995 resultados para Lipped Channel beams


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This study investigates the structural behavior of precracked reinforced concrete (RC) T-beams strengthened in shear with externally bonded carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. It reports on seven tests on unstrengthened and strengthened RC T-beams, identifying the influence of load history, beam depth, and percentage of longitudinal steel reinforcement on the structural behavior. The experimental results indicate that the contributions of the external CFRP sheets to the shear force capacity can be significant and depend on most of the investigated variables. This study also investigates the accuracy of the prediction of the fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) contribution in ACI 440.2R-08, UK Concrete Society TR55, and fib Bulletin 14 design guidelines for shear strengthening. A comparison of predicted values with experimental results indicates that the guidelines can overestimate the shear contribution of the externally bonded FRP system. © 2012, American Concrete Institute.


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The viscosity-temperature relation is determined for the water models SPC/E, TIP4P, TIP4P/Ew, and TIP4P/2005 by considering Poiseuille flow inside a nano-channel using molecular dynamics. The viscosity is determined by fitting the resulting velocity profile (away from the walls) to the continuum solution for a Newtonian fluid and then compared to experimental values. The results show that the TIP4P/2005 model gives the best prediction of the viscosity for the complete range of temperatures for liquid water, and thus it is the preferred water model of these considered here for simulations where the magnitude of viscosity is crucial. On the other hand, with the TIP4P model, the viscosity is severely underpredicted, and overall the model performed worst, whereas the SPC/E and TIP4P/Ew models perform moderately.


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To meet targeted reductions in CO 2 emissions by 2050, demand for metal must be cut, for example through the use of lightweight technologies. However, the efficient production of weight optimized components often requires new, more flexible forming processes. In this paper, a novel hot rolling process is presented for forming I-beams with variable cross-section, which are lighter than prismatic alternatives. First, the new process concept is presented and described. A detailed computational and experimental analysis is then conducted into the capabilities of the process. Results show that the process is capable of producing defect free I-beams with variations in web depth of 30-50%. A full analysis of the process then indicates the likely failure modes, and identifies a safe operating window. Finally, the implications of these results for producing lightweight beams are discussed. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Atmospheric effects can significantly degrade the reliability of free-space optical communications. One such effect is scintillation, caused by atmospheric turbulence, refers to random fluctuations in the irradiance and phase of the received laser beam. In this paper we inv stigate the use of multiple lasers and multiple apertures to mitigate scintillation. Since the scintillation process is slow, we adopt a block fading channel model and study the outage probability under the assumptions of orthogonal pulse-position modulation and non-ideal photodetection. Assuming perfect receiver channel state information (CSI), we derive the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exponents for the cases when the scintillation is lognormal, exponential and gammagamma distributed, which cover a wide range of atmospheric turbulence conditions. Furthermore, when CSI is also available at the transmitter, we illustrate very large gains in SNR are possible (in some cases larger than 15 dB) by adapting the transmitted power. Under a long-term power constraint, we outline fundamental design criteria via a simple expression that relates the required number of lasers and apertures for a given code rate and number of codeword blocks to completely remove system outages. Copyright © 2009 IEEE.


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The dynamic response of end-clamped monolithic beams and sandwich beams of equal areal mass have been measured by loading the beams at mid-span with metal foam projectiles to simulate localised blast loading. The sandwich beams were made from carbon fibre laminate and comprised identical face sheets and a square-honeycomb core. The transient deflection of the beams was determined as a function of projectile momentum, and the measured response was compared with finite element simulations based upon a damage mechanics approach. A range of failure modes were observed in the sandwich beams including core fracture, plug-type shear failure of the core, debonding of the face sheets from the core and tensile tearing of the face sheets at the supports. In contrast, the monolithic beams failed by a combination of delamination of the plies and tensile failure at the supports. The finite element simulations of the beam response were accurate provided the carbon fibre properties were endowed with rate sensitivity of damage growth. The relative performance of monolithic and sandwich beams were quantified by the maximum transverse deflection at mid-span for a given projectile momentum. It was found that the sandwich beams outperformed both monolithic composite beams and steel sandwich beams with a square-honeycomb core. However, the composite beams failed catastrophically at a lower projectile impulse than the steel beams due to the lower ductility of the composite material. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We use laser beams with radial and azimuthal polarization to optically trap carbon nanotubes. We measure force constants and trap parameters as a function of power showing improved axial trapping efficiency with respect to linearly polarized beams. The analysis of the thermal fluctuations highlights a significant change in the optical trapping potential when using cylindrical vector beams. This enables the use of polarization states to shape optical traps according to the particle geometry, as well as paving the way to nanoprobe-based photonic force microscopy with increased performance compared to a standard linearly polarized configuration. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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In Multiplexed MPC, the control variables of a MIMO plant are moved asynchronously, following a pre-planned periodic sequence. The advantage of Multiplexed MPC lies in its reduced computational complexity, leading to faster response to disturbances, which may result in improved performance, despite finding sub-optimal solution to the original problem. This paper extends the original Multiplexed MPC in a way such that the control inputs are no longer restricted to a pre-planned periodic sequence. Instead, the most appropriate control input channel would be optimised and selected to counter the disturbances, hence the name 'Channel-Hopping'. In addition, the proposed algorithm is suitable for execution on modern computing platforms such as FPGA or GPU, exploits multi-core, parallel and pipeline computing techniques. The algorithm for the proposed Channel-hopping MPC (CH-MPC) will be described and its stability established. Illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the behaviour of the proposed Channel-Hopping MPC algorithm. © 2011 IFAC.


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We derive a random-coding upper bound on the average probability of error of joint source-channel coding that recovers Csiszár's error exponent when used with product distributions over the channel inputs. Our proof technique for the error probability analysis employs a code construction for which source messages are assigned to subsets and codewords are generated with a distribution that depends on the subset. © 2012 IEEE.


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A 4-channel polymeric optical bus module suitable for use in board-level interconnections is presented. Low-loss and low-crosstalk module performance is achieved, while -1 dB alignment tolerances better than ± 8 μm are demonstrated. © 2012 OSA.


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This work presents an experimental and numerical investigation to characterise the fracture properties of pure bitumen (the binder in asphalt paving materials). The paper is divided into two parts. The first part describes an experimental study of fracture characterisation parameters of pure bitumen as determined by three-point bend tests. The second part deals with modelling of fracture and failure of bitumen by Finite Element analysis. Fracture mechanics parameters, stress intensity factor, KIC, fracture energy, GIC, and J-integral, JIC, are used for evaluation of bitumen's fracture properties. The material constitutive model developed by Ossa et al. [40,41] which was implemented into a FE code by Costanzi [18] is combined with cohesive zone models (CZM) to simulate the fracture behaviour of pure bitumen. Experimental and numerical results are presented in the form of failure mechanism maps where ductile, brittle and brittle-ductile transition regimes of fracture behaviour are classified. The FE predictions of fracture behaviour match well with experimental results. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.