894 resultados para MONOMERS


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The structure of lignin and suberin, and ferulic acid (FA) content in cork from Quercus suber L. were studied. Extractive-free cork (Cork), suberin, desuberized cork (Cork(sap)), and milled-cork lignins (MCL) from Cork and Cork(sap) were isolated. Suberin composition was determined by GC-MS/FID, whereas the polymers structure in Cork, Corksap, and MCL was studied by Py-TMAH and 2D-HSQC-NMR. Suberin contained 94.4% of aliphatics and 3.2% of phenolics, with 90% of omega-hydroxyacids and alpha,omega-diacids. FA represented 2.7% of the suberin monomers, overwhelmingly esterified to the cork matrix. Py-TMAH revealed significant FA amounts in all samples, with about 3% and 6% in cork and cork lignins, respectively. Py-TMAH and 2D-HSQC-NMR demonstrated that cork lignin is a G-lignin (>96% G units), with a structure dominated by beta-O-4' alkyl-aryl ether linkages (80% and 77% of all linkages in MCL and MCLsap, respectively), followed by phenylcoumarans (18% and 20% in MCL and MCLsap, respectively), and smaller amounts of resinols (ca. 2%) and dibenzodioxocins (1%). HSQC also revealed that cork lignin is heavily acylated (ca. 50%) exclusively at the side-chain gamma-position. Ferulates possibly have an important function in the chemical assembly of cork cell walls with a cross-linking role between suberin, lignin and carbohydrates.


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Ubiquitylation or covalent attachment of ubiquitin (Ub) to a variety of substrate proteins in cells is a versatile post-translational modification involved in the regulation of numerous cellular processes. The distinct messages that polyubiquitylation encodes are attributed to the multitude of conformations possible through attachment of ubiquitin monomers within a polyubiquitin chain via a specific lysine residue. Thus the hypothesis is that linkage defines polyubiquitin conformation which in turn determines specific recognition by cellular receptors. Ubiquitylation of membrane surface receptor proteins plays a very important role in regulating receptor-mediated endocytosis as well as endosomal sorting for lysosomal degradation. Epsin1 is an endocytic adaptor protein with three tandem UIMs (Ubiquitin Interacting Motifs) which are responsible for the highly specific interaction between epsin and ubiquitylated receptors. Epsin1 is also an oncogenic protein and its expression is upregulated in some types of cancer. Recently it has been shown that novel K11 and K63 mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains serve as internalization signal for MHC I (Major Histocompatibility Complex I) molecule through their association with the tUIMs of epsin1. However the molecular mode of action and structural details of the interaction between polyubiquitin chains on receptors and tUIMs of epsin1 is yet to be determined. This information is crucial for the development of anticancer therapeutics targeting epsin1. The molecular basis for the linkage-specific recognition of K11 and K63 mixed-linkage polyubiquitin chains by the tandem UIMs of the endocytic adaptor protein epsin1 is investigated using a combination of NMR methods.


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Os filmes são produzidos a partir de macromoléculas, que podem ser utilizados como embalagem, como os polissacarídeos, lipídeos e proteínas. As proteínas se destacam dos demais, pois possuem uma estrutura com 20 monômeros diferentes, que confere um amplo potencial de ligações intermoleculares. A incorporação de agentes ativos em filmes é uma alternativa como embalagem, para inibir ou retardar a multiplicação de microrganismos patógenos e deteriorantes em alimentos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana de filmes à base de isolado protéico de anchoita (Engraulis anchoita) – IPA adicionados de ácidos orgânicos. Para tanto, foi elaborado o IPA, pela solubilização alcalina da proteína e precipitação no ponto isoelétrico a partir de carne mecanicamente separada. O IPA foi avaliado quanto a sua composição proximal, aminoacídica e por DSC. A solução formadora dos filmes foi elaborada a partir de IPA, água, glicerol e hidróxido de sódio. As formulações dos filmes foram elaboradas segundo um planejamento fatorial 23 . Foram avaliadas as propriedades físico-químicas de resistência a tração (RT) e elongação (E); espessura, solubilidade e permeabilidade ao vapor de água (PVA); a diferença de cor (∆E*) e opacidade (Y) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) de filmes à base de IPA. Os filmes com diferentes concentrações de ácido sórbico (AS) ou ácido benzóico (AB) foram desenvolvidos a partir da condição cujo as propriedades físico-químicas foram as melhores, sendo comparados aos filmes controles. Estes, foram avaliados quanto a sua atividade antimicrobiana frente aos microrganismos Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus e Salmonella Enteritidis pelo método de difusão em disco, além das propriedades físico-químicas, MEV e FT-IV. Os filmes com maior atividade antimicrobiana e os filmes controle foram aplicados sobre carne bovina, inoculados com os microrganismos inibidos no método de difusão em disco e armazenados a 5°C. Estes, foram avaliados a cada 2 dias durante 12 dias de armazenamento, pela método de contagem em gotas. O IPA apresentou 88,8% de proteína e 53,3% de aminoácidos polares e temperatura de desnaturação de 62,2°C. A espessura, PVA, ∆E* e Y dos filmes não foram afetados pelas variáveis estudadas no experimento. A menor solubilidade e maior RT dos filmes ocorreram em baixa concentração de IPA, glicerol e tratamento térmico, mas a E aumentou com o acréscimo dessas variáveis. As MEV das superfícies dos filmes foram homogêneas, para aqueles com leve tratamento térmico. O aumento da concentração de AS e AB na faixa de 0,50 a 1,50% resultou na diminuição da RT e aumento da E, solubilidade, ∆E* e Y. Houve mudança da organização molecular e interações intermoleculares entre as moléculas de IPA e AB testados pela avaliação do FT-IV. As MEV revelaram microporos em filmes com 1,50% de AS, o que resultou em filmes com menor homogeneidade. A maior atividade antimicrobiana foi verificada nos filmes com 1,50% de AS e AB frente a E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes e S. Enteritidis. Estes filmes foram aplicados sobre carne bovina inoculada com E. coli O157:H7 e L. monocytogenes. Os filmes de AS frente a E. coli O157:H7 e L. monocytogenes apresentaram uma redução de 5 e 4 log UFC.g-1, respectivamente, em relação ao filme controle. O efeito do AB frente a estas bactérias, apresentou uma redução de 6 e 5 log UFC.g-1, ao final do 12° dia de armazenamento, respectivamente. Os filmes elaborados à base de IPA, adicionados de AS ou AB podem ser eficazes contra os patógenos alimentares testados.


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The aim of my Ph. D. thesis is to generalize a method for targeted anti-cancer drug delivery. Hydrophilic polymer-drug conjugates involve complicated synthesis; drug-encapsulated polymeric nanoparticles limit the loading capability of payloads. This thesis introduces the concept of nanoconjugates to overcome difficulties in synthesis and formulation. Drugs with hydroxyl group are able to initiate polyester synthesis in a regio- and chemo- selective way, with the mediation of ligand-tunable Zinc catalyst. Herein, three anti-cancer drugs are presented to demonstrate the high efficiency and selectivity in the method (Chapter 2-4). The obtained particles are stable in salt solution, releasing drugs over weeks in controlled manner. With the conjugation of aptamer, particles are capable to target prostate cancer cells in vitro. These results open the gateway to evaluate the in vivo efficacy of nanoconjugates for target cancer therapy (Chapter 5). Mechanism study of the polymerization leads to the discovery of chemosite selective synthesis of prodrugs with acrylate functional groups. Functional copolymer-drug conjugates will expand the scope of nanoconjugates (Chapter 6). Liposome-aptamer targeting drug delivery vehicle is well studied to achieve reversible cell-specific delivery of non-hydoxyl drugs e.g. cisplatin (Chapter 7). New monomers and polymerization mechanisms are explored for polyester in order to synthesize nanoconjugates with variety on properties (Chapter 8). Initial efforts to apply this type of prodrugs will be focused on the preparation of hydrogels for stem cell research (Chapter 9).


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Adoptive immunotherapy and oncolytic virotherapy are two promising strategies for treating primary and metastatic malignant brain tumors. We demonstrate the ability of adoptively transferred tumor-specific T cells to rapidly mediate the clearance of established brain tumors in several mouse models. Similar to the clinical situation, tumor recurrences are frequent and result from immune editing of tumors. T cells can eliminate antigen-expressing tumor cells but are not effective against antigen loss variant (ALV) cancer cells that multiply and repopulate a tumor. We show that the level of tumor antigen present affects the success of adoptive T cell therapy. When high levels of antigen are present, tumor stromal cells such as microglia and macrophages present tumor peptide on their surface. As a result, T cells directly eliminate cancer cells and cross-presenting stromal cells and indirectly eliminate ALV cells. We were able to show the first direct evidence of tumor antigen cross-presentation by CD11b+ stromal cells in the brain using soluble, high-affinity T cell receptor monomers. Strategies that target brain tumor stroma or increase antigen shedding from tumor cells leading to increased crosspresentation by stromal cells may improve the clinical success of T cell adoptive therapies. We evaluated one potential strategy to complement adoptive T cell therapy by characterizing the oncolytic effects of myxoma virus (MYXV) in a syngeneic mouse brain tumor model of metastatic melanoma. MYXV is a rabbit poxvirus with strict species tropism for European rabbits. MYXV can also infect mouse and human cancer cell lines due to signaling defects in innate antiviral mechanisms and hyperphosphorylation of Akt. MYXV kills B16.SIY melanoma cells in vitro, and intratumoral injection of virus leads to robust, selective and transient infection of the tumor. We observed that virus treatment recruits innate immune cells iii to the tumor, induces TNFα and IFNβ production in the brain, and results in limited oncolytic effects in vivo. To overcome this, we evaluated the safety and efficacy of co-administering 2C T cells, MYXV, and neutralizing antibodies against IFNβ. Mice that received the triple combination therapy survived significantly longer with no apparent side effects, but eventually relapsed. Based on these findings, methods to enhance viral replication in the tumor and limit immune clearance of the virus will be pursued. We conclude that myxoma virus should be further explored as a vector for transient delivery of therapeutic genes to a tumor to enhance T cell responses.


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High-throughput techniques are necessary to efficiently screen potential lignocellulosic feedstocks for the production of renewable fuels, chemicals, and bio-based materials, thereby reducing experimental time and expense while supplanting tedious, destructive methods. The ratio of lignin syringyl (S) to guaiacyl (G) monomers has been routinely quantified as a way to probe biomass recalcitrance. Mid-infrared and Raman spectroscopy have been demonstrated to produce robust partial least squares models for the prediction of lignin S/G ratios in a diverse group of Acacia and eucalypt trees. The most accurate Raman model has now been used to predict the S/G ratio from 269 unknown Acacia and eucalypt feedstocks. This study demonstrates the application of a partial least squares model composed of Raman spectral data and lignin S/G ratios measured using pyrolysis/molecular beam mass spectrometry (pyMBMS) for the prediction of S/G ratios in an unknown data set. The predicted S/G ratios calculated by the model were averaged according to plant species, and the means were not found to differ from the pyMBMS ratios when evaluating the mean values of each method within the 95 % confidence interval. Pairwise comparisons within each data set were employed to assess statistical differences between each biomass species. While some pairwise appraisals failed to differentiate between species, Acacias, in both data sets, clearly display significant differences in their S/G composition which distinguish them from eucalypts. This research shows the power of using Raman spectroscopy to supplant tedious, destructive methods for the evaluation of the lignin S/G ratio of diverse plant biomass materials. © 2015, The Author(s).


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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted significant attention during the past decade due to their high porosity, tunable structures, and controllable surface functionalities. Therefore many applications have been proposed for MOFs. All of them however are still in their infancy stage and have not yet been brought into the market place. In this thesis, the background of the MOF area is first briefly introduced. The main components and the motifs of designing MOFs are summarized, followed by their synthesis and postsynthetic modification methods. Several promising application areas of MOFs including gas storage and separation, catalysis and sensing are reviewed. The current status of commercialization of MOFs as new chemical products is also summarized. Examples of the design and synthesis of two new MOF structures Eu(4,4′,4′′,4′′′-(porphine-5,10,15,20-tetrayl)tetrakis(benzoic acid))·2H2O∙xDMF and Zn4O(azobenzene-4,4’-dicarboxylic acid)3∙xNMP are described. The first one contains free-base porphyrin centers and the second one has azobenzene components. Although the structures were synthesized as designed, unfortunately they did not possess the expected properties. The research idea to use MOFs as template materials to synthesize porous polymers is introduced. Several methods are discussed to grow PMMA into IRMOF-1 (Zn4O(benzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3, IR stands for isoreticular) structure. High concentration of the monomers resulted in PMMA shell after MOF digestion while with low concentration of monomers no PMMA was left after digestion due to the small iii molecular weight. During the study of this chapter, Kitagawa and co-workers published several papers on the same topic, so this part of the research was terminated thereafter. Many MOFs are reported to be unstable in air due to the water molecules in air which greatly limited their applications. By incorporating a number of water repelling functional groups such as trifluoromethoxy group and methyl groups in the frameworks, the water stability of MOFs are shown to be significantly enhanced. Several MOFs inculding Banasorb-22 (Zn4O(2-trifluoromethoxybenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3), Banasorb-24 (Zn4O(2, 5-dimethylbenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3) and Banasorb-30 (Zn4O(2-methylbenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate)3) were synthesized and proved to have isostructures with IRMOF-1. Banasorb-22 was stable in boiling water steam for one week and Banasorb-30’s shelf life was over 10 months under ambient condition. For comparison, IRMOF-1’s structure collapses in air after a few hours to several days. Although MOF is a very popular research area nowadays, only a few studies have been reported on the mechanical properties of MOFs. Many of MOF’s applications involve high pressure conditions, so it is important to understand the behavior of MOFs under elivated pressures. The mechanical properties of IRMOF-1 and a new MOF structure Eu2(C12N2O4H6)3(DEF)0.87(H2O)2.13 were studied using diamond anvil cells at Advanced Photon Source. IRMOF-1 experienced an irriversible phase transtion to a nonporous phase followed by amorphization under high pressure. Eu2(C12N2O4H6)3(DEF)0.87(H2O)2.13 showed reversible compression under pressure up to 9.08GPa.


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A presente dissertação teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento e caracterização de sensores potenciométricos com base em polímeros de impressão molecular (MIP, do inglês, Molecularly Imprinted Polymer) para a determinação da molécula alvo, a acetilcolina. A acetilcolina (ACh) é um neurotransmissor que está associado à doença de Alzheimer. Os materiais biomiméticos desenvolvidos para a interação com a ACh foram obtidos por polimerização em bulk, recorrendo a uma combinação de nanotubos de carbono com monómeros de anilina, dispersos em solvente plastificante oNFOE e PVC. Para aferir sobre o efeito da impressão de ACh na resposta dos materiais MIP, foram igualmente preparados e avaliados materiais de controlo, ou seja, materiais sem impressão molecular (NIP). O controlo da constituição química destes materiais foi realizado recorrendo a Espectroscopia de Raman e Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR, do inglês Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy). Os materiais desenvolvidos foram integrados em membranas seletivas de ião, preparadas com ou sem aditivo iónico lipófilo, de carga negativa ou positiva. A avaliação das características gerais das membranas baseou-se na comparação das caraterísticas dos diversos elétrodos. Estas caraterísticas foram obtidas a partir de curvas de calibração, conseguidas para valores de pH diferentes. Em meio ácido, mais precisamente para pH 4, as membranas com materiais impressos e aditivo aniónico foram as que apresentaram as melhores características analíticas, quer em termos de sensibilidade (+83,86 mV década-1) quer em gama de linearidade (de 3,52×10-5 a 1,73×10-3 M). O estudo de seletividade realizado aos sensores revelou que os elétrodos cuja membrana possuía aditivo aniónico apresentavam menores valores de log KPOT. A presença desse constituinte fez com que a seletividade aumentasse nesses mesmos elétrodos. A espécie menos interferente foi a creatina e a mais interferente a creatinina. Os elétrodos foram, ainda, aplicados em amostras de soro sintético. A qualidade dos resultados obtidos dependeu do nível de concentração em estudo, sendo possível identificar uma região onde os resultados foram exatos e precisos. De uma forma geral, os biossensores com MIP e aditivo aniónico apresentaram um desempenho adequado à prossecução deste estudo em amostras reais.


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We propose a model for chiral polymerisation and investigate its symmetric and asymmetric solutions. The model has a source species which decays into left- and right-handed types of monomer, each of which can polymerise to form homochiral chains; these chains are susceptible to `poisoning' by the opposite handed monomer. Homochiral polymers are assumed to influence the proportion of each type of monomer formed from the precursor. We show that for certain parameter values a positive feedback mechanism makes the symmetric steady-state solution unstable. The kinetics of polymer formation are then analysed in the case where the system starts from zero concentrations of monomers and chains. We show that following a long induction time, extremely large concentrations of polymers are formed for a short time, during this time an asymmetry introduced into the system by a random external perturbation may be massively amplified. The system then approaches one of the steady-state solutions described above.


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We investigate the Becker-Döring model of nucleation with three generalisations; an input of monomer, an input of inhibitor and finally, we allow the monomers to form two morphologies of cluster. We assume size-independent aggregation and fragmentation rates. Initially we consider the problem of constant monomer input and determine the steady-state solution approached in the large-time limit, and the manner in which it is approached. Secondly, in addition to a constant input of monomer we allow a constant input of inhibitor, which prevents clusters growing any larger and this removes them from the kinetics of the process; the inhibitor is consumed in the action of poisoning a cluster. We determine a critical ratio of poison to monomer input below which the cluster concentrations tend to a non-zero steady-state solution and the poison concentration tends to a finite value. Above the critical input ratio, the concentrations of all cluster sizes tend to zero and the poison concentration grows without limit. In both cases the solution in the large-time limit is determined. Finally we consider a model where monomers form two morphologies, but the inhibitor only acts on one morphology. Four cases are identified, depending on the relative poison to monomer input rates and the relative thermodynamic stability. In each case we determine the final cluster distribution and poison concentration. We find that poisoning the less stable cluster type can have a significant impact on the structure of the more stable cluster distribution; a counter-intuitive result. All results are shown to agree with numerical simulation.


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DnaD is a primosomal protein that remodels supercoiled plasmids. It binds to supercoiled forms and converts them to open forms without nicking. During this remodeling process, all the writhe is converted to twist and the plasmids are held around the periphery of large scaffolds made up of DnaD molecules. This DNA-remodeling function is the sum of a scaffold-forming activity on the N-terminal domain and a DNA-dependent oligomerization activity on the C-terminal domain. We have determined the crystal structure of the scaffold-forming N-terminal domain, which reveals a winged-helix architecture, with additional structural elements extending from both N- and C-termini. Four monomers form dimers that join into a tetramer. The N-terminal extension mediates dimerization and tetramerization, with extensive interactions and distinct interfaces. The wings and helices of the winged-helix domains remain exposed on the surface of the tetramer. Structure-guided mutagenesis and atomic force microscopy imaging indicate that these elements, together with the C-terminal extension, are involved in scaffold formation. Based upon our data, we propose a model for the DnaD-mediated scaffold formation.


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Las resinas compuestas y adhesivos dentales se utilizan ampliamente para la restauración de dientes con pulpas vitales. La preferencia en el uso de estas resinas compuestas podría estar atribuida a que son materiales con buenos resultados estéticos y se consideran materiales de restauración estables. Sin embargo se ha demostrado que son susceptibles a la degradación y liberación de la fracción de sus componentes y que cierta cantidad de los monómeros de su composición permanecen sin polimerizar por un largo periodo de tiempo, pudiendo estos filtrarse hacia el tejido pulpar y causar alteraciones de la actividad fisiológica de las células de la pulpa (DPCs) (1). Además, estudios in vitro han demostrado que los componentes de las resinas compuestas tienen potenciales tóxicos, generando respuestas inmediatas y a largo plazo luego de su aplicación. Identificar el potencial tóxico y deletéreo de los materiales de restauración sobre el tejido pulpar es de gran interés y relevancia clínica, por ello este estudio comprende en una revisión de la literatura acerca de la respuesta pulpar a los materiales de restauración tipo resina.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.


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Nowadays, composite resins are the direct restorative materials more important in dental clinical performance, due to their versatility and aesthetic excellence. Bis-GMA (2,2-bis[4(2-hydroxy-3-metacryloxypropoxy)phenil]propane) is the base monomer more frequently used in restorative composite resins. However, this monomer presents some disadvantages, such as high viscosity and two aromatic rings in its structure that can promote allergic reactions to the humans. In this work, the main purpose was to synthesize new monomers from glycidyl methacrylate to use in dental restorative materials. Structural characterization of the monomers was carried out through FTIR and NMR 1H, and eight composites were produced from the new monomers, by addition of silane-treated alumino silicate particles (inorganic filler) and a photocuring system (camphorquinone and ethyl 4-dimethylaminebenzoate). The composites were analyzed by environmental scanning electronic microscopy and the water sorption and solubility, compressive strength and elastic modulus were determined. A commercial composite resin [Z100 (3M)] was used to comparison effect. The new composites presented general characteristics similar to the commercial ones; however, they didn t present the properties expected. This behavior was attributed to the lower degree of monomer reaction and to the granulometry and size distribution of the mineral filler in the polymeric matrix