998 resultados para Lower third molar
We analyze the rise of the first socio-economic institution in history that limited fertility ? long before theDemographic Transition. The "European Marriage Pattern" (EMP) raised the marriage age of women andensured that many remained celibate, thereby reducing childbirths by up to one third between the 14thand 18th century. To explain the rise of EMP we build a two-sector model of agricultural production ?grain and livestock. Women have a comparative advantage in the latter because plow agriculture requiresphysical strength. After the Black Death in 1348-50, land abundance triggered a shift towards the landintensivepastoral sector, improving female employment prospects. Because women working in animalhusbandry had to remain unmarried, more farm service spelled later marriages. The resulting reductionin fertility led to a new Malthusian steady state with lower population pressure and higher wages. Themodel can thus help to explain the divergence in income per capita between Europe and Asia long beforethe Industrial Revolution. Using detailed data from England after 1290, we provide strong evidence forour mechanism. Where pastoral agriculture dominated, more women worked as servants, and marriageoccurred markedly later. Overall, we estimate that pastoral farming raised female ages at first marriage bymore than 4 years.
To improve the detectability of tumors by light-induced fluorescence, the use of monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) as carriers of fluorescent molecules was studied. As a model for this approach, the biodistribution of an anticarcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) MoAb coupled to fluorescein was studied in mice bearing a human colon carcinoma xenograft. In vitro, such conjugates with fluorescein-MoAb molar ratios ranging from four to 19, doubly labeled with 125I, showed more than 82% binding to immobilized CEA. In vivo, conjugates with a fluorescein-MoAb molar ratio of ten or less resulted in a tumor uptake of more than 30% of the injected dose of radioactivity per gram tumor at 24 hours. Tumor to liver, kidney, and muscle ratios of 20, 30 and 72, respectively, were obtained 48 hours after injection of the 125I-MoAb-(fluorescein)10 conjugate. The highest fluorescence intensity was always obtained for the tumor with the anti-CEA MoAb conjugate; whereas in control mice injected with fluoresceinated control immunoglobulin G1, no detectable increase in tumor fluorescence was observed. To compare these results with a classically used dye, mice bearing the same xenografts received 60 micrograms of Photofrin II. The intensity of the fluorescence signal of the tumor with this amount of Photofrin II was eight times lower than that obtained after an injection of 442 ng of fluorescein coupled with 20 micrograms of MoAb, which gave an absolute amount of fluorescein localized in the tumor of up to 125 ng/g of tumor. These results illustrate the possibility of improving the specificity of in vivo tumor localization of dyes for laser-induced fluorescence photodetection and phototherapy by coupling them to MoAb directed against tumor markers.
Résumé en français Jusqu'alors, il n'avait jamais été formellement démontré qu'une forte dose d'un antagoniste de l'angiotensine II à longue durée d'action pouvait être aussi efficace sur le blocage du système rénine-angiotensine que l'association d'un inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion avec le même antagoniste de l'angiotensine II à des doses plus faibles. Dans cette étude randomisée en double aveugle, nous avons étudié le blocage du système rénine-angiotensine obtenu avec trois doses d'olmesartan medoxomil (20, 40 et 80 mg) chez 30 volontaires sains que nous avons comparé au blocage obtenu par du lisinopril (20 mg), seul ou associé à de l'olmesartan medoxomil (20 et 40 mg). L'étude s'est déroulée en deux phases selon un design par crossover. A deux reprises, chaque volontaire à reçu durant une semaine l'un des six traitements possibles. Un intervalle d'une semaine a été respecté entre les deux phases (période de washout). L'objectif principal était d'étudier, 24 heures après la dernière dose, le blocage de l'élévation de la pression systolique en réponse à l'administration d'angiotensine I. Ce blocage était de 58% ± 19% (moyenne ± déviation standard) avec 20 mg de lisinopril, de 58% ± 11% avec 20 mg d'olmesartan medoxomil, de 62% ± 16% avec 40 mg d'olmesartan medoxomil, et de 76% ± 12% avec la plus forte dose d'olmesartan medoxomil (80 mg) (P=.016 versus 20 mg de lisinopril et P=.0015 versus 20 mg d'olmesartan medoxomil). Le blocage était de 80% ± 22% avec 20 mg de lisinopril associé à 20 mg d'olmesartan medoxomil et de 83% ± 9% avec 20 mg de lisinopril associé à 40 mg d'olmesartan medoxomil (P= .3 versus 80 mg d'olmesartan medoxomil). Ces résultats montrent, que chez les volontaires sains, une dose suffisamment élevée d'olmesartan medoxomil peut induire un blocage à 24 heures quasi complet de l'élévation de la pression artérielle en réponse à l'administration d'angiotensine I. De même, en terme de blocage de l'effet vasculaire de l'angiotensine I, une dose suffisamment élevée d'un antagoniste de l'angiotensine II de longue durée d'action est tout aussi efficace que ce même antagoniste à des doses plus faibles associé avec à un inhibiteur de l'enzyme de conversion.
BACKGROUND: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) improve the outcome of patients with advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), but treatment failure is frequent, and prognosis then bleak. Smaller trials in this setting suggested activity for sorafenib, a multikinase inhibitor of receptor tyrosine kinases and RAF serine/threonine kinases. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated the efficacy of sorafenib, starting dose 400mg twice daily, in a large community-based cohort of 124 patients treated in 12 European and one United States (U.S.) cancer centre. All but one patient had a WHO performance score 0-2. All had failed both imatinib and sunitinib, 68 patients nilotinib and 26 had failed investigational therapy, too. RESULTS: Twelve (10%) patients responded to sorafenib and 70 (57%) patients achieved disease stabilisation. Sorafenib was moderately tolerated, and toxicity reported in 56% of the patients. Rash, hand-foot-syndrome and diarrhea occurred frequently. Sorafenib dosage was reduced in a third of patients, but this did not have an impact on progression-free survival (PFS) (p=0.15). Median PFS was 6.4months (95% confidence interval [CI], 4.6-8.0months) and median overall survival (OS) 13.5months (95% CI, 10.0-21.0months). Patients with a good performance status and those who responded to sorafenib had a significant better PFS. CONCLUSION: We conclude that sorafenib is active in GIST resistant to imatinib, sunitinib and nilotinib. These results warrant further investigation of sorafenib or similar molecules in GIST.
INTRODUCTION: International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) Trial 11-93 is the largest trial evaluating the role of the addition of chemotherapy to ovarian function suppression/ablation (OFS) and tamoxifen in premenopausal patients with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer. METHODS: IBCSG Trial 11-93 is a randomized trial comparing four cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy (AC: doxorubicin or epirubicin, plus cyclophosphamide) added to OFS and 5 years of tamoxifen versus OFS and tamoxifen without chemotherapy in premenopausal patients with node-positive, endocrine-responsive early breast cancer. There were 174 patients randomized from May 1993 to November 1998. The trial was closed before the target accrual was reached due to low accrual rate. RESULTS: Patients randomized tended to have lower risk node-positive disease and the median age was 45. After 10 years median follow up, there remains no difference between the two randomized treatment groups for disease-free (hazard ratio=1.02 (0.57-1.83); P=0.94) or overall survival (hazard ratio=0.97 (0.44-2.16); P=0.94). CONCLUSION: This trial, although small, offers no evidence that AC chemotherapy provides additional disease control for premenopausal patients with lower-risk node-positive endocrine-responsive breast cancer who receive adequate adjuvant endocrine therapy. A large trial is needed to determine whether chemotherapy adds benefit to endocrine therapy for this population.
Objective: Tachycardia is associated with hypertension and is a predictor of cardiovascular events. The predictive effect of tachycardia might reflect its connection with hypertension. In this analysis of 15,245 VALUE study patients we explore whether tachycardia predicts cardiovascular endpoints in high risk hypertension and whether the in-trial blood pressure lowering modified the tachycardia - related risk. Methods: Heart rate from ECG readings at baseline and annually throughout the trial. Results: In the Cox Regression analysis the primary endpoint hazard ratio for a 10 beats per minute increment of baseline heart rate was 1.16 (1.12-1.2) p < 0.0001, 1.17 (1.13-1.22) p < 0.0001 and 1.22 (1.18-1.27) p < 0.0001 unadjusted, adjusted for baseline blood pressure and for blood pressure plus risk factors, respectively. Primary endpoints strikingly increased in the highest quintile of baseline heart rate (=/>79 beats). Primary endpoints in the highest heart rate quintile were 30 % higher in first, 55 % in second, 55 % in third, 52 % in fourth and 46 % in the fifth year of the study. The in-trial heart rate was also a potent predictor. The primary endpoint hazard ratios of highest heart rate quintile versus pooled lower 4 quintiles was (1.34-1.66) p < 0.0001 unadjusted, 1.52 (1.36-1.69) p <0.0001 adjusted for baseline blood pressure and risk factors and 1.52 (1.36-1.69) p < 0.0001 further adjusted for in trial pressure. The increase of primary events in the upper quintile of in-trial heart rate was 68% in the group with good and 63% in the group with inadequate blood pressure control (both p < 0.0001 by log rank test). Conclusions: 1./ Tachycardia is a short term marker and a long term predictor of adverse event in high risk hypertension. 2./ Tachycardia contributes to the residual cardiovascular risk regardless of the degree of BP control. We hypothesize heart rate lowering with appropriate drugs may further decrease the cardiovascular risk in patients with high risk hypertension and tachycardia.
CONTEXT: There is contradictory information regarding the prognostic importance of adipocytokines, hepatic and inflammatory biomarkers on the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The objective was to assess the prognostic relevance of adipocytokine and inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein - CRP; interleukin-1beta - IL-1β; interleukin-6- IL-6; tumour necrosis factor-α - TNF-α; leptin and adiponectin) and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γGT) on the incidence of type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Prospective, population-based study including 3,842 non-diabetic participants (43.3% men, age range 35 to 75 years), followed for an average of 5.5 years (2003-2008). The endpoint was the occurrence of type 2 diabetes. RESULTS: 208 participants (5.4%, 66 women) developed type 2 diabetes during follow-up. On univariate analysis, participants who developed type 2 diabetes had significantly higher baseline levels of IL-6, CRP, leptin and γGT, and lower levels of adiponectin than participants who remained free of type 2 diabetes. After adjusting for a validated type 2 diabetes risk score, only the associations with adiponectin: Odds Ratio and (95% confidence interval): 0.97 (0.64-1.47), 0.84 (0.55-1.30) and 0.64 (0.40-1.03) for the second, third and forth gender-specific quartiles respectively, remained significant (P-value for trend = 0.05). Adding each marker to a validated type 2 diabetes risk score (including age, family history of type 2 diabetes, height, waist circumference, resting heart rate, presence of hypertension, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, fasting glucose and serum uric acid) did not improve the area under the ROC or the net reclassification index; similar findings were obtained when the markers were combined, when the markers were used as continuous (log-transformed) variables or when gender-specific quartiles were used. CONCLUSION: Decreased adiponectin levels are associated with an increased risk for incident type 2 diabetes, but they seem to add little information regarding the risk of developing type 2 diabetes to a validated risk score.
Measuring the height of the vertical jump is an indicator of the strength and power of the lower body. The technological tools available to measure the vertical jump are black boxes and are not open to third-party verification or adaptation. We propose the creation of a measurement system called Chronojump-Boscosystem, consisting of open hardware and free software. Methods: A microcontroller was created and validated using a square wave generator and an oscilloscope. Two types of contact platforms were developed using different materials. These platforms were validated by the minimum pressure required for activation at different points by a strain gauge, together with the on/off time of our platforms in respect of the Ergojump-Boscosystem platform by a sample of 8 subjects performing submaximal jumps with one foot on each platform. Agile methodologies were used to develop and validate the software. Results: All the tools fall under the free software / open hardware guidelines and are, in that sense, free. The microcontroller margin of error is 0.1%. The validity of the fiberglass platform is 0.95 (ICC). The management software contains nearly 113.000 lines of code and is available in 7 languages.
OBJECTIVE: (1) To quantify wear of two different denture tooth materials in vivo with two study designs, (2) to relate tooth variables to vertical loss. METHODS: Two different denture tooth materials had been used (experimental material=test; DCL=control). In study 1 (split-mouth, 6 test centers) 60 subjects received complete dentures, in study 2 (two-arm, 1 test center) 29 subjects. In study 1 the mandibular dentures were supported by implants in 33% of the subjects, in study 2 only in 3% of the subjects. Impressions of the dentures were taken and poured with improved stone at baseline and after 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. Each operator evaluated the wear subjectively. Wear analysis was carried out with a laser scanning device. Maximal vertical loss of the attrition zones was calculated for each tooth cusp and tooth. A mixed linear model was used to statistically analyse the logarithmically transformed wear data. RESULTS: Due to drop-outs and unmatchable casts, only 47 subjects of study 1 and 14 of study 2 completed the 2-year recall. Overall, 75% of all teeth present could be analysed. There was no statistically difference in the overall wear between the test and control material for either study 1 or study 2. The relative increase in wear over time was similar in both study designs. However, a strong subject effect and center effect were observed. The fixed factors included in the model (time, tooth, center, etc.) accounted for 43% of the variability, whereas the random subject effect accounted for another 30% of the variability, leaving about 28% of unexplained variability. More wear was consistently recorded in the maxillary teeth compared to the mandibular teeth and in the first molar teeth compared to the premolar teeth and the second molars. Likewise, the supporting cusps showed more wear than the non-supporting cusps. The amount of wear did not depend on whether or not the lower dentures were supported by implants. The subjective wear was correct in about 67% of the cases if it is postulated that a wear difference of 100μm should be subjectively detectable. SIGNIFICANCE: The clinical wear of denture teeth is highly variable with a strong patient effect. More wear can be expected in maxillary denture teeth compared to mandibular teeth, first molars compared to premolars and supported cusps compared to non-supported cusps. Laboratory data on the wear of denture tooth materials may not be confirmed in well-structured clinical trials probably due to the large inter-individual variability.
Behavioral and nutritional effect of rutin (quercetin 3-O-rutinosídeo) on Anticarsia gemmatalis Hübner (Lep.: Noctuidae), a major soybean defoliator in Brazil, was evaluated from the third instar to pupation. Rutin is one of the flavonol glycosides identified in the leaves of the wild soybean PI 227687. Larval weight and amount of ingested food decreased as rutin concentration in the diet increase. An interactive effect between feeding time and diet (treatment) was observed on insect growth; when larvae fed on pure-diet, feeding time elongation resulted in heavier pupae. Differently, the weight of larvae fed on rutin-diet remained almost stable, in spite of eating for longer. A. gemmatalis growth was negatively influenced by rutin-diet not only by feeding deterrence but also by post-ingestive effect on insect growth, since after adjustment of pupal weight by the amount of ingested food (covariate), the effect of diet remained significant. Rutin negatively influenced A. gemmatalis growth as result of pre-ingestive effect, indicated by reduction in food consumption, and post-ingestive effect, indicated by lower conversion of ingested food into body mass and food assimilation.