973 resultados para Laser Therapy


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Tuberculosis is continuing as a problem of mankind. With evolution, MDR and XDR forms of tuberculosis have emerged from drug sensitive strain. MDR and XDR strains are resistant to most of the antibiotics, making the management more difficult. BCG vaccine is not providing complete protection against tuberculosis. Therefore new infections are spreading at a tremendous rate. At the present moment there is experimental evidence to believe that Vitamin A and Vitamin D has anti-mycobacterial property. It is in this context, we have hypothesized a host based approach using the above vitamins that can cause possible prevention and cure of tuberculosis with minimal chance of resistance or toxicity. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose a laser interference technique for the fabrication of 3D nano-structures. This is possible with the introduction of specialized spatial filter in a 2 pi cylindrical lens system (consists of two opposing cylindrical lens sharing a common geometrical focus). The spatial filter at the back-aperture of a cylindrical lens gives rise to multiple light-sheet patterns. Two such interfering counter-propagating light-sheet pattern result in periodic 3D nano-pillar structure. This technique overcomes the existing slow point-by-point scanning, and has the ability to pattern selectively over a large volume. The proposed technique allows large-scale fabrication of periodic structures. Computational study shows a field-of-view (patterning volume) of approximately 12: 2mm(3) with the pillar-size of 80 nm and inter-pillar separation of 180 nm. Applications are in nano-waveguides, 3D nano-electronics, photonic crystals, and optical microscopy. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Semiconductor fabrication process begins with photolithography. Preparing a photo mask is the key process step in photolithography. The photo mask was fabricated by inscribing patterns directly onto a soda lime glass with the help of a laser beam, as it is easily controllable. Laser writer LW405-A was used for preparing the mask in this study. Exposure wavelength of 405 nm was used, with which 1.2 mu m feature size can be written in direct write-mode over the soda lime glass plate. The advantage of using the fabricated mask is that it can be used to design back contacts for thin film Photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. To investigate the process capability of LW405-A, same pattern with different line widths was written on soda lime glass samples at different writing speeds. The pattern was inscribed without proximity effect and stitching errors, which was characterized using optical microscope and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). It was proven that writing speed of a mask-writer is decided according to the intended feature size and line width. As the writing speed increases, the edges of the patterns become rougher due to uneven scattering of the laser beam. From the fabricated mask, the solar cell can be developed embedding both the contacts at the bottom layer, to increase the absorption of solar radiation on the top surface effectively by increasing light absorption area.


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Higher Notch signaling is known to be associated with hematological and solid cancers. We developed a potential immunotherapeutic monoclonal antibody (MAb) specific for the Negative Regulatory Region of Notch1 (NRR). The MAb604.107 exhibited higher affinity for the ``Gain-offunction'' mutants of Notch1 NRR associated with T Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). Modeling of the mutant NRR with 12 amino-acid insertion demonstrated ``opening'' resulting in exposure of the S2-cleavage site leading to activated Notch1 signaling. The MAb, at low concentrations (1-2 mu g/ml), inhibited elevated ligand-independent Notch1 signaling of NRR mutants, augmented effect of Thapsigargin, an inhibitor of mutant Notch1, but had no effect on the wild-type Notch1. The antibody decreased proliferation of the primary T-ALL cells and depleted leukemia initiating CD34/CD44 high population. At relatively high concentrations, (10-20 mu g/ml), the MAb affected Notch1 signaling in the breast and colon cancer cell lines. The Notch-high cells sorted from solid-tumor cell lines exhibited characteristics of cancer stem cells, which were inhibited by the MAb. The antibody also increased the sensitivity to Doxorubucinirubicin. Further, the MAb impeded the growth of xenografts from breast and colon cancer cells potentiated regression of the tumors along with Doxorubucin. Thus, this antibody is potential immunotherapeutic tool for different cancers.


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Single crystals of Guanidinium L-Ascorbate (GuLA) were grown and crystal structure was determined by direct methods. GuLA crystallizes in orthorhombic, non-centrosymmetric space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The UV-cutoff was determined as 325 nm. The morphology was generated and the interplanar angles estimated and compared with experimental values. Second harmonic generation conversion efficiency was measured and compared with other salts of L-Ascorbic acid. Surface laser damage threshold was calculated as 11.3GW/cm(2) for a single shot of laser of 1064 nm wavelength.


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Microfluidic/optofluidic microscopy is a versatile modality for imaging and analyzing properties of cells/particles while they are in flow. In this paper, we demonstrate the integration of fused silica microfluidics fabricated using femtosecond laser machining into optofluidic imaging systems. By using glass for the sample stage of our microscope, we have exploited its superior optical quality for imaging and bio-compatibility. By integrating these glass microfluidic devices into a custom-built bright field microscope, we have been able to image red blood cells in flow with high-throughputs and good fidelity. In addition, we also demonstrate imaging as well as detection of fluorescent beads with these microfluidic devices.


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The exposure with band gap light of thermally evaporated As40Sb15Se45 amorphous film of 800 nm thickness, were found to be accompanied by optical changes. The as-prepared and illuminated thin films were studied by X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The optical band gap was reduced due to photo induced effects along with the increase in disorder. These optical properties changes are due to the change of homopolar bond densities. The core level peak shifting in XPS spectra and Raman shift supports the optical changes happening in the film due to light exposure.


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The present study discusses the photosensitivity of GeS2 chalcogenide glass in response to irradiation with femtosecond pulses at 1047 nm. Bulk GeS2 glasses are prepared by conventional melt quenching technique and the amorphous nature of the glass is confirmed using X-ray diffraction. Ultrafast laser inscription technique is used to fabricate the straight channel waveguides in the glass. Single scan and multi scan waveguides are inscribed in GeS2 glasses of length 0.65 cm using a master oscillator power amplifier Yb doped fiber laser (IMRA mu jewel D400) with different pulse energy and translation speed. Diameters of the inscribed waveguides are measured and its dependence on the inscription parameters such as translation speed and pulse energy is studied. Butt coupling method is used to characterize the loss measurement of the inscribed optical waveguides. The mode field image of the waveguides is captured using CCD camera and compared with the mode field image of a standard SMF-28 fibers.


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A critical unmet need for treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) is to find novel therapies that are efficacious, safe, and shorten the duration of treatment. Drug discovery approaches for TB primarily target essential genes of the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) but novel strategies such as host-directed therapies and nonmicrobicidal targets are necessary to bring about a paradigm shift in treatment. Drugs targeting the host pathways and nonmicrobicidal proteins can be used only in conjunction with existing drugs as adjunct therapies. Significantly, host-directed adjunct therapies have the potential to decrease duration of treatment, as they are less prone to drug resistance, target the immune responses, and act via novel mechanism of action. Recent advances in targeting host-pathogen interactions have implicated pathways such as eicosanoid regulation and angiogenesis. Furthermore, several approved drugs such as metformin and verapamil have been identified that appear suitable for repurposing for the treatment of TB. These findings and the challenges in the area of host- and/or pathogen-directed adjunct therapies and their implications for TB therapy are discussed.


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We demonstrate a straightforward technique to measure the linewidth of a grating-stabilized diode laser system - known as an external cavity diode laser (ECDL) - by beating the output of two independent ECDLs in a Michelson interferometer, and then taking the Fourier transform of the beat signal. The measured linewidth is the sum of the linewidths of the two laser systems. Assuming that the two are equal, we find that the linewidth of each ECDL measured over a time period of 2. s is about 0.3 MHz. This narrow linewidth shows the advantage of using such systems for high-resolution spectroscopy and other experiments in atomic physics.


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The current work reports quantitative OH species concentration in the cavity of a trapped vortex combustor (TVC) in the context of mixing and flame stabilization studies using both syngas and methane fuels. Planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) measurements of OH radical obtained using a Nd: YAG pumped dye laser are quantified using a flat flame McKenna burner. The momentum flux ratio (MFR), defined as the ratio of the cavity fuel jet momentum to that of the guide vane air stream, is observed to be a key governing parameter. At high MFRs similar to 4.5, the flame front is observed to form at the interface of the fuel jet and the air jet stream. This is substantiated by velocity vector field measurements. For syngas, as the MFR is lowered to similar to 0.3, the fuel-air mixing increases and a flame front is formed at the bottom and downstream edge of the cavity where a stratified charge is present. This trend is observed for different velocities at similar equivalence ratios. In case of methane combustion in the cavity, where the MFRs employed are extremely low at similar to 0.01, a different mechanism is observed. A fuel-rich mixture is now observed at the center of the cavity and this mixture undergoes combustion. On further increase of the cavity equivalence ratio, the rich mixture exceeds the flammability limit and forms a thin reaction zone at the interface with air stream. As a consequence, a shear layer flame at the top of the cavity interface with the mainstream is also observed. The equivalence ratio in the cavity also determines the combustion characteristics in the case of fuel-air mixtures that are formed as a result of the mixing. Overall, flame stabilization mechanisms have been proposed, which account for the wide range of MFRs and premixing in the mainstream as well.


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Bacterial biofilms are associated with 80-90% of infections. Within the biofilm, bacteria are refractile to antibiotics, requiring concentrations >1,000 times the minimum inhibitory concentration. Proteins, carbohydrates and DNA are the major components of biofilm matrix. Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) biofilms, which are majorly associated with chronic lung infection, contain extracellular DNA (eDNA) as a major component. Herein, we report for the first time that L-Methionine (L-Met) at 0.5 mu M inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) biofilm formation and disassembles established PA biofilm by inducing DNase expression. Four DNase genes (sbcB, endA, eddB and recJ) were highly up-regulated upon L-Met treatment along with increased DNase activity in the culture supernatant. Since eDNA plays a major role in establishing and maintaining the PA biofilm, DNase activity is effective in disrupting the biofilm. Upon treatment with L-Met, the otherwise recalcitrant PA biofilm now shows susceptibility to ciprofloxacin. This was reflected in vivo, in the murine chronic PA lung infection model. Mice treated with L-Met responded better to antibiotic treatment, leading to enhanced survival as compared to mice treated with ciprofloxacin alone. These results clearly demonstrate that L-Met can be used along with antibiotic as an effective therapeutic against chronic PA biofilm infection.


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The change in photo-induced optical properties in thermally evaporated Ge12Sb25Se63 chalcogenide thin film under 532-nm laser illumination has been reported in this paper. The structure and composition of the film have been examined by X-ray diffraction and energy dispersive X-ray analysis, respectively. The optical properties such as refractive index, extinction coefficient and thickness of the films have been determined from the transmission spectra based on inverse synthesis method and the optical band gap has been derived from optical absorption spectra using the Tauc plot. It has been found that the mechanism of the optical absorption is due to allowed indirect transition. The optical band gap increases by 0.05 eV causing photo-bleaching mechanism, while refractive index decreases because of reduction in structural disordering. Deconvolution of Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectra into several peaks provides different structural units, which supports the optical photo-bleaching.


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In recent years, multifaceted clinical benefits of polymeric therapeutics have been reported. Over the past decades, cancer has been one of the leading causes of mortality in the world. Many clinically approved chemotherapeutics encounter potential challenges against deadly cancer. Moreover, safety and efficacy of anticancer agents have been limited by undesirable pharmacokinetics and biodistribution. To address these limitations, various polymer drug conjugates are being studied and developed to improve the antitumor efficacy. Among other therapeutics, polymer therapeutics are well established platforms that circumvent anticancer therapeutics from enzymatic metabolism via direct conjugation to therapeutic molecules. Interestingly, polymer therapeutics meets an unmet need of small molecules. Further clinical study showed that polymer-drug conjugation can achieve desired pharmacokinetics and biodistribution properties of several anticancer drugs. The present retrospective review mainly enlightens the most recent preclinical and clinical studies include safety, stability, pharmacokinetic behavior and distribution of polymer therapeutics.


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Many bacteria secrete a highly hydrated framework of extracellular polymer matrix on suitable substrates and embed within the matrix to form a biofilm. Bacterial biofilms are observed on many medical devices, endocarditis, periodontitis and lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients. Bacteria in biofilm are protected from antibiotics and >1,000 times of the minimum inhibitory concentration may be required to treat biofilm infections. Here, we demonstrated that shock waves could be used to remove Salmonella, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus biofilms in urinary catheters. The studies were extended to a Pseudomonas chronic pneumonia lung infection and Staphylococcus skin suture infection model in mice. The biofilm infections in mice, treated with shock waves became susceptible to antibiotics, unlike untreated biofilms. Mice exposed to shock waves responded to ciprofloxacin treatment, while ciprofloxacin alone was ineffective in treating the infection. These results demonstrate for the first time that, shock waves, combined with antibiotic treatment can be used to treat biofilm infection on medical devices as well as in situ infections.