995 resultados para Kohonen network (SOM)
Insight-lehden numerossa 26 (Maaliskuu 2013) julkaistu artikkeli.
The ongoing global financial crisis has demonstrated the importance of a systemwide, or macroprudential, approach to safeguarding financial stability. An essential part of macroprudential oversight concerns the tasks of early identification and assessment of risks and vulnerabilities that eventually may lead to a systemic financial crisis. Thriving tools are crucial as they allow early policy actions to decrease or prevent further build-up of risks or to otherwise enhance the shock absorption capacity of the financial system. In the literature, three types of systemic risk can be identified: i ) build-up of widespread imbalances, ii ) exogenous aggregate shocks, and iii ) contagion. Accordingly, the systemic risks are matched by three categories of analytical methods for decision support: i ) early-warning, ii ) macro stress-testing, and iii ) contagion models. Stimulated by the prolonged global financial crisis, today's toolbox of analytical methods includes a wide range of innovative solutions to the two tasks of risk identification and risk assessment. Yet, the literature lacks a focus on the task of risk communication. This thesis discusses macroprudential oversight from the viewpoint of all three tasks: Within analytical tools for risk identification and risk assessment, the focus concerns a tight integration of means for risk communication. Data and dimension reduction methods, and their combinations, hold promise for representing multivariate data structures in easily understandable formats. The overall task of this thesis is to represent high-dimensional data concerning financial entities on lowdimensional displays. The low-dimensional representations have two subtasks: i ) to function as a display for individual data concerning entities and their time series, and ii ) to use the display as a basis to which additional information can be linked. The final nuance of the task is, however, set by the needs of the domain, data and methods. The following ve questions comprise subsequent steps addressed in the process of this thesis: 1. What are the needs for macroprudential oversight? 2. What form do macroprudential data take? 3. Which data and dimension reduction methods hold most promise for the task? 4. How should the methods be extended and enhanced for the task? 5. How should the methods and their extensions be applied to the task? Based upon the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), this thesis not only creates the Self-Organizing Financial Stability Map (SOFSM), but also lays out a general framework for mapping the state of financial stability. This thesis also introduces three extensions to the standard SOM for enhancing the visualization and extraction of information: i ) fuzzifications, ii ) transition probabilities, and iii ) network analysis. Thus, the SOFSM functions as a display for risk identification, on top of which risk assessments can be illustrated. In addition, this thesis puts forward the Self-Organizing Time Map (SOTM) to provide means for visual dynamic clustering, which in the context of macroprudential oversight concerns the identification of cross-sectional changes in risks and vulnerabilities over time. Rather than automated analysis, the aim of visual means for identifying and assessing risks is to support disciplined and structured judgmental analysis based upon policymakers' experience and domain intelligence, as well as external risk communication.
En hel del forskning har ägnats åt utvecklingen av indefinita artiklar. Viktiga frågor är varför de finns, hur de utvecklas och när de utvecklats i diverse språk. Även i svenskan har artikeln undersökts flera gånger. Den övergripande tendensen i den svenska forskningen är att se en diakron utveckling av artikeln under den fornsvenska perioden, men en hypotes att variationen är stilistisk har även presenterats. Mina primära forskningsfrågor kan därför sammanfattas på följande vis: Hurdan variation vad beträffar artikelns distribution förekommer i fornsvenska texter? Reflekterar variationen i texterna en diakron systemutveckling under den fornsvenska perioden, eller är variationen stilistisk? Jag undersöker 16 litterära texter från ca 1300 till 1541, dvs. ända fram till nysvensk tid. Perioden delas in fyra kortare perioder, och varje period representeras av två texter översatta från latin och två texter översatta från ett folkspråk eller ursprungligen skrivna på svenska. Varje text representeras av ett textblock om ca 15 000 ord. Arbetets idé är att jag grupperar texterna på ett kontinuum från arkaisk artikelanvändning till modern artikelanvändning, ser vilka texter som placerar sig var på kontinuumet, förklarar varför de placerar sig så och drar slutsatser om vad detta kan betyda för en datering av den indefinita artikelns utveckling i det svenska talspråket. Resultatet av undersökningen är att latinbaserade och vissa fornvästnordiska texter avviker från det moderna systemet, medan övriga texter, även de äldsta, uppvisar en i princip modern artikelanvändning. Jag argumenterar följaktligen för att det moderna systemet var färdigt utvecklat i svenskan redan vid den litterära tidens begynnelse ca 1300. Som en följd av översättning från latin och fornvästnordiska inlånas emellertid arkaiska markeringsmönster i vissa svenska texter, och denna stilistiska variation pågår i skrift under hela den fornsvenska perioden.
This study reports on changes in the number of somatostatin-like immunoreactive (SOM-LI) endocrine cells in the porcine descending colon, caused by chemically driven inflammation, axotomy and proliferative enteropathy (PE). The distribution pattern of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been studied using the routine single-labelling immunofluorescence technique. Semi-quantitative evaluation of the number of the SOM-immunostained endocrine cells within the mucosal layer of the porcine descending colon has been based on counting of all endocrine cells immunoreactive to SOM per unit area (0,1 mm²). Under physiological conditions the number of SOM-LI endocrine cells has been shown to constitute 3,30±0,22. All applied pathological processes resulted in changes in the SOM-like immunoreactivity, which varied in particular processes studied. The number of SOM-LI endocrine cells increased to 6,28±0,31 and 4,43±0,35 during chemically driven inflammation and proliferative enteropathy, respectively, and decreased to 1,17%±0,16 after axotomy. The obtained results suggest that SOM-LI endocrine cells may participate in various pathological states within porcine descending colon and their functions probably depend on the type of pathological factor.
Biotechnology has been recognized as the key strategic technology for industrial growth. The industry is heavily dependent on basic research. Finland continues to rank in the top 10 of Europe's most innovative countries in terms of tax-policy, education system, infrastructure and the number of patents issued. Regardless of the excellent statistical results, the output of this innovativeness is below acceptable. Research on the issues hindering the output creation has already been done and the identifiable weaknesses in the Finland's National Innovation system are the non-existent growth of entrepreneurship and the missing internationalization. Finland is proven to have all the enablers of the innovation policy tools, but is lacking the incentives and rewards to push the enablers, such as knowledge and human capital, forward. Science Parks are the biggest operator in research institutes in the Finnish Science and Technology system. They exist with the purpose of speeding up the commercialization process of biotechnology innovations which usually include technological uncertainty, technical inexperience, business inexperience and high technology cost. Innovation management only internally is a rather historic approach, current trend drives towards open innovation model with strong triple helix linkages. The evident problems in the innovation management within the biotechnology industry are examined through a case study approach including analysis of the semi-structured interviews which included biotechnology and business expertise from Turku School of Economics. The results from the interviews supported the theoretical implications as well as conclusions derived from the pilot survey, which focused on the companies inside Turku Science Park network. One major issue that the Finland's National innovation system is struggling with is the fact that it is technology driven, not business pulled. Another problem is the university evaluation scale which focuses more on number of graduates and short-term factors, when it should put more emphasis on the cooperation success in the long-term, such as the triple helix connections with interaction and knowledge distribution. The results of this thesis indicated that there is indeed requirement for some structural changes in the Finland's National innovation system and innovation policy in order to generate successful biotechnology companies and innovation output. There is lack of joint output and scales of success, lack of people with experience, lack of language skills, lack of business knowledge and lack of growth companies.
The interconnected domains are attracting interest from industries and academia, although this phenomenon, called ‘convergence’ is not new. Organizational research has indeed focused on uncovering co-creation for manufacturing and the industrial organization, with limited implications to entrepreneurship. Although convergence has been characterized as a process connecting seemingly disparate disciplines, it is argued that these studies tend to leave the creative industries unnoticed. With the art market boom and new forms of collaboration riding past the institution-focused arts marketing literature, this thesis takes a leap to uncover the processes of entrepreneurship in the emergence of a cultural product. As a symbolic work of synergism itself, the thesis combines organizational theory with literature in natural sciences and arts. Assuming nonlinearity, a framework is created for analysing aesthetic experience in an empirical event where network actors are connected to multiple contexts. As the focal case in study, the empirical analysis performed for a music festival organized in a skiing resort in the French Alps in March. The researcher attends the festival and models its cocreation process by enquiring from an artist, festival organisers, and a festival visitor. The findings contribute to fields of entrepreneurship, aesthetics and marketing mainly. It is found that the network actors engage in intimate and creative interaction where activity patterns are interrupted and cultural elements combined. This process is considered to both create and destruct value, through identity building, legitimisation, learning, and access to larger audiences, and it is considered particularly useful for domains where resources are too restrained for conventional marketing practices. This thesis uncovered the role of artists and informants and posits that particularly through experience design, this type of skilled individual be regarded more often as a research informant. Future research is encouraged to engage in convergence by experimenting with different fields and research designs, and it is suggested that future studies could arrive at different descriptive results.
Ett ämne som väckt intresse både inom industrin och forskningen är hantering av kundförhållanden (CRM, eng. Customer Relationship Management), dvs. en kundorienterad affärsstrategi där företagen från att ha varit produktorienterade väljer att bli mera kundcentrerade. Numera kan kundernas beteende och aktiviteter lätt registreras och sparas med hjälp av integrerade affärssystem (ERP, eng. Enterprise Resource Planning) och datalager (DW, eng. Data Warehousing). Kunder med olika preferenser och köpbeteende skapar sin egen ”signatur” i synnerhet via användningen av kundkort, vilket möjliggör mångsidig modellering av kundernas köpbeteende. För att få en översikt av kundernas köpbeteende och deras lönsamhet, används ofta kundsegmentering som en metod för att indela kunderna i grupper utgående från deras likheter. De mest använda metoderna för kundsegmentering är analytiska modeller konstruerade för en viss tidsperiod. Dessa modeller beaktar inte att kundernas beteende kan förändras med tiden. I föreliggande avhandling skapas en holistisk översikt av kundernas karaktär och köpbeteende som utöver de konventionella segmenteringsmodellerna även beaktar dynamiken i köpbeteendet. Dynamiken i en kundsegmenteringsmodell innefattar förändringar i segmentens struktur och innehåll, samt förändringen av individuella kunders tillhörighet i ett segment (s.k migrationsanalyser). Vardera förändringen modelleras, analyseras och exemplifieras med visuella datautvinningstekniker, främst med självorganiserande kartor (SOM, eng. Self-Organizing Maps) och självorganiserande tidskartor (SOTM), en vidareutveckling av SOM. Visualiseringen anteciperas underlätta tolkningen av identifierade mönster och göra processen med kunskapsöverföring mellan den som gör analysen och beslutsfattaren smidigare. Asiakkuudenhallinta (CRM) eli organisaation muuttaminen tuotepainotteisesta asiakaskeskeiseksi on herättänyt mielenkiintoa niin yliopisto- kuin yritysmaailmassakin. Asiakkaiden käyttäytymistä ja toimintaa pystytään nykyään helposti tallentamaan ja varastoimaan toiminnanohjausjärjestelmien ja tietovarastojen avulla; asiakkaat jättävät jatkuvasti piirteistään ja ostokäyttäytymisestään kertovia tietojälkiä, joita voidaan analysoida. On tavallista, että asiakkaat poikkeavat toisistaan eri tavoin, ja heidän mieltymyksensä kuten myös ostokäyttäytymisensä saattavat olla hyvinkin erilaisia. Asiakaskäyttäytymisen monimuotoisuuteen ja tuottavuuteen paneuduttaessa käytetäänkin laajalti asiakassegmentointia eli asiakkaiden jakamista ryhmiin samankaltaisuuden perusteella. Perinteiset asiakassegmentoinnin ratkaisut ovat usein yksittäisiä analyyttisia malleja, jotka on tehty tietyn aikajakson perusteella. Tämän vuoksi ne monesti jättävät huomioimatta sen, että asiakkaiden käyttäytyminen saattaa ajan kuluessa muuttua. Tässä väitöskirjassa pyritäänkin tarjoamaan holistinen kuva asiakkaiden ominaisuuksista ja ostokäyttäytymisestä tarkastelemalla kahta muutosvoimaa tiettyyn aikarajaukseen perustuvien perinteisten segmentointimallien lisäksi. Nämä kaksi asiakassegmentointimallin dynamiikkaa ovat muutokset segmenttien rakenteessa ja muutokset yksittäisten asiakkaiden kuulumisessa ryhmään. Ensimmäistä dynamiikkaa lähestytään ajallisen asiakassegmentoinnin avulla, jossa visualisoidaan ajan kuluessa tapahtuvat muutokset segmenttien rakenteissa ja profiileissa. Toista dynamiikkaa taas lähestytään käyttäen nk. segmenttisiirtymien analyysia, jossa visuaalisin keinoin tunnistetaan samantyyppisesti segmentistä toiseen vaihtavat asiakkaat. Visualisoinnin tehtävänä on tukea havaittujen kaavojen tulkitsemista sekä helpottaa tiedonsiirtoa analysoijan ja päättäjien välillä. Visuaalisia tiedonlouhintamenetelmiä, kuten itseorganisoivia karttoja ja niiden laajennuksia, käytetään osoittamaan näiden menetelmien hyödyllisyys sekä asiakkuudenhallinnassa yleisesti että erityisesti asiakassegmentoinnissa.
Cyber security is one of the main topics that are discussed around the world today. The threat is real, and it is unlikely to diminish. People, business, governments, and even armed forces are networked in a way or another. Thus, the cyber threat is also facing military networking. On the other hand, the concept of Network Centric Warfare sets high requirements for military tactical data communications and security. A challenging networking environment and cyber threats force us to consider new approaches to build security on the military communication systems. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a cyber security architecture for military networks, and to evaluate the designed architecture. The architecture is described as a technical functionality. As a new approach, the thesis introduces Cognitive Networks (CN) which are a theoretical concept to build more intelligent, dynamic and even secure communication networks. The cognitive networks are capable of observe the networking environment, make decisions for optimal performance and adapt its system parameter according to the decisions. As a result, the thesis presents a five-layer cyber security architecture that consists of security elements controlled by a cognitive process. The proposed architecture includes the infrastructure, services and application layers that are managed and controlled by the cognitive and management layers. The architecture defines the tasks of the security elements at a functional level without introducing any new protocols or algorithms. For evaluating two separated method were used. The first method is based on the SABSA framework that uses a layered approach to analyze overall security of an organization. The second method was a scenario based method in which a risk severity level is calculated. The evaluation results show that the proposed architecture fulfills the security requirements at least at a high level. However, the evaluation of the proposed architecture proved to be very challenging. Thus, the evaluation results must be considered very critically. The thesis proves the cognitive networks are a promising approach, and they provide lots of benefits when designing a cyber security architecture for the tactical military networks. However, many implementation problems exist, and several details must be considered and studied during the future work.
One of the main problems related to the transport and manipulation of multiphase fluids concerns the existence of characteristic flow patterns and its strong influence on important operation parameters. A good example of this occurs in gas-liquid chemical reactors in which maximum efficiencies can be achieved by maintaining a finely dispersed bubbly flow to maximize the total interfacial area. Thus, the ability to automatically detect flow patterns is of crucial importance, especially for the adequate operation of multiphase systems. This work describes the application of a neural model to process the signals delivered by a direct imaging probe to produce a diagnostic of the corresponding flow pattern. The neural model is constituted of six independent neural modules, each of which trained to detect one of the main horizontal flow patterns, and a last winner-take-all layer responsible for resolving when two or more patterns are simultaneously detected. Experimental signals representing different bubbly, intermittent, annular and stratified flow patterns were used to validate the neural model.