PCA). In the PCA model, each individual (represented by a cell in the lattice) is mainly locally connected to others. We investigate how the topological properties of the random network representing contacts among individuals influence the transient behavior and the permanent regime of the epidemiological system described by ODE and PCA. Our main conclusions are: (1) the basic reproduction number (commonly called R(0)) related to a disease propagation in a population cannot be uniquely determined from some features of transient behavior of the infective group; (2) R(0) cannot be associated to a unique combination of clustering coefficient and average shortest path length characterizing the contact network. We discuss how these results can embarrass the specification of control strategies for combating disease propagations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of different heating times of settable eggs of Cobb 500 (R) broiler breeders before submitting them to different storage periods on body weight, digestive tract organ weights, and intestinal mucosa morphology of newly-hatched chicks. Settable eggs were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with a 3 x 3 factorial arrangement: pre-storage heating periods (0, 6, 12 hours at 36.92 degrees C) and storage periods (4, 9, 14 days at 12.06 degrees C). Body weight and relative weights of the yolk sac, heart, liver, proventriculus+gizzard, and intestinal segments were measured in chicks hatching at 480 and 498 hours of incubation. Villi height, width and perimeter, and crypt depth < im) were measured in duodenal histological sections. It was concluded that pre-storage healing for six hours of eggs stored for four or nine days increases small intestine weight of newly-hatched chicks, but does not influence the morphology of the duodenal mucosa. Pre-storage heating for 12 hours negatively influences body weight and duodenal mucosa development, and therefore this practice is not recommended. Storage length does not have consistent effect on body weight and development of the gastrointestinal tract.


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This study unveils histological features of the intestinal tract of juvenile striped catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1776) in three size classes (weight, standard length): I - 36.84 +/- 10.19 g, 14.52 +/- 1.54 cm; II - 59.03 +/- 11.47 g, 17.17 +/- 1.06 cm; III - 89.72 +/- 18.70 g, 20.79 +/- 1.55 cm, respectively. Histological organization of the juvenile speckled catfish intestine bears features common to the carnivorous fish, but the organ presents some convolutions that indicate a certain degree of dietary flexibility, a surprising trend, common only to omnivorous Siluriforms. The architecture of the mucosa of the speckled catfish intestine indicates that the species concentrates digestion and absorption of nutrients in the medium intestine, a common feature among carnivorous Teleosts.


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Cellular and humoral immune response, as well as cytokine gene expression, was assessed in Nelore cattle with different degrees of resistance to Cooperia punctata natural infection. One hundred cattle (male, weaned, 11-12 months old), kept together on pasture, were evaluated. Faecal and blood samples were collected for parasitological and immunological assays. Based on nematode faecal egg counts (FEC) and worm burden, the seven most resistant and the eight most susceptible animals were selected. Tissue samples of the small intestine were collected for histological quantification of inflammatory cells and analysis of cytokine gene expression (IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-1 2p35, IL-13, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, MCP-1, MCP-2, and MUC- 1) using real-time RT-PCR. Mucus samples were also collected for IgA levels determination. Serum IgG1 mean levels against C. punctata antigens were higher in the resistant group, but significant differences between groups were only observed 14 days after the beginning of the experiment against infective larvae (1-3) and 14 and 84 days against adult antigens. The resistant group also presented higher IgA levels against C. punctata (L3 and adult) antigens with significant difference 14 days after the beginning of the trial (P < 0.05). In the small-intestine mucosa, levels of IgA anti-L3 and anti-adult C. punctata were higher in the resistant group, compared with the susceptible group (P < 0.05). Gene expression of both T(H)2 cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13) in the resistant group and T(H)1 cytokines (IL-2, IL-1 2p35, IFN-gamma and MCP-1) in the susceptible group was up-regulated. Such results suggested that immune response to C. punctata was probably mediated by TH2 cytokines in the resistant group and by T(H)1 cytokines in the susceptible group. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Baccharis dracunculifolia DC (Asteraceae), a native plant from Brazil, commonly known as `Alecrim-do-campo` is widely used in folk medicine to treat inflammation, hepatic disorders and stomach ulcers, and it is the most important botanical source of Southeastern Brazilian propolis, known as green propolis. Its essential oil is composed of non-oxygenated and oxygenated terpenes. In this work, the effects of the essential oil obtained from the aerial parts of R dracunculifolia on gastric ulcers were evaluated. The antiulcer assays were undertaken using the following protocols in rats: nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced ulcer, ethanol-induced ulcer, stress-induced ulcer, and determination of gastric secretion using ligated pylorus. The treatment in the doses of 50, 250 and 500 mg/kg of R dracunculifolia essential oil significantly diminished the lesion index, the total lesion area and the percentage of lesions in comparison with both positive and negative control groups. With regard to the model of gastric secretion a reduction of gastric juice volume and total acidity was observed, as well as an increase in the gastric pH. No sign of toxicity was observed in the acute toxicity study. Considering the results, it is suggested that the essential oil of B. dracunculifolia could probably be a good therapeutic agent for the development of new phytotherapeutic medicine for the treatment of gastric ulcer. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The intra-buccal polymeric bioadhesive systems that can stay adhered to the oral soft tissues for drug programmed release, with the preventive and/or therapeutic purpose has been employed for large clinical situations. A system based on hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose/Carbopol 934`/magnesium stearate (HPMC/Cp/StMg) was developed having the sodium fluoride as active principle. This kind of system was evaluated according to its resistance to the removal by means of physical test of tensile strength. Swine buccal mucosa extracted immediately after animals` sacrifice was employed as substrate for the physical trials, to obtain 16 test bodies. Artificial saliva with or without mucin was used to involve the substrate/bioadhesive system sets during the trials. Artificial salivas viscosity was determined by means of Brookfield viscometer, showing the artificial saliva with mucin 10.0 cP, and the artificial saliva without mucin 7.5 cP. The tensile strength assays showed the following averages: for the group ""artificial saliva with mucin"" - 12.89 Pa, and for the group ""without mucin"" - 12.35 Pa. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference between the assays for both artificial salivas, and it was possible to conclude that the variable mucin did not interfered with the bioadhesion process for the polymeric devices. The device was able to release fluoride in a safe, efficient and constant way up to 8 hours.


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The curcumin`s effect given orally by gavage in single- or multiple-dose regimens on methemoglobinemia induced by dapsone (DDS) was investigated in male Wistar rats. In the single-dose regimen, groups of 10 rats received either vehicle alone, or curcumin at 0.1, 1.0, 10, or 30 mg/kg body weight (bw), or curcumin at 0.02, 0.1, 1, 10, or 30 mg/kg bw plus DDS at 40 mg/kg bw, intraperitoneally (i.p.), 2 hours after. In the multiple-dose regimen, groups of 10 rats received either vehicle alone, or curcumin at 0.1, 1.0, 10, or 30 mg/kg bw for 5 days, with or without DDS (40 mg/kg bw, i.p.) 2 hours after on the fifth day. In both regimens, further groups of 10 rats were given DDS alone (positive controls) or normal saline (negative controls) i.p. Single-dose treatment with curcumin at 0.02 and 0.1 mg/kg bw significantly reduced DDS-induced methemoglobin formation, while the higher doses showed a pro-oxidant effect, significantly increasing DDS-induced methemoglobinemia. In the multiple-dose regimen, treatment with curcumin at 0.1 mg/kg bw significantly reduced DDS-induced methemoglobin formation, but the higher doses were without significant effect compared to DDS alone. It is concluded that curcumin at low doses mitigates methemoglobinemia induced by dapsone in rats, both in single- and multiple-dose regimens. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aber Wrac’h, Pays du Léon, Bretagne. Aber Wrac’h, Bretagne, France, on 10 March 2004 at 13:30 (low tide) looking North (downstream) towards the Aber mouth and open sea between Lannilis and Plougerneau, Pays des Abers, Pays du Le´on. The word "Aber" is Britton (Breton) for a "fjord"-like estuary. Located on the Channel, the region "Pays des Abers" includes several deep incisions in the coastlines. The best known ‘‘Abers’’ are the Aber Wrac’h and Aber Benoit in the Pays du Léon, Finistere Nord.