986 resultados para MNO-AL2O3
We have conducted high-pressure experiments on a natural oceanic gabbro composition (Gb108). Our aim was to test recent proposals that Sr-enrichment in rare primitive melt inclusions from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, may have resulted from melting of garnet pyroxenite formed in the magma source regions by reaction of peridotite with siliceous, Sr-enriched partial melts of eclogite of gabbroic composition. Gb108 is a natural, Sr-enriched olivine gabbro, which has a strong positive Sr anomaly superimposed on an overall depleted incompatible trace element pattern, reflecting its origin as a plagioclase-rich cumulate. At high pressures it crystallises as a coesite eclogite assemblage, with the solidus between 1,300 and 1,350°C at 3.5 GPa and 1,450 and 1,500°C at 4.5 GPa. Clinopyroxenes contain 4-9% Ca-eskolaite component, which varies systematically with pressure and temperature. Garnets are almandine and grossular-rich. Low degree partial melts are highly siliceous in composition, resembling dacites. Coesite is eliminated between 50 and 100°C above the solidus. The whole-rock Sr-enrichment is primarily hosted by clinopyroxene. This phase dominates the mode (>75 wt%) at all investigated PT conditions, and is the major contributor to partial melts of this eclogite composition. Hence the partial melts have trace element patterns sub-parallel to those of clinopyroxene with ~10* greater overall abundances and with strong positive Sr anomalies. Recent studies of primitive Hawaiian volcanics have suggested the incorporation into their source regions of eclogite, formerly gabbroic material recycled through the mantle at subduction zones. The models suggest that formerly gabbroic material, present as eclogite in the Hawaiian plume, partially melted earlier than surrounding peridotite (i.e. at higher pressure) because of the lower solidus temperature of eclogite compared with peridotite. This produced highly siliceous melts which reacted with surrounding peridotite producing hybrid pyroxene + garnet lithologies. The Sr-enriched nature of the formerly plagioclase-rich gabbro was present in the siliceous partial melts, as demonstrated by these experiments, and was transferred to the reactive pyroxenite. These in turn partially melted, producing Sr-enriched picritic liquids which mixed with normal picritic partial melts of peridotite before eruption. On rare occasions these mixed, relatively Sr-rich melts were trapped as melt inclusions in primitive olivine phenocrysts.Yaxley-Sobolev
The main objective of Leg 82 of the Glomar Challenger was to document mantle heterogeneity in the vicinity of, and away from, a so-called hot spot: the Azores Triple Junction. One of the geochemical tools that permits, at least in part, the recognition of mantle heterogeneities uses hygromagmaphile elements, those elements that have an affinity for the liquid. This tool is presented in terms of an extended Coryell-Masuda plot, which incorporates within the rare earth elements the hygromagmaphile transition elements Th, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti, Y, and V. The extended Coryell-Masuda plot is used to summarize our knowledge of mantle heterogeneity along the ridge axis at zero-age. It is also used by choosing those hygromagmaphile elements that can be analyzed on board by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry to give preliminary information on the enriched or depleted character of recovered samples. Shore-based results, which include analyses of most of the hygromagmaphile elements measured either by X-ray spectrometry or neutron activation analysis, confirm the shipboard data. From the point of view of comparative geochemistry, the variety of basalts recovered during Leg 82 provides a good opportunity to test and verify the classification of the hygromagmaphile elements. Analyses from Leg 82 provide new data about the relationship between extended rare earth patterns (enriched or depleted) that can be estimated either by La/Sm ratio or Nb/Zr (or Ta/Hf) ratios: samples from Hole 556 are depleted (low Nb/Zr ratio) but have a high 206Pb/ 204Pb (19.5) ratio; in Hole 558 a moderately enriched basalt unit with a La/Sm (= Nb/Zr) ratio (chondrite normalized) of 2 has a high 206Pb/204Pb (20) ratio. One of the most interesting results of Leg 82 lies in the crossing patterns of extended Coryell-Masuda plots for basalts from the same hole. This result enhances the notion of local mantle heterogeneity versus regional mantle heterogeneity and is confirmed by isotope data; it also favors a model of short-lived, discrete magma chambers. The data tend to confirm the Hayes Fracture Zone as a southern limit for the influence of Azores-type mantle. Nevertheless, north of the Hayes Fracture Zone, the influence of a plumelike mantle source is not simple and probably requires an explanation more complex than a contribution from a single fixed hot spot.
Ocean Drilling Program Leg 135 provided igneous rock cores from six sites drilled on a transect across the Lau Basin between the Lau Ridge remnant arc and the modem spreading ridges of the Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers. The drill cores sampled crust from the earliest stage of backarc extension (latest Miocene time, about 6 Ma), and younger crust (late Pliocene, about 3.8-2 Ma, and middle Pleistocene, about 0.64-0.8 Ma). Nearly all of the igneous samples are from tholeiitic basalt flows; many of them are interbedded with arc-composition volcaniclastic sediments. Rock compositions range from olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene basalt, with up to 8% MgO, to oceanic andesites with less than 3.2% MgO and silica contents as high as 56%. The oldest rocks recovered are close in composition to rocks formed at the modern Central and Eastern Lau Spreading Centers and have MORB-like characteristics. Generation of the oldest units was coeval with arc-tholeiitic volcanism on the Lau Ridge less than 100 km to the west. The arc and backarc melts came from different mantle sources. At three sites near the center of the basin, the crust is arc-tholeiitic basalt, two-pyroxene basaltic-andesite, and two-pyroxene andesite. These rocks have many similarities to modem Tofua Arc lavas yet they were drilled within 70 km of the MORB-like Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Estimates of the minimum age for these arc-like rocks indicate that they are late Pliocene (about 2 Ma). These ages overlap the age of the nearby Eastern Lau Spreading Center. The heterogeneous crust of the Lau Basin carries many of the signatures of supra-subduction zone (SSZ) melts but also has a distinct MORB-like component. Mixing between SSZ and MORB mantle sources may explain the variations and the spatial distribution of magma types.
Thick pumice deposits were found in the cored sequences of forearc, arc, and backarc sites of Leg 126 in the Izu-Bonin Arc. These deposits, composed of fragmental rhyolite pumice with the chemical composition of low-alkali tholeiites, are products of arc volcanism. Pumice deposits constitute more than half of the thickness of the sediment fill of the Sumisu Rift, a backarc rift of the Izu-Bonin Arc. They comprise five thick pumiceous beds separated by thin hemipelagic units; as such, they record four major episodes or pulses of explosive, rhyolitic volcanism during the last 0.15 Ma, separated by quiescent intervals that each lasted about 30-60 k.y. The thick pumiceous beds were deposited in the rift mainly by sediment gravity flows during and immediately after the eruption of arc volcanos, which were probably submarine. Initiation of rifting was also preceded in the Pliocene by submarine rhyolitic volcanism, as seen in samples from the top of the eastern rift flank. Thick pumice beds correlative with those in the backarc also occur in the forearc basin to the east.
During the "Challenger" Deep-Sea Exploring Expedition a great many peculiar-looking manganese nodules or concretions were dredged from the floor of the ocean at great depths, chiefly in the Red Clay areas of the Pacific. In the present paper we propose to point out the distribution of the oxides of manganese in the geological series of rocks, in fresh and sea water, and in marine deposits, with special reference to our explorations in the lochs of the west of Scotland; to give an account of investigations undertaken to ascertain the source of the manganese present in marine deposits in the form of the higher oxides, and thereafter to discuss the various views that have been advanced to explain the formation and distribution of manganese concretions in marine deposits in general.
During Legs 118 and 176, Ocean Drilling Program Hole 735B, located on Atlantis Bank on the Southwest Indian Ridge, was drilled to a total depth of 1508 meters below seafloor (mbsf) with nearly 87% recovery. The recovered core provides a unique section of oceanic Layer 3 produced at an ultraslow spreading ridge. Metamorphism and alteration are extensive in the section but decrease markedly downward. Both magmatic and hydrothermal veins are present in the core, and these were active conduits for melt and fluid in the crust. We have identified seven major types of veins in the core: felsic and plagioclase rich, plagioclase + amphibole, amphibole, diopside and diopside + plagioclase, smectite ± prehnite ± carbonate, zeolite ± prehnite ± carbonate, and carbonate. A few epidote and chlorite veins are also present but are volumetrically insignificant. Amphibole veins are most abundant in the upper 50 m of the core and disappear entirely below 520 mbsf. Felsic and plagioclase ± amphibole ± diopside veins dominate between ~50 and 800 mbsf, and low-temperature smectite, zeolite, and prehnite veins are present in the lower 500 m of the core. Carbonate veinlets are randomly present throughout the core but are most abundant in the lower portions. The amphibole veins are closely associated with zones of intense crystal plastic deformation formed at the brittle/ductile boundary at temperatures above 700°C. The felsic and plagioclase-rich veins were formed originally by late magmatic fluids at temperatures above 800°C, but nearly all of these have been overprinted by intense hydrothermal alteration at temperatures between 300° and 600°C. The zeolite, prehnite, and smectite veins formed at temperatures <100°C. The chemistry of the felsic veins closely reflects their dominant minerals, chiefly plagioclase and amphibole. The plagioclase is highly zoned with cores of calcic andesine and rims of sodic oligoclase or albite. In the felsic veins the amphibole ranges from magnesio-hornblende to actinolite or ferro-actinolite, whereas in the monomineralic amphibole veins it is largely edenite and magnesio-hornblende. Diopside has a very narrow range of composition but does exhibit some zoning in Fe and Mg. The felsic and plagioclase-rich veins were originally intruded during brittle fracture at the ridge crest. The monomineralic amphibole veins also formed near the ridge axis during detachment faulting at a time of low magmatic activity. The overprinting of the igneous veins and the formation of the hydrothermal veins occurred as the crustal section migrated across the floor of the rift valley over a period of ~500,000 yr. The late-stage, low-temperature veins were deposited as the section migrated out of the rift valley and into the transverse ridge along the margin of the fracture zone.
Explosive ocean island volcanism in the Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian Sea (GIN Sea) is indicated by marine tephra layers at 10-300 ka. Peaks of explosive volcanism occurred in oxygen isotope stages 8, 7, 5 and 1. The depositional age of the tephra was estimated using the oxygen isotope stratigraphy and dating of marine records. Geochemical analyses of the tephra layers show that all originate from Iceland. Here we report the characteristics of tephra from these major Icelandic events in 30 deep-sea cores from the GIN Sea. Our findings provide constraints on the distribution of tephra from the eruption source. For the Vedde Ash (oxygen isotope stage 1) we estimate a minimum fallout area of 2*10**5 km**2, stretching from central Greenland in the west and southern Sweden in the east, to 71°N in the GIN Sea. The magnitude of the eruption and the regional wind conditions controlled the extent and concentrations of these ash fallout events. Oceanic circulation and differential settling may have affected the distribution and final deposition of ash particles such as bubble wall shards.
During the last deglaciation, the opposing patterns of atmospheric CO2 and radiocarbon activities (D14C) suggest the release of 14C-depleted CO2 from old carbon reservoirs. Although evidences point to the deep Pacific as a major reservoir of this 14C-depleted carbon, its extent and evolution still need to be constrained. Here we use sediment cores retrieved along a South Pacific transect to reconstruct the spatio-temporal evolution of D14C over the last 30,000 years. In ~2,500-3,600 m water depth, we find 14C-depleted deep waters with a maximum glacial offset to atmospheric 14C (DD14C = -1,000 per mil). Using a box model, we test the hypothesis that these low values might have been caused by an interaction of aging and hydrothermal CO2 influx. We observe a rejuvenation of circumpolar deep waters synchronous and potentially contributing to the initial deglacial rise in atmospheric CO2. These findings constrain parts of the glacial carbon pool to the deep South Pacific.
We used X-ray fluorescence (XRF) scanning on Site U1338 sediments from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 321 to measure sediment geochemical compositions at 2.5 cm resolution for the 450 m of the Site U1338 spliced sediment column. This spatial resolution is equivalent to ~2 k.y. age sampling in the 0-5 Ma section and ~1 k.y. resolution from 5 to 17 Ma. Here we report the data and describe data acquisition conditions to measure Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, Fe, Mn, and Ba in the solid phase. We also describe a method to convert the data from volume-based raw XRF scan data to a normalized mass measurement ready for calibration by other geochemical methods. Both the raw and normalized data are reported along the Site U1338 splice.
Here we present a tephrostratigraphic record (core Co1202) recovered from the northeastern part of Lake Ohrid (Republics of Macedonia and Albania) reaching back to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. Overall ten horizons (OT0702-1 to OT0702-10) containing volcanic tephra have been recognised throughout the 14.94 m long sediment succession. Four tephra layers were visible at macroscopic inspection (OT0702-4, OT0702-6, OT0702-8 and OT0702-9), while the remaining six are cryptotephras (OT0702-1, OT0702-2, OT0702-3, OT0702-5, OT0702-7 and OT0702-10) identified from peaks in K, Zr and Sr intensities, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and washing and sieving of the sediments. Glass shards of tephra layers and cryptotephras were analysed with respect to their major element composition, and correlated to explosive eruptions of Italian volcanoes. The stratigraphy and the major element composition of tephra layers and cryptotephras allowed the correlation of OT0702-1 to AD 472 or AD 512 eruptions of Somma-Vesuvius, OT0702-2 to the FL eruption of Mount Etna, OT0702-3 to the Mercato from Somma-Vesuvius, OT0702-4 to SMP1-e/Y-3 eruption from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702-5 to the Codola eruption (Somma-Vesuvius or Campi Flegrei), OT0702-6 to the Campanian Ignimbrite/Y-5 from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702-7 to the Green Tuff/Y-6 eruption from Pantelleria Island, OT0702-8 to the X-5 eruption probably originating from the Campi Flegrei caldera, OT0702-9 to the X-6 eruption of generic Campanian origin, and OT0702-10 to the P-11 eruption from Pantelleria Island. The fairly well-known ages of these tephra layers and parent eruptions provide new data on the dispersal and deposition of these tephras and, furthermore, allow the establishment of a chronological framework for core Co1202 for a first interpretation of major sedimentological changes.
Green clay layers are reported from the Pliocene-Holocene intervals in five of the six sites drilled in the South China Sea (SCS) during Leg 184. Centimeter-scale discrete, discontinuous, and bioturbated layers, constituted by stiff and porous green clays, were observed, sometimes associated with iron sulfides and pyrite. Detailed mineralogical and geochemical analyses indicate that they differentiate from the host sediments in their higher content of iron, smectite, and mixed-layered clays and lower amounts of calcite, authigenic phosphorus, quartz, and organic matter. Although no glauconite was observed, the mineralogy and geochemistry of green clay layers, along with their geometrical relation to background sediments, suggest that they most likely represent the result of the first steps of glauconitization. Correlation between green layers and volcanic ash layers was suggested for green laminae observed elsewhere in Pacific sediments but was not confirmed at SCS sites. Statistical analysis of the temporal distribution of green layers in the records of the last million years suggests that green clay layers have become more frequent since 600 ka. Only at Site 1148 does the green layer record show a statistically significant cyclicity which may be related to orbital eccentricity. A possible influence of sea level variations, related both to climatic changes and tectonism, is postulated.
Inorganic geochemistry and mineralogy of Core 171B-1049C-8X, containing a Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary section, was investigated by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The ages of samples analyzed stretched from the latest Maastrichtian into the Danian. XRD measurements were made using the peak height method. A reduction in low-magnesium calcite and an increase in quartz were found above the spherule layer. Substantial amounts of dolomite were noted just above the spherule layer. XRF analyses were performed using the RHSMALL program to measure the abundance of major and minor elements. Replicate analyses for each technique were performed to assess the precision of the results. The section above the spherule bed was found to be characterized by peaks in many elements, including Si, Al, Fe, and Mg, as well as the following elemental ratios: Fe/Al, Ni/Al, Zr/Rb, and Rb/Sr'. Above the spherule bed, there were significant reductions in Ca, Sr/Ca, Ti/Al, K/Al, Rb/Al, Cr/Al, Ba/Al, biogenic Ba, and excess P.
Rocks of the lower sheeted dike complex of Hole 504B sampled during Leg 140 were analyzed for major and trace element compositions to investigate the effects of igneous processes and hydrothermal alteration on the compositions of the rocks. The rocks are relatively uniform in composition and similar to the shallower dikes. They are moderately evolved mid-ocean-ridge basalts (MORB) with relatively high MgO (7.9-10 wt%) and Mg# (0.60-0.70), and have unusually low incompatible element contents (TiO2 = 0.42-1.1 wt%, Zr = 23-62 ppm). Discrete compositional intervals in the hole reflect varying degrees of differentiation, and olivine and plagioclase accumulation in the rocks, and may be related to injection of packets of dikes having similar compositions. Systematic depletions of total REE, Zr, Y, TiO2, and P2O5 in centimeter-size patches are most likely attributed to exclusion of highly differentiated, late-stage interstitial liquids from small portions of the rocks. The rocks exhibit increased H2O+ reflecting hydrothermal alteration. Replacement of primary plagioclase by albite and oligoclase led to local gains of Na2O, losses of CaO, and slightly positive Eu anomalies. Some mobility of P2O5 led to minor increases and decreases in P2O5 contents, and some local mobility of Ti may have occurred during alteration of titanomagnetite to titanite. Higher temperatures of alteration in the lower sheeted dikes led to breakdown of pyroxene and sulfide minerals and losses of Zn, Cu, and S to hydrothermal fluids. Later addition of anhydrite to the rocks in microfractures and replacing plagioclase caused local increases in sulfur contents. The lower sheeted dikes are a major source of metals to hydrothermal fluids for the formation of metal sulfide deposits on and within the seafloor.
Organic-rich sediments (sapropels) deposited in the Mediterranean are presumed to have formed during periods of increased productivity, and/or deep water oxygen depletion, possibly including the development of sulfidic conditions (euxinia). Geochemical redox proxies (Re, Mo, Mo isotopes, V, Fe/Al, and multiple S isotopes) in 8 sapropels from the Pleistocene confirm water column euxinic conditions of varying intensity during sapropel deposition. These same proxies indicate an oxic origin for hemipelagic sediments deposited between sapropel-forming episodes. In one intensively sampled sapropel, deposited between 1.450 and 1.458 Ma, changing concentrations of organic carbon, Ba, Re, Mo, V, and Fe/Al track one another closely, reflecting coupling between water column euxinia and biological productivity. Multiple S isotope data from this sapropel suggest that the redox interface where oxidative sulfur cycling occurred was present in the sediments during hemipelagic sedimentation, but moved into the water column during sapropel deposition. Molybdenum isotopes of these 8 sapropels encompass a range of values (d98Mo = +0.2 to +1.7), but are all 98Mo-depleted relative to seawater (d98Mo = +2.3 per mil), suggesting that quantitative removal of Mo did not occur. This finding contrasts with modern Black Sea sediments. In general, Re/Mo ratios in sapropels are greater than in modern seawater, implying that the water column was not sufficiently sulfidic during sapropel-forming episodes to induce complete removal of both these elements. Surprisingly, the heaviest d98Mo values are found within hemipelagic sediments. Very few of the hemipelagic samples preserve the negative d98Mo values commonly associated with modern oxic marine sediments. Many of the hemipelagic samples also contained higher concentrations of Re and Mo than are common in oxic sediments. These features may be attributable to diffusion from the sapropels of a 98Mo-enriched component into the hemipelagic sediments.
The sill and pillow complex cored on Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 61 (Site 462) is divided into two groups, A and B types, on the basis of chemical composition and volcanostratigraphy. The A-type basalt is characterized by a higher FeO*/MgO ratio and abundant TiO2, whereas the B-type basalt is characterized by a lower FeO*/MgO ratio and scarcity of TiO2. The A type is composed of sills interbedded with hyaloclastic sediments, and the B type consists of basalt sills and pillow basalt with minor amounts of sediment. However, the structure of pillow basalts in the B type is atypical; they might be eruptive. From paleontological study of the interbedded sediments and radiometric age determination of the basalt, the volcanic event of A type is assumed to be Cenomanian to Aptian, and that of B type somewhat older. The oceanic crust in the Nauru Basin was assumed to be Oxfordian, based on the Mesozoic magnetic anomaly. Consequently, two events of intraplate volcanism are recognized. It is thus assumed that the sill-pillow complex did not come from a normal oceanic ridge, and that normal oceanic basement could therefore underlie the complex. The Site 462 basalts are quartz-normative, and strongly hypersthene-normative, and have a higher FeO*/MgO ratio and lower TiO2 content. Olivine from the Nauru Basin basalts has a lower Mg/(Mg + Fe**2+) ratio (0.83-0.84) and coexists with spinel of lower Mg/(Mg + Fe**2+) ratio when compared to olivine-spinel pairs from mid-ocean ridge (MAR) basalt. The glass of spinel-bearing basalts has a higher FeO*/(FeO* + MgO) ratio (0.58-0.60) than that of MAR (<0.575). Therefore, the Nauru Basin basalts are chemically and mineralogically distinct from ocean-ridge tholeiite. That the Nauru Basin basalts are quartz-normative and strongly hypersthene-normative and have a lower TiO2 content suggests that the basaltic liquids of Site 462 were generated at shallower depths (<5 kbar) than ocean-ridge tholeiite: Site 462 basalts are similar to basalts from the Manihiki Plateau and the Ontong-Java Plateau, but different from Hawaiian tholeiite of hot-spot type, with lower K2O and TiO2 content. We propose a new type of basalt, ocean-plateau tholeiite, a product of intraplate volcanism.