976 resultados para Larynx (Diseases of, Treatment of)


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"Two common diseases of childhood. They cause a great and unnecessary loss of life. They bring suffering to thousands of little ones. They may lead to very serious complications. Read how to avoid them."


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Translation of A practical treatise on the diseases of the eye.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Issued Nov. 1974.


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Contribution from Bureau of Plant Industry.


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Binder's title.


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Reprinted from "Sugar."


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No. 1-2 published combined, but with sequential page numbering.


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Esta pesquisa, por meio dos referenciais privilegiados e pesquisa de campo, busca compreender e explicitar se existem ou não afastamentos de docentes com doenças de origem psíquica, de suas funções (readaptações) por motivos não meramente fisiológicos, mas que guardem natureza social, ou seja, se há uma causa social que provoque tal fenômeno no sistema educacional. Investiga também, se o docente tem consciência crítica dessas possíveis causas e como se constitui sua identidade após a readaptação. As mudanças sociais e econômicas ocorridas nas últimas décadas devido às crises e sucessivas reestruturações do capitalismo influenciaram o contexto educacional, bem como as condições de trabalho docente, repercutindo na saúde física e psicológica dos professores, por meio de um panorama das atuais condições de trabalho e saúde dos professores, decorrentes do processo de flexibilização e precarização das relações de trabalho na área educacional. Procurou-se explicar, tendo como referencial teórico Sennett (2001) e Esteve (1999), entre outros autores, a nova realidade do trabalho e do mal-estar docente vivenciados nas instituições escolares. A pesquisa de campo denota a trajetória dos docentes readaptados, desde suas condições de trabalho que perpassa pelas dificuldades, entraves, mal-estar até o momento do adoecimento e, finalmente, a situação de readaptado. Os problemas vivenciados pelos docentes readaptados impactam sua identidade profissional, pois os docentes são marcados por estigma, discriminação, sentimentos de autoculpabilização, desvalorização social, o que prejudica sua qualidade de vida e relações interpessoais, tanto no trabalho como na família. A pesquisa aponta que o adoecimento psíquico atinge seriamente o profissional docente. Essa situação é grave na rede estadual de ensino paulista e demonstra que é importante reconhecer a necessidade de políticas públicas e educacionais que valorizem a docência e a saúde dessa categoria profissional.


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Population aging is a global demographic trend. This process is a reality that merits attention and importance in recent years, and cause considerable impact in terms of greater demands on the health sector, social security and special care and attention from families and society as a whole. Thus, in the context of addressing the consequences of demographic transition, population aging is characterized as a major challenge for Brazilian society. Therefore, this study was conducted in two main objectives. In the first article, variables of socioeconomic and demographic contexts were employed to identify multidimensional profiles of elderly residents in the Northeast capitals, from specific indicators from the 2010 Census information Therefore, we used the Grade of Membership Method (GoM), whose design profiles admits that an individual belongs to different degrees of relevance to multiple profiles in order to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with living conditions of the elderly in the Northeastern capitals. The second article examined the possible relationship between mortality from chronic diseases and socio-economic indicators in the elderly population, of the 137 districts in Natal, broken down by ten-year age groups (60 to 69 years, 70-79 years and 80 and over. The microdata from the Mortality Information System (SIM), was used, provided by the Health Secretariat of Christmas, and population information came from the Population Census 2010. The method refers to the Global and Local Index neighborhood logic (LISA) Moran, whose spatial distribution from the choropleth maps allowed us to analyze the mortality of the elderly by neighborhoods, according to socioeconomic and demographic indicators, according to the presence of special significance. In the first article, the results show the identification of three extreme profiles. The Profile 1 which is characterized by median socioeconomic status and contributes 35.5% of elderly residents in the area considered. The profile 2 which brings together seniors with low socioeconomic status characteristics, with a percentage of 24.8% of cases. And the Profile 3 composing elderly with features that reveal better socioeconomic conditions, about 29.7% of the elderly. Overall, the results point to poor living conditions represented by the definition of these profiles, mainly expressed by the results observed in more than half of the northeastern elderly experience a situation of social vulnerability given the large percentage that makes up the Profile 1 and Profile 2, adding 60% of the elderly. In the second article, the results show a higher proportion of elderly concentrated in the neighborhoods of higher socioeconomic status, such as Petrópolis and LagoaSeca. Mortality rates, according to the causes of death and standardized by the empirical Bayesian method were distributed locally as follows: Neoplasms (Reis Santos, New Discovery, New Town, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Hypertensive diseases (Blue Lagoon, Potengi, Redinha, Reis Santos, Riverside, Lagoa Nova, Grass Soft, Neópolis and Ponta Negra); Acute Myocardial Infarction (Northeast, Guarapes and grass Soft); Cerebrovascular diseases (Petrópolis and Mother Luiza); Pneumonia (Ribeira, Praia do Meio, New Discovery, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Chronic Diseases of the Lower Way Airlines (Igapó, Northeast and Thursdays). The present findings at work may contribute to other studies on the subject and development of specific policies for the elderly.


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Population aging is a global demographic trend. This process is a reality that merits attention and importance in recent years, and cause considerable impact in terms of greater demands on the health sector, social security and special care and attention from families and society as a whole. Thus, in the context of addressing the consequences of demographic transition, population aging is characterized as a major challenge for Brazilian society. Therefore, this study was conducted in two main objectives. In the first article, variables of socioeconomic and demographic contexts were employed to identify multidimensional profiles of elderly residents in the Northeast capitals, from specific indicators from the 2010 Census information Therefore, we used the Grade of Membership Method (GoM), whose design profiles admits that an individual belongs to different degrees of relevance to multiple profiles in order to identify socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with living conditions of the elderly in the Northeastern capitals. The second article examined the possible relationship between mortality from chronic diseases and socio-economic indicators in the elderly population, of the 137 districts in Natal, broken down by ten-year age groups (60 to 69 years, 70-79 years and 80 and over. The microdata from the Mortality Information System (SIM), was used, provided by the Health Secretariat of Christmas, and population information came from the Population Census 2010. The method refers to the Global and Local Index neighborhood logic (LISA) Moran, whose spatial distribution from the choropleth maps allowed us to analyze the mortality of the elderly by neighborhoods, according to socioeconomic and demographic indicators, according to the presence of special significance. In the first article, the results show the identification of three extreme profiles. The Profile 1 which is characterized by median socioeconomic status and contributes 35.5% of elderly residents in the area considered. The profile 2 which brings together seniors with low socioeconomic status characteristics, with a percentage of 24.8% of cases. And the Profile 3 composing elderly with features that reveal better socioeconomic conditions, about 29.7% of the elderly. Overall, the results point to poor living conditions represented by the definition of these profiles, mainly expressed by the results observed in more than half of the northeastern elderly experience a situation of social vulnerability given the large percentage that makes up the Profile 1 and Profile 2, adding 60% of the elderly. In the second article, the results show a higher proportion of elderly concentrated in the neighborhoods of higher socioeconomic status, such as Petrópolis and LagoaSeca. Mortality rates, according to the causes of death and standardized by the empirical Bayesian method were distributed locally as follows: Neoplasms (Reis Santos, New Discovery, New Town, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Hypertensive diseases (Blue Lagoon, Potengi, Redinha, Reis Santos, Riverside, Lagoa Nova, Grass Soft, Neópolis and Ponta Negra); Acute Myocardial Infarction (Northeast, Guarapes and grass Soft); Cerebrovascular diseases (Petrópolis and Mother Luiza); Pneumonia (Ribeira, Praia do Meio, New Discovery, Grass Soft and Ponta Negra); Chronic Diseases of the Lower Way Airlines (Igapó, Northeast and Thursdays). The present findings at work may contribute to other studies on the subject and development of specific policies for the elderly.


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A prevalência estimada da Doença Pulmonar Obstrutiva Crónica (DPOC) em Portugal é de 14,2% para indivíduos com idade superior a 45 anos (cerca de 800.000 indivíduos), sendo mais prevalente no sexo masculino (Observatório Nacional das Doenças Respiratórias, 2014). Com o aparecimento de soluções baseadas em novas modalidades de eHealth e mHealth surgiram novas formas de acompanhamento e monitorização das doenças crónicas, nomeadamente da DPOC. É neste contexto que foi desenvolvida a aplicação mobile Exercit@rt, em parceria com a Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro e em continuidade com outros estudos do MCMM anteriormente desenvolvidos. A aplicação permite monitorizar, em tempo real, através da utilização de um oxímetro Bluetooth, os níveis de batimento cardíaco e saturação de oxigénio dos pacientes com DPOC. Com esta aplicação os pacientes podem realizar diversos exercícios de fisioterapia respiratória assim como atividades físicas de vida diária que podem ser monitorizadas, georreferenciadas e avaliadas. Para além do desenvolvimento da aplicação mobile, a presente investigação integrou ainda uma etapa de validação que contou com a participação de dez pacientes com doenças do foro respiratório – cinco utilizadores que utilizam/têm smartphone (UTS) e cinco utilizadores não utilizam/não têm smartphone (NUNTS). A cada um destes foram propostas tarefas a realizar na aplicação mobile, estando previsto que a aplicação estivesse apta para qualquer participante. A totalidade dos participantes reconheceu a utilidade da aplicação no controlo da sua doença.


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Understanding the diversity of henipaviruses and related viruses is important in determining the viral ecology within flying-fox populations and assessing the potential threat posed by these agents. This study sought to identify the abundance and diversity of previously unknown paramyxoviruses (UPVs) in Australian flying-fox species (Pteropus alecto, Pteropus scapulatus, Pteropus poliocephalus and Pteropus conspicillatus) and in the Christmas Island species Pteropus melanotus natalis. Using a degenerative reverse transcription-PCR specific for the L gene of known species of the genus Henipavirus and two closely related paramyxovirus genera Respirovirus and Morbillivirus, we identified an abundance and diversity of previously UPVs, with a representative 31 UPVs clustering in eight distinct groups (100 UPVs/495 samples). No new henipaviruses were identified. The findings were consistent with a hypothesis of co-evolution of paramyxoviruses and their flying-fox hosts. Quantification of the degree of co-speciation between host and virus (beyond the scope of this study) would strengthen this hypothesis.


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Case report: A captive breeding colony of 9 greater bilbies (Macrotis lagotis) exhibited mild upper respiratory signs and sudden deaths with 100% mortality over a 2-week period. Histologically, acute necrotising and erosive epithelial lesions throughout the upper respiratory system and bronchi were associated with eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies. Inclusions were also present in hepatocytes and adrenocortical cells, but were not always associated with necrosis. Transmission electron microscopy of lung sections revealed nucleocapsids forming arrays within some nuclei. A pan-herpesvirus PCR yielded a 440-bp product, with sequencing confirming homology with the alphaherpesviruses. Viral culture in a marsupial cell line resulted in cytopathic effect consistent with an alphaherpesvirus. Conclusion: This is the first report of a herpesvirus-associated disease in greater bilbies. © 2016 Australian Veterinary Association.


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Mealybug wilt disease (MWD) is a serious field disease of pineapples worldwide that was first described in Hawaii in 1910. MWD is thought to be caused by a complex involving viruses, mealybugs and ants. The viruses are transmitted by mealybugs, which in turn are tended by ants. Although a number of distinct viruses have been associated with the disease, the identity of the causal agent(s) has not been determined unequivocally. This chapter describes the disease symptopms, aetiology and management of MWD. In the last 20 years, significant advances have been achieved in identifying the causal viral agents, and gaining a better understanding of MWD. However, the interactions between the viruses, mealybugs and environmental factors are complicated, and the conditions required for the expression of MWD have only been partially elucidated at this time. The possible role of gene silencing, the identity of the additional ampelovirus(es) and badnavirus(es) that have been detected but not characterized, and the interaction between these disease-inducing factors are fertile areas for future research.