988 resultados para LAA occlusion


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Die allogene hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (allo-HSCT) bietet bei einem hohen Anteil akuter Leukämien die einzige kurative Behandlungsmöglichkeit. Um die mit ihr assoziierte Morbidität und Mortalität zu senken und ihre Effektivität zu steigern, soll die GvL (graft-versus-leukemia)-Reaktion als eigentliches Therapieziel gegenüber der unerwünschten GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) möglichst selektiv verstärkt werden. Wesentliche Mediatoren beider Effekte sind alloreaktive T-Zellen. Bei HLA-Übereinstimmung zwischen Spender und Empfänger sind so genannte Minorhistokompatibilitätsantigene (mHAgs) und Leukämie-assoziierte Antigene (LAA) die mutmaßlichen Zielstrukturen beider Reaktionen. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden in dem Leukämie-Modell der Patientin MZ201 [akute myeloische Leukämie (AML) vom Subtyp FAB M5] mittels T-Zell-basierter cDNA-Expressionsklonierung zwei neue Antigene identifiziert, die von allogenen, AML-reaktiven CD8+ T-Lymphozyten aus Blut eines HLA-passenden gesunden Spenders erkannt wurden. Es handelt sich zum einen um das HLA-B*5601-restringierte mHAg PLAUR-317P, das aus einem Polymorphismus des Gens PLAUR (plasminogen activator, urokinase receptor) resultiert. Das von den T-Zellen am Besten erkannte Peptid enthält die Aminosäuren 316 - 327. PLAUR wird in lymphohämatopoetischen Zellen und in verschiedenen Malignomen überexprimiert und ist dabei mit schlechterer Prognose und vermehrter Gewebeinvasivität assoziiert. Etwa 30% getesteter Individuen tragen das Allel PLAUR-317P. Zum anderen handelt es sich um ein Epitop aus der Signalregion des Chemokins CXCL3 [chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 3], das von CD8+ T-Zellen des gleichen Spenders auf Leukämiezellen der Patientin MZ201 in Assoziation mit HLA-A*0201 erkannt wurde. Auch CXCL3 wird vorwiegend in Zellen der Myelopoese exprimiert. Aufgrund ihres Expressionsmusters sind beide Antigene potentielle Zielstrukturen für die Elimination der Empfänger-Hämatopoese unter Einschluss der Leukämieblasten im Rahmen der allo-HSCT. Weiterführende Untersuchungen müssen zeigen, ob diese Antigene tatsächlich in vivo GvL-Reaktionen hervorrufen. Die Kenntnis eines repräsentativen Spektrums solcher Antigene würde verbesserte Spenderselektionen erlauben und neue Wege des adoptiven T-Zelltransfers erschließen helfen.


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In this work the hydrodechlorination of CF3OCFClCF2Cl to produce unsaturated CF3OCF=CF2 was studied over a series of supported metal catalysts. Currently this molecule is produced from the precursor CF3OCFClCF2Cl by dechlorination with zinc powder. An important cost on the economic and environmental balance is represents by the large amount of ZnCl2 produced and to be disposed of. A new approach, based on gas-phase hydrodechlorination over supported catalysts can lead to a new sustainable process. During the feasibility step of this project, substantially two kind of materials were studied: metals supported over activated carbon and Pd/Cu species supported over MCM-41 mesoporous silica. Observed catalytic performances were strongly dependent on the metal and support used. All carbon-supported Ru, Pd, and bimetallic catalysts are fairly active and yielded the target product CF3OCF=CF2, the higher selectivity being obtained with ruthenium- and palladium-based materials. Nevertheless, Ru-based catalysts showed poor stability and this deactivation may be attributed to the deposition of chlorinated organic species blocking the active sites. On the other hand, palladium-containing catalysts showed high stability. Ru/Pd and Pd/Cu bimetallic catalysts exhibited long-term selectivity and stability, highlighting the possibility for these materials to be employed in the CF3OCF=CF2 production process. During the second part of this thesis, a series of bimetallic meso-structured Pd/Cu MCM-41 catalysts were studies to overcome possible mass transfer limitations. The materials were obtained by different synthesis methods. The incorporation of Pd and Cu during MCM-41 synthesis, did not destroy the typical hexagonal array and ordered pore system of MCM-41. However, the calcination for the removal of the template provoked significant segregation of oxides. The impregnation leads to pore-occlusion and formation of Cu particles and large bimetallic PdCu species. Larger metal particles leads to lower CF3OCFClCF2Cl conversion, while the monometallic particles can decrease the selectivity to CF3OCF=CF2, fostering the dehalogenation to CF3OCH=CF2.


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Hypothermie schützt Neurone vor hypoxischen, ischämischen und traumatischen Schädigungen. Bisher ist jedoch unklar, ob Hypothermie auch endogene Reparaturmechanismen beeinflusst. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher den Einfluss intraischämischer Hypothermie auf das neuroregenerative Potential des Gehirns nach zerebraler Ischämie.rn50 männliche Sprague-Dawley Ratten wurden hierzu anästhesiert, intubiert und in folgende Versuchsgruppen randomisiert: Normotherme Ischämie (Normo/BACO), intraischämische Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) sowie korrespondierende scheinoperierte Kontrollgruppen (Normo/Sham und Hypo/Sham). In den Gruppen Normo/Sham und Normo/BACO wurde die perikranielle Temperatur konstant bei 37 °C gehalten während sie in den Gruppen Hypo/Sham und Hypo/BACO für 85 min auf 33 °C gesenkt wurde. Durch bilaterale Okklusion der Aa. carotides communes in Kombination mit hämorrhagischer Hypotension wurde in BACO-Tieren eine 14-minütige inkomplette globale zerebrale Ischämie induziert. Tiere der Kontroll-Gruppen (Sham) blieben ohne Induktion einer Ischämie in Narkose. 15 weitere Tiere durchliefen nicht den operativen Versuchsteil und bildeten die Nativ-Gruppe, die als Referenz für die natürliche Neurogenese diente. Zur in-vivo-Markierung der Stammzellen wurde vom ersten bis siebten postoperativen Tag Bromodeoxyurindine (BrdU) injiziert. Nach 28 Tagen wurden die Gehirne entnommen. Die Analyse des histopathologischen Schadens erfolgte anhand HE-gefärbter Hirnschnitte, die Quantifikation der absoluten Anzahl neu gebildeter Zellen im Gyrus dentatus erfolgte mittels BrdU-Färbung. Anhand einer BrdU/NeuN-Immunfluoreszenz-Doppelfärbung konnte der Anteil neu generierter Neurone bestimmt werden.rnNach zerebraler Ischämie zeigten Tiere mit Normothermie eine Schädigung der CA 1-Region von über 50 % während hypotherme Ischämietiere einen Schaden von weniger als 10 % aufwiesen. Tiere ohne Ischämie (Hypo/Sham, Normo/Sham, Nativ) zeigten keinen histopathologischen Schaden. Die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone im Gyrus dentatus lag für normotherme Ischämietiere (Normo/BACO) bei 18819 und für Tiere mit intraischämischer Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) bei 15175 neuen Neuronen. In den Kontroll-Gruppen wiesen Tiere der Gruppe Normo/Sham 5501, Tiere der Gruppe Hypo/Sham 4600 und Tiere der Nativ-Gruppe 5974 neu generierte Neurone auf.rnDiese Daten bestätigen frühere Studien, die eine Reduktion des neuronalen Schadens durch intraischämische Hypothermie zeigten. Infolge des ischämischen Stimulus kam es im Vergleich zu beiden Kontroll- und der Nativ-Gruppe zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Anzahl neuer Neurone in beiden Ischämiegruppen unabhängig von der Temperatur. Somit scheint das Ausmaß der histopathologischen Schädigung keinen Einfluss auf die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone zu haben. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste die therapeutische Hypothermie auch nicht die natürliche Neurogeneserate. Die erhobenen Daten lassen vermuten, dass Hypothermie keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl und Differenzierung neuronaler Stammzellen aufweist, unabhängig davon, ob eine zerebrale Schädigung vorliegt.


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Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a very aggressive cancer of the hematopoietic system. Chemotherapy and immunotherapeutical approaches including hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) are the only curative options available. The beneficial graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect of cellular immunotherapy is mostly mediated by donor-derived CD8+ T lymphocytes that recognize minor histocompatibility antigens (mHags) and leukemia-associated antigens (LAAs) presented on the surface of AML blasts (Falkenburg et al. 2008; Kolb 2008). A main complication is graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) that can be induced when cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize broadly expressed antigens. To reduce the risk of GVHD, specific allogeneic T-cell therapy inducing selective GVL responses could be an option (Barrett & Le Blanc 2010; Parmar et al. 2011; Smits et al. 2011). This requires efficient in vitro strategies to generate AML-reactive T cells with an early differentiation phenotype as well as vigorous effector functions and humanized mouse models to analyze the anti-leukemic potential of adoptively transferred T cells in vivo. In this study, AML-reactive CTL clones and oligoclonal T-cell lines could be reliably generated from the naive subset of healthy HLA-class I-identical donors by stimulation with primary AML blasts in mini-mixed-lymphocyte / leukemia cultures (MLLCs) in eight different patient / donor pairs. These CTLs were promising candidates for cellular immunotherapy because of their relatively early differentiation phenotype and strong proliferative and lytic capabilities. The addition of the common γ-chain cytokine IL-21 to the stimulation protocol enabled more precursors to develop into potent leukemia-reactive CTLs, presumably by its beneficial effects on cell survival and antigen-specific proliferation during the first weeks of cultures. It also strengthened the early-stage phenotype. Three long-term cultured CTLs exemplarily transferred into leukemia-engrafted immunodeficient NSG mice mediated a significant reduction of the leukemic burden after a single transfusion. These results demonstrate that CTL clones with reactivity to patient-derived AML blasts can be isolated from the naive compartment of healthy donors and show potent anti-leukemic effects in vivo. The herein described allo-MLLC approach with in vitro “programmed” naive CTL precursors independent of a HSCT setting is a valuable alternative to the conventional method of isolating in vivo primed donor CTLs out of patients after transplantation (Kloosterboer et al. 2004; Warren et al. 2010). This would make leukemia-reactive CTLs already available at the time point of HSCT, when residual leukemia disease is minimal and the chances for complete leukemia eradication are high. Furthermore, leukemia-reactive CTLs effectively expanded by this in vitro protocol can be used as screening populations to identify novel candidate LAAs and mHags for antigen-specific immunotherapy.


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Navigation through a previously deployed and deformed stent is a difficult interventional task. Inadvertent navigation through the struts of a stent can potentially lead to incomplete secondary stent extension and vessel occlusion. Better visualisation of the pathway through the stent can reduce the risks of the procedural complications and reduce the reluctance of the interventionalist to navigate through a previously deployed stent. We describe a technique of visualisation of the pathway navigated by a guidewire through a previously deployed deformed and fractured carotid stent by the use of DynaCT. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the stent/microwire allows excellent visualisation of the correct pathway of the microwire within the stent.


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BACKGROUND The study set out to identify clinical, laboratory and radiological predictors of early mortality after an acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) and to analyse medical and neurological complications that caused death. METHODS A total of 479 consecutive patients (mean age 63+/-14 years) with AIS underwent stroke examination and treatment. Examination included clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and brain CT and/or MRI. Follow-up data at 30 days were available for 467 patients (93%) who were included in the present analysis. RESULTS The median National Institute of Health Stroke Study (NIHSS) score on admission was 6. A total of 62 patients (13%) died within 30 days. The cause of death was the initial event in 43 (69%), pneumonia in 12 (19%), intracerebral haemorrhage in 9 (15%), recurrent stroke in 6 (10%), myocardial infarction in 2 (3%), and cancer in 1 (2%) of the patients. In univariate comparisons, advanced age (p<0.001), hypertension (p=0.013), coronary disease (p=0.001), NIHSS score (p<0.001), undetermined stroke etiology (p=0.031), relevant co-morbidities (p=0.008), hyperglycemia (p<0.001), atrial fibrillation (p<0.001), early CT signs of ischemia (p<0.001), dense artery sign (p<0.001), proximal vessel occlusion (p<0.001), and thrombolysis (p=0.008) were associated with early mortality. In multivariate analysis, advanced age (HR=1.12; 95% CI 1.05-1.19; p<0.001) and high NIHSS score on admission (HR=1.15, 95% CI 1.05-1.25; p=0.002) were independent predictors of early mortality. CONCLUSIONS We report 13% mortality at 30 days after AIS. More than two thirds of the deaths are related to the initial stroke. Advanced age and high NIHSS score are the only independent predictors of early mortality in this series.


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The efficacy of external counterpulsation (ECP) on coronary collateral growth has not been investigated in a randomised controlled study. Objective To test the hypothesis that ECP augments collateral function during a 1 min coronary balloon occlusion.


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OBJECTIVE: Ectopic calcification and mediacalcinosis can be promoted by corticosteroid use. Aim of the present investigation is to describe macrovascular disease features in patients with long-term corticosteroid therapy and symptomatic lower limb peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAD). METHODS: A consecutive series of 2783 patients undergoing clinical and angiographic work-up of PAD were screened for long-term (>5 years) corticosteroid use (group A). Comparison was performed to a randomly selected age-, sex- and risk factor-matched PAD control cohort from the same series without corticosteroid use (group B). Patients with diabetes mellitus or severe renal failure were excluded. Arterial calcification was evaluated by qualitative assessment on radiographic images. Severity of atherosclerotic lesions was analysed from angiographic images using a semi-quantitative score (Bollinger score). RESULTS: In general, 12 patients (5 males, mean age 78.5 +/- 9.0 years) with 15 ischaemic limbs qualified to be enrolled in group A and were compared to 23 matching control patients (6 2 males, mean age 79.5 +/- 6 years) with 32 ischaemic limbs. Incompressibility of ankle arteries determined by measurement of the ankle-brachial index was seen in 12 limbs (80%) in group A compared to 3 limbs (9%) in group B (p = 0.0009). No significant difference was found comparing group A and B for segmental calcification, whereas comparison of the atherosclerotic burden using the angiographic severity score showed a significantly higher score at the infragenicular arterial level in group A (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that the long-term corticosteroid therapy is associated with a distally accentuated, calcifying peripheral atherosclerosis inducing arterial incompressibility. This occlusion pattern is comparable to patients with renal failure or diabetes. Further research is required to support our observations.


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Inflammation plays a key role in acute coronary syndromes (ACS). Toll-like receptors (TLR) on leucocytes mediate inflammation and immune responses. We characterized leucocytes and TLR expression within coronary thrombi and compared cytokine levels from the site of coronary occlusion with aortic blood (AB) in ACS patients.


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OBJECTIVES: To develop a minimally destructive technique for removing the smear layer produced by cutting and polishing specimens of dentine prepared for use in experimental studies, e.g. on occlusion of dentinal tubules by oral health products. The aim was to avoid the damage caused by conventional techniques utilising short exposures to solutions with very low pH. METHODS: Two acetate buffers, pH 5.5, containing different concentrations of calcium and phosphate, with -log(ion activity product with respect to hydroxyapatite) (pI(HA)) of 55 or 56, were tested on slices of dentine using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). RESULTS: A solution which, from previous work, was slightly undersaturated with respect to dentine mineral, with a pI(HA) of 56, was found to remove smear layers produced by cutting and/or polishing after 15 min. However, to reliably remove debris occluding the tubules an exposure time of 2h, followed by brief ultrasonication, was necessary. After 2h treatment with this buffer, only a small amount of demineralization of the surface was detectable by SEM, while calcium and phosphorus were detectable by X-ray dispersive spectroscopy. CONCLUSION: It is possible to remove smear layers, and to open dentinal tubules, by a reasonably short exposure to an acidic buffer which is undersaturated with respect to dentine mineral.


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PURPOSE: The aim of this two-center study was to evaluate screw-type titanium implants with a chemically modified, sandblasted and acid-etched surface when placed in the posterior maxilla or mandible, and loaded 21 days after placement. MATERIAL AND METHODS: All 56 patients met strict inclusion criteria and provided informed consent. Each patient displayed either a single-tooth gap, an extended edentulous space, or a distal extension situation in the posterior mandible or maxilla. Eighty-nine dental implants (SLActive, Institut Straumann AG, Basel, Switzerland) were inserted according to an established nonsubmerged protocol and underwent undisturbed healing for a period of 21 days. Where appropriate, the implants were loaded after 21 days of healing with provisional restorations in full occlusion. Definitive metal ceramic restorations were fabricated and positioned on each implant after 6 months of healing. Clinical measurements regarding soft tissue parameters and radiographs were obtained at different time points up to 24 months after implant placement. RESULTS: Of the 89 inserted implants, two (2.2%) implants failed to integrate and were removed during healing, and two (2.2%) additional implants required a prolonged healing time. A total of 85 (95.6%) implants were therefore loaded without incident after 21 days of healing. No additional implant was lost throughout the study period, whereas one implant was lost to follow-up and therefore left unaccounted for further analysis. The remaining 86 implants all exhibited favorable radiographic and clinical findings. Based on strict success criteria, these implants were considered successfully integrated 2 years after insertion, resulting in a 2-year success rate of 97.7%. CONCLUSION: The results of this prospective two-center study demonstrate that titanium implants with a modified SLA surface can predictably achieve successful tissue integration when loaded in full occlusion 21 days after placement. Integration could be maintained without incident for at least 2 years of follow-up.


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OBJECTIVE: Dual antiplatelet therapy with clopidogrel plus acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) is superior to ASA alone in patients with acute coronary syndromes and in those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. We sought to determine whether clopidogrel plus ASA conferred benefit on limb outcomes over ASA alone in patients undergoing below-knee bypass grafting. METHODS: Patients undergoing unilateral, below-knee bypass graft for atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) were enrolled 2 to 4 days after surgery and were randomly assigned to clopidogrel 75 mg/day plus ASA 75 to 100 mg/day or placebo plus ASA 75 to 100 mg/day for 6 to 24 months. The primary efficacy endpoint was a composite of index-graft occlusion or revascularization, above-ankle amputation of the affected limb, or death. The primary safety endpoint was severe bleeding (Global Utilization of Streptokinase and Tissue plasminogen activator for Occluded coronary arteries [GUSTO] classification). RESULTS: In the overall population, the primary endpoint occurred in 149 of 425 patients in the clopidogrel group vs 151 of 426 patients in the placebo (plus ASA) group (hazard ratio [HR], 0.98; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.78-1.23). In a prespecified subgroup analysis, the primary endpoint was significantly reduced by clopidogrel in prosthetic graft patients (HR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.45-0.95; P = .025) but not in venous graft patients (HR, 1.25; 95% CI, 0.94-1.67, not significant [NS]). A significant statistical interaction between treatment effect and graft type was observed (P(interaction) = .008). Although total bleeds were more frequent with clopidogrel, there was no significant difference between the rates of severe bleeding in the clopidogrel and placebo (plus ASA) groups (2.1% vs 1.2%). CONCLUSION: The combination of clopidogrel plus ASA did not improve limb or systemic outcomes in the overall population of PAD patients requiring below-knee bypass grafting. Subgroup analysis suggests that clopidogrel plus ASA confers benefit in patients receiving prosthetic grafts without significantly increasing major bleeding risk.


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BACKGROUND: Untreated hypovolemia results in impaired outcome. This study tests our hypothesis whether general hemodynamic parameters detect acute blood loss earlier than monitoring parameters of regional tissue beds. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eight pigs (23-25 kg) were anesthetized and mechanically ventilated. A pulmonary artery catheter and an arterial catheter were inserted. Tissue oxygen tension was measured with Clark-type electrodes in the jejunal and colonic wall, in the liver, and subcutaneously. Jejunal microcirculation was assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF). Intravascular volume was optimized using difference in pulse pressure (dPP) to keep dPP below 13%. Sixty minutes after preparation, baseline measurements were taken. At first, 5% of total blood volume was withdrawn, followed by another 5% increment, and then in 10% increments until death. RESULTS: After withdrawal of 5% of estimated blood volume, dPP increased from 6.1% +/- 3.0% to 20.8% +/- 2.7% (P < 0.01). Mean arterial pressure (MAP), mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) decreased with a blood loss of 10% (P < 0.01). Cardiac output (CO) changed after a blood loss of 20% (P < 0.05). Tissue oxygen tension in central organs, and blood flow in the jejunal muscularis decreased (P < 0.05) after a blood loss of 20%. Tissue oxygen tension in the skin, and jejunal mucosa blood flow decreased (P < 0.05) after a blood loss of 40% and 50%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this hemorrhagic pig model systemic hemodynamic parameters were more sensitive to detect acute hypovolemia than tissue oxygen tension measurements or jejunal LDF measurements. Acute blood loss was detected first by dPP.


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The superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) comprises various symptoms due to occlusion of the SVC, which can be easily obstructed by pathological conditions (eg, lung cancer, due to the low internal venous pressure within rigid structures of the thorax [trachea, right bronchus, aorta]). The resulting increased venous pressure in the upper body may cause edema of the head, neck, and upper extremities, often associated with cyanosis, plethora, and distended subcutaneous vessels. Despite the often striking clinical presentation, SVCS itself is usually not a life-threatening condition. Currently, randomized controlled trials on many clinically important aspects of SVCS are lacking. This review gives an interdisciplinary overview of the pathophysiology, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant SVCS.


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Background The goal when resuscitating trauma patients is to achieve adequate tissue perfusion. One parameter of tissue perfusion is tissue oxygen saturation (StO2), as measured by near infrared spectroscopy. Using a commercially available device, we investigated whether clinically relevant blood loss of 500 ml in healthy volunteers can be detected by changes in StO2 after a standardized ischemic event. Methods We performed occlusion of the brachial artery for 3 minutes in 20 healthy female blood donors before and after blood donation. StO2 and total oxygenated tissue hemoglobin (O2Hb) were measured continuously at the thenar eminence. 10 healthy volunteers were assessed in the same way, to examine whether repeated vascular occlusion without blood donation exhibits time dependent effects. Results Blood donation caused a substantial decrease in systolic blood pressure, but did not affect resting StO2 and O2Hb values. No changes were measured in the blood donor group in the reaction to the vascular occlusion test, but in the control group there was an increase in the O2Hb rate of recovery during the reperfusion phase. Conclusion StO2 measured at the thenar eminence seems to be insensitive to blood loss of 500 ml in this setting. Probably blood loss greater than this might lead to detectable changes guiding the treating physician. The exact cut off for detectable changes and the time effect on repeated vascular occlusion tests should be explored further. Until now no such data exist.