886 resultados para Lateral Motion
INTRODUÇÃO:Com o aumento da população idosa, fica evidente a importância de compreender e explorar o processo de envelhecimento humano, o qual acarreta transformações morfológicas e funcionais.OBJETIVOS:Avaliar e comparar as inclinações anteroposterior e lateral do centro de gravidade por faixas etárias.MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal e exploratório. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 135 sujeitos, separados em faixas etárias: Grupo 1: 20-29 anos (n=26), Grupo 2: 30-39 anos (n=26), Grupo 3: 40-49 (n=25), Grupo 4: 50-59 anos (n=30) e Grupo 5: >60 anos (n=28). Esses sujeitos foram selecionados de acordo com o escore do Miniexame de Estado Mental e pela capacidade de permanecer em pé por, pelo menos, 90 segundos. As posturas foram avaliadas por meio do software de avaliação postural (SAPO). As comparações entre os valores de inclinações dados pelo SAPO foram feitas pelo teste de Mann-Whitney (comparação par-a-par), sendo aceito um valor de p<0,05 como significante.RESULTADOS:Na comparação da média da assimetria frontal entre as faixas etárias, observa-se maior lateralização com o avançar da idade, com valores significativos nos grupos 50-59 e >60 anos. Na comparação da média da assimetria sagital entre as faixas etárias, valores são significativos no grupo dos >60 anos.CONCLUSÕES:Após avaliar e comparar as assimetrias sagitais e frontais, pode-se apontar que na medida em que a idade avança, há tendência ao aumento de suas projeções anteriores e laterais comparadas ao centro de gravidade.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study at aims performing the stability analysis of the rotational motion to artificial satellites using quaternions to describe the satellite attitude (orientation on the space). In the system of rotational motion equations, which is composed by four kinematic equations of the quaternions and by the three Euler equations in terms of the rotational spin components. The influence of the gravity gradient and the direct solar radiation pressure torques have been considered. Equilibrium points were obtained through numerical simulations using the softwares Matlab and Octave, which are then analyzed by the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion.
The adoption of management practices that reduce water losses is essential to conserve moisture and improve soil temperature, especially in arid and semiarid environments of the Brazilian Northeast, characterized by high evapotranspiration and the adoption of irrigation with saline water, which harms growth and yield of commercial crops. Given these factories, an experiment was conducted in Nova Floresta, Paraiba, from August 2010 to February 2011 in Oxisoil, in order to evaluate the production of bell pepper and soil moisture in grooves with side trim, and application of biofertilizer and mulch cattle. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications using a factorial 2 x 2 x 2 for the ground beef with and without biofertilizer, with and without residues of sisal fiber (Agave sisalana), with and without the side facing the grooves, to reduce lateral water losses by infiltration of water with polyethylene plastic film. From the results, the lining of the lateral grooves provided higher values of soil moisture, number of fruits, fruit mass, plant production and productivity, bell pepper plants. It was also found that the combination of biofertilizer and mulch the ground beef remained wetter in the first 15 cm depth.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background: Although the effect of symptomatic back pain on functional movement has been investigated, changes to spinal movement patterns in essentially pain-free people with a history of recurrent back pain are largely unreported. Reaching activities, important for everyday and occupational function, often present problems to such people, but have not been considered in this population. The purpose of this study was to compare the amplitude and timing of spinal and hip motions during two, seated reaching activities in people with and without a history of recurrent low back pain (RLBP).Methods: Spinal and hip motions during reaching downward and across the body, in both directions, were tracked using electromagnetic sensors. Analyses were conducted to explore the amplitudes, velocities and timings of 3D segmental movements and to compare controls with subjects with recurrent, but asymptomatic lumbar or lumbosacral pain.Findings: We detected significant differences in the amplitude and timing of movement in the lower thoracic region, with the RLBP group restricting movement and demonstrating compensatory increased motion at the hip. The lumbar region displayed no significant between-group differences. The order in which the spinal segments achieved peak velocity in cross-reaching was reversed in RLBP compared to controls, with lumbar motion leading in controls and lagging in RLBP.Interpretation: Subjects with a history of RLBP show a number of altered kinematic features during reaching activities which are not related to the presence or intensity of pain, but which suggest adaptive changes to movement control. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The oral cancer model in hamsters shows many simílarities with developmental oral cancer in humans. The proliferating capacity is one the most characteristics of neoplásica ce/Is and detection of these ce/Is allow us, throughout of its counting, to achieve an estimated tumour growing index, with a consequent repercussion about prognostic and in the treatment of those lesions. 40 golden Syrian hamsters, both genders, aged between two to six mouth and weight 150g in average were used. The left síde of tangue of each animal was painted for eight consecutive weeks, with a solution of DMBA. Tongues were removed, fixed in 10% buffered fonnal solution. The histological slides were stained by AgNOR technique and by PCNA and β-catenin immunohistochemical antibodies. Statistical analyzes were performed by ANOVA one-way test and Tukey test. We may conclude that an association between AgNOR and PCNA might indicate the higher proliferating activity of the analyzed celIs. The experimental carcinogenesis model in hamster tongue is an available methodology for immunohistochemistry study. And finally, PCNA and β-catenin immunohistochemical antibodies may be used to analyze possible premalignant areas in oral leukoplakia
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In view of the need to develop a device for security and lateral protection, due to the Resolution 323/09 of CONTRAN, which requires the use of such equipment for most trucks and tow trucks, the objective of this work is to develop a project for an aluminum lateral protection device, according to the ABNT NBR 14.148 regulation, that, among many specifications, stipulates that the equipment must support a load of 5 kN and suffer a maximum deflection of 30mm, but does not say what material it should be made of. The reason for choosing aluminum is because of its low density, so as not to significantly increase the curb weight of the truck, which, consequently, reduces CO2 emissions and maintenance expenses. Additionally, this material presents a good resistance/weight ratio, high resistance to corrosion, excellent surface finish and it's fully recyclable; reason why it has been gaining the attention of many industry segments. For the realization of the project, profiles were chosen to make the assembly of the set, and then a finite elements analysis was performed in the HyperWorks software, to verify if the designed device would support the loads stipulated by the regulation. One details to note is that these simulation programs could show inaccuracies, because of the size and shape of the elements that compose the mesh, and for many other reasons, so it is necessary that, even with the results coming back satisfactory, actual physical tests are conducted to validate the proper functioning of the equipment, which was not done for this study
The present work aims to study the stability and control of the aircraft AF-X of AeroFEG team for AeroDesign to contribute with it in developing its theoretical project report for the competition and present the shortcomings of stability that it might measures for the practical test. In the first moment, it was presented forces and motion of the aircraft, so to define the equations of motion. After the equations of motion were calculated, the transfer functions were found and the aircraft response was analyzed under longitudinal stability and lateral-directional. We obtained responses from the aircraft and through the method of Root Locus the gains required to improve responses and reduce the overshoot, finally some changes and improvements for increased stability have been addressed. The study covered all the motions and control surfaces of the aircraft, showing the characteristics and behavior of the front disruptions, as well as opportunities for gains and improvementsThe present work aims to study the stability and control of the aircraft AF-X of AeroFEG team for AeroDesign to contribute with it in developing its theoretical project report for the competition and present the shortcomings of stability that it might measures for the practical test. In the first moment, it was presented forces and motion of the aircraft, so to define the equations of motion. After the equations of motion were calculated, the transfer functions were found and the aircraft response was analyzed under longitudinal stability and lateral-directional. We obtained responses from the aircraft and through the method of Root Locus the gains required to improve responses and reduce the overshoot, finally some changes and improvements for increased stability have been addressed. The study covered all the motions and control surfaces of the aircraft, showing the characteristics and behavior of the front disruptions, as well as opportunities for gains and improvements