935 resultados para Laparoscopic Instrument


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Introduction. Total mesorectal excision (TME) is the cornerstone of a correct surgical therapy for extraperitoneal rectal cancer. Aim of the study is to evaluate our 5 years experience confronting retrospectively laparoscopic (lap) TME in respect to its laparotomic (open) counterpart. Patients and Methods. 30 patients were treated laparoscopically for stage I-III extraperitoneal rectal cancer and retrospectively compared to a homogeneous group, stratified for sex, age, comorbidities and stage of disease. Results. 30 days mortality was zero for both groups, while morbidity was 20% for the lap group and 36.6% for the open group. Mean lymph nodes harvested was 24 ± 12 for the lap group, 26 ± 14 for the open group (p > 0.05). Five years overall and disease free survival was respectively 82.2% and 81.4% in the lap group, 79.9% and 79.6% in the open group, without statistical significance (p>0.05). Discussion. Minimally invasive TME resulted a safe, effective and oncologically adequate procedure when retrospectively compared to its laparotomic counterpart, with 5 years overall survival and disease free survival reaching no statistical significance compared to the open approach, but with all the advantages of the laparoscopy such as less pain and blood loss, faster recovery, less morbidity and better cosmetics. Conclusions. Our study has retrospectively demonstrated that laparoscopic TME is feasible and oncologically effective, even if it remains a complex minimally invasive procedure, requiring adequate skill. More prospective, randomized studies are necessary to define such a procedure as the new gold standard in treatment of stage I-III extraperitoneal rectal cancer.


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Aim. The main aim of our study is to evaluate the incidence, the type, the causes and the therapy of biliary duct injuries which occurred after the video laparoscopic cholecystectomies performed in our Department during the period from 1990 to 2012. Patients and methods. A retrospective analysis of 1186 VLC has been made in our Department from March 1990 to June 2012. Before the cholecystectomy all patient were evaluated with trans abdominal echography. Beyond the incidence of BDI was evaluated damaging mechanism, etiology, therapy and time of diagnosis. Results. From 1990 to 2012 a total of 9 BDIs occurred, with an incidence of 0,75%. Out of 9 patients 4 had major lesions and 5 had minor lesions; the most common BDI was Strasberg A (45%), the most common etiology was the presence of anatomical variations. In four cases the diagnosis has been intraoperative, in five cases has been postoperative. Conclusions. Our clinical experience shows that the main cause of BDI are the surgeon experience and the bile ducts anatomical variation.


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We describe a case of a patient with synchronous bilateral colorectal tumours and renal carcinoma who underwent one-stage laparoscopic surgery procedure with right transperitoneal nefrectomy, right hemicolectomy and sigmoidectomy. One-stage laparoscopic procedure can be used safely and successfully for a patient with multiple primary tumours.


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Pelvic organ prolapse suspension (POPS) is a recent surgical procedure for one-stage treatment of multiorgan female pelvic prolapse. This study evaluates the preliminary results of laparoscopic POPS in 54 women with a mean age of 55.2 and a BMI of 28.3. Patients underwent at the same time stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR) to correct the residual rectal prolapse. We had no relapses and the preliminary results were excellent. We evaluated the patients after 1 year follow-up and we confirmed the validity of our treatment. The technique is simplier than traditional treatments with an important reduction or completely disappearance of the pre-operative symptomatology.


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Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract and they often require a surgical removal. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors can originate from any part of the gastrointestinal tract but gastric location is the most common. In the past the risk of rupture of pseudocapsula and peritoneal dissemination have discouraged surgeons from making a minimally invasive surgical treatment. Recently laparoscopic wedge resection has been proposed. Performance of this mini-invasive technique is however difficult in some gastric location of gastrointestinal stromal tumors, such as iuxta-cardial region. The Authors report and discuss a new technique they used to remove a gastrointestinal stromal tumor located just below the cardia, using a rendez-vous endoscopic and laparoscopic technique.


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The present methods for the detection of oil in discharge water are based either on chemical analysis of intermittent samples or bypass pipelines with instrumentation to detect either dissolved or dispersed hydrocarbons by a variety of optical techniques including absorption, scattering and fluorescence. However, test have shown that no single instruments entirely meets either present needs or satisfies the requirements of the future more stringent legislation which may limit total hydrocarbon content to 30 ppm or even less. Hence, in this paper, a detector is devised which can detect both dissolved and dispersed oil products, has a high immunity to scattering and can operate in-line and harsh environments with a detection sensitivity of a few ppm throughout a wide range of operations.


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We present a design for an electronic continuous pitch wind controller for musical performance. It uses a combination of linear position, magnetic reed, and air pressure sensors to generate three fully continuous control dimensions. Each control dimension is encoded and transmitted using the industry standard MIDI protocol to allow the instrument to interface with a large variety of synthesizers to control different parameters of the synthesis algorithm in real time, allowing for a high degree of expressiveness not possible with existing electronic wind instrument controllers. The first part of the thesis will provide a justification for the design of a novel instrument, and present some of the theory behind pitch representation, encoding, and transmission with respect to digital systems. The remainder of the thesis will present the particular design and explain the workings of its various subsystems.


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L'esprit coopératif en Afrique tire son origine de la nature même de l'être africain; celui-ci vit toujours en communauté et partage ses biens avec ses pairs, d'où la solidarité africaine. Bien avant l'époque coloniale, les Africains se regroupaient sous plusieurs formes pré-coopératives. C'est avec l'arrivée des colons européens que ce système a pris de l'ampleur et s'est transformé en véritables coopératives. La République du Zaïre qui fait l'objet de notre travail est un pays qui traverse actuellement une crise économico-financière sans précédent. Toutes les mesures et politiques de redressement de la situation ont été vouées à l'échec. La quasi-totalité des institutions financières sont en situation de faillite. La crise monétaire s'est ajoutée à l'ensemble des problèmes économiques que connaît le pays, avec une dépréciation du taux de change dépassant les 1000% entre 1990-1995. Le système bancaire se trouve donc paralysé et cela a entraîné comme conséquences, entre autres, la méfiance des épargnants. Présentement, le seul moyen de financement qui reste possible au pays est l'endettement externe qui, à son tour, entraîne une totale dépendance de la politique économique zaïroise aux caprices des organismes financiers internationaux comme la Banque mondiale et le Fonds monétaire international. Il est temps pour le Zaïre de savoir rectifier ses tirs. Pour y arriver, il doit d'abord réorganiser ses ressources de financement interne et les orienter vers son développement intégral grâce à un système bien adapté aux réalités de la population tant rurale qu'urbaine. Pour ce faire, nous pensons que les coopératives d'épargne et de crédit devraient être un instrument privilégié pour faire redémarrer l'économie zaïroise.


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Objective: To evaluate the reliability of a peer evaluation instrument in a longitudinal team-based learning setting. Methods: Student pharmacists were instructed to evaluate the contributions of their peers. Evaluations were analyzed for the variance of the scores by identifying low, medium, and high scores. Agreement between performance ratings within each group of students was assessed via intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: We found little variation in the standard deviation (SD) based on the score means among the high, medium, and low scores within each group. The lack of variation in SD of results between groups suggests that the peer evaluation instrument produces precise results. The ICC showed strong concordance among raters. Conclusions: Findings suggest that our student peer evaluation instrument provides a reliable method for peer assessment in team-based learning settings.


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It is important to assess young children's perceived Fundamental Movement Skill (FMS) competence in order to examine the role of perceived FMS competence in motivation toward physical activity. Children's perceptions of motor competence may vary according to the culture/country of origin; therefore, it is also important to measure perceptions in different cultural contexts. The purpose was to assess the face validity, internal consistency, test–retest reliability and construct validity of the 12 FMS items in the Pictorial Scale for Perceived Movement Skill Competence for Young Children (PMSC) in a Portuguese sample. Methods Two hundred one Portuguese children (girls, n = 112), 5 to 10 years of age (7.6 ± 1.4), participated. All children completed the PMSC once. Ordinal alpha assessed internal consistency. A random subsamples (n = 47) were reassessed one week later to determine test–retest reliability with Bland–Altman method. Children were asked questions after the second administration to determine face validity. Construct validity was assessed on the whole sample with a Bayesian Structural Equation Modelling (BSEM) approach. The hypothesized theoretical model used the 12 items and two hypothesized factors: object control and locomotor skills. Results The majority of children correctly identified the skills and could understand most of the pictures. Test–retest reliability analysis was good, with an agreement ration between 0.99 and 1.02. Ordinal alpha values ranged from acceptable (object control 0.73, locomotor 0.68) to good (all FMS 0.81). The hypothesized BSEM model had an adequate fit. Conclusions The PMSC can be used to investigate perceptions of children's FMS competence. This instrument can also be satisfactorily used among Portuguese children.


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Objectives: Because there is scientific evidence that an appropriate intake of dietary fibre should be part of a healthy diet, given its importance in promoting health, the present study aimed to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate the knowledge of the general population about dietary fibres. Study design: The present study was a cross sectional study. Methods: The methodological study of psychometric validation was conducted with 6010 participants, residing in ten countries from 3 continents. The instrument is a questionnaire of self-response, aimed at collecting information on knowledge about food fibres. For exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was chosen the analysis of the main components using varimax orthogonal rotation and eigenvalues greater than 1. In confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modelling (SEM) was considered the covariance matrix and adopted the Maximum Likelihood Estimation algorithm for parameter estimation. Results: Exploratory factor analysis retained two factors. The first was called Dietary Fibre and Promotion of Health (DFPH) and included 7 questions that explained 33.94 % of total variance ( = 0.852). The second was named Sources of Dietary Fibre (SDF) and included 4 questions that explained 22.46% of total variance ( = 0.786). The model was tested by SEM giving a final solution with four questions in each factor. This model showed a very good fit in practically all the indexes considered, except for the ratio 2/df. The values of average variance extracted (0.458 and 0.483) demonstrate the existence of convergent validity; the results also prove the existence of discriminant validity of the factors (r2 = 0.028) and finally good internal consistency was confirmed by the values of composite reliability (0.854 and 0.787). Conclusions: This study allowed validating the KADF scale, increasing the degree of confidence in the information obtained through this instrument in this and in future studies.


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Introdução:O envelhecimento pressupõe alterações no organismo, sendo fundamental a medição das limitações da funcionalidade e da incapacidade na execução de tarefas individuais e sociais por parte dos idosos. As guidelines da ACSM enfatizam que os idosos obtêm benefícios na saúde com a realização de atividade física regular. Objetivo: Adaptar e validar para a cultura portuguesa a Late-Life Function and Disability Instrument (LLFDI). Material e Métodos: A versão portuguesa foi obtida através de um processo de metodologia sequencial. Para avaliar a validade e fiabilidade, esta versão foi administrada a 619 idosos (72±9). Destes, 77 foram submetidos a uma intervenção de fisioterapia com base em dois programas de exercícios, para determinar o poder de resposta. Resultados: Após obtenção da equivalência semântica e de conteúdo, a versão portuguesa da LLFDI demonstrou valores elevados de reprodutibilidade (CCI_função > 0,8 e CCI_incapacidade > 0,7) e níveis bastantes aceitáveis de consistência interna (α Cronbach > 0,82). As correlações obtidas entre a LLFDI e o MOS SF-36 são moderadas a altas. A análise fatorial confirmatória demonstra um modelo ajustado para a componente função (relações positivas e muito fortes) e incapacidade (relações no limiar da aceitabilidade). O Poder de resposta de 4 semanas, demonstrou valores de ESS <0,30 (função) e <0,28 (incapacidade). Os valores de RMS encontram-se entre 0,40 e 0,72 (função) e entre 0,27 e 0,59 (incapacidade). Conclusões: A versão portuguesa da LLFDI demonstrou valores aceitáveis de validade e fiabilidade, revelando valores baixos de poder de resposta.