880 resultados para MMS


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The drilling objectives at this site were to complete the cored section begun at Site 23 in accordance with the recommendations of the JOIDES Atlantic Advisory Panel, presented in the Site 23 report. The location coincides with a position on the southeastern side of the elevated portion of basement in this area.


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The northern margin of the Demerara Abyssal Plain is bordered by a low ESE-WNW trending rise known as the Barracuda Ridge. North of South America, the eastern margin of the Demerara Abyssal Plain is formed by the Barbados Ridge. An extensive sedimentary section of the Barbados Ridge is exposed on the island of Barbados and consists of a series of radiolarian to planktonic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biogenic sediments interlayered with ash beds. To determine the nature of the sediments and "basement," Site 27 was selected on the northern margin of the Demerara Abyssal Plain, south of the Barracuda Ridge.


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At the Leg 4 pre-cruise meeting in Miami, Florida, in January 1969, the Ridge site was proposed as an additional site to be investigated, if possible. Since the water depth and sediment thickness at this site were both minimal (2000 meters and less than 100 meters, respectively) and the location was not far from the track between initially planned sites, the shipboard party decided, upon completion of work at Site 24, to make a 24-hour drilling effort on the North Brazilian Ridge. The drilling objectives at this location were to sample and date the sediments atop the Ridge crest and to determine the nature, age and origin of the consolidated material beneath the thin mantle of sediment.


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Site 26 was selected on the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge between 15°N and 5°S is offset to the east nearly 4000 kilometers through a series of fracture zones. One of the most prominent of these is the Vema Fracture Zone, a narrow east-west trending trough which cuts through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at latitude 11°N.


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The southern Caribbean basins are thought to be part of a relatively old and geologically stable crustal plate. Although surrounded by belts of high earthquake activity, the central Caribbean is seismically quiet. The region also constitutes a quiet magnetic zone and appears to have resisted all of the surrounding forces related to ocean floor spreading. In addition to providing considerable information on the general geologic history of the Caribbean region, paleontologic studies on cores at Site 29 were expected to provide valuable data on phylogenetic trends within the planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton, furnishing more accurate criteria for intercontinental stratigraphic correlation. The work reported here is a biostratigraphic summary of available samples. only the most important and biostratigraphically significant components of the faunas have been noted. No attempt has been made to give an exhaustive faunal analysis of the samples seen.


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A manganese pan near Birness contains grains of an optically uniaxial negative mineral near (Na0.7Ca0.3)Mn7O14·2·8H2O, giving an X-ray powder pattern similar to that of synthetic materials described as 'manganous manganite' and delta-MnO2. Material giving a similar pattern has been described from a natural occurrence in Canada, but no mineral name was assigned; the name birnessite is now proposed. The mineral is probably formed by air-oxidation of manganous oxides under alkaline conditions.


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In this work three different metallic metamaterials (MMs) structures such as asymmetric split ring resonators (A-SRRs), dipole and split H-shaped (ASHs) structures that support plasmonic resonances have been developed. The aim of the work involves the optimization of photonic sensor based on plasmonic resonances and surface enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) from the MM structures. The MMs structures were designed to tune their plasmonic resonance peaks in the mid-infrared region. The plasmonic resonance peaks produced are highly dependent on the structural dimension and polarisation of the electromagnetic (EM) source. The ASH structure particularly has the ability to produce the plasmonic resonance peak with dual polarisation of the EM source. The double resonance peaks produced due to the asymmetric nature of the structures were optimized by varying the fundamental parameters of the design. These peaks occur due to hybridization of the individual elements of the MMs structure. The presence of a dip known as a trapped mode in between the double plasmonic peaks helps to narrow the resonances. A periodicity greater than twice the length and diameter of the metallic structure was applied to produce narrow resonances for the designed MMs. A nanoscale gap in each structure that broadens the trapped mode to narrow the plasmonic resonances was also used. A thickness of 100 nm gold was used to experimentally produce a high quality factor of 18 in the mid-infrared region. The optimised plasmonic resonance peaks was used for detection of an analyte, 17β-estradiol. 17β-estradiol is mostly responsible for the development of human sex organs and can be found naturally in the environment through human excreta. SEIRA was the method applied to the analysis of the analyte. The work is important in the monitoring of human biology and in water treatment. Applying this method to the developed nano-engineered structures, enhancement factors of 10^5 and a sensitivity of 2791 nm/RIU was obtained. With this high sensitivity a figure of merit (FOM) of 9 was also achieved from the sensors. The experiments were verified using numerical simulations where the vibrational resonances of the C-H stretch from 17β-estradiol were modelled. Lastly, A-SRRs and ASH on waveguides were also designed and evaluated. These patterns are to be use as basis for future work.


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This thesis describes the development and correlation of a thermal model that forms the foundation of a thermal capacitance spacecraft propellant load estimator. Specific details of creating the thermal model for the diaphragm propellant tank used on NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft using ANSYS and the correlation process implemented are presented. The thermal model was correlated to within +/- 3 Celsius of the thermal vacuum test data, and was determined sufficient to make future propellant predictions on MMS. The model was also found to be relatively sensitive to uncertainties in applied heat flux and mass knowledge of the tank. More work is needed to improve temperature predictions in the upper hemisphere of the propellant tank where predictions were found to be 2-2.5 Celsius lower than the test data. A road map for applying the model to predict propellant loads on the actual MMS spacecraft in 2017-2018 is also presented.


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Pinna nobilis is an endemic bivalve of the Mediterranean Sea whose populations have decreased in the last decades due to human pressure; as a consequence, it was declared a protected species in 1992. Despite its conservation status, few genetic studies using mitochondrial markers have been published. We report on the isolation and development of 10 microsatellite loci for the fan mussel, Pinna nobilis. All loci (2 di-nucleotide, 5 tri-nucleotide, 2 tetra-nucleotide and 1 penta-nucleotide) are characterized by high levels of polymorphism in 76 individuals tested from two populations in the Balearic Islands (Spain, Western Mediterranean Sea). The number of alleles ranged from 4 to 24 and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.4269 to 0.9400. These microsatellites could be very useful for the assessment of the genetic diversity and connectivity patterns of P. nobilis and the establishment of new conservation strategies.


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Já na antiguidade o Homem se debruçava sobre a temática do envelhecimento, todavia os anos passaram e este fenómeno constitui-se como um dos assuntos da ordem do dia que nos abrange a todos, porque todos queremos vivenciar o prazer de envelhecer, à semelhança dos nossos antepassados. Porém estes procuravam o elixir de uma vida eterna e nós ambicionamos o elixir de uma longa vida com qualidade. Objectivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida e aptidão física funcional dos idosos residentes do Concelho de Évora em instituições da rede solidária e nos seus domicílios com idade igual ou superior a 75 anos. Métodos: Após a selecção aleatória e tendo por base os critérios de exclusão (sem défice cognitivo avaliado pelo MMS e sem problemas físicos que impedissem de realizar os testes funcionais) aceitaram participar no estudo 396 idosos do Concelho de Évora dos quais 196 se encontram institucionalizados nos lares da rede solidária e 200 residem nos seus domicílios. Os instrumentos de avaliação utilizados foram o EASYcare e a bateria de testes Rikly Jones- Senior Fitness Test. Conclusões: Os idosos não institucionalizados apresentam melhor qualidade de vida e aptidão física funcional face aos idosos institucionalizados. Os níveis de incapacidade do grupo de idosos são baixos, o que revela que estamos perante um grupo maioritariamente independente. Por sua vez os homens apresentam melhor auto­ percepção da sua qualidade de vida e melhor desempenho nos testes físicos realizados. Com o processo de envelhecimento é notório uma avaliação inferior nas diferentes áreas da qualidade de vida por parte dos idosos assim como um pior desempenho nos testes físicos. Verificou-se também que existem correlações significativas entre as áreas da qualidade de vida avaliadas e os parâmetros de aptidão física funcional considerados, estando estes interrelacionados. ABSTRACT: Introduction: Already in the antiquity Man was dealing with the aging topic, however the years passed and this issue is as one of the topics on the agenda that covers everyone, because we all want to experience the pleasure of growing old, like of our ancestors. Although they sought the elixir of eternal life and we are aiming the elixir of long life with quality. Aim: To evaluate the quality of life and functional fitness of elderly aged over 75 years, residents of the Municipality of Évora in the network institutions in their households. Methods: After random selection and based on the exclusion criteria (no cognitive impairment assessed by MMS and no conditions that hamper them from performing functional tests) agreed to participate in the study 396 elderly from Évora's Municipality of which 196 are institutionalized in nursing homes network of solidarity and 200 reside in their homes. The assessment instruments used were the EASYcare and battery of tests Rikly Jones- Senior Fitness Test. Conclusions: The non-institutionalized elderly have a better quality of life and functional fitness in relation to the institutionalized elderly. The levels of disability in the elderly group are low, indicating that this is a group mostly independent. ln tum the men have better self-perception of their quality of life and better performance in physical tests performed. With the aging process is an assessment of less known in different areas of life quality for elderly people as well as a poorer performance in physical tests. There was also that there are significant correlations between the areas of quality of life and evaluated the parameters of functional fitness considered and these interrelated.