1000 resultados para Koskenniemi, V. A


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Invocatio: Q.F.F.Q.S.


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Invocatio: Q.B.V.D.T.O.M.


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Invocatio: Q.F.S.F.Q.


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Invocatio: I.N.J.


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This paper describes the adsorption of heavy metals ions from aqueous solution by hydrous niobium oxide. Three heavy metals were selected for this study: cadmium, lead and silver. Adsorption isotherms were well fitted by Langmuir model. Maximum adsorption capacity (Q0) for Pb2 +, Ag+ and Cd2 + was found to be 452.5, 188.68 and 8.85 mg g-1, respectively.


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In this work, hydrotalcite, a layered double hydroxide, had its adsorption and ion exchange properties combined with the magnetic properties of iron oxide to produce a magnetic adsorbent, HT-Fe. The removal of As(V) by a HT-Fe adsorbent was evaluated under various conditions. The Kinetic process was well described by a pseudo-second order rate model. The maximum adsorption capacity, calculated with the Langmuir model showed to be dependent on pH, reaching values of 24.09, 10.19 and 7.44 mg g-1, respectively, for pH values of 4.0, 7.0 and 9.0. The inhibition by competition of anions is dependent on the type of ionic species.


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A procedure for the simultaneous determination of Cr, Ni, and V in urine by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ET AAS) was optimized by factorial design, and performed at a pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of 1300 and 2500 ºC, respectively, using 15 µg de Mg(NO3)2 as chemical modifier. Characteristics mass of 14, 6 and 220 ρg and detection limits of the method of 0.07, 0.38 and 0.75 µg L-1 were obtained for Cr, Ni and V respectively. The methodology was validated using a Liphochek Urine Metals Control sample (Bio-Rad) (P=0.05). The methodology was applied to samples of voluntary Venezuelan people, not environmentally exposed to specific emissions, and results ranging from < LOD-1.1 and 1.3-3.3 µg L-1 was observed for Cr and V, respectively, and not detectable levels for Ni.


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In this article, we present data from a study in practical classes for General Chemistry. To this end, it was proposed to use a modified V diagram to replace traditional reporting. These reports consist of material commonly prepared in the subject, including introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion and conclusions. From the preparation of the modified V, the students were able to establish relationships between the theoretical and methodological aspects necessary for understanding the objects and events studied. Thus, student learning can be evaluated in light of the Theory of Meaningful Learning.


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Cathepsins represent a class of enzymes that has the primary function of randomly degrading proteins in the lysosomes, although are also involved in different pathologies. The aim of this paper was to evaluate the capacity of acridone alkaloids isolated from Swinglea glutinosa (Rutaceae) to inhibit cathepsin L in vitro . The IC50 values found were in the 0.8-57 µM range and the most promising compounds were alkaloids 1 and 2, with IC50 of 0.9 and 0.8 µM, respectively. Enzyme kinetics revealed that they are reversible competitive inhibitors with respect to the substrate Z-FR-MCA. This small series of acridone alkaloids showed low selectivity for both cathepsins, but represent promising lead candidates for the further development of competitive cathepsin L and V inhibitors.


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Pultavan kuvernementista, Ukrainan alueelta kotoisin oleva Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) kävi kahdeksan vuotta Nizhynin taidekoulua. Sinä aikana hän alkoi myös kirjallisen työnsä. Vuonna 1828 hän muutti Pietariin ja tutustui Venäjän kirjalliseen aristokratiaan, mm. Alexander Pushkiniin. Vuonna 1831 ilmestyi ensimmäinen nide Ukrainaan liittyvistä kertomuksista, Vetshera na hutore bliz Dikanki. Gogol oli sy¤sti kiinnostunut Ukrainan historiasta ja pyrki Kiovan yliopiston historian osaston virkaan. Silloinen Venäjän opetusministeri Sergei Uvarov ja Pushkin tukivat häntä, mutta Kiovan byrokraatit piti¤t Gogolia epäpäte¤nä. Kiovan sijaan Gogol sai vuonna 1834 viran Pietarin yliopiston keskiajan historian professorina, jossa virassa hän todella olikin epäpäte¤. Gogol erosi virasta jo seuraavana vuonna. Gogol alkoi uskoa omiin kirjallisiin kykyihinsä, kun hänen komediansa Revizor esitettiin huhtikuussa 1836. Teos on rankkaa satiiria Venäjän provinssien byrokraateista, ja se saatiin esittää vain Nikolai I:n ¤liintulon kautta. Näytelmä esitti koko Venäjän yhteiskunnan kaikkine ongelmineen, ja oli sel¤Ã¤, että se aiheutti kiistoja. Näitä Gogol pakeni ulkomaille, ja Roomassa syntyi¤t ensimmäiset osat teoksista Kuolleet sielut sekä Päällysnuttu.