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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A região Amazônica, detentora de grande potencial hídrico, tem atraído indústrias que promovem uso intensivo de água, por isso, existe uma emergência por instrumentos que administrem essa tendência. Neste trabalho foi diagnosticado o nível de racionalização do uso da água pelo setor industrial de produção de bebidas no estado do Pará, assim como as causas do comportamento do setor. As variáveis dependentes (de comportamento) foram classificadas de acordo com quatro dimensões (gestão ambiental, manejo da água, manejo dos efluentes e medidas avançadas de racionalização) que compõe o nível de racionalização da gestão industrial hídrica. As variáveis independentes foram associadas ao: porte, ramo, tipo de embalagem utilizada, disponibilidade hídrica e valor econômico da água. Os dados levantados mostraram que a produção de bebidas tem uma grande pegada hídrica operacional total (acima de) 15.250 m3/dia, com as pequenas empresas apresentando o maior consumo relativo por unidade produzida (maior que 7 L de água/L de bebida). O setor como um todo apresenta baixo nível de racionalização do uso da água, a dimensão mais eficiente é a de gerenciamento da água; entretanto algumas medidas avançadas podem ser visualizadas, especialmente a recirculação da água em torres de resfriamento. A análise das variáveis de estudo demonstra que o nível de racionalização é dependente diretamente do ramo e do porte da empresa. Conclui-se que o consumo tende ao desperdício; em resposta a este quadro, devem ser priorizadas políticas públicas voltadas para internalização dos custos ambientais embutidos no processo.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Based on a structured literature review, the ceramic tiles sector of Italy (benchmark) and Brazil (2nd world producer and consumer) are compared, under four strategic factors: normative, market, technology and strategic management, in order to identify critical risks for a national strategic sector. The document aims to propose guidelines for a strategic re-planning of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, making the Brazilian producers aware of the national market fragility (in spite of its recent remarkable evolution) and helping the policy makers to reflect on the need of reviewing the strategic planning methods and practice, of designing new targeted programs (based on coherence between operation and business strategies), of providing improved management to strengthen the sector against unfair competition by low-cost producers, enhancing the necessary infrastructure in technology, work, marketing and quality management. The analysis is limited to the single-firing production technology. The wide-coverage strategic analysis of the Brazilian ceramic tiles sector, very little studied until now in a scientific way, emphasizes the importance of applying research methodology and may be valuable to both scholars and practitioners. Additionally, it highlights the need of investments in innovation (product design and production technology) and the fundamental role of the sector organization, identifying different dimensions. It is possible to conclude that the recent Brazilian production growth is not due to a natural strengthening because of the hit of the sector and of correct enterprises strategy, but it seems the result of a temporary and favorable economic contingency.


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Programa de doctorado: Economía


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Nowadays, it is clear that the target of creating a sustainable future for the next generations requires to re-think the industrial application of chemistry. It is also evident that more sustainable chemical processes may be economically convenient, in comparison with the conventional ones, because fewer by-products means lower costs for raw materials, for separation and for disposal treatments; but also it implies an increase of productivity and, as a consequence, smaller reactors can be used. In addition, an indirect gain could derive from the better public image of the company, marketing sustainable products or processes. In this context, oxidation reactions play a major role, being the tool for the production of huge quantities of chemical intermediates and specialties. Potentially, the impact of these productions on the environment could have been much worse than it is, if a continuous efforts hadn’t been spent to improve the technologies employed. Substantial technological innovations have driven the development of new catalytic systems, the improvement of reactions and process technologies, contributing to move the chemical industry in the direction of a more sustainable and ecological approach. The roadmap for the application of these concepts includes new synthetic strategies, alternative reactants, catalysts heterogenisation and innovative reactor configurations and process design. Actually, in order to implement all these ideas into real projects, the development of more efficient reactions is one primary target. Yield, selectivity and space-time yield are the right metrics for evaluating the reaction efficiency. In the case of catalytic selective oxidation, the control of selectivity has always been the principal issue, because the formation of total oxidation products (carbon oxides) is thermodynamically more favoured than the formation of the desired, partially oxidized compound. As a matter of fact, only in few oxidation reactions a total, or close to total, conversion is achieved, and usually the selectivity is limited by the formation of by-products or co-products, that often implies unfavourable process economics; moreover, sometimes the cost of the oxidant further penalizes the process. During my PhD work, I have investigated four reactions that are emblematic of the new approaches used in the chemical industry. In the Part A of my thesis, a new process aimed at a more sustainable production of menadione (vitamin K3) is described. The “greener” approach includes the use of hydrogen peroxide in place of chromate (from a stoichiometric oxidation to a catalytic oxidation), also avoiding the production of dangerous waste. Moreover, I have studied the possibility of using an heterogeneous catalytic system, able to efficiently activate hydrogen peroxide. Indeed, the overall process would be carried out in two different steps: the first is the methylation of 1-naphthol with methanol to yield 2-methyl-1-naphthol, the second one is the oxidation of the latter compound to menadione. The catalyst for this latter step, the reaction object of my investigation, consists of Nb2O5-SiO2 prepared with the sol-gel technique. The catalytic tests were first carried out under conditions that simulate the in-situ generation of hydrogen peroxide, that means using a low concentration of the oxidant. Then, experiments were carried out using higher hydrogen peroxide concentration. The study of the reaction mechanism was fundamental to get indications about the best operative conditions, and improve the selectivity to menadione. In the Part B, I explored the direct oxidation of benzene to phenol with hydrogen peroxide. The industrial process for phenol is the oxidation of cumene with oxygen, that also co-produces acetone. This can be considered a case of how economics could drive the sustainability issue; in fact, the new process allowing to obtain directly phenol, besides avoiding the co-production of acetone (a burden for phenol, because the market requirements for the two products are quite different), might be economically convenient with respect to the conventional process, if a high selectivity to phenol were obtained. Titanium silicalite-1 (TS-1) is the catalyst chosen for this reaction. Comparing the reactivity results obtained with some TS-1 samples having different chemical-physical properties, and analyzing in detail the effect of the more important reaction parameters, we could formulate some hypothesis concerning the reaction network and mechanism. Part C of my thesis deals with the hydroxylation of phenol to hydroquinone and catechol. This reaction is already industrially applied but, for economical reason, an improvement of the selectivity to the para di-hydroxilated compound and a decrease of the selectivity to the ortho isomer would be desirable. Also in this case, the catalyst used was the TS-1. The aim of my research was to find out a method to control the selectivity ratio between the two isomers, and finally to make the industrial process more flexible, in order to adapt the process performance in function of fluctuations of the market requirements. The reaction was carried out in both a batch stirred reactor and in a re-circulating fixed-bed reactor. In the first system, the effect of various reaction parameters on catalytic behaviour was investigated: type of solvent or co-solvent, and particle size. With the second reactor type, I investigated the possibility to use a continuous system, and the catalyst shaped in extrudates (instead of powder), in order to avoid the catalyst filtration step. Finally, part D deals with the study of a new process for the valorisation of glycerol, by means of transformation into valuable chemicals. This molecule is nowadays produced in big amount, being a co-product in biodiesel synthesis; therefore, it is considered a raw material from renewable resources (a bio-platform molecule). Initially, we tested the oxidation of glycerol in the liquid-phase, with hydrogen peroxide and TS-1. However, results achieved were not satisfactory. Then we investigated the gas-phase transformation of glycerol into acrylic acid, with the intermediate formation of acrolein; the latter can be obtained by dehydration of glycerol, and then can be oxidized into acrylic acid. Actually, the oxidation step from acrolein to acrylic acid is already optimized at an industrial level; therefore, we decided to investigate in depth the first step of the process. I studied the reactivity of heterogeneous acid catalysts based on sulphated zirconia. Tests were carried out both in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, in order to investigate the effect of oxygen on the catalyst deactivation rate (one main problem usually met in glycerol dehydration). Finally, I studied the reactivity of bifunctional systems, made of Keggin-type polyoxometalates, either alone or supported over sulphated zirconia, in this way combining the acid functionality (necessary for the dehydrative step) with the redox one (necessary for the oxidative step). In conclusion, during my PhD work I investigated reactions that apply the “green chemistry” rules and strategies; in particular, I studied new greener approaches for the synthesis of chemicals (Part A and Part B), the optimisation of reaction parameters to make the oxidation process more flexible (Part C), and the use of a bioplatform molecule for the synthesis of a chemical intermediate (Part D).


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During the PhD program in chemistry, curriculum in environmental chemistry, at the University of Bologna the sustainability of industry was investigated through the application of the LCA methodology. The efforts were focused on the chemical sector in order to investigate reactions dealing with the Green Chemistry and Green Engineering principles, evaluating their sustainability in comparison with traditional pathways by a life cycle perspective. The environmental benefits associated with a reduction in the synthesis steps and the use of renewable feedstock were assessed through a holistic approach selecting two case studies with high relevance from an industrial point of view: the synthesis of acrylonitrile and the production of acrolein. The current approach wants to represent a standardized application of LCA methodology to the chemical sector, which could be extended to several case studies, and also an improvement of the current databases, since the lack of data to fill the inventories of the chemical productions represent a huge limitation, difficult to overcome and that can affects negatively the results of the studies. Results emerged from the analyses confirms that the sustainability in the chemical sector should be evaluated from a cradle-to-gate approach, considering all the stages and flows involved in each pathways in order to avoid shifting the environmental burdens from a steps to another. Moreover, if possible, LCA should be supported by other tools able to investigate the other two dimensions of sustainability represented by the social and economic issues.


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This article examines the effects of market–oriented economic reforms on foreign direct investment (FDI) flows to Latin America from 1985 to 2006. In contrast with most existing scholarship, we disaggregate FDI into its destination in the primary resource, manufacturing, and service sectors allowing us to determine that different kinds of investments exhibit distinct behavior. Notably, manufacturing FDI appears to be erratic; previous investment is not a predictor of current investment. FDI across sectors is associated with varying policy environments, with service and primary resource investment attracted to hosts with policies associated with more stable economic and political contexts. Overall, manufacturing FDI appears to function more like “hot” portfolio investment and is less likely to provide some of the positive spillover effects thought to be associated with more permanent FDI. These findings have an array of implications for economic, development, and industrial policies throughout Latin America and the developing world.


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The major 'motor' of the recent Hungarian industrial development has been foreign direct investment, particularly by multinational companies. This has stimulated the development process, as shown by the dynamism of production, exports and profitability of industry in Budapest. On the other hand, this has also led to a split of the industrial sphere into its foreign and domestic sections, or into foreign-owned companies and domestic SMEs. The major question asked in this project is where is Hungarian industry heading and will the gap between the contracting domestic part and the foreign multinationals continue to widen or will they be joined in a much more favourable scenario. Barta sees this as a question of whether Hungary can avoid the 'dead-end street' of South Asian industrialising countries, and instead move towards a new Eastern European or Hungarian model. He concludes that Budapest industry does not follow any given model and indeed its development probably cannot be seen as a 'model' proper in itself, but is, or will be, a mixture of different elements. This would be a welcome fusion of Hungary's rich human resources of accumulated knowledge with foreign direct investment. Budapest would play an exceptional role in such a process, as the gateway for foreign output to the rest of the country. The share of industry in the Budapest economy will continue to decrease, but it will become a more modern and profitable sector. It will also fulfil a technological transfer role between the developed world and the Hungarian countryside (or even a larger region of central and eastern Europe). Barta predicts that Budapest industry will develop a special structure, with a large subcontractor network supporting the large foreign enterprises, and alongside this industrial districts formed by SMEs.


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Feeding our growing world population and preserving our natural resource base is a major agricultural challenge set to get harder. Despite agricultural productivity gains in many areas, roughly a billion people continue to suffer from chronic hunger.1 Meanwhile, we will likely add about 2.5 billion people to the planet by 2050.2 Yet providing enough nutrition for current and future generations is entirely possible, if we make the best use of Earth’s finite natural resources, especially arable land. Notably, one agricultural sector – livestock – places excessive demands on our resource base. But this is mainly due to globalized, industrial meat production methods. Tragically, the most sustainable livestock producers – herders and other mobile, smaller-scale livestock keepers – have been marginalized by mainstream agricultural policy for decades. It is high time for a course correction.


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En este trabajo se analizarán las propuestas de marketing presentes en el mercado del siglo XXI. Para ello se tendrá en cuenta que uno de los principales objetivos del marketing es que las organizaciones den a conocer sus productos. Actualmente se compite en un mundo tan globalizado que es difícil que una empresa pueda destacarse por encima del resto. En este gran enjambrado de organizaciones pueden encontrarse grandes corporaciones como pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES). Desde firmas que invierten millones de recursos para darse a conocer contra otras que poseen escasos recursos para poder sobrevivir. Teniendo en cuenta lo anteriormente expuesto, el objetivo del presente escrito será analizar las estrategias de marketing que están al alcance de las PYMES en Mendoza. Se centrará la atención en las diversas herramientas virtuales que pueden utilizar para dar a conocer sus productos dentro del sector en el que desarrollan sus actividades. Se analizarán aspectos como: ventajas y desventajas de cada herramienta de marketing online, recursos que se necesitan en cada una de estas y como puede el marketing virtual llegar a la mayor cantidad posible de clientes y potenciales sin invadir la privacidad de las personas, de una forma rápida, eficiente y segura. Al hablar de herramientas online, web sites, etc., es imposible no hablar de TIC´s (Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación) y del nuevo marketing: el Marketing 2.0. Por ello es que este trabajo profundizará sobre este nuevo enfoque viendo las futuras tendencias, así como ventajas a explotar y amenazas para evitar en el futuro.


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Ante los drásticos cambios económicos mencionados, este trabajo tiene como principal objetivo estimar la demanda de trabajo de la industria manufacturera a nivel nacional e indagar cómo impactaron las elasticidades empleo-salario y empleo-producto en la evolución y recuperación del empleo dentro del sector. Al mismo tiempo, se examina la existencia de cambios significativos en la estimación de las elasticidades con datos de serie de tiempo trimestrales y con datos de corte transversal, como lo son los datos del Censo Económico. En el primer capítulo del presente trabajo se realiza una pequeña revisión de la literatura económica internacional, latinoamericana y nacional de estudios previos sobre la demanda de trabajo; en el segundo capítulo, se expone la teoría básica de la demanda laboral y se incluye los efectos de la imposición de un salario mínimo en los niveles de empleo; luego se especifican las variables y base de datos a utilizar; en el cuarto capítulo se presenta el modelo a estimar y los resultados obtenidos, comparando el corto plazo .


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Argentina es el principal productor de aceite de oliva de América del Sur, industria que, actualmente, se encuentra en franca expansión. En la década del '70, este sector ingresó en un período de crisis que duró más de dos décadas. Entre las razones, pueden señalarse el crecimiento de la producción de aceites de semillas - de costos más económicos y de excelente calidad - sumado al supuesto de considerar al aceite de oliva como producto poco saludable debido al alto contenido de colesterol. Pero a principios de la última década, la realidad volvió a cambiar y el olivo pasó a ser nuevamente una actividad rentable. El aumento de los precios internacionales, el descubrimiento de importantes beneficios para la salud y la belleza de la piel, el auge de la cocina gourmet, la posibilidad de aplicar la ley de diferimiento impositivo -que contempla que las empresas de cualquier sector puedan diferir el pago de impuestos nacionales para realizar inversiones en el sector agropecuario- son algunas de las razones que ubicaron al olivo en una situación de privilegio. La provincia de Mendoza lideró la producción hasta 1997, momento en el que La Rioja asumió dicho rol. De este modo, la provincia de Mendoza ofrece un escenario alentador para la instalación de pequeñas empresas dedicadas a la industria oleícola. El interés del presente trabajo se centra en la problemática de la escasa presencia del Marketing en las pequeñas empresas, al menos, sin la rigurosidad que esta disciplina implica. Esta situación tiene un importante componente de cultura empresarial ya que la orientación estratégica del negocio, en la mayoría de los casos, está relacionada con aspectos económicos más que a planteamientos de marketing estratégico. Muchas veces este plan se improvisa según el estado de las ventas. Curiosamente si las mismas se mantienen por los senderos deseados el presupuesto relacionado con el marketing se vea drásticamente afectado. Posiblemente, lo formulado se deba a que esta es una disciplina relativamente nueva para muchas empresas y la mayoría no vincula un Plan de Marketing con el incremento de las ventas y la participación en el mercado, y con la imagen de una marca. Por ello, un buen número de empresas no dispone de un departamento o persona encargada de esta área porque no considera prioritario este servicio. Así como no se cuestionan los servicios contables, laborales o jurídicos de la empresa, la comunicación y el marketing entran en la índole de las llamadas preocupaciones secundarias.


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El tema de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar y analizar la concentración y el poder de mercado en las fincas de ciruela industria. Con el objetivo de evaluar cuáles son las consecuencias y efectos que podría llegar a tener o provocar sobre la conducta y resultados de mercado.


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El presente trabajo trata sobre un estudio cualitativo acerca de la gestión de las marcas aplicadas al sector vitivinícola. Como objetivo principal se pretende conocer cómo las bodegas mendocinas pueden gestionar sus marcas de vino para lograr un mayor valor agregado, y paralelamente, también intuir el grado de percepción que tienen los consumidores de esa marca. Se busca responder si actualmente las bodegas están preparadas para establecer estrategias integradas de marca que puedan traducirse en un mejor posicionamiento en el mercado. Esta inquietud surgió como consecuencia de observar personalmente una cantidad significativa de bodegas cuyos departamentos de marketing estaban supeditados a directrices desde Buenos Aires o cuyas acciones relacionadas a branding eran gestionadas por sus dueños, dado el tamaño del emprendimiento. Se quiso determinar, entonces, si existía la posibilidad de aplicar teorías de comercialización a la realidad vitivinícola. Por otro lado se pretende comprender, desde el punto de vista del consumidor, el hecho de que al momento de comprar un vino, elija una marca y no la otra. ¿Cuáles son los factores que influencian su comportamiento? ¿Existen estrategias conscientes de gestión de marca que pueden intervenir en la compra?