965 resultados para Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A new species of leptodactylid frog is described from Parque das Mangabeiras, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. The new species is a member of the Hylodes lateristrigatus group, and is characterized by medium size, snout rounded in dorsal view and protruding in lateral view, presence of vocal slits and sacs, upper surface of finger and toe discs with well-developed scutes, a weakly developed stripe on the upper lip, dorsum, arm, leg, and foot dark brown with small irregular brown and black dots, and absence of red and yellow spots in live specimens. The descriptions of the tadpoles and vocalizations, and information on natural history are provided. Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro), previously considered a member of the H. nasus species group, is transferred to the H. lateristrigatus species group.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We describe a new species of Ischnocnema from Santa Teresa, in the Atlantic Rainforest of the State of Espirito Santo, Brazil. Ischnocnema abdita sp. nov. is a member of the Ischnocnema lactea species series; it differs from other Ischnocnema mainly by presenting small size (adult male SVL 15.7 [plus or minus] 0.49 mm; range 15.0-16.8 mm); small discs on fingers I and II, and elliptical, wider than long, moderate sized discs on fingers III and IV; and finger I slightly smaller than finger II. The new species closely resembles Ischnocnema bolbodactyla, differing from it by presenting upper and lower margins of iris red in life; inguinal region with many yellow blotches in life; posterior region of belly and ventral surfaces of thighs, shanks, and feet roughly marbled with large pale yellow blotches; and hidden dorsal area of thighs dark brown with few large pale yellow blotches.
A new species of Aparasphenodon is described from patches of arboreal restinga within the Atlantic Forest Biome, in a region known as Baixo Sul in southern Bahia, northeastern Brazil. Aparasphenodon arapapa sp. nov. is promptly diagnosed from other Aparasphenodon mainly by having small size (male snout-vent length 57.4-58.1 mm), loreal region flattened and wide, and canthus rostralis rounded and poorly elevated. The wide and flattened snout resembles that found in Triprion and Diaglena, and possibly is a parallelism (homoplasy) related to the phragmotic behavior of casque-headed tree frogs to their microhabitat usage. The decision to allocate the new species in the genus Aparasphenodon is discussed in detail, as the single morphological synapomorphy of the genus, the presence of a prenasal bone, is insufficient to morphologically relate the new species to Aparasphenodon, Triprion, or Diaglena.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The new cyanobacterial species Cyanoarbor violascens was found and described from subaerophytic habitats (wet lateritic soils) in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The phenotypic generic features of the population were confirmed and the genus Cyanoarbor Wang 1989 was revised with four species recognized. Cyanoarbor rupestris Wang was first described from subaerophytic habitats in China. Cyanoarbor violascens Branco sp. nov. is here described from subaerophytic habitats (wet lateritic soils) in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil, differing from other species by violet-coloured sheaths, cell sizes and ecotopic preference. Additionally, material previously identified as Chlorogloea cf. microcystoides from Nepal was recognized as belonging to Cyanoarbor and is here described as C. himalayensis M. Watanabe et Komdrek sp. nov. Chlorogloea gessneri Schiller is transferred to the genus Cyanarbor, as C. gessneri (Schiller) nov. comb. All four species can be differentiated based on a combination of morphological characters and biotopic preferences. Descriptions and an identification key of the four species of this genus are provided.
Coconut is an important crop grown in the coastal plain of the Dhofar region, south-eastern Oman, on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula desert. It holds a particular place in the landscaping of the region and is also of great interest for the production of coconut drinking water. One of the main pests of coconut in this region is the coconut mite (Aceria guerreronis Keifer). In surveys conducted to understand the dynamics of that mite and its association with other arthropods, the incidence of tarsonemid mites was determined. Steneotarsonemus furcatus de Leon was the most commonly found tarsonemid on fruits as well as on growing tips of coconut seedlings, always at low levels. A few representatives of an undescribed tarsonemid species were also found. That new species is here described as Nasutitarsonemus omani Lofego and Moraes, sp. nov. A key to the species of this little-known genus is provided.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)