993 resultados para Karyotype symmetry


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In this thesis was performed comprehensive study about the convenience of scallops in plate structures. A literature review was performed and lack of knowledge was fulfilled with fatigue tests performed in the laboratory of Steel Structures at the Lappeenranta University of Technology and with finite element method. The aim of this thesis was to produce design guidance for the use of scallops for different structural details and different loading conditions. An additional aim was to include more precise instructions for scallop design to produce good fatigue resistance and appropriate manufacturing quality. The literature review was performed searching bridge engineering and maritime standards and design guides and studies from scientific databases and reference lists from the literature of this field. Fatigue tests were used to research the effect of using scallops or not using scallops to fatigue strength of bracket specimen. Tests were performed on three specimens with different scallop radii and to five specimens without scallops with different weld penetration depths. Finite element method using solid elements, symmetry and submodels was used to determine stress concentration factors for I-beams with scallops. Stresses were defined with hot spot stress method. Choosing to use a scallop or not in the structure is affected by many factors, such as structural and loading conditions and manufacturability. As a rule of thumb, scallops should be avoided because those cause stress concentration points to the structure and take a lot of time to manufacture. When scallops are not used, good quality welding should be provided and full weld penetration is recommended to be used in load carrying corner weld areas. In some cases, it is advisable to use scallops. In that case, circular scallops are recommended to be used and radius should be chosen from fatigue strength or manufacturing point of view.


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The "x-y Coriolis Coupling Theory" as presented by Dilauro and Mills (1966) is reformulated and extended to the determination of Raman intensities. Theoretical Raman and Infrared spectra are computed in order to understand the effects due to this coupling in both types of spectra. Both the Infrared and Raman spectra obtained indicate very real effects due to Coriolis coupling. In some of the cases chosen the computed spectra are grossly different from the normal spectra where coupling is absent. Such large effects can greatly impede the interpretation of experimental results. Theoretical spectra therefore aids in the interpretation of experimental results, as is clearly demonstrated in the results of this work.


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The Zubarev equation of motion method has been applied to an anharmonic crystal of O( ,,4). All possible decoupling schemes have been interpreted in order to determine finite temperature expressions for the one phonon Green's function (and self energy) to 0()\4) for a crystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry. In order to provide a check of these results, the Helmholtz free energy expressions derived from the self energy expressions, have been shown to agree in the high temperature limit with the results obtained from the diagrammatic method. Expressions for the correlation functions that are related to the mean square displacement have been derived to 0(1\4) in the high temperature limit.


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Expressions for the anharmonic Helmholtz free energy contributions up to o( f ) ,valid for all temperatures, have been obtained using perturbation theory for a c r ystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry. Numerical calculations have been carried out in the high temperature limit and in the non-leading term approximation for a monatomic facecentred cubic crystal with nearest neighbour c entralforce interactions. The numbers obtained were seen to vary by a s much as 47% from thos e obtai.ned in the leading term approximati.on,indicating that the latter approximati on is not in general very good. The convergence to oct) of the perturbation series in the high temperature limit appears satisfactory.


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A survey of predominantly industrial silicon carbide has been carried out using Magic Angle Spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS nmr); a solid state technique. Three silicon carbide polytypes were studied; 3C, 6H, and 15R. The 13C and 29 Si MAS nmr spectra of the bulk SiC sample was identified on the basis of silicon (carbon) site type in the d iff ere n t pol Y t Y pes • Out to 5.00 A fro mac en t r a lsi 1 i con (0 r carbon) atom four types of sites were characterized using symmetry based calculations. This method of polytype analysis was also considered, in the prelminary stages, for applications with other polytypic material; CdBr 2 , CdI 2 , and PbI 2 " In an attempt to understand the minor components of silicon carbide, such as its surface, some samples were hydrofluoric acid washed and heated to extreme temperatures. Basically, an HF removable species which absorbs at -110 ppm (Si0 2 ) in the 29 Si MAS nmr spectrum is found in silicon carbide after heating. Other unidentified peaks observed at short recycle delays in some 29 Si MAS nmr spectra are considered to be impurities that may be within the lattice. These components comprise less than 5% of the observable silicon. A Tl study was carried out for 29 Si nuclei in a 3C ii polytype sample, using the Driven Equilibrium Single-Pulse Observation of T1 (DESPOT) technique. It appears as though there are a number of nuclei that have the same chemical shift but different T1 relaxation times. The T1 values range from 30 seconds to 11 minutes. Caution has to be kept when interpreting these results because this is the first time that DESPOT has been used for solid samples and it is not likely in full working order. MAS nmr indicates that the 13C and 29 Si ~sotropic chemical shifts of silicon carbide appear to have a reciprocal type of relationship_ Single crystal nmr analysis of a 6H sample is accordance with this finding when only the resultant isotropic shift is considered. However, single crystal nmr also shows that the actual response of the silicon and carbon nuclear environment to the applied magnetic field at various angles is not at all reciprocal. Such results show that much more single crystal nmr work is required to determine the actual behavior of the local magnetic environment of the SiC nuclei.


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An energy theory is formulated for the rotational energy levels in a p-complex Rydberg state of an asymmetric top molecule of symmetry C2v. The effective Hamiltonian used consists of the usual rigid rotor Hamiltonian augmented with terms representing electronic spin and orbital angular momentum effects. Criteria for assigning symmetry species to the rotational energy levels, following Houganfs scheme that uses the full molecular group,are established and given in the form of a table. This is particularly suitable when eigenvectors are calculated on a digital computer. Also, an intensity theory for transitions to the Rydberg p-complex singlet states is presented and selection rules in terms of symmetry species of energy states are established. Finally, applications to HpO and DpO are given.


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Although exceptions may be readily identified, two generalizations concerning genetic differences among species may be drawn from the available allozyme and chromosome data. First, structural gene differences among species vary widely. In many cases, species pairs do not differ more than intraspecific populations. This suggests that either very few or no gene substitutions are required to produce barriers to reproduction (Avise 1976). Second, chromosome form and/or number differs among even closely related species (White 1963; 1978; Fredga 1977; Wright 1970). Many of the observed chromosomal differences involve translocational rearrangements; these produce severe fitness depression in heterozygotes and were, thus, long considered unlikely candidates for the fixation required of genetic changes leading to speciation (Wright 1977). Nonetheless, the fact that species differences are frequently translocational argues convincingly for their fixation despite prejudices to the contrary. Haldane's rule states that in the F of interspecific crosses, the heterogametic sex is absent or sterile in the preponderance of cases (Haldane 1932). This rule definitely applies in the genus Dr°sophila (Ehrman 1962). Sex chromosome translocations do not impose a fitness depression as severe as that imposed by autosomal translocations, and X-Y translocations may account for Haldane's rule (Haldane 1932). Consequently a study of the fit ness parameters of an X·yL and a yS chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster populations was initiated by Tracey (1972). Preliminary results suggested that x.yL//YSmales enjoyed a mating advantage with X·yL//X·yL females, that this advantage was frequency dependent, that the translocation produced sexual isolation and that interactions between the yL, yS and a yellow marker contributed to the observed isolation (Tracey and Espinet 1976; Espinet and Tracey 1976). Encouraged by the results of these prelimimary studies, further experiments were performed to clarify the genetic nature of the observed sexual isolation, S the reality of the y frequency dependent fitness .and the behavioural changes, if any, produced by the translocation. The results of this work are reported herein. Although the marker genes used in earlier studies, sparkling poliert an d yellow have both been found to affect activity,but only yellow effects asymmetric sexual isolation. In addition yellow effects isolation through an interaction with the T(X-y) chromosomes, yS also effects isolation, and translocational strains are isolated from those of normal karyotype in the absence of marker gene differences. When yS chromosomes are in competition with y chromosomes on an X.yL background, yS males are at a distinct advantage only when their frequency is less than 97%. The sex chromosome translocation alters the normal courtship pattern by the incorporation of circling between vibration and licking in the male repertoire. Finally a model of speciation base on the fixation of this sex chromosome translocation in a geographically isolated gene pool is proposed.


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The Augmented Pl ane Wave Method has been used to calculate the one-electron energy band structure of CdO. Energy eigenva l ues were calculated along three symmetry lines and for some other general wave-vectors of interest.


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The crystal structure of Cu(PM)2(N03hoH20 (where PM is pyridoxamine, CSHI2N202) has been determined from three dimensional x-ray diffraction data. The crystals are triclinic, space group pI, a = 14.248 (2), b = 8.568 (1), c = 9.319 (1) 1, a = 94.08 (1), e = 89.73 (1), y~~ 99.18 (1)°, z = 2, jl(MoK) = 10.90 em-I, Po = 1.61 g/cm3 and Pc = 1.61 g/em3• The structure a was solved by Patterson techniques from data collected on a Picker 4-circle diffractometer to 26max = 45°. All atoms, including hydrogens, have been located. Anisotropic thermal parameters have been refined for all nonhydrogen atoms. For the 2390 independent reflections with F ? 3cr(F) , R = 0.0408. The results presented here provide the first detailed structural information of a metal complex with PM itself. The copper atoms are located on centres of symmetry and each is chela ted by two PM zwitterions through the amino groups and phenolate oxygen atoms. The zwitterionic form found in this structure involves the loss of a proton from the phenolate group and protonation of the pyridine ring nitrogen atoms. The two independent Cu(PM)2 moieties are symmetrically bridged by a single oxygen atom from one of the nitrate groups. The second nitrate group is not coordinated to the copper atoms but is central to an extensive hydrogen bonding network involving the water molecule and uncoordinated functional groups of PM.


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Hg(18-Crown-6)C12 and Cd(18-Crown-6)C12 are isostructura1, space group Cl~ Z = 2. For the mercury compound, a = 10.444(2) A° , b = 11. 468(1) A° , c = 7.754(1) A° , a = 90.06(1)°, B = 82.20(1)°, Y = 90.07(1)°, Dobs = 1.87, Dca1c = 1.93, V = 920.05 13, R = 4.66%. For the cadmium compound, 000 a = 10.374(1) A, b = 11.419(2) A, c = 7.729(1) A, a = 89.95(1)°, B = 81.86(2)°, Y = 89.99(1)°, Dobs = 1.61, Dcalc = 1.64, V = 906.4613, R = 3.95%. The mercury and cadmium ions exhibit hexagonal bipyramidal coordination, with the metal ion located on a centre of symmetry in the plane of the oxygen atoms. The main differences between the two structures are an increase in the metal-oxygen distance and a reduction in the metalchloride distance when the central ion changes from Cd2+ to Hg2+. These differences may be explained in terms of the differences in hardness or softness of the metal ions and the donor atoms.


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The anharmonic contributions of order A6 to the Helmholtz free energy for a crystal in which every atom is on a site of inversion symmetry, have been evaluated The cor~esponding diagrams in the various orders of the perturbation theory have been presented The validity of the expressions given is for high temperatures. Numerical calculations for the diagrams which contribute to the free energy have been worked out for a nearest-n~ighbour central-force model of a facecentered cubic lattice in the high-temperature limit and in the leading term and the Ludwig approximations. The accuracy of the Ludwig approximation in evaluating the Brillouin-zone sums has been investigated. Expansion for all diagrams in the high-temperature limit has been carried out The contribution to the specific heat involves a linear as well as cubic term~ We have applied Lennard-Jones, Morse and Exponential 6 types of potentials. A comparison between the contribution to the free energy of order A6 to that of order A4 has been made.


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Part I - Fluorinated Compounds A method has been developed for the extraction, concentration, and determination of two unique fluorinated compounds from the sediments of Lake Ontario. These compounds originated from a common industrial landfill, and have been carried to Lake Ontario by the Niagara River. Sediment samples from the Mississauga basin of Lake Ontario have been evaluated for these compounds and a depositional trend was established. The sediments were extracted by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) and then underwent clean-up, fractionation, solvent exchange, and were concentrated by reduction under nitrogen gas. The concentrated extracts were analyzed by gas chromatography - electron capture negative ionization - mass spectrometry. The depositional profile determined here is reflective of the operation of the landfill and shows that these compounds are still found at concentrations well above background levels. These increased levels have been attributed to physical disturbances of previously deposited contaminated sediments, and probable continued leaching from the dumpsite. Part II - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry is the most common method for the determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from various matrices. Mass discrimination of high-boiling compounds in gas chromatographic methods is well known. The use of high-boiling injection solvents shows substantial increase in the response of late-eluting peaks. These solvents have an increased efficiently in the transfer of solutes from the injector to the analytical column. The effect of I-butanol, I-pentanol, cyclopentanol, I-hexanol, toluene and n-octane, as injection solvents, was studied. Higher-boiling solvents yield increased response for all PAHs. I -Hexanol is the best solvent, in terms of P AH response, but in this solvent P AHs were more susceptible to chromatographic problems such as peak splitting and tailing. Toluene was found to be the most forgiving solvent in terms of peak symmetry and response. It offered the smallest discrepancies in response, and symmetry over a wide range of initial column temperatures.


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The hyper-star interconnection network was proposed in 2002 to overcome the drawbacks of the hypercube and its variations concerning the network cost, which is defined by the product of the degree and the diameter. Some properties of the graph such as connectivity, symmetry properties, embedding properties have been studied by other researchers, routing and broadcasting algorithms have also been designed. This thesis studies the hyper-star graph from both the topological and algorithmic point of view. For the topological properties, we try to establish relationships between hyper-star graphs with other known graphs. We also give a formal equation for the surface area of the graph. Another topological property we are interested in is the Hamiltonicity problem of this graph. For the algorithms, we design an all-port broadcasting algorithm and a single-port neighbourhood broadcasting algorithm for the regular form of the hyper-star graphs. These algorithms are both optimal time-wise. Furthermore, we prove that the folded hyper-star, a variation of the hyper-star, to be maixmally fault-tolerant.


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We report the results of crystal structure, magnetization and resistivity measurements of Bi doped LaVO3. X-ray diffraction (XRD) shows that if doping Bi in the La site is less than ten percent, the crystal structure of La1-xBixVO3 remains unchanged and its symmetry is orthorhombic. However, for higher Bi doping (>10%) composite compounds are found where the XRD patterns are characterized by two phases: LaVO3+V2O3. Energy-dispersive analysis of the x-ray spectroscopy (EDAX) results are used to find a proper atomic percentage of all samples. The temperature dependence of the mass magnetization of pure and single phase doped samples have transition temperatures from paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic region at TN=140 K. This measurement for bi-phasic samples indicates two transition temperatures, at TN=140 K (LaVO3) and TN=170 K (V2O3). The temperature dependence of resistivity reveals semiconducting behavior for all samples. Activation energy values for pure and doped samples are extracted by fitting resistivity versus temperature data in the framework of thermal activation process.


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This work investigates mathematical details and computational aspects of Metropolis-Hastings reptation quantum Monte Carlo and its variants, in addition to the Bounce method and its variants. The issues that concern us include the sensitivity of these algorithms' target densities to the position of the trial electron density along the reptile, time-reversal symmetry of the propagators, and the length of the reptile. We calculate the ground-state energy and one-electron properties of LiH at its equilibrium geometry for all these algorithms. The importance sampling is performed with a single-determinant large Slater-type orbitals (STO) basis set. The computer codes were written to exploit the efficiencies engineered into modern, high-performance computing software. Using the Bounce method in the calculation of non-energy-related properties, those represented by operators that do not commute with the Hamiltonian, is a novel work. We found that the unmodified Bounce gives good ground state energy and very good one-electron properties. We attribute this to its favourable time-reversal symmetry in its target density's Green's functions. Breaking this symmetry gives poorer results. Use of a short reptile in the Bounce method does not alter the quality of the results. This suggests that in future applications one can use a shorter reptile to cut down the computational time dramatically.