939 resultados para K9 glass
Lithological horizons have been distinguished in sediments cores from different parts of the Sea of Okhotsk based on primary descriptions of sediments and smear slides, and analyses of contents of both calcium carbonate and organic carbon, and opal. Sediment lithology has been correlated with oxygen isotope records and the standard isotope scale and radiocarbon data by AMS method for three cores studied in detail. This allowed to determine in detail periods of carbonaceous and diatomaceous ooze accumulation in the Sea of Okhotsk. Changes in magnetic susceptibility and grain size composition of sediments have been also compared with oxygen-isotope curves and radiocarbon datings. Obtained results confirm that variations in magnetic susceptibility are related with oxygen-isotope stages and influenced by climatic changes. Tephra interlayers K0, TR, K2, K3 have been identified by mineralogical analyses in all studied cores. Stratigraphic location of these tephra interlayers in detailed studied cores and their radiocarbon ages (8.1, 8.05, 26.8, and about 60 ka, respectively) provided base correlation between the interlayers and volcanic eruptions on the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Kuril Islands. This allows to use the former ones as time markers for deep-sea sediments of the Sea of Okhotsk. New lithostratigraphic and tephrochronologic data obtained allowed to correlate Upper Quaternary sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk.
Three Leg 84 sites provided a good record of explosive volcanism onshore (in Central America). Ash layers and many ashy pods are interbedded in Recent to Oligocene strata. Evidence of the main periods of activity was noted in Recent to upper Pleistocene, Pliocene-Pleistocene, lower Pliocene to upper Miocene, lower Miocene, and upper Oligocene. Noticeable traces of older volcanism were found in upper Eocene strata. The chemical analyses of glass shards show a dacitic to rhyolitic composition with a low to moderate calc-alkalinity. A preliminary distinction of samples in three geochemical groups according to their K2O/SiO2 contents is done to test a magmatic evolution. Comparisons are made with Leg 67 and on-land data.
Ann Arbor, Mich. residences and business. Publication information: Chicago, Ill. : Everts & Stewart, 1874.
Signed: M.J. Greenman.
Mode of access: Internet.
Description based on: 1913/1914.
Mode of access: Internet.