940 resultados para Juvenile recidivists
The purpose of this study was to examine the linkages between alexithymia and delinquency in male adolescents (age ranging from 14 to 18 years), and to investigate whether alexithymia was a good discriminatory factor for juvenile delinquency. Thirty-six offender adolescents and 46 non-offender control adolescents participated in the study and completed the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) (alexithymia), the Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (R-CMAS) (anxiety), the Liste d'Adjectifs Bipolaires et en Echelles de Likert (LABEL) (personality-Big Five) and demographic data. Findings revealed that the adolescents of the offender group scored high on alexithymia and that proportion of disrupted family structure in the offender group is higher than in the control group. Logistic regressions confirmed that alexithymia and family structure are the strongest discriminatory factors for juvenile delinquency. Limitations and clinical implications are discussed, and recommendations for future research are provided
High Precision U-Pb zircon and monazite dating in the Aiguilles Rouges-Mont Blanc area allowed discrimination of three short-lived bimodal magmatic pulses: the early 332 Ma Mg-K Pormenaz monzonite and associated 331 Ma peraluminous Montees Pelissier monzogranite; the 307 Ma cordierite-bearing peraluminous Vallorcine and Fully intrusions; and the 303 Fe-K Mont Blanc syenogranite. All intruded syntectonically along major-scale transcurrent faults at a time when the substratum was experiencing tectonic exhumation, active erosion recorded in detrital basins and isothermal decompression melting dated at 327-320 Ma. Mantle activity and magma mixing are evidenced in all plutons by coeval mafic enclaves, stocks and synplutonic dykes. Both crustal and mantle sources evolve through time, pointing to an increasingly warm continental crust and juvenile asthenospheric mantle sources. This overall tectono-magmatic evolution is interpreted in a scenario of post-collisional restoration to normal size of a thickened continental lithosphere. The latter re-equilibrates through delamination and/or erosion of its mantle root and tectonic exhumation/erosion in an overall extensional regime. Extension is related to either gravitational collapse or back-are extension of a distant subduction zone.
The differential distribution and phosphorylation of tau proteins in cat cerebellum was studied with two well characterized antibodies, TAU-1 and TAU-2. TAU-1 detects tau proteins in axons, and the epitope in perikarya and dendrites is masked by phosphorylation. TAU-2 detects a phosphorylation-independent epitope on tau proteins. The molecular composition of tau proteins in the range of 45 kD to 64 kD at birth changed after the first postnatal month to a set of several adult variants of higher molecular weights in the range of 59 kD to 95 kD. The appearance of tau proteins in subsets of axons corresponds to the axonal maturation of cerebellar local-circuit neurons in granular and molecular layers and confirms previous studies. Tau proteins were also identified in synapses by immunofluorescent double-staining with synapsin I, located in the pinceau around the Purkinje cells, and in glomeruli. Dephosphorylation of juvenile cerebellar tissue by alkaline phosphatase indicated indirectly the presence of differentially phosphorylated tau forms mainly in juvenile ages. Additional TAU-1 immunoreactivity was unmasked in numerous perikarya and dendrites of stellate cells, and in cell bodies of granule cells. Purkinje cell bodies were stained transiently at juvenile ages. During postnatal development, the intensity of the phosphate-dependent staining decreased, suggesting that phosphorylation of tau proteins in perikarya and dendrites may be essential for early steps in neuronal morphogenesis during cat cerebellum development.
El estudio actualiza por cuarto año las tasas de reincidencia juvenil en las medidas de libertad vigilada e internamiento en Catalunya. En este caso se ha seguido a la población que finalizó una medida el año 2005 y se les ha seguido hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2008. Los resultados nos dicen que se mantiene la tasa de libertad vigilada (23,0%) y sube ligeramente aunque sin ser significativamente diferente respecto del año pasado la de internamiento (62,3%). The study updates the rates for the fourth year of recidivism in the juvenile probation and confinement in Catalunya. In this case, the population that ends a punishment in 2005 were followed until December 31, 2008. The results tell us that maintaining the rate of probation (23.0%) and rises slightly but not significantly different from last year the rate of confinement (62.3%). El estudio actualiza por cuarto año las tasas de reincidencia juvenil en las medidas de libertad vigilada e internamiento en Catalunya. En este caso se ha seguido a la población que finalizó una medida el año 2005 y se les ha seguido hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2008. Los resultados nos dicen que se mantiene la tasa de libertad vigilada (23,0%) y sube ligeramente aunque sin ser significativamente diferente respecto del año pasado la de internamiento (62,3%)
L’estudi actualitza les taxes de reincidència dels menors sotmesos a una mesura d’internament o de llibertat vigilada que van ser publicades a la recerca “La reincidència en el delicte en la justícia de menors” l’any 2005. Si en aquell estudi es recollien per primer cop dades sobre la reincidència dels joves infractors que havien entrat en el circuit de la justícia de menors després de la posada en marxa de la Llei Orgànica 5/2000, de 12 de gener, reguladora de la responsabilitat penal dels menors (LORPM), en aquest s’actualitzen les dades pel col•lectiu de joves que van ser sotmesos a mesures de llibertat vigilada i internament i que les van finalitzar durant l’any 2003. Es fa un seguiment als joves fins a finals del 2006 per saber si han reincidit. També s’ha seguit als joves que hagin arribat a la majoria d’edat per saber si han entrat novament en el sistema d’execució penal, en aquest cas sentenciat al compliment d’una mesura penal alternativa, o a una mesura de privació de llibertat. L’estudi pretén iniciar una sèrie que permeti comparar els resultats anualment, de manera que puguem veure l’evolució de l’execució penal juvenil en algunes de les variables estudiades.
L’estudi actualitza les taxes de reincidència dels menors sotmesos a una mesura d’internament o de llibertat vigilada que van ser publicades a la recerca “La reincidència en el delicte en la justícia de menors” finalitzada l’any 2005 i que van iniciar la sèrie. Aquesta recerca ja és la tercera del mateix tipus i en aquest cas estudia els joves que van finalitzar una mesura de llibertat vigilada i d’internament l’any 2004 i els segueix fins el 31 de desembre de 2007, per saber si han comès un nou delicte que hagi estat detectat per la Xarxa d’execució penal, tant de joves com d’adults. S’ha estudiat tota la població de joves desinternats de centres (N=169 subjectes l’any 2004). En el cas de llibertat vigilada, del total de joves que finalitzaren mesura l’any 2004 (N= 718), s’ha fet una mostra de 558 subjectes (interval de confiança:95,5%; marge d’error±2;p=q=50). Els resultats en llibertat vigilada apunten un descens significatiu en la taxa de reincidència, que ha passat del 31,9% al 2005 al 22,0% el 2007. En canvi en internament la fluctuació de la taxa no dona diferències significatives tot i que el 2005 era del 62,8%, va augmentar al 66,9% el 2006 i ha tornat a baixar al 56,2% l’any 2007. L’estudi permet comparar de forma seriada ja tres anys d’evolució de la taxa de reincidència juvenil després de la posada en marxa de la Llei Orgànica 5/2000, de 12 de gener, reguladora de la responsabilitat penal dels menors (LORPM).
El estudio actualiza las tasas de reincidencia que se publicaron en 2005 en la investigación “La reincidencia en el delito en la justicia de menores”, relativas al colectivo de jóvenes que finalizaron medidas de libertad vigilada e internamiento durante el año 2004. Para ello se ha realizado un seguimiento de estos sujetos hasta finales de 2007. Este es ya el tercer estudio que se realiza de forma seriada sobre esta materia, y permite comparar los tres años de evolución de la tasa de reincidencia juvenil tras la puesta en marcha de la Ley Orgánica 5/2000, reguladora de la responsabilidad penal de los menores.
Diferents aspectes de la reproducció de la cabra de mar Maja brachydactyla s’han estudiat amb l’objectiu d’obtenir coneixements bàsics i aplicats al cultiu en captivitat d’aquesta espècie de gran interès comercial i aqüícola. L’anatomia interna de l’aparell reproductor masculí, el procés d’espermatogènesi, amb especial èmfasi amb la formació de l’acrosoma, i l’estructura i organització l’espermatozoide s’han descrit amb tècniques microscòpiques avançades. El desenvolupament de les gònades durant els primeres fases del desenvolupament post- embrionari (fases larvàries i primer cranc juvenil) han estat descrites mitjançant la quantificació de l’expressió del gen vasa, el qual és expressat específicament per les cèl•lules de la línia germinal. Aquests coneixements són bàsics per a la comprensió del paper dels mascles en la la reproducció i la seva aplicació posterior en condicions de captivitat. La reproducció en captivitat s’ha estudiat amb una sèrie d’experiments amb l’objectiu de determinar la quantitat, pes sec i composició bioquímica proximal de les larves acabades d’eclosionar en condicions de captivitat i l’efecte de les condicions ambientals, com ara el fotoperíode i la salinitat, sobre aquests paràmetres. Aquests experiments demostren què es poden obtenir larves de la cabra de mar en condicions de captivitat què podrien ser utilitzades per a la producció i l’efecte sobre la reproducció del fotoperíode i salinitat.
OBJECTIVE: Familial cold urticaria (FCU) and Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS) are dominantly inherited autoinflammatory disorders that cause rashes, fever, arthralgia, and in some subjects, AA amyloidosis, and have been mapped to chromosome 1q44. Sensorineural deafness in MWS, and provocation of symptoms by cold in FCU, are distinctive features. This study was undertaken to characterize the genetic basis of FCU, MWS, and an overlapping disorder in French Canadian, British, and Indian families, respectively. METHODS: Mutations in the candidate gene NALP3, which has also been named CIAS1 and PYPAF1, were sought in the study families, in a British/Spanish patient with apparent sporadic MWS, and in matched population controls. Identified variants were sought in 50 European subjects with uncharacterized, apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes, 48 subjects with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and 19 subjects with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). RESULTS: Point mutations, encoding putative protein variants R262W and L307P, were present in all affected members of the Indian and French Canadian families, respectively, but not in controls. The R262W variant was also present in the subject with sporadic MWS. The V200M variant was present in all affected members of the British family with MWS, in 2 of the 50 subjects with uncharacterized periodic fevers, and in 1 of 130 Caucasian and 2 of 48 Indian healthy controls. No mutations were identified among the subjects with RA or JIA. CONCLUSION: These findings confirm that mutations in the NALP3/CIAS1/PYPAF1 gene are associated with FCU and MWS, and that disease severity and clinical features may differ substantially within and between families. Analysis of this gene will improve classification of patients with inherited or apparently sporadic periodic fever syndromes.
Juvenile spondylarthropathies (JSpAs) comprise a group of rheumatic diseases distinct from other categories of juvenile arthritis. Several classification systems have been applied, and some are specific for children, such as the seronegative enthesopathy and arthropathy (SEA) syndrome and the enthesitis-related arthritis, diagnostic forms in the International League of Associations for Rheumatism (ILAR) classification. JSpA seems more frequent than was previously believed, but actual epidemiological data show important variations between studies. Compared to adult patients, children with JSpA present with peripheral arthritis and enthesitis early in disease but sacroiliac and spine joints involvement many years later. A multidisciplinary team in a paediatric environment should be responsible for the management of children with spondylarthropathies to ensure the best care for these children with their chronic disease and risk of long-term disability. Recent advances in the treatment of rheumatic diseases with biological agents show promising results in children with JSpA. Further research needs to be conducted to increase our knowledge of the long-term outcome of these patients, to improve management, and to prevent long-term consequences of the disease.
Individual differences in Rank gland secretions were examined among males of the monogamous shrew Crocidura russula during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. Gas chromatography was used to measure intra- and interindividual variation of flank gland secretions of free-ranging shrews from different populations. The number of compounds detected by gas chromatographic analyses was correlated with body mass, flank gland size, and the presence of blood parasites in individual shrews. Very few compounds were detected from the Bank gland area of juvenile males. After they reached sexual maturity, however, the number of compounds detected from the Rank gland secretions increased significantly. At the beginning of the reproductive season 48 different compounds were detected from male flank gland secretions. In the middle of the breeding season 70 compounds were detected, while only 11 compounds were detected during the nonbreeding season. Few compounds were common to all males. There were more volatile compounds in the Bank gland secretions of males in the beginning of the breeding season than later in the breeding season. Males from the same population had fewer differences in the elution profile of compounds than males from different populations indicating that individuals from a distinct population have similar elution profiles of compounds and that each population has its own type of elution profile. No correlations were found between the number of compounds detected by gas chromatography for each male and the male's body mass or flank gland size. Blood parasites (trypanosomes, Trypanosoma crocidurae) were found in only three of 30 males investigated.
Change in individual growth rate and its link to gill-net fishing in two sympatric whitefish species
Size-selective fishing is expected to affect traits such as individual growth rate, but the relationship between the fishery-linked selection differentials and the corresponding phenotypic changes is not well understood. We analysed a 25-year monitoring survey of sympatric populations of the two Alpine whitefish Coregonus albellus and C. fatioi. We determined the fishing-induced selection differentials on growth rates, the actual change of growth rates over time, and potential indicators of reproductive strategies that may change over time. We found marked declines in adult growth rate and significant selection differentials that may partly explain the observed declines. However, when comparing the two sympatric species, the selection differentials on adult growth were stronger in C. albellus while the decline in adult growth rate seemed more pronounced in C. fatioi. Moreover, the selection differential on juvenile growth was significant in C. albellus but not in C. fatioi, while a significant reduction in juvenile growth over the last 25 years was only found in C. fatioi. Our results suggest that size-selective fishing affects the genetics for individual growth in these whitefish, and that the link between selection differentials and phenotypic changes is influenced by species-specific factors.
Development of Schistosoma mansoni in the intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata is influenced by a number of parasite and snail genes. Understanding the genetics involved in this complex host/parasite relationship may lead to an often discussed approach of introducing resistant B. glabrata into the field as a means of biological control for the parasite. For the snail, juvenile susceptibility to the parasite is controlled by at least four genes, whereas one gene seems to be responsible for adult nonsusceptibility. Obtaining DNA from F2 progeny snails from crosses between parasite-resistant and-susceptible snails, we have searched for molecular markers that show linkage to either the resistant or susceptible phenotype. Both restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) approaches have been used. To date, using a variety of snail and heterologous species probes, no RFLP marker has been found that segregates with either the resistant or susceptible phenotype in F2 progeny snails. More promising results however have been found with the RAPD approach, where a 1.3 kb marker appears in nearly all resistant progeny, and a 1.1 kb marker appears in all susceptible progeny
Taxes de reincidència 2009 de justícia juvenil: actualització de la taxa de reincidència dels joves sotmesos a mesures de llibertat vigilada i internament en centre L’estudi actualitza les taxes de reincidència dels menors sotmesos a una mesura d’internament o de llibertat vigilada que van ser publicades a la recerca “La reincidència en el delicte en la justícia de menors” finalitzada l’any 2005 i que van iniciar la sèrie. Aquest estudi ja és el cinquè del mateix tipus i, en aquest cas, segueix els joves que van finalitzar una mesura de llibertat vigilada o d’internament l’any 2006, i els segueix fins el 31 de desembre de 2009 amb l’objectiu de saber si han comès un nou delicte que hagi estat detectat per la Xarxa d’execució penal, tant de joves com d’adults. S’ha estudiat tota la població de joves desinternats de centres, que per l’any 2006 foren 169 subjectes. En el cas de llibertat vigilada del total de joves que finalitzaren mesura l’any 2006 (N=1.017), s’ha fet una mostra de 525 subjectes (interval de confiança:95,5%; marge d’error ±3,04; p=q=50) Els resultats en llibertat vigilada apunten a un augment en la taxa de reincidència (28,8%) aquest darrer any. Aquest augment s’explica en part per la incorporació al Codi Penal dels delictes de trànsit, on els joves han fet un creixement espectacular que no hi era als anys anteriors. En canvi, en internament la taxa de reincidència ha baixat 12 punts respecte l’any anterior i és la més baixa de totes les recollides en les series fetes fins ara (50,3%). L’estudi permet comparar de forma seriada ja cinc anys d’evolució de la taxa de reincidència juvenil després de la posada en marxa de la Llei Orgànica 5/2000, de 12 de gener, reguladora de la responsabilitat penal dels menors (LORPM). Updated recidivism rates of juveniles after serving supervised freedom or custodial sentences (2009) The study updates juvenile recidivism rates in Catalonia (following an annual series that has been published during the last 4 years). The sample is compounded by juveniles after serving a penal measure (supervised freedom or custodial sentences). In this case, the young population (14-18 years old) that finished a penal measure in 2006 was followed until December 31, 2009. The results show an increasing rate of recidivism in the case of youngsters submitted to the community measure called supervised freedom (28.8%), while recidivism related to custodial sentences decrease 12 points (50.3%) Tasas de reincidencia 2009 de justicia juvenil. Actualización de la tasa de reincidencia de los jóvenes sometidos a medidas de libertad vigilada e internamiento en centro El estudio actualiza por cuarto año las tasas de reincidencia juvenil en las medidas de libertad vigilada e internamiento en Catalunya. En este caso se ha estudiado a la población que finalizó una medida el año 2006 y se les ha seguido hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2009. Los resultados nos dicen que aumenta la tasa de reincidencia de libertad vigilada (28,8%) y desciende de manera significativa en 12 puntos la de internamiento (50,3%)