973 resultados para LIQUID-METAL


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Under åren 2002-2005 förverkligades Druvan-projektet i Dragsfjärds kommun, vilket innebar en dramatisk ökning av företagshälsovårdsinsatserna. Företagshälsovårdsutgifterna ökade från 20 € per anställd till över 400 €. Den totala satsningen på personalens hälsa ökade ännu mer. Innehållet i Druvan baserade sig på den s.k. Metal Age-metoden. Metoden går ut på att arbetsgemenskapen tillsammans identifierar utvecklingsbehov och –åtgärder. Projektet ledde till en stor mängd utvecklingsåtgärder och därpå följande effekter på personalens hälsa, trivsel och samarbete. Som en del av åtgärderna utarbetade kommunen en personalrapport för de aktuella åren. Under projekttiden utvecklades personalens arbetsförmåga betydligt gynnsammare än förväntat. Den ekonomiska analysen visade att det investerade kapitalet gav en avkastning på 46%. Nyttan uppkom som resultat av minskad sjukfrånvaro och färre förtidspensioneringar. Druvan-projektet stöder de tidigare bedömningarna, enligt vilka det finns ett klart utrymme för att öka satsningarna på företagshälsovård i vårt land. Detta gäller speciellt arbetsplatser vars satsningar på företagshälsovård är betydligt under genomsnittet. Dragsfjärds kommun har beslutat göra Druvan till en bestående struktur inom kommunen. Guy Ahonen är professor i Knowledge Management, speciellt personalekonomi vid institutionen för företagsledning och organisation vid Hanken. Ove Näsman är ledande företagsläkare vid Dalmed OyAb i Dalsbruk i sydvästra Finland. Båda har forskat i årtionden kring effekterna av ökat välbefinnande i arbetet.


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The activity of gallium in liquid Ga-Te alloys has been measured at 1120 K using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating yttria-stabilized thoria as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be schematically represented as (−) W,Re,Ga(1)+Ga2O3(s)|(Y2O3) ThO2|Ga-Te(1) + Ga2O3(s), Re, W (+) The activity of tellurium was derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity of gallium shows negative deviation from Raoult's law for XGa < 0.6 and positive deviation from ideality for XGa > 0.6. The activity of gallium was constant in the composition range 0.73 < XGa < 0.89, indicating liquid state immiscibility in this region. The Gibbs energy of mixing and the concentration-concentration structure factor at long wavelength limit show a minimum at XGa ≈ 0.4, suggesting strong interactions in the liquid phase with formation of ‘Ga2Te3‘-type complexes


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Base metal (Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu) substituted CeVO4 compounds were synthesized by the solution combustion technique. These compounds were characterized by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and BET surface area analyzer. The characterization indicated that the base metals were substituted in the ionic state in all the compounds. These compounds were used for the photocatalytic degradation of phenol and the degradation rates obtained in the presence of these compounds werecompared against that obtained with the commercial Degussa P-25 TiO2 catalyst. Fe and Cr substituted CeVO4 showed photocatalytic activity that was comparable with that of Degussa P-25 TiO2. The concentration of toxic intermediates was high when the reaction was carried out in presence of Degussa P-25 TiO2 but it was found to be insignificant when the reaction was carried out in presence of base metal-substituted CeVO4. The effect of % Fe-substitution (varied from 1 to 5 at%) in CeVO4 on the photocatalytic activity was also investigated and it was observed that 1 at% Fe-substituted compound showed the highest activity. A mathematical model describing the kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of phenol was developed on the basis of the catalyst structure and taking into account the formation of all the possible intermediates. The variation of the concentration of phenol and the intermediates was described by the model and the reaction rateconstants were determined. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nanorods of several oxides, with diameters in the range of 10-200 nm and lengths upto a few microns, have been prepared by templating against carbon nanotubes. The oxides include V2O5, WO3, MoO3 and Sb2O5 as well as metallic MoO2, RuO2 and IrO2. The nanorods tend to be single-crystalline structures. Nanotube structures have also been obtained in MoO3 and RuO2.


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A microscopic theory of equilibrium solvation and solvation dynamics of a classical, polar, solute molecule in dipolar solvent is presented. Density functional theory is used to explicitly calculate the polarization structure around a solvated ion. The calculated solvent polarization structure is different from the continuum model prediction in several respects. The value of the polarization at the surface of the ion is less than the continuum value. The solvent polarization also exhibits small oscillations in space near the ion. We show that, under certain approximations, our linear equilibrium theory reduces to the nonlocal electrostatic theory, with the dielectric function (c(k)) of the liquid now wave vector (k) dependent. It is further shown that the nonlocal electrostatic estimate of solvation energy, with a microscopic c(k), is close to the estimate of linearized equilibrium theories of polar liquids. The study of solvation dynamics is based on a generalized Smoluchowski equation with a mean-field force term to take into account the effects of intermolecular interactions. This study incorporates the local distortion of the solvent structure near the ion and also the effects of the translational modes of the solvent molecules.The latter contribution, if significant, can considerably accelerate the relaxation of solvent polarization and can even give rise to a long time decay that agrees with the continuum model prediction. The significance of these results is discussed.


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The associated model for binary systems has been modified to include volume effects and excess entropy arising from preferential interactions between the associate and the free atoms or between the free atoms. Equations for thermodynamic mixing functions have been derived. An optimization procedure using a modified conjugate gradient method has been used to evaluate the enthalpy and entropy interaction energies, the free energy of dissociation of the complex, its temperature dependance and the size of the associate. An expression for the concentration—concentration structure factor [Scc (0)] has been deduced from the modified associated solution model. The analysis has been applied to the thermodynamic mixing functions of liquid Ga-Te alloys at 1120 K, believed to contain Ga2Te3 associates. It is observed that the modified associated solution model incorporating volume effects and terms for the temperature dependance of interaction energies, describes the thermodynamic properties of Ga-Te system satisfactorily.


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The saturated liquid density, varrholr, data along the liquid vapour coexistence curve published in the literature for several cryogenic liquids, hydrocarbons and halocarbon refrigerants are fitted to a generalized equation of the following form varrholr = 1 + A(1 − Tr + B(1 − Tr)β The values of β, the index in phase density differences power law, have been obtained by means of two approaches namely statistical treatment of saturated fluid phase density difference data and the existence of a maximum in T(varrho1 − varrhov) along the saturation curve. Values of the constants A and B are determined utilizing the fact that Tvarrho1 has a maximum at a characteristic temperature T. Values of A, B and β are tabulated for Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, N2, O2, methane, ethane, propane, iso-butane, n-butane, propylene, ethylene, CO2, water, ammonia, refrigerants-11, 12, 12B1, 13, 13B1, 14, 21, 22, 23, 32, 40, 113, 114, 115, 142b, 152a, 216, 245 and azeotropes R-500, 502, 503, 504. The average error of prediction is less than 2%.


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The criterion for the design of a temperature-compensated reference electrode for non-isothermal galvanic sensors is deduced from the basic flux equations of irreversible thermodynamics. It is shown that when the Seebeck coefficient of the non-isothermal cell using a solid oxygen ion-conducting electrolyte under pure oxygen is equal to the relative partial molar entropy of oxygen in the reference electrode divided by 4F, then the EMF of the non-isothermal cell is the same as that of an isothermal cell with the same electrodes operating at the higher temperature. By measuring the temperature of the melt alone and the EMF of the non-isothermal galvanic sensor, one can derive the chemical potential or the concentration of oxygen in a corrosive medium. The theory is experimentally checked using sensors for oxygen in liquid copper constructed with various metal+oxide electrodes and fully stabilised (CaO)ZrO2 as the electrolyte. To satisfy the exact condition for temperature compensation it is often necessary to have the metal or oxide as a solid solution in the reference electrode.


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A unified treatment of polarization relaxation, dielectric dispersion and solvation dynamics in a dense, dipolar liquid is presented. It is shown that the information of solvent polarization relaxation that is obtained by macroscopic dielectric dispersion experiments is not sufficient to understand dynamics of solvation of a newly created ion or dipole. In solvation, a significant contribution comes from intermediate wave vector processes which depend critically on the short range (nearest‐neighbor) spatial and orientational order that are present in a dense, dipolar liquid. An analytic expression is obtained for the time dependent solvation energy that depends, in addition to the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of the liquid, on the ratio of solute–solvent molecular sizes and on the microscopic structure of the polar liquid. Mean spherical approximation (MSA) theory is used to obtain numerical results for polarization relaxation, for wave vector and frequency dependent dielectric function and for time dependent solvation energy. We find that in the absence of translational contribution, the solvation of an ion is, in general, nonexponential. In this case, the short time decay is dominated by the longitudinal relaxation time but the long time decay is dominated by much slower large wave vector processes involving nearest‐neighbor molecules. The presence of a significant translational contribution drastically alters the decay behavior. Now, the long‐time behavior is given by the longitudinal relaxation time constant and the short time dynamics is controlled by the large wave vector processes. Thus, although the continuum model itself is conceptually wrong, a continuum model like result is recovered in the presence of a sizeable translational contribution. The continuum model result is also recovered in the limit of large solute to solvent size ratio. In the opposite limit of small solute size, the decay is markedly nonexponential (if the translational contribution is not very large) and a complete breakdown of the continuum model takes place. The significance of these results is discussed.


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Oxidation of representative halophenols and halonaphthols by peroxidisulphate has been examined. The influence of metallic ions, viz. Cu2+, Fe3+, Ag+, on the above reaction has been studied. Cu2+ ion-catalyzed oxidation gives halo-1, 4-quinones in excellent yield. Potassium bis(biureto)cuprate(III) complex also oxidises halophenols to halo-1, 4-quinones.