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Hoy en día, por primera vez en la historia, la mayor parte de la población podrá vivir hasta los sesenta años y más (United Nations, 2015). Sin embargo, todavía existe poca evidencia que demuestre que las personas mayores, estén viviendo con mejor salud que sus padres, a la misma edad, ya que la mayoría de los problemas de salud en edades avanzadas están asociados a las enfermedades crónicas (WHO, 2015). Los sistemas sanitarios de los países desarrollados funcionan adecuadamente cuando se trata del cuidado de enfermedades agudas, pero no son lo suficientemente eficaces en la gestión de las enfermedades crónicas. Durante la última década, se han realizado esfuerzos para mejorar esta gestión, por medio de la utilización de estrategias de prevención y de reenfoque de la provisión de los servicios de atención para la salud (Kane et al. 2005). Según una revisión sistemática de modelos de cuidado de salud, comisionada por el sistema nacional de salud Británico, pocos modelos han conceptualizado cuáles son los componentes que hay que utilizar para proporcionar un cuidado crónico efectivo, y estos componentes no han sido suficientemente estructurados y articulados. Por lo tanto, no hay suficiente evidencia sobre el impacto real de cualquier modelo existente en la actualidad (Ham, 2006). Las innovaciones podrían ayudar a conseguir mejores diagnósticos, tratamientos y gestión de pacientes crónicos, así como a dar soporte a los profesionales y a los pacientes en el cuidado. Sin embargo, la forma en las que estas innovaciones se proporcionan no es lo suficientemente eficiente, efectiva y amigable para el usuario. Para mejorar esto, hace falta crear equipos de trabajo y estrategias multidisciplinares. En conclusión, hacen falta actividades que permitan conseguir que las innovaciones sean utilizadas en los sistemas de salud que quieren mejorar la gestión del cuidado crónico, para que sea posible: 1) traducir la “atención sanitaria basada en la evidencia” en “conocimiento factible”; 2) hacer frente a la complejidad de la atención sanitaria a través de una investigación multidisciplinaria; 3) identificar una aproximación sistemática para que se establezcan intervenciones innovadoras en el cuidado de salud. El marco de referencia desarrollado en este trabajo de investigación es un intento de aportar estas mejoras. Las siguientes hipótesis han sido propuestas: Hipótesis 1: es posible definir un proceso de traducción que convierta un modelo de cuidado crónico en una descripción estructurada de objetivos, requisitos e indicadores clave de rendimiento. Hipótesis 2: el proceso de traducción, si se ejecuta a través de elementos basados en la evidencia, multidisciplinares y de orientación económica, puede convertir un modelo de cuidado crónico en un marco descriptivo, que define el ciclo de vida de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado de enfermedades crónicas. Hipótesis 3: es posible definir un método para evaluar procesos, resultados y capacidad de desarrollar habilidades, y asistir equipos multidisciplinares en la creación de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado crónico. Hipótesis 4: es posible dar soporte al desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras para el cuidado crónico a través de un marco de referencia y conseguir efectos positivos, medidos en indicadores clave de rendimiento. Para verificar las hipótesis, se ha definido una aproximación metodológica compuesta de cuatro Fases, cada una asociada a una hipótesis. Antes de esto, se ha llevado a cabo una “Fase 0”, donde se han analizado los antecedentes sobre el problema (i.e. adopción sistemática de la innovación en el cuidado crónico) desde una perspectiva multi-dominio y multi-disciplinar. Durante la fase 1, se ha desarrollado un Proceso de Traducción del Conocimiento, elaborado a partir del JBI Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) model of evidence-based healthcare (Pearson, 2005), y sobre el cual se han definido cuatro Bloques de Innovación. Estos bloques consisten en una descripción de elementos innovadores, definidos en la fase 0, que han sido añadidos a los cuatros elementos que componen el modelo JBI. El trabajo llevado a cabo en esta fase ha servido también para definir los materiales que el proceso de traducción tiene que ejecutar. La traducción que se ha llevado a cabo en la fase 2, y que traduce la mejor evidencia disponible de cuidado crónico en acción: resultado de este proceso de traducción es la parte descriptiva del marco de referencia, que consiste en una descripción de un modelo de cuidado crónico (se ha elegido el Chronic Care Model, Wagner, 1996) en términos de objetivos, especificaciones e indicadores clave de rendimiento y organizada en tres ciclos de innovación (diseño, implementación y evaluación). Este resultado ha permitido verificar la segunda hipótesis. Durante la fase 3, para demostrar la tercera hipótesis, se ha desarrollado un método-mixto de evaluación de equipos multidisciplinares que trabajan en innovaciones para el cuidado crónico. Este método se ha creado a partir del método mixto usado para la evaluación de equipo multidisciplinares translacionales (Wooden, 2013). El método creado añade una dimensión procedural al marco. El resultado de esta fase consiste, por lo tanto, en una primera versión del marco de referencia, lista para ser experimentada. En la fase 4, se ha validado el marco a través de un caso de estudio multinivel y con técnicas de observación-participante como método de recolección de datos. Como caso de estudio se han elegido las actividades de investigación que el grupo de investigación LifeStech ha desarrollado desde el 2008 para mejorar la gestión de la diabetes, actividades realizadas en un contexto internacional. Los resultados demuestran que el marco ha permitido mejorar las actividades de trabajo en distintos niveles: 1) la calidad y cantidad de las publicaciones; 2) se han conseguido dos contratos de investigación sobre diabetes: el primero es un proyecto de investigación aplicada, el segundo es un proyecto financiado para acelerar las innovaciones en el mercado; 3) a través de los indicadores claves de rendimiento propuestos en el marco, una prueba de concepto de un prototipo desarrollado en un proyecto de investigación ha sido transformada en una evaluación temprana de una intervención eHealth para el manejo de la diabetes, que ha sido recientemente incluida en Repositorio de prácticas innovadoras del Partenariado de Innovación Europeo en Envejecimiento saludable y activo. La verificación de las 4 hipótesis ha permitido demonstrar la hipótesis principal de este trabajo de investigación: es posible contribuir a crear un puente entre la atención sanitaria y la innovación y, por lo tanto, mejorar la manera en que el cuidado crónico sea procurado en los sistemas sanitarios. ABSTRACT Nowadays, for the first time in history, most people can expect to live into their sixties and beyond (United Nations, 2015). However, little evidence suggests that older people are experiencing better health than their parents, and most of the health problems of older age are linked to Chronic Diseases (WHO, 2015). The established health care systems in developed countries are well suited to the treatment of acute diseases but are mostly inadequate for dealing with CDs. Healthcare systems are challenging the burden of chronic diseases by putting more emphasis on the prevention of disease and by looking for new ways to reorient the provision of care (Kane et al., 2005). According to an evidence-based review commissioned by the British NHS Institute, few models have conceptualized effective components of care for CDs and these components have been not structured and articulated. “Consequently, there is limited evidence about the real impact of any of the existing models” (Ham, 2006). Innovations could support to achieve better diagnosis, treatment and management for patients across the continuum of care, by supporting health professionals and empowering patients to take responsibility. However, the way they are delivered is not sufficiently efficient, effective and consumer friendly. The improvement of innovation delivery, involves the creation of multidisciplinary research teams and taskforces, rather than just working teams. There are several actions to improve the adoption of innovations from healthcare systems that are tackling the epidemics of CDs: 1) Translate Evidence-Based Healthcare (EBH) into actionable knowledge; 2) Face the complexity of healthcare through multidisciplinary research; 3) Identify a systematic approach to support effective implementation of healthcare interventions through innovation. The framework proposed in this research work is an attempt to provide these improvements. The following hypotheses have been drafted: Hypothesis 1: it is possible to define a translation process to convert a model of chronic care into a structured description of goals, requirements and key performance indicators. Hypothesis 2: a translation process, if executed through evidence-based, multidisciplinary, holistic and business-oriented elements, can convert a model of chronic care in a descriptive framework, which defines the whole development cycle of innovative solutions for chronic disease management. Hypothesis 3: it is possible to design a method to evaluate processes, outcomes and skill acquisition capacities, and assist multidisciplinary research teams in the creation of innovative solutions for chronic disease management. Hypothesis 4: it is possible to assist the development of innovative solutions for chronic disease management through a reference framework and produce positive effects, measured through key performance indicators. In order to verify the hypotheses, a methodological approach, composed of four Phases that correspond to each one of the stated hypothesis, was defined. Prior to this, a “Phase 0”, consisting in a multi-domain and multi-disciplinary background analysis of the problem (i.e.: systematic adoption of innovation to chronic care), was carried out. During phase 1, in order to verify the first hypothesis, a Knowledge Translation Process (KTP) was developed, starting from the JBI Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) model of evidence-based healthcare was used (Pearson, 2005) and adding Four Innovation Blocks. These blocks represent an enriched description, added to the JBI model, to accelerate the transformation of evidence-healthcare through innovation; the innovation blocks are built on top of the conclusions drawn after Phase 0. The background analysis gave also indication on the materials and methods to be used for the execution of the KTP, carried out during phase 2, that translates the actual best available evidence for chronic care into action: this resulted in a descriptive Framework, which is a description of a model of chronic care (the Chronic Care Model was chosen, Wagner, 1996) in terms of goals, specified requirements and Key Performance Indicators, and articulated in the three development cycles of innovation (i.e. design, implementation and evaluation). Thanks to this result the second hypothesis was verified. During phase 3, in order to verify the third hypothesis, a mixed-method to evaluate multidisciplinary teams working on innovations for chronic care, was created, based on a mixed-method used for the evaluation of Multidisciplinary Translational Teams (Wooden, 2013). This method adds a procedural dimension to the descriptive component of the Framework, The result of this phase consisted in a draft version of the framework, ready to be tested in a real scenario. During phase 4, a single and multilevel case study, with participant-observation data collection, was carried out, in order to have a complete but at the same time multi-sectorial evaluation of the framework. The activities that the LifeStech research group carried out since 2008 to improve the management of diabetes have been selected as case study. The results achieved showed that the framework allowed to improve the research activities in different directions: the quality and quantity of the research publications that LifeStech has issued, have increased substantially; 2 project grants to improve the management of diabetes, have been assigned: the first is a grant funding applied research while the second is about accelerating innovations into the market; by using the assessment KPIs of the framework, the proof of concept validation of a prototype developed in a research project was transformed into an early stage assessment of innovative eHealth intervention for Diabetes Management, which has been recently included in the repository of innovative practice of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Health Ageing initiative. The verification of the 4 hypotheses lead to verify the main hypothesis of this research work: it is possible to contribute to bridge the gap between healthcare and innovation and, in turn, improve the way chronic care is delivered by healthcare systems.
With a thin coating of low-work-function material, thermionic emission in the cathodic segment of bare tethers might be much greater than orbital-motion-limited (OML) ion collection current. The space charge of the emitted electrons decreases the electric field that accelerates them outwards, and could even reverse it for high enough emission, producing a potential hollow. In this work, at the conditions of high bias and relatively low emission that make the potential monotonic, an asymptotic analysis is carried out, extending the OML ion-collection analysis to investigate the probe response due to electrons emitted by the negatively biased cylindrical probe. At given emission, the space charge effect from emitted electrons increases with decreasing magnitude of negative probe bias. Although emitted electrons present negligible space charge far away from the probe, their effect cannot be neglected in the global analysis for the sheath structure and two thin layers in between sheath and the quasineutral region. The space-charge-limited condition is located. It is found that thermionic emission increases the range of probe radius for OML validity and is greatly more effective than ion collection for cathodic contact of tethers.
Immunolocalization of mannans in the seeds of Brachypodium distachyon reveals the presence of these polysaccharides in the root embryo and in the coleorhiza in the early stages of germination (12h), decreasing thereafter to the point of being hardly detected at 27h. Concurrently, the activity of endo-β-mannanases (MANs; EC that catalyse the hydrolysis of β-1,4 bonds in mannan polymers, increases as germination progresses. The MAN gene family is represented by six members in the Brachypodium genome, and their expression has been explored in different organs and especially in germinating seeds. Transcripts of BdMAN2, BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 accumulate in embryos, with a maximum at 24–30h, and are detected in the coleorhiza and in the root by in situ hybridization analyses, before root protrusion (germination sensu stricto). BdMAN4 is not only present in the embryo root and coleorhiza, but is abundant in the de-embryonated (endosperm) imbibed seeds, while BdMAN2 and BdMAN6 are faintly expressed in endosperm during post-germination (36–42h). BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 transcripts are detected in the aleurone layer. These data indicate that BdMAN2, BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 are important for germination sensu stricto and that BdMAN4 and BdMAN6 may also influence reserve mobilization. Whether the coleorhiza in monocots and the micropylar endosperm in eudicots have similar functions, is discussed.
We would like to thank all interviewees for sharing their experiences of working with academics, and the guest editor and three anonymous reviewers for valuable comments on earlier versions of the work. The research in this paper is supported by the RCUK dot.rural Digital economy Research Hub, University of Aberdeen (Grant reference: EP/G066051/1).
We would like to thank all interviewees for sharing their experiences of working with academics, and the guest editor and three anonymous reviewers for valuable comments on earlier versions of the work. The research in this paper is supported by the RCUK dot.rural Digital economy Research Hub, University of Aberdeen (Grant reference: EP/G066051/1).
Small, single-domain proteins typically fold via a compact transition-state ensemble in a process well fitted by a simple, two-state model. To characterize the rate-limiting conformational changes that underlie two-state folding, we have investigated experimentally the effects of changing solvent viscosity on the refolding of the IgG binding domain of protein L. In conjunction with numerical simulations, our results indicate that the rate-limiting conformational changes of the folding of this domain are strongly coupled to solvent viscosity and lack any significant “internal friction” arising from intrachain collisions. When compared with the previously determined solvent viscosity dependencies of other, more restricted conformational changes, our results suggest that the rate-limiting folding transition involves conformational fluctuations that displace considerable amounts of solvent. Reconciling evidence that the folding transition state ensemble is comprised of highly collapsed species with these and similar, previously reported results should provide a significant constraint for theoretical models of the folding process.
Sequences of the variable heavy (VH) and κ (Vκ) domains of Ig structures were divided into 21 fragments that correspond to strands, loops, or parts of these structural units of the variable domains. Amino acid sequences of fragments (termed “words”) were collected from the 1,172 human heavy and 668 human κ chains available in the Kabat database. Statistical analysis of words of 17 fragments was performed (fragments that comprise the complementary determining regions′ fragments will not be discussed in this paper). The number of different words (those with different residues in at least one position) ranged, for various fragments, from 11 to 75 in the κ chains, and from 23 to 189 in the heavy chains. The main result of this study is that very few keywords, or main patterns of words, were necessary to describe over 90% of the sequences (no more than two keywords per fragment in the κ and no more than five per fragment in the heavy chains). No identical keywords were found for different fragments of the variable domains. Keywords of aligned fragments of the VH and Vκ domains were different in all but two instances. Thus, knowing the keywords, one can determine whether any given small part of a sequence belongs to a heavy or κ chain and predict its precise localization in the sequence. In addition, by using all of the keywords obtained through analysis of the Kabat database, it was possible to describe completely the sequences of the human VH and Vκ germ-line segments.
We present a study of the adsorption of two peptides at the octane–water interface. The first peptide, Lac21, exists in mixed monomer–tetramer equilibrium in bulk solution with an appreciable monomer concentration. The second peptide, Lac28, exists as a tetramer in solution, with minimal exposed hydrophobic surface. A kinetic limitation to interfacial adsorption exists for Lac28 at moderate to high surface coverage that is not observed for Lac21. We estimate the potential energy barrier for Lac28 adsorption to be 42 kJ/mol and show that this is comparable to the expected free energy barrier for tetramer dissociation. This finding suggests that, at moderate to high surface coverage, adsorption is kinetically limited by the availability of interfacially active monomeric “domains” in the subinterfacial region. We also show how the commonly used empirical equation for protein adsorption dynamics can be used to estimate the potential energy barrier for adsorption. Such an approach is shown to be consistent with a formal description of diffusion–adsorption, provided a large potential energy barrier exists. This work demonstrates that the dynamics of interfacial adsorption depend on protein thermodynamic stability, and hence structure, in a quantifiable way.
How fast can a protein fold? The rate of polypeptide collapse to a compact state sets an upper limit to the rate of folding. Collapse may in turn be limited by the rate of intrachain diffusion. To address this question, we have determined the rate at which two regions of an unfolded protein are brought into contact by diffusion. Our nanosecond-resolved spectroscopy shows that under strongly denaturing conditions, regions of unfolded cytochrome separated by approximately 50 residues diffuse together in 35-40 microseconds. This result leads to an estimate of approximately (1 microsecond)-1 as the upper limit for the rate of protein folding.
Histone H1, a major structural component of chromatin fiber, is believed to act as a general repressor of transcription. To investigate in vivo the role of this protein in transcription regulation during development of a multicellular organism, we made transgenic tobacco plants that overexpress the gene for Arabidopsis histone H1. In all plants that overexpressed H1 the total H1-to-DNA ratio in chromatin increased 2.3-2.8 times compared with the physiological level. This was accompanied by 50-100% decrease of native tobacco H1. The phenotypic changes in H1-overexpressing plants ranged from mild to severe perturbations in morphological appearance and flowering. No correlation was observed between the extent of phenotypic change and the variation in the amount of overexpressed H1 or the presence or absence of the native tobacco H1. However, the severe phenotypic changes were correlated with early occurrence during plant growth of cells with abnormally heterochromatinized nuclei. Such cells occurred considerably later in plants with milder changes. Surprisingly, the ability of cells with highly heterochromatinized nuclei to fulfill basic physiological functions, including differentiation, was not markedly hampered. The results support the suggestion that chromatin structural changes dependent on H1 stoichiometry and on the profile of major H1 variants have limited regulatory effect on the activity of genes that control basal cellular functions. However, the H1-mediated chromatin changes can be of much greater importance for the regulation of genes involved in control of specific developmental programs.
Epigenetic alterations in the genome of tumor cells have attracted considerable attention since the discovery of widespread alterations in DNA methylation of colorectal cancers over 10 years ago. However, the mechanism of these changes has remained obscure. el-Deiry and coworkers [el-Deiry, W. S., Nelkin, B. D., Celano, P., Yen, R. C., Falco, J. P., Hamilton, S. R. & Baylin, S. B. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 3470-3474], using a quantitative reverse transcription-PCR assay, reported 15-fold increased expression of DNA methyltransferase (MTase) in colon cancer, compared with matched normal colon mucosa, and a 200-fold increase in MTase mRNA levels compared with mucosa of unaffected patients. These authors suggested that increases in MTase mRNA levels play a direct pathogenetic role in colon carcinogenesis. To test this hypothesis, we developed a sensitive quantitative RNase protection assay of MTase, linear over three orders of magnitude. Using this assay on 12 colorectal carcinomas and matched normal mucosal specimens, we observed a 1.8- to 2.5-fold increase in MTase mRNA levels in colon carcinoma compared with levels in normal mucosa from the same patients. There was no significant difference between the normal mucosa of affected and unaffected patients. Furthermore, when the assay was normalized to histone H4 expression, a measure of S-phase-specific expression, the moderate increase in tumor MTase mRNA levels was no longer observed. These data are in contrast to the previously reported results, and they indicate that changes in MTase mRNA levels in colon cancer are nonspecific and compatible with other markers of cell proliferation.
We used novel immunofluorescence strategies to demonstrate that outer surface proteins (Osps) A, B and C of Borrelia burgdorferi have limited surface exposure, finding that contradicts the prevailing viewpoint that these antigens are exclusively surface exposed. Light labeling was observed when antibodies to OspA or OspB were added to motile organisms, whereas intense fluorescence was observed when the same slides were methanol-fixed and reprobed. Modest labeling also was observed when spirochetes encapsulated in agarose beads (gel microdroplets) were incubated with antibodies to these same two antigens. This contrasted with the intense fluorescence observed when encapsulated spirochetes were probed in the presence of 0.06% Triton X-100, which selectively removed outer membranes. Proteinase K (PK) treatment of encapsulated spirochetes abrogated surface labeling. However, PK-treated spirochetes fluoresced intensely after incubation with antibodies to OspA or OspB in the presence of detergent, confirming the existence of large amounts of subsurface Osp antigens. Modest surface labeling once again was detected when PK-treated spirochetes were reprobed after overnight incubation, a result consistent with the existence of a postulated secretory apparatus that shuttles lipoproteins to the borrelial surface. Last, experiments with the OspC-expressing B. burgdorferi strain 297 revealed that this antigen was barely detectable on spirochetal surfaces even though it was a major constituent of isolated outer mem- branes. We propose a model of B. burgdorferi molecular architecture that helps to explain spirochetal persistence during chronic Lyme disease.