960 resultados para Lithium tantalate, Defects, UV-Vis absorption, Photoluminescence


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根据石英晶体双折射率的色散特性,对石英波片的偏光干涉谱进行了理论分析和数值模拟,提出了一种石英波片延迟量和厚度的偏光干涉标定法。即由偏光干涉谱,可以得出石英波片在200~2000 nm宽光谱范围内的延迟量;通过对长波段的偏光干涉谱极值波长的精确判断,可以准确地计算出该石英波片的厚度。利用Lambda 900 紫外可见近红外分光光度计对一片石英波片的偏光干涉谱进行了测量。在波长精度为0.1 nm的情况下,测量的厚度精度为0.1 μm。误差分析结果表明,通过提高光谱的最小分辨力及选择较长的光谱波段进行测量计算


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This dissertation describes studies on two multinucleating ligand architectures: the first scaffold was designed to support tricopper complexes, while the second platform was developed to support tri- and tetrametallic clusters.

In Chapter 2, the synthesis of yttrium (and lanthanide) complexes supported by a tripodal ligand framework designed to bind three copper centers in close proximity is described. Tricopper complexes were shown to react with dioxygen in a 1:1 [Cu3]/O2 stoichiometry to form intermediates in which the O–O bond was fully cleaved, as characterized via UV-Vis spectroscopy and determination of the reaction stoichiometry. Pre-arrangement of the three Cu centers was pivotal to cooperative O2 activation, as mono-copper complexes reacted differently with dioxgyen. The reactivity of the observed intermediates was studied with various substrates (reductants, O-atom acceptors, H-atom donors, Brønsted acids) to determine their properties. In Chapter 3, the reactivity of the same yttrium-tricopper complex with nitric oxide was explored. Reductive coupling to form a trans-hyponitrite complex (characterized by X-ray crystallography) was observed via cooperative reactivity by an yttrium and a copper center on two distinct tetrametallic units. The hyponitrite complex was observed to release nitrous oxide upon treatment with a Brønsted acid, supporting its viability as an intermediate in nitric oxide reduction to nitrous oxide.

In Chapter 4, a different multinucleating ligand scaffold was employed to synthesize heterometallic triiron clusters containing one oxide and one hydroxide bridges. The effects of the redox-inactive, Lewis acidic heterometals on redox potential was studied by cyclic voltammetry, unveiling a linear correlation between redox potential and heterometal Lewis acidity. Further studies on these complexes showed that the Lewis acidity of the redox-inactive metals also affected the oxygen-atom transfer reactivity of these clusters. Comparisons of this reactivity with manganese systems, collaborative efforts to reassign the structures of related manganese oxo-hydroxo clusters, and synthetic attempts to access related dioxo clusters are also described.

In Appendix A, ongoing efforts to synthesize new clusters supported by the same multinucleating ligand platform are described. Studies of novel approaches towards ligand exchange in tetrametallic clusters and incorporation of new supporting and bridging ligand motifs in trinuclear complexes are presented.


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A produção de porfirinas por Corynebacterium diphtheriae é um objeto de estudo antigo, porém pouco explorado em Química e Ciências Médicas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos comparar a influência de diferentes meios de cultura na produção de porfirinas por Corynebacterium diphtheriae, determinar a influencia da concentração do ferro na produção de porfirina, comparar quantitativamente a produção de porfirinas por diferentes amostras de bacilo diftérico e caracterizar químicamente os tipos de porfirinas produzidas. As técnicas utilizadas para isso foram a espectroscopia de absorção UV-visível e de fluorescência. O meio de cultura descrito por Mueller (1939), para a produção de toxina, se mostrou mais eficiente que o meio B de king, utilizado no diagnóstico laboratorial da difteria. A concentração de ferro no cultivo de Corynebacterium diphtheriae influencia a produção de porfirina. Altas concentrações de ferro inibem a produção de porfirina. A concentração de ferro onde a produção de porfirinas é máxima é de 0,20g/mL. Dentre as 11 amostras de bacilo diftérico estudadas, a amostra HC03, fermentadora de sacarose e toxinogênica, isolada de um caso de endocardite, foi a maior produtora de porfirina. A amostra ATCC de Corynebacterium ulcerans, não fermentadora de sacarose e toxinogênica, foi a amostra que produziu menos porfirina. Todas as 11 amostras apresentaram o mesmo perfil de espectro de fluorescência, sugerindo que a porfirina produzida seja a mesma nas amostras pesquisadas. As análises feitas para a caracterização do tipo de porfirina produzida levam a crer que esta seja uma coproporfirina. Os espectros de absorção e fluorescência não permitem porém determinar o(s) isômero(s) presente(s).


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La Ciencia y Tecnología de Materiales tiene el reto permanente de desarrollar y mejorar materiales multifuncionales y respetuosos con el medio ambiente. En este sentido, los materiales de tipo MOF (Metal-Organic Framework) están siendo objeto de un gran interés, ya que las redes sólidas de coordinación (especialmente, las porosas) presentan aplicaciones en campos en los que la sociedad manifiesta una demanda creciente de ciencia y tecnología, como el almacenamiento y transporte de energía, la captura de gases con efecto invernadero, la catálisis heterogénea y la liberación controlada de fármacos, entre otros. En este contexto, el presente trabajo se planteó con el objetivo de desarrollar nuevos materiales de tipo MOF basados en metaloporfirinas, al objeto de mimetizar las funciones que desempeñan las mismas en los sistemas biológicos, con el fin de reproducirlas en el estado sólido. Para ello, se han escogido biometales como el hierro y el cobalto: característicos de estos sistemas, de bajo coste y medioambientalmente respetuosos. Por otra parte, las porfirinas seleccionadas han sido las siguientes: TPP (meso-tetra-4-fenilporfirina), TCPP (meso-tetra-4-carboxifenilporfirina) y TPPS (meso-tetra-4-sulfonatofenilporfirina). Estas tres moléculas conforman un conjunto de ligandos que difieren ligeramente en sus grupos funcionales. Asimismo, en ocasiones, se ha utilizado un ligando secundario dipiridínico (4,4´-bipiridina) que ha actuado como espaciador. El diseño de las síntesis se ha centrado tanto en las combinaciones adecuadas de metales y ligandos como en la selección de las técnicas de síntesis. Así, se han obtenido cinco nuevos compuestos, que se han sintetizado en condiciones solvotermales suaves o mediante radiación microondas. La caracterización preliminar de los mismos se ha llevado a cabo mediante análisis cuantitativo, espectroscopia infrarroja y Raman, difracción y fluorescencia de rayos X y medidas de densidad. El estudio estructural se ha realizado mediante difractometría de rayos X y el estudio térmico se ha llevado a cabo mediante termogravimetría y termodifractometría. En los casos en que ha resultado procedente, también se han caracterizado los compuestos mediante espectroscopia ultravioleta-visible (UV-Vis), Mössbauer y resonancia paramagnética electrónica (EPR) y mediante medidas de la susceptibilidad magnética. Asimismo, ocasionalmente, se han realizado cálculos mecano-cuánticos basados en la teoría del funcional de la densidad (DFT) y medidas catalíticas. El primero de los cinco compuestos obtenidos, de fórmula [FeTCPP], es quiral y destaca por ser la tercera estructura 2D publicada basada en esta porfirina. La formación de este compuesto está condicionada por la oxidación de los iones de hierro y por la existencia de grupos carboxílicos en la porfirina. Por otra parte, con la participación del espaciador 4,4´-bipiridina (bipy) se han obtenido tres redes 1D. Así, la estructura cristalina del compuesto ([FeTPPbipy]•)n se explica mediante la formación de radicales neutros que se estabilizan en un empaquetamiento que permite la formación de enlaces entre los grupos fenílicos de distintas cadenas. La formación de estos enlaces queda corroborada por la existencia de significativas interacciones antiferromagnéticas. Por otra parte, en el compuesto [CoTPP(bipy)]•([CoTPP])0.22•(TPP)0.78, la disposición de las cadenas deja grandes huecos en la red que se ocupan con porfirinas tanto coordinadas como sin coordinar. El tercero de estos compuestos 1D presenta la fórmula [CoTPPS0.5(bipy)(H2O)2]•6H2O y destaca porque la extensión de las cadenas se produce por la alternancia de dos tipos de octaedros de CoII. La naturaleza de los grupos sulfonato de la porfirina TPPS es determinante para comprender la intrincada red de enlaces de hidrógeno de este compuesto, que propician la formación de una red interpenetrada caracterizada por su gran estabilidad térmica (hasta los 370ºC). Finalmente, con la porfirina TCPP se ha obtenido un segundo compuesto de fórmula -O-[FeTCPP]2•nDMF (n≈ 16; DMF = dimetilformamida). El mismo presenta grandes cavidades (47% de porosidad) que diluyen la matriz magnética, caracterizada por fuertes interacciones antiferromagnéticas intradiméricas. Todo ello revela una inusual estructura superhiperfina, observada por espectroscopia EPR. El trabajo que se recoge en esta memoria constituye, por lo tanto, un “viaje” de mayor a menor dimensionalidad en las estructuras cristalinas. La guía de este viaje ha sido la búsqueda de propiedades catalíticas en sistemas heterogéneos. Así, el [CoTPP(bipy)]•([CoTPP])0.22•(TPP)0.78 obedece el enfoque de inmovilizar o anclar el catalizador en los huecos de la red. Sin embargo, la estrategia alternativa seguida para el compuesto m-O-[FeTCPP]2•nDMF (es decir, que el propio MOF actúe de catalizador) es la que ha aportado mejores y más prometedores resultados en lo que a catálisis heterogénea se refiere.


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IDOKI SCF Technologies S.L. is a technology-based company, set up on September 2006 in Derio (Biscay) with the main scope of developing extraction and purification processes based on the use of supercritical fluid extraction technology (SFE) in food processing, extraction of natural products and the production of personal care products. IDOKI¿s researchers have been working on many different R&D projects so far, most of them using this technology. However, the optimization of a SFE method for the different matrices cannot be performed unless we have an analytical method for the characterisation of the extracts obtained in each experiment. The analytical methods are also essential for the quality control of the raw materials that are going to be used and also for the final product. This PhD thesis was born to tackle this problem and therefore, it is based on the development of different analytical methods for the characterisation of the extracts and products. The projects that we could include in this thesis were the following: the extraction propolis, the recovery of agroindustrial residues (soy and wine) and the dealcoholisation of wine.On the one hand, for the extraction of propolis, several UV-Vis spectroscopic methods were used in order to measure the antioxidant capacity and the total polyphenol and flavonoid content of the extracts. A SFC method was also developed in order to measure more specific phenolic compounds. On the other hand, for the recovery of agroindustrial residues UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to determine the total polyphenol content and two SFC methods were developed to analyse different phenolic compounds. Extraction methods such as MAE, FUSE and rotary agitation were also evaluated for the characterisation of the raw materials.Finally, for the dealcoholisation of wine, the development of a SBSE-TD-GC-MS and DHS-TD-GC-MS methods for the analysis of aromas and a NIR spectroscopic method for the determination of ethanol content with the help of chemometrics was necessary. Most of these methods are typically used in IDOKI¿s lab as routine analyses apart from others not included in this PhD thesis.


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合成了2种新型的可溶性四氮杂卟啉中间体:反式-1,2二氰-(4-乙基苯)乙烯和顺式-1,2-二氰(4-乙基苯)乙烯。通过UV-Vis,FFIR,GC/MS,^1H NMR等方法对这2种化合物的结构进行了表征,给出了它们完整的结构信息。分析比较了顺、反异构体结构上的差异,分析两者的紫外-可见光谱(UV-Vis)、红外光谱(FTIR)和核磁共振光谱(^1H NMR)谱图的差异及其产生原因。


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Hybrid TiO2/ormosil waveguiding films have been prepared by the sol-gel method at low thermal treatment temperature of 150° C. The influence of processing parameters including the molar ratios of titanium butoxide (Ti(OBu)(4))/3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO) and H2O/Ti(OBu)(4) (expressed as R), especially aging of sot on the optical properties was investigated. The optical properties of films were measured with scanning electron microscope (SEM), UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer (UV-Vis), m-line and the scattering-detection method. The results indicate that the film thickness increases with the increase of sol aging time, but the variation of refractive index as a function of sot aging time depends on the relative ratios of GLYMO to Ti(OBu)(4). Higher transmittance and lower attenuation of the planar waveguide can be obtained in the sol with lower Ti(OBu)(4) contents and shorter aging time.


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Two kinds of silanes, 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GLYMO) and 3-trimethoxysililpropylmethacrylate (TMSPM), were used to prepare ormosil waveguide films by the sol-gel method. Thirty percent Ti(OBu)(4) and 70% silane were contained in the precursor sets. The properties of films were measured by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer (UV-vis), atomic force microscopy (AFM), m-line and scattering-detection method. The films from GLYMO and TMSPM precursors exhibit similar thickness (2.58 mu m for GLYMO, 2.51 mu m for TMSPM) and refractive index (1.5438 for GLYMO, 1.5392 for TMSPM, lambda=632.8 nm), but the film from TMSPM precursor has higher propagation loss (1.024 dB/cm, lambda=632.8 nm) than the film prepared from GLYMO (0.569 dB/cm, lambda=632.8 nm). Furthermore, the film prepared from TMSPM is easy to be opaque and cracks during coating whereas the same phenomenon was not found for the film prepared with GLYMO. It is confirmed that GLYMO is a better precursor than TMSPM for waveguide film preparation. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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Sol-gel derived TiO2/SiO2/ormosil hybrid planar waveguides have been deposited on soda-lime glass slides and silicon substrates, films were heat treated at 150 degreesC for 2 h or dried at room temperature. Different amounts of water were added to sols to study their impacts on microstructures and optical properties of films. The samples were characterized by m-line spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer (UV-vis), atomic force microscopy (AFM), thermal analysis instrument and scattering-detection method. The refractive index was found to have the largest value at the molar ratio H2O/OR = 1 in sol (OR means -OCH3, -OC2H5 and -OC4H9 in the sol), whereas the thickest film appears at H2O/OR = 1/2. The rms surface roughness of all the films is lower than 1.1 nm, and increases with the increase of water content in sol. Higher water content leads to higher attenuation of film. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Hybrid ZnO/ormosils Elms are prepared by the sol-gel method. A FT-IR spectrometer, 900 UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer, atomic force microscope, and ellipsometer are employed to investigate microstructure and optical properties of the films fired at different temperatures. The results show that the films with high transmittance and low surface roughness could be obtained at the heat-treatment temperature of 150 degrees C, the refractive index and thickness of the film are 1.413, 2.11 mu m, respectively. Higher temperatures (350 degrees C, 550 degrees C) change the Elm microstructure severely, and then decrease the transmittance of the films.


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采用传统的玻璃熔融法制备了组成为60Bi2O3-20B2O3-15SiO2-5La2O3(mol%)的铋酸盐玻璃, 系统研究了不同工艺过程对玻璃性能的影响. 分析了样品ICP的成分,扫描电镜,X-射线衍射谱, 差热分析和紫外-可见-近红外透过光谱测试. 结果表明:使用刚玉坩埚能提高玻璃的抗析晶稳定性 和透过率,陶瓷坩埚和白金坩埚均受到严重腐蚀,玻璃组分也随之发生很大变化. 当熔制温度从1 100 ℃变化到1 300 ℃时,玻璃的颜色从浅黄色变到深红棕色. 尤其是白金粒子被腐蚀进入玻璃液 后,玻璃中很容易形成纳米颗粒或者团聚形成胶体粒子,在玻璃中形成色散源,加深玻璃的颜色, 降低透过率. 1 300 ℃下,白金粒子起到晶核剂的作用,生成Bi2Pt2O7和BiB3O6晶相,导致玻璃失透.


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The evolution of microstructure and optical properties of TiO2 sculptured thin films under thermal annealing is reported. XRD, field emission SEM, UV-Vis-NIR spectra are employed to characterize the microstructural and optical properties. It is found that the optimum annealing temperature for linear birefringence is 500 degrees C. The maximum of transmission difference for linear birefringence is up to 18%, which is more than twice of that in as-deposited thin films. In addition, the sample annealed at 500 degrees C has a minimum of column angle about 12 degrees C. The competitive process between the microstructural and optical properties is discussed in detail. Post-annealing is a useful method to improve the linear birefringence in sculptured thin films for practical applications.


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Nb2O5 sculptured thin. films deposited by electron beam evaporation with glancing angle deposition were prepared. Nb2O5 sculptured thin. films with tilted columns are optical anisotropy. XRD, SEM, UV-vis-NIR spectra are employed to characterize the microstructure and optical properties. The maximum of birefringence (Delta n) is up to 0.045 at alpha = 70 degrees with packing density of 0.487. With increasing the deposition angle, refractive index and packing density of Nb2O5 STF are decreasing. The relationship among deposition parameter, microstructure and optical properties was investigated in detail. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.