994 resultados para L. major-like
Aquest document ens explica com afecta la crisi socioeconòmica del nostre país als infants que es troben en situació de risc social. En concret, la recerca es va centrar en una escola pública de Torelló on hi ha un predomini d’infants immigrants. La majoria d’aquests infants es troben en una situació precària i, a més, tenen dificultats per entendre la llengua del centre i per comunicar-se amb la mestra tutora de laula. Per concloure lestudi es va elaborar un pla d’acció on es mostra que si es porten a terme estratègies educatives inclusives, com pot ser lexpressió corporal, dins laula ordinària els infants amb major risc social poden aprendre més amb la interacció.
L'objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à mettre en évidence la persistance du capitalisme familial en Suisse au cours du 20e siècle, et sa résistance aux capitalismes managérial et financier qui sont censés lui avoir succédé. Pour ce faire, nous avons retenu vingt-deux grandes entreprises du secteur des machines, de l'électrotechnique et de la métallurgie - principale branche de l'industrie suisse pour la période considérée -, pour lesquelles ont été recensés les membres des conseils d'administration et les principaux dirigeants exécutifs pour cinq dates- repère couvrant le siècle (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980 et 2000). Cette thèse s'inscrit dans une démarche pluridisciplinaire qui relve à la fois de l'histoire d'entreprise et de la sociologie des dirigeants, et fait appel à différentes méthodes telles que l'analyse de réseau et l'analyse prosopographique. Elle s'articule autour de trois axes de recherche principaux : le premier vise à mettre en évidence l'évolution des modes de gouvernance dans notre groupe d'entreprises, le second investit la question de la coordination patronale et le troisième a pour but de dresser un portrait collectif des élites à la tête de nos vingt-deux firmes. Nos résultats montrent que durant la majeure partie du siècle, la plupart de nos entreprises sont contrôles par des familles et fonctionnent sur un mode de coordination hors marché qui repose notamment sur un réseau dense de liens interfirmes, le profil des dirigeants restant dans l'ensemble stable. Si la fin du siècle est marquée par plusieurs changements qui confirment l'avènement d'un capitalisme dit financier ou actionnarial et la mise en place de pratiques plus concurrentielles parmi les firmes et les élites industrielles, le maintien du contrôle familial dans plusieurs entreprises et la persistance de certains anciens mécanismes de coopération nous incitent cependant à nuancer ce constat. - The main objective of this research is to highlight the persistence of family capitalism in Switzerland during the 20th century and its resistance to managerial and financial capitalisms that succeeded. For this purpose, we focus on twenty- two big companies of the machine, electrotechnical and metallurgy sector - the main branch of the Swiss industry for the considered period - whose boards of directors and executive managers have been identified for five benchmarks across the century (1910, 1937, 1957, 1980 and 2000). This thesis relates to business history and elites sociology, and uses different methods such as network analysis and prosopography. It is articulated around three main parts. The aim of the first one is to identify the evolution of corporate governance in our twenty-two enterprises, the second part concentrates on interfirms coordination and the objective of the last one is to highlight the profile of the corporate elite leading our firms. Our results show that during the main part of the century, most of the companies were controlled by families and were characterized by non-market mechanisms of coordination such as interlocking directorates ; moreover, the profile of the corporate elite remained very stable. Although some major changes that took place by the end of the century confirmed a transition towards financial capitalism and more competitive interaction among firms and the corporate elite, the persistence of family control in several companies and the maintaining of some former mechanisms of coordination allow us to put this evolution into perspective.
Potentiation of glucose-induced insulin secretion by intestinal factors has been described for many years. Today, two major peptides with potent insulinotropic action have been recognized: gastric inhibitory peptide and truncated forms of glucagon-like peptide I, GLP-I(7-37) or the related GLP-I(7-36)amide. These hormones have specific beta-cell receptors that are coupled to production of cAMP and activation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Elevation in intracellular cAMP levels is required to mediate the glucoincretin effect of these hormones: the potentiation of insulin secretion in the presence of stimulatory concentrations of glucose. In addition, circulating glucoincretins maintain basal levels of cAMP, which are necessary to keep beta-cells in a glucose-competent state. Interactions between glucoincretin signaling and glucose-induced insulin secretion may result from the phosphorylation of key elements of the glucose signaling pathway by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. These include the ATP-dependent K+ channel, the Ca++ channel, or elements of the secretory machinery itself. In NIDDM, the glucoincretin effect is reduced. However, basal or stimulated gastric inhibitory peptide and glucagon-like peptide I levels are normal or even elevated, suggesting that signals induced by these hormones on the beta-cells are probably altered. At pharmacological doses, infusion of glucagon-like peptide I but not gastric inhibitory peptide, can ameliorate postprandial insulin secretory response in NIDDM patients. Agonists of the glucagon-like peptide I receptor have been proposed as new therapeutic agents in NIDDM.
The oligomeric state of BAFF (B cell activing factor), a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family cytokine that plays a critical role in B cell development and survival, has been the subject of recent debate. Myc-tagged BAFF starting at residue Gln136 was previously reported to crystallize as trimers at pH 4.5, whereas a histidine-tagged construct of BAFF, starting at residue Ala134, formed a virus-like cluster containing 60 monomers when crystallized at pH 9.0. The formation of the BAFF 60-mer was pH dependent, requiring pH >or= 7.0. More recently, 60-mer formation was suggested to be artificially induced by the histidine tag, and it was proposed that BAFF, like all other TNF family members, is trimeric. We report here that a construct of BAFF with no amino-terminal tag (Ala134-BAFF) can form a 60-mer in solution. Using size exclusion chromatography and static light scattering to monitor trimer to 60-mer ratios in BAFF preparations, we find that 60-mer formation is pH-dependent and requires histidine 218 within the DE loop of BAFF. Biacore measurements established that the affinity of Ala134-BAFF for the BAFF receptor BAFFR/BR3 is similar to that of myc-Gln136-BAFF, which is exclusively trimeric in solution. However, Ala134-BAFF is more efficacious than myc-Gln136-BAFF in inducing B cell proliferation in vitro. We additionally show that BAFF that is processed and secreted by 293T cells transfected with full-length BAFF, or by a histiocytic lymphoma cell line (U937) that expresses BAFF endogenously, forms a pH-dependent 60-mer in solution. Our results indicate that the formation of the 60-mer in solution by the BAFF extracellular domain is an intrinsic property of the protein, and therefore that this more active form of BAFF may be physiologically relevant.
There has been increasing attention to the subgroups of mood disorders and their boundaries with other mental disorders, particularly psychoses. The goals of the present paper were (1) to assess the familial aggregation and co-aggregation patterns of the full spectrum of mood disorders (that is, bipolar, schizoaffective (SAF), major depression) based on contemporary diagnostic criteria; and (2) to evaluate the familial specificity of the major subgroups of mood disorders, including psychotic, manic and major depressive episodes (MDEs). The sample included 293 patients with a lifetime diagnosis of SAF disorder, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder (MDD), 110 orthopedic controls, and 1734 adult first-degree relatives. The diagnostic assignment was based on all available information, including direct diagnostic interviews, family history reports and medical records. Our findings revealed specificity of the familial aggregation of psychosis (odds ratio (OR)=2.9, confidence interval (CI): 1.1-7.7), mania (OR=6.4, CI: 2.2-18.7) and MDEs (OR=2.0, CI: 1.5-2.7) but not hypomania (OR=1.3, CI: 0.5-3.6). There was no evidence for cross-transmission of mania and MDEs (OR=.7, CI:.5-1.1), psychosis and mania (OR=1.0, CI:.4-2.7) or psychosis and MDEs (OR=1.0, CI:.7-1.4). The strong familial specificity of psychotic, manic and MDEs in this largest controlled contemporary family study challenges the growing assertion that the major types of mood disorders are manifestations of a common underlying diathesis.
Glial cells are increasingly recognized as active players that profoundly influence neuronal synaptic transmission by specialized signaling pathways. In particular, astrocytes have been shown recently to release small molecules, such as the amino acids l-glutamate and d-serine as "gliotransmitters," which directly control the efficacy of adjacent synapses. However, it is still controversial whether gliotransmitters are released from a cytosolic pool or by Ca(2+)-dependent exocytosis from secretory vesicles, i.e., by a mechanism similar to the release of synaptic vesicles in synapses. Here we report that rat cortical astrocytes contain storage vesicles that display morphological and biochemical features similar to neuronal synaptic vesicles. These vesicles share some, but not all, membrane proteins with synaptic vesicles, including the SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor) synaptobrevin 2, and contain both l-glutamate and d-serine. Furthermore, they show uptake of l-glutamate and d-serine that is driven by a proton electrochemical gradient. d-Serine uptake is associated with vesicle acidification and is dependent on chloride. Whereas l-serine is not transported, serine racemase, the synthesizing enzyme for d-serine, is anchored to the membrane of the vesicles, allowing local generation of d-serine. Finally, we reveal a previously unexpected mutual vesicular synergy between d-serine and l-glutamate filling in glia vesicles. We conclude that astrocytes contain vesicles capable of storing and releasing d-serine, l-glutamate, and most likely other neuromodulators in an activity-dependent manner.
Introducció: La preocupació per la qualitat assistencial, i concretament per la qualitat de les cures infermeres, la satisfacció percebuda pel pacient com element fonamental com a indicador de la qualitat dels serveis sanitaris i clau en la millora de la qualitat assistencial, i el fet que a lestat espanyol hi ha pocs estudis de satisfacció específics de la població anciana hospitalitzada, ens va portar a plantejar un estudi amb lobjectiu de valorar el grau de satisfacció de les persones grans hospitalitzades en relació a latenció rebuda dels professionals d’infermeria. Metodologia: S’ha realitzat un estudi descriptiu i transversal en un col.lectiu de 42 persones hospitalitzades d’edat ≥ 60 anys. El grau de satisfacció es va determinar amb “La Monica Oberst Patient Satisfaction Scale 12” (LOPSS 12), versió reduïda en castellà. La personalització de les cures es va valorar amb un qüestionari que valora la relació infermera-usuari extret de lÍndex de Personalització de les Cures. L'anàlisi estadística es va dur a terme amb el programa informàtic SPSS® vs 21.0. Resultats: Es va evidenciar un elevat grau de satisfacció global amb les cures d’infermeria (8,8 1,5 / 10), però el nivell global de personalització d’aquestes cures no va ser molt satisfactori (3,4 2,1 / 7). Els homes van valorar millor a les infermeres respecte a que consideraven les seves opinions i preferències (p=0,03) i contestaven amb rapidesa les seves trucades (p=0,009). La personalització de les cures millorava conforme incrementava el grau de satisfacció global (r = 0,582; p = 0,000) i amb el temps d’hospitalització (r = 0,344; p = 0,026). Conclusions: El grau de satisfacció global respecte la satisfacció en latenció rebuda per part d’infermeria, va ser elevat però amb baix grau de personalització, mostrant major satisfacció els homes respecte les dones. Conèixer lopinió dels usuaris representa una oportunitat pels professionals de reflexionar sobre la pràctica clnica i ser crítics per avançar en el desenvolupament de la professió, identificant aspectes susceptibles de millora 5 amb la finalitat d’augmentar la qualitat de les cures que es presten, així com la qualitat de vida de les persones.
Immigration, intégration, précarité, échec scolaire, ignorance du français, délinquance sont des thèmes qui animent régulièrement les débats publics, médiatiques et politiques. Bien que les migrations ont toujours fait partie de l'histoire humaine, elles sont souvent décrites comme un trouble aux identités nationales, elles-mêmes mises à mal par la mondialisation. Cependant, les mécanismes sous-tendant les difficultés rencontrées par certains enfants de migrants demeurent bien moins débattus et considérés que leurs conséquences bruyantes et visibles. Après une réflexion sur l'impact de la migration elle-même sur le sujet et un bref aperçu de l'ethnopsychiatrie, nous allons décrire les difficultés que peut rencontrer l'enfant de migrants, leurs origines et leurs conséquences. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite à la manière dont notre société, nos institutions en tiennent compte ou pas. Nous terminerons notre propos par la mise en relief des besoins thérapeutiques et éducatifs spéciaux de ces enfants et la manière dont ceux-ci sont combls (ou non). Immigration, social integration, precariousness, language barrier, delinquency are constantly stimulating public, political and media debate. Migrations always were part of the human history but they are often described like a disorder of the national identities, themselves put at evil by globalization. However, the origin of the difficulties that certain children of migrants encounter is often overlooked. Only their disturbing implications are frequently studied. After a brief comment on the impact of the migration and the ethnopsychiatry, we will outline the difficulties sometimes faced by the children of migrants, their origins and consequences. Then we will describe how the society and the institutions take them in account (or not). We finally will delineate the specific needs of those children and how they are meeting (or not).
BACKGROUND: The genome of Protochlamydia amoebophila UWE25, a Parachlamydia-related endosymbiont of free-living amoebae, was recently published, providing the opportunity to search for genomic islands (GIs). RESULTS: On the residual cumulative G+C content curve, a G+C-rich 19-kb region was observed. This sequence is part of a 100-kb chromosome region, containing 100 highly co-oriented ORFs, flanked by two 17-bp direct repeats. Two identical gly-tRNA genes in tandem are present at the proximal end of this genetic element. Several mobility genes encoding transposases and bacteriophage-related proteins are located within this chromosome region. Thus, this region largely fulfills the criteria of GIs. The G+C content analysis shows that several modules compose this GI. Surprisingly, one of them encodes all genes essential for F-like conjugative DNA transfer (traF, traG, traH, traN, traU, traW, and trbC), involved in sex pilus retraction and mating pair stabilization, strongly suggesting that, similarly to the other F-like operons, the parachlamydial tra unit is devoted to DNA transfer. A close relatedness of this tra unit to F-like tra operons involved in conjugative transfer is confirmed by phylogenetic analyses performed on concatenated genes and gene order conservation. These analyses and that of gly-tRNA distribution in 140 GIs suggest a proteobacterial origin of the parachlamydial tra unit. CONCLUSIONS: A GI of the UWE25 chromosome encodes a potentially functional F-like DNA conjugative system. This is the first hint of a putative conjugative system in chlamydiae. Conjugation most probably occurs within free-living amoebae, that may contain hundreds of Parachlamydia bacteria tightly packed in vacuoles. Such a conjugative system might be involved in DNA transfer between internalized bacteria. Since this system is absent from the sequenced genomes of Chlamydiaceae, we hypothesize that it was acquired after the divergence between Parachlamydiaceae and Chlamydiaceae, when the Parachlamydia-related symbiont was an intracellular bacteria. It suggests that this heterologous DNA was acquired from a phylogenetically-distant bacteria sharing an amoebal vacuole. Since Parachlamydiaceae are emerging agents of pneumonia, this GI might be involved in pathogenicity. In future, conjugative systems might be developed as genetic tools for Chlamydiales.
For persons without cardiovascular disease, the benefit of aspirin in primary prevention has been controversial until the recent publication of several major randomized controlled trials. Since then, several medical societies recommend that clinicians discuss aspirin prevention with adults at high cardiovascular risk. Patients with low cardiovascular risk are unlikely to benefit from aspirin, as potential harms (hemorrhagic strokes, gastrointestinal bleedings) may outweigh benefits. Aspirin should be recommended in primary prevention only in patients with a 10-year cardiovascular risk > or = 10% or in diabetic patients aged > or = 40 years with a concomitant cardiovascular risk factor, after assessing contraindications for aspirin and individual's preferences for the risks and benefits associated with aspirin.
El análisis antracolgico, dendrolgico y tafonómico de tres estructuras pastoriles de época moderna del yacimiento de Pleta de lEstall Serrer (valle delMadriu, Andorra) situado a 1.980mde altitud, nosmuestra una presencia casi absoluta del pino tipo negro y la presencia puntual de taxones arbustivos como las ericáceas. Se trata de especies típicas en un bosque subalpino de pino negro. La presencia casi absoluta del pino, nos ha permitido observar diferentes alteraciones de la madera que nos han proporcionado una gran información sobre el uso de la madera, sobre todo las alteraciones por microorganismos. Hemos podido distinguir varios tipos de alteraciones causadas tanto por insectos xilfagos e hifas de hongos. Además, hemos identificado algunos individuos de termitas subterráneas tanto vivas como carbonizadas. Las primeras son termitas que atacan la madera arqueolgica durante los procesos postdeposicionales y las termitas carbonizadas seguramente fueron la causa del deterioro de las estructuras y su posterior destrucción a través de su incendio.
Papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum is a benign salivary gland tumor most frequently located in the parotid gland (Warthin"s tumor). Its presentation in other major, or in minor, salivary glands is rare. Clinically, it manifests as a slow growing tumor, fluctuant on palpation due to its cystic morphology. The treatment of choice is complete excision with wide tumor-free margins. We present a 73-year-old female patient with an asymptomatic tumor of 8 years evolution in the right posterior area of the hard palate. We performed surgical excision and a biopsy, which was reported as papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum. During the post-operative examination carried out after 3 weeks, it was observed that the lesion had recurred. The lesion was re-operated, performing the excision with CO2 laser and including the periosteum to ensure complete resection of the tumor. At 10 months follow-up, there was no recurrence of the lesion. This article includes a review of this condition and discusses its most important clinical and pathologic features and therapeutic approaches.
Lobjectiu d’aquest projecte és estudiar la recepció de lobra de Bach des de la seva vida fins lactualitat. Es pretén, d’una banda, esbrinar quins són els motius que van produir que cada època històrica jutjés lobra de Bach de diferent manera, quins van ser els mitjans de conservació de la seva obra així com quins canvis va patir la seva obra per tal d’encaixar amb cada època. D’altra banda pretén exemplificar aquesta diferència en la posició que cada època va atorgar a lobra de Bach mitjançant obres de compositors posteriors (Mozart, Schumann, Brahms, Britten i Villa-Lobos) que, cadascuna de manera diferent, contenen alguna reminiscència de Bach. La metodologia utilitzada ha consistit en la seva major part en la recerca bibliogràfica però també en la comparació de versions d’obres musicals en partitures i gravacions. La conclusió principal que es pot extreure d’aquest treball és que cadascú és producte de la seva època amb el seu context particular i per tant, qualsevol interpretació que pugui fer d’una obra musical amb el seu estil compositiu ve fortament determinat per la ideologia del context que lenvolta. És normal, doncs, que el segle XVIII la decadència del pensament religiós comportés un rebuig per lobra de Bach la qual és majoritàriament de caràcter religiós, mentre que el segle XIX amb lemergència de la burgesia i els seus valors romàntics s’elevés la figura de Bach com lheroi del poble alemany.
''Like Parents, Like Children?'' Using Secondary Data in the Study of Parental Political Influence in Switzerland: This text is devoted to the intergenerational transmission of left-right ideological orientation. Using data from the Swiss Household Panel (www.swisspanel.ch), collected both directly and through intermediaries, it raises the question of the validity of second-hand information, which is discussed on several points. The article also shows that there is a strong long-term coherence between the ideological orientation of parents and their children. It also highlights the fact that the link is not the same for boys as for girls, and it varies between generations. Finally, it shows that strong upward social mobility, compared to the original environment, facilitates emancipation from parental ideology, social inertia being greater for downward and horizontal mobility. Ce texte est consacré à la transmission intergénérationnelle de l'orientation idéologique gauche-droite. Utilisant des données du Panel Suisse de Ménages (www.swisspanel.ch), collectées tant directement que par personnes interposées, il pose la question de la validité des informations de seconde main, qui est étudiée sur plusieurs points. L'article montre en outre qu'il existe à long terme une forte cohérence entre l'orientation idéologique des parents et de leurs enfants. Il met aussi en évidence que ce lien n'est pas la même auprès des garçons qu'auprès des filles, et qu'il varie entre les générations. Finalement, il montre qu'une forte ascension sociale par rapport au milieu d'origine facilite l'émancipation des orientations idéologiques parentales, l'inertie étant plus forte pour les trajectoires descendantes et horizontales.