893 resultados para LOBE DYSFUNCTION


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The factors associated with lobe division were studied in thalli of the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.)Ach. Lobe division was studied in sequences of adjacent lobes using spatial pattern analysis. In five large thalli, lobe division within the thallus margin was randomly distributed. Correlations between the degree of lobe division, the radial growth of the lobe and lobe morphology were studied in six thalli. Lobe division was positively correlated with either lobe width or area in four thalli. Correlations were observed with radial growth or morphology of the adjacent lobes in two thalli. Dividing and non-dividing lobes were removed from large thalli and glued to pieces of slate with their tips either at the same level or in front of neighbouring lobes. Dividing lobes divided more rapidly when their tips were glued in front of their neighbours. The levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured within a 2 mm region of the tip in dividing and non-dividing lobes on four occasions in 1994. Carbohydrate levels were significantly increased in dividing compared with non-dividing lobes. In addition, the mean size of the algal cells was greater in non-dividing compared with dividing lobes especially at the lobe base. However, the percentage of zoosporangia and aplanosporangia did not vary significantly in dividing and non-dividing lobes. These results suggest that: 1) the pattern of lobe division within the thallus margin may be random, 2) lobe division may be determined by lobe size and the location of the lobe tip relative to the neighbouring lobes and 3) there may be an increase in the productivity of lobes associated with lobe division.


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The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the radial growth of lobes of the lichen Parmelia conspersa depends largely on growth processes which occur at the lobe tip. First, individual lobes were removed from thalli and portions of the lobe removed to within various distances from the tip. Radial growth of the lobe was unaffected until less than 2 mm of the lobe tip remained. Second, the surfaces of individual lobes were painted with acrylic paint leaving different portions of the lobe exposed. Painting lobes to within 0.5 mm and 1 mm of the tip substantially reduced radial growth. Third, the levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in different regions behind the lobe tip on four occasions during 1994. The concentration of the three carbohydrates was greatest at the lobe tip and the levels declined linearly with distance from the tip. Fourth, painting one vertical half of the lobe tip did not affect radial growth but artificially bisecting the lobe tip with a scalpel reduced radial growth. Although transport of carbohydrate from other regions of the lobe cannot be ruled out, the results support the hypothesis that radial growth in P. conspersa depends largely on processes within a region approximately 2 mm behind the lobe tip.


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The density of Lewy bodies (LB), senile plaques (SP), and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in the temporal lobe in four patients diagnosed with ‘pure’ dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and eight patients diagnosed with DLB with associated Alzheimer’s disease (DLB/AD). In both patient groups, the density of LB was greatest in the lateral occipitotemporal gyrus (LOT) and least in areaas CA1 and CA4 of the hippocampus. In DLB/AD, the densities of SP and NFT were greatest in the cortical regions and in area CA1 of the hippocampus respectively. Mean LB densities in the temporal lobe were similar in ‘pure’ DLB and DLB/AD patients but mean SP and NFT densities were greater in DLB/AD. No significant correlations were observed between the densities of LB, SP and NFT in any brain region. The data suggest that in the temporal lobe LB and SP/NFT are distributed differently; SP and NFT in DLB/AD are distributed similarly to ‘pure’ AD and also that LB and AD pathologies appear to develop independently. Hence, the data support the hypothesis that some cases of DLB combine the features of DLB and AD.


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The density of diffuse, primitive, classic and compact βamyloid (Aβ deposits was estimated in regions of the medial temporal lobe (MTL) in 15 cases of late-onset sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD) and 12 cases of Down's syndrome (DS). A similar pattern of Aβ deposition was observed in the MTL in the AD and DS cases with a reduced density of deposits in the hippocampus compared with the adjacent cortical regions. Total Aβ deposit density was greater in DS than in AD in all brain regions examined. This could be attributable to overexpression of the amyloid precursor protein gene. The ratio of the primitive to the diffuse Aβ deposits was greater in DS than in AD which suggests that the formation of mature amyloid deposits is enhanced in DS. The diffuse deposits exhibited a parabolic and the primitive deposits an inverted parabolic response with age in the DS cases. This suggests either that the diffuse and primitive deposits are sequentially related or that there are alternate pathways of Aβ deposition. © 1995 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.


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This study investigates the relative importance of climate, lobe morphology and lobe interactions in determining the radial growth of individual lobes in foliose lichen thalli. The radial growth of 75 lobes from thalli of Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. Ex Ach.) Ach. and Parmelia glabratula ssp. fuliginosa (Fr. ex Duby) Laund. was measured over 22 successive months in relation to climatic factors. Individual lobes showed a fluctuating pattern of radial growth with alternating periods of fast and slow growth. In 17/75 (23%) of lobes studied, monthly radial growth was correlated with a climatic factor, usually total rainfall or the frequency of sunshine hours. In addition, the radial growth of 54 lobes of P. conspersa was measured over four months in relation to lobe morphology and the radial growth and morphology of adjacent lobes. Radial growth was correlated with lobe length and with the radial growth of adjacent lobes. In addition, the pattern of lobe branching appeared to be related to lobe width and to a lesser extent to lobe length and the width of adjacent lobes. The radial growth in one year of exceptionally long lobes which had grown beyond the thallus margin was similar to more normal lobes, but experimentally bisected lobes had significantly reduced radial growth compared with control lobes. These results suggested that the fluctuating pattern of radial growth in individual lobes may be determined by climate and the pattern of lobe branching. In addition, the pattern of lobe branching was related to lobe width and may be influenced by adjacent lobes.


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To determine the spatial pattern of ß-amyloid (Aß) deposition throughout the temporal lobe in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Methods: Sections of the complete temporal lobe from six cases of sporadic AD were immunolabelled with antibody against Aß. Fourier (spectral) analysis was used to identify sinusoidal patterns in the fluctuation of Aß deposition in a direction parallel to the pia mater or alveus. Results: Significant sinusoidal fluctuations in density were evident in 81/99 (82%) analyses. In 64% of analyses, two frequency components were present with density peaks of Aß deposits repeating every 500–1000 µm and at distances greater than 1000 µm. In 25% of analyses, three or more frequency components were present. The estimated period or wavelength (number of sample units to complete one full cycle) of the first and second frequency components did not vary significantly between gyri of the temporal lobe, but there was evidence that the fluctuations of the classic deposits had longer periods than the diffuse and primitive deposits. Conclusions: (i) Aß deposits exhibit complex sinusoidal fluctuations in density in the temporal lobe in AD; (ii) fluctuations in Aß deposition may reflect the formation of Aß deposits in relation to the modular and vascular structure of the cortex; and (iii) Fourier analysis may be a useful statistical method for studying the patterns of Aß deposition both in AD and in transgenic models of disease.


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To determine the factors influencing the distribution of -amyloid (Abeta) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD), the spatial patterns of the diffuse, primitive, and classic A deposits were studied from the superior temporal gyrus (STG) to sector CA4 of the hippocampus in six sporadic cases of the disease. In cortical gyri and in the CA sectors of the hippocampus, the Abeta deposits were distributed either in clusters 200-6400 microm in diameter that were regularly distributed parallel to the tissue boundary or in larger clusters greater than 6400 microm in diameter. In some regions, smaller clusters of Abeta deposits were aggregated into larger 'superclusters'. In many cortical gyri, the density of Abeta deposits was positively correlated with distance below the gyral crest. In the majority of regions, clusters of the diffuse, primitive, and classic deposits were not spatially correlated with each other. In two cases, double immunolabelled to reveal the Abeta deposits and blood vessels, the classic Abeta deposits were clustered around the larger diameter vessels. These results suggest a complex pattern of Abeta deposition in the temporal lobe in sporadic AD. A regular distribution of Abeta deposit clusters may reflect the degeneration of specific cortico-cortical and cortico-hippocampal pathways and the influence of the cerebral blood vessels. Large-scale clustering may reflect the aggregation of deposits in the depths of the sulci and the coalescence of smaller clusters.


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New lobe development and lobe division was studied in the foliose lichen Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex. Ach.) Hale. In thalli with either the centre or margin removed, the inside edge of the perimeter, the outer edge of the reproductive centre, and fragments derived from the thallus perimeter all regenerated growing points (‘lobe primordia’) within a year. Thalli possessing isidia had the greatest ability to regenerate growing points. In reproductive thalli, there was a positive correlation between the density of new growing points and thallus size. When fragments were cut from the perimeters of mature X. conspersa thalli and glued to pieces of slate, the ratio of growing points to mature lobes increased over 54 months. Lobes within a thallus exhibited different degrees of bifurcation. In some bifurcating lobes, the point of origin of the bifurcation advanced at the same rate as the lobe tips over 4 months but in most lobes, the bifurcation point either advanced less rapidly than the lobe tips or retreated from its original location. Removing adjacent lobes had no significant effect on the radial growth of a lobe over 4 months or on the location of the bifurcation point but it increased the number of growing points. These results suggest that for X. conspersa: 1) all portions of of thalli can regenerate growing points, 2) few growing points actually develop into mature lobes, 3) individual lobes within a thallus grow and divide differently, and 4) adjacent lobes inhibit the development of growing points on their neighbours.


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There were four principal sections to the work: 1. Investigation of ocular and systemic vascular risk factors in POAG. The principal findings of this work were: a). Glaucoma patients exhibit an anticipatory reaction to the physical stress, similar to subjects at risk for cardiovascular diseases; a blunted BP response and a reduction in ONH blood flow in response to cold provocation was also recorded. b). Silent myocardial ischaemic episodes occurred during peaks in systemic BP and HR. c). Independent of a positive history for cardiovascular diseases, patients suffering from POAG demonstrate a blunt circadian rhythm of the ANS. 2. Assessment of the relationship between vascular and systemic vascular risk factors in GON. The principal findings of this work were: a). POAG patients demonstrate a high sympathetic tonus over a 24-h period. b). POAG patients with lower OBF demonstrate both 24-h systemic BP and HRV abnormalities. c). OBF alterations observed in some glaucoma patients could be either primary or secondary to systemic haemodynamic disturbances and not a consequence of ONH damage. 3. Assessment of the level of systemic anti-oxidant defence in POAG patients. The principal finding of this work was: Patients suffering from POAG demonstrated significantly lower GSH and t-GSH levels than normal controls. 4. Investigation of the effect of treatment with latanoprost 0.005% on visual function and OBF. The findings of this work were: a). Treatment with latanoprost 0.005% resulted in a significant decrease in IOP and increase in OPP. VF damage progression has also been stopped. b). Treatment with latanoprost 0.005% resulted in a significant increase in the OBF parameters measured at the ONH and peripapillary retina levels. Finally, the importance of a clear protocol for managing new POAG cases is highlighted and a clinical conduit is proposed.


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The important role played by vascular factors in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disease has been increasingly realised over recent years. The nature and impact of ocular and systemic vascular dysfunction in the pathogenesis of comparable neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has however never been fully explored. The aim of this thesis was therefore to investigate the presence of macro- and micro-vascular alterations in both glaucoma and AD and to explore the relationships between these two chronic, slowly progressive neurodegenerative diseases. The principle sections and findings of this work were: 1. Is the eye a window to the brain? Retinal vascular dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease · Mild newly diagnosed AD patients demonstrated ocular vascular dysfunction, in the form of an altered retinal vascular response to flicker light, which correlated with their degree of cognitive impairment. 2. Ocular and systemic vascular abnormalities in newly diagnosed normal tension glaucoma (NTG) patients · NTG patients demonstrated an altered retinal arterial constriction response to flicker light along with an increased systemic arterial stiffness and carotid artery intima-media thickness (IMT). These findings were not replicated by healthy age matched controls. 3. Ocular vascular dysregulation in AD compares to both POAG and NTG · AD patients demonstrated altered retinal arterial reactivity to flicker light which was comparable to that of POAG patients and altered baseline venous reactivity which was comparable to that of NTG patients. Neither alteration was replicated by healthy controls. 4. POAG and NTG: two separate diseases or one continuous entity? The vascular perspective · POAG and NTG patients demonstrated comparable alterations in nocturnal systolic blood pressure (SBP) variability, ocular perfusion pressure, retinal vascular reactivity, systemic arterial stiffness and carotid IMT. · Nocturnal SBP variability was found to correlate with both retinal artery baseline diameter fluctuation and carotid IMT across the glaucoma groups.


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The temporal lobe is a major site of pathology in a number of neurodegenerative diseases. In this chapter, the densities of the characteristic pathological lesions in various regions of the temporal lobe were compared in eight neurodegenerative disorders, viz., Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Down’s syndrome (DS), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), Pick’s disease (PiD), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD), and neuronal intermediate filament inclusion disease (NIFID). Temporal lobe pathology was observed in all of these disorders most notably in AD, DS, PiD, sCJD, and NIFID. The regions of the temporal lobe affected by the pathology, however, varied between disorders. In AD and DS, the greatest densities of ?-amyloid (A?) deposits were recorded in cortical regions adjacent to the hippocampus (HC), DS exhibiting greater densities of A? deposits than AD. Similarly, in sCJD, greatest densities of prion protein (PrPsc) deposits were recorded in cortical areas of the temporal lobe. In AD and PiD, significant densities of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) and Pick bodies (PB) respectively were present in sector CA1 of the HC while in CBD, the greatest densities of tau-immunoreactive neuronal cytoplasmic inclusions (NCI) were present in the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG). Particularly high densities of PB were present in the DG in PiD, whereas NFT in AD and Lewy bodies (LB) in DLB were usually absent in this region. These data confirm that the temporal lobe is an important site of pathology in the disorders studied regardless of their molecular ‘signature’. However, disorders differ in the extent to which the pathology spreads to affect the HC which may account for some of the observed differences in clinical dementia.


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The density of diffuse, primitive, classic and compact beta-amyloid (beta/A4) deposits was studied in the medial temporal lobe in 12 cases of Down's syndrome (DS) from 38 to 67 years of age. Total beta/A4 deposit density was greater in the adjacent cortex compared with regions of the hippocampus, and these differences were similar within each age group of patients. The ratio of the primitive to diffuse deposits was greater in the hippocampus than in the adjacent cortex. Total beta/A4 density did not vary significantly with patient age. However, the density of the diffuse deposits exhibited a parabolic, and the primitive, classic and compact deposits an inverted parabolic, response with age. Hence, in DS, (1) beta/A4 density remains relatively constant with age, (2) differences in beta/A4 density between the hippocampus and adjacent cortex are established at an early age, and (3) mature beta/A4 subtype formation depends on brain region and patient age.


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The density of beta-amyloid (A beta) deposits was studied in the medial temporal lobe in non-demented individuals and in sporadic Alzheimer's disease (SAD) and Down's syndrome (DS). No A beta deposits were recorded in six of the non-demented cases, while in a further eight cases, these were confined to either the lateral occipitotemporal or parahippocampal gyrus. The mean density of A beta deposits in the cortex was greater in SAD and DS than in non-demented cases but with overlap between patient groups. The mean density of A beta deposits was greater in DS than SAD consistent with a gene dosage effect. The ratio of primitive to diffuse A beta deposits was greater in DS and in non-demented cases than in SAD and the ratio of classic to diffuse deposits was lowest in DS. In all groups, A beta deposits occurred in clusters which were often regularly distributed. In the cortex, the dimension of the A beta clusters was greater in SAD than in the non-demented cases and DS. The data suggest that the development of A beta pathology in the hippocampus could be a factor in the development of DS and SAD. Furthermore, the high density of A beta deposits, and in particular the high proportion of primitive type deposits, may be important in DS while the development of large clusters of A beta deposits may be a factor in SAD.


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This review describes the oculo-visual problems likely to be encountered in Parkinson's disease (PD) with special reference to three questions: (1) are there visual symptoms characteristic of the prodromal phase of PD, (2) is PD dementia associated with specific visual changes, and (3) can visual symptoms help in the differential diagnosis of the parkinsonian syndromes, viz. PD, progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), multiple system atrophy (MSA), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD)? Oculo-visual dysfunction in PD can involve visual acuity, dynamic contrast sensitivity, colour discrimination, pupil reactivity, eye movement, motion perception, and visual processing speeds. In addition, disturbance of visuo-spatial orientation, facial recognition problems, and chronic visual hallucinations may be present. Prodromal features of PD may include autonomic system dysfunction potentially affecting pupil reactivity, abnormal colour vision, abnormal stereopsis associated with postural instability, defects in smooth pursuit eye movements, and deficits in visuo-motor adaptation, especially when accompanied by idiopathic rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder. PD dementia is associated with the exacerbation of many oculo-visual problems but those involving eye movements, visuo-spatial function, and visual hallucinations are most characteristic. Useful diagnostic features in differentiating the parkinsonian symptoms are the presence of visual hallucinations, visuo-spatial problems, and variation in saccadic eye movement dysfunction.


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The paradoxical effects of the hypnotic imidazopyridine zolpidem, widely reported in persistent vegetative state, have been replicated recently in brain-injured and cognitively impaired patients. However, the neuronal mechanisms underlying these benefits are yet to be demonstrated. We implemented contemporary neuroimaging methods to investigate sensorimotor and cognitive improvements, observed in stroke patient JP following zolpidem administration.