979 resultados para Johannes Kolb Site (S.C.)


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Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes from benthic and planktic foraminifers, planktic foraminifer assemblages and ice rafted debris from the North Atlantic Site U1314 (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306) were examined to investigate orbital and millennial-scale climate variability in the North Atlantic and its impact on global circulation focusing on the development of glacial periods during the mid-Pleistocene (ca 800-400 ka). Glacial initiations were characterized by a rapid cooling (6-10 °C in less than 7 kyr) in the mean annual sea surface temperature (SST), increasing benthic d18O values and high benthic d13C values. The continuous increase in benthic d18O suggests a continuous ice sheet growth whereas the positive benthic d13C values indicate that the flow of the Iceland Scotland Overflow water (ISOW) was vigorous. Strong deep water formation in the Norwegian Greenland Sea promoted a high transfer of freshwater from the ocean to the continents. However, low SSTs at Site U1314 suggest a subpolar gyre cooling and freshening that may have reduced deep water formation in the Labrador Sea during glacial initiations. Once the 3.5 per mil threshold in the benthic d18O record was exceeded, ice rafting started and ice sheet growth was punctuated by millennial-scale waning events which returned to the ocean part of the freshwater accumulated on the continents. Ice-rafting events were associated with a rapid reduction in the ISOW (benthic d13C values dropped 0.5-1 per mil) and followed by millennial-scale warmings. The first two millennial-scale warm intervals of each glacial period reached interglacial temperatures and were particularly abrupt (6-10 °C in ~3 kyr). Subsequent millennial-scale warm events were cooler probably because the AMOC was rather reduced as suggested by the low benthic d13C values. These two abrupt warming events that occurred at early glacial periods were also observed in the Antarctic temperature and CO2 records, suggesting a close correlation between both Hemispheres. The comparison of the sea surface proxies with the benthic d18O record (as the Southern sign) indicates the presence of a millennial-scale seesaw pattern similar to that seen during the Last Glacial period.


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Bulk sediment chemistry from three Chilean continental margin Ocean Drilling Program sites constrains regional continental erosion over the past 30,000 years. Sediments from thirteen rivers that drain the (mostly igneous) Andes and the (mostly metamorphic) Coast Range, along with existing rock chemistry datasets, define terrestrial provenance for the continental margin sediments. Andean river sediments have high Mg/Al relative to Coast-Range river sediments. Near 36°S, marine sediments have high-Mg/Al (i.e. more Andean) sources during the last glacial period, and lower-Mg/Al (less Andean) sources during the Holocene. Near 41°S a Ti-rich source, likely from coast-range igneous intrusions, is prevalent during Holocene time, whereas high-Mg/Al Andean sources are more prevalent during the last glacial period. We infer that there is a dominant ice-sheet control of sediment sources. At 36°S, Andean-sourced sediment decreased as Andean mountain glaciers retreated after ~17.6 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and southward retreat of the Patagonian Forest and, by inference, westerly winds. At 41°S Andean sediment dominance peaks and then rapidly declines at ~19 ka, coincident with local oceanic warming and the earliest deglacial sea-level rise. We hypothesize that this decreased flux of Andean material in the south is related to rapid retreat of the marine-based portion of the Patagonian Ice Sheet in response to global sea-level rise, as the resulting flooding of the southern portion of the Central Valley created a sink for Andean sediments in this region. Reversal of the decreasing deglacial Mg/Al trend at 41°S from 14.5 to 13.0 ka is consistent with a brief re-advance of the Patagonian ice sheet coincident with the Antarctic Cold Reversal.


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The overarching goal of the Yamal portion of the Greening of the Arctic project is to examine how the terrain and anthropogenic factors of reindeer herding and resource development combined with the climate variations on the Yamal Peninsula affect the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation change and how these changes are in turn affecting traditional herding of the indigenous people of the region. The purpose of the expeditions was to collect groundobservations in support of remote sensing studies at four locations along a transect that traverses all the major bioclimate subzones of the Yamal Peninsula. This data report is a summary of information collected during the 2007 and 2008 expeditions. It includes all the information from the 2008 data report (Walker et al. 2008) plus new information collected at Kharasavey in Aug 2008. The locations included in this report are Nadym (northern taiga subzone), Laborovaya (southern tundra = subzone E of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM), Vaskiny Dachi (southern typical tundra = subzone D), and Kharasavey (northern typical tundra = subzone C). Another expedition is planned for summer 2009 to the northernmost site at Belyy Ostrov (Arctic tundra = subzone B). Data are reported from 10 study sites - 2 at Nadym, 2 at Laborovaya, and 3 at Vaskiny Dachi and 3 at Kharasavey. The sites are representative of the zonal soils and vegetation, but also include variation related to substrate (clayey vs. sandy soils). Most of the information was collected along 5 transects at each sample site, 5 permanent vegetation study plots, and 1-2 soil pits at each site. The expedition also established soil and permafrost monitoring sites at each location. This data report includes: (1) background for the project, (2) general descriptions and photographs of each locality and sample site, (3) maps of the sites, study plots, and transects at each location, (4) summary of sampling methods used, (5) tabular summaries of the vegetation data (species lists, estimates of cover abundance for each species within vegetation plots, measured percent ground cover of species along transects, site factors for each study plot), (6) summaries of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and leaf area index (LAI) along each transect, (7) soil descriptions and photos of the soil pits at each study site, (8) summaries of thaw measurements along each transect, and (9) contact information for each of the participants. One of the primary objectives was to provide the Russian partners with full documentation of the methods so that Russian observers in future years could repeat the observations independently.


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Methane (CH4) is a strong greenhouse gas known to have perturbed global climate in the past, especially when released in large quantities over short time periods from continental or marine sources. It is therefore crucial to understand and, if possible, quantify the individual and combined response of these variable methane sources to natural climate variability. However, past changes in the stability of greenhouse gas reservoirs remain uncertain and poorly constrained by geological evidence. Here, we present a record from the Congo fan of a highly specific bacteriohopanepolyol (BHP) biomarker for aerobic methane oxidation (AMO), 35-aminobacteriohopane-30,31,32,33,34-pentol (aminopentol), that identifies discrete periods of increased AMO as far back as 1.2 Ma. Fluctuations in the concentration of aminopentol, and other 35-aminoBHPs, follow a pattern that correlates with late Quaternary glacial-interglacial climate cycles, with highest concentrations during warm periods. We discuss possible sources of aminopentol, and the methane consumed by the precursor methanotrophs, within the context of the Congo River setting, including supply of methane oxidation markers from terrestrial watersheds and/or marine sources (gas hydrate and/or deep subsurface gas reservoir). Compound-specific carbon isotope values of -30 per mil to -40 per mil for BHPs in ODP 1075 and strong similarities between the BHP signature of the core and surface sediments from the Congo estuary and floodplain wetlands from the interior of the Congo River Basin, support a methanotrophic and likely terrigenous origin of the 35-aminoBHPs found in the fan sediments. This new evidence supports a causal connection between marine sediment BHP records of tropical deep sea fans and wetland settings in the feeding river catchments, and thus tropical continental hydrology. Further research is needed to better constrain the different sources and pathways of methane emission. However, this study identifies the large potential of aminoBHPs, in particular aminopentol, to trace and, once better calibrated and understood, quantify past methane sources and fluxes from terrestrial and potentially also marine sources.


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A geochemical analysis is conducted on hemipelagic sediments at ODP Leg 162, Site 907, North Atlantic. On the basis of major and minor element concentrations, the sequence is divided into five units. Geochemical data reveal that the sediments originated from two specific source areas, i.e., continental icerafted debris (IRD) and Icelandic basalt. In the upper part (lithological units I and II, 0 to 63.1 meters below sea floor (mbsf)), sediments were derived from continental IRD, whereas in the lower part, sediments (lithological units III, IV, and V, below 63.1 mbsf) comprise mixture of continental IRD and minor supply from the Icelandic basalt. The ratio of TiO2/Al2O3 to SiO2 content and the Th to Ti/Al molar ratio clearly provide a key to discriminate provenances. The change in source area is most likely related to the oceanographic and climatic evolution in the North Atlantic since the middle Miocene. Biogenic fossil-barren intervals (Units II and V) are considered as a consequence of dissolution caused by oceanic circulation. The timing of IRD initiation confers with that of geochemical analysis. Total organic carbon to total nitrogen (C/N) ratio shows a striking variation in the entire core. The C/N ratios exceed 10 below approximately 196 mbsf (lithological unit V) with a gradual downward increase. This suggests that terrigenous organic matters have been supplied from the neighboring continents. The total organic carbon to total sulfur (C/S) ratio also shows such possibility as well as diagenetic changes in Units IV and V. The carbonate-barren intervals presented in Units II and V, and intermittently in Units III and IV are interpreted as a consequence of dissolution effect related with climatic variation and deep-water circulation. Additional low surface productivity was considerable.


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Occurrence of deep-sea dolomites has been reported from numerous settings (for discussion see Lumsden, 1988). Different authors agree that dolomite formation in the pelagic realm is a relatively early diagenetic process (e.g., Jorgensen, 1983; Shimmield and Price, 1984; Kablanow et al., 1984; Kulm et al., 1984). Baker and Burns (1985) suggest that most of the pelagic dolomites formed within a few tens of meters below the seafloor within the zone of microbial sulfate reduction. According to Fuechtbauer and Richter (1988), dolomite can form in the deep-sea at a minimum temperature of 10°C. Other deep-sea dolomites are products of fluids derived from underlying evaporites or submarine weathering of basalts (Garrison, 1981). In some cases (Mullins et al., 1985; Dix and Mullins, 1988; Mullins et al., 1988), the existence of dolomite is linked to disconformities and its formation may have resulted from circulation of seawater through the sediment during prolonged exposure (Dix and Mullins, 1988, p. 287). At Site 768 (Fig. 1), lithified carbonate layers, some containing variable amounts of dolomite, occur below 201 mbsf (Miocene). These beds alternate with unconsolidated or semi-lithified marl layers interbedded in clays and siliciclastic turbidites. The irregular depth distribution of the limestone beds and the variation in preservation and recrystallization of the calcareous microfaunas suggest that lithification of carbonates at Site 768 not only reflects burial diagenesis as described by Garrison (1981) and others, but in part may be a selective, early diagenetic process. The different types and distribution of the dolomite additionally seem to support this assumption. The purpose of this report is to document the occurrence and textural nature of the dolomite at Site 768. Methods used were analyses of stained thin sections (Alizarin S and Ferrocyanide) and studies with the scanning electron microscope. No geochemical analyses (e.g., stable isotopes) were carried out; they will be the subject of further investigations.


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Calcareous nannofossils occur in numerous layers within a thick volcaniclastic succession encountered on the Detroit Seamount. Nannofossils present in a given bed confirm a marine depositional environment for the bed, add to our understanding of depositional events occurring between times of lava flow, and contribute to the interpretation of the overall physical volcanological history of the seamount.


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Benthic foraminiferal stable isotope data are presented for Sites 1014 (Tanner Basin, 1176 m) and 1020 (Gorda Ridge, 3040 m) to constrain past changes in Pacific deep- and intermediate-water nutrient chemistry associated with the onset of large-amplitude 100-k.y. climate cycles after ~900 ka. The Site 1014 data were based on analyses of separate species of Cibicidoides, whereas only Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi was used to generate the Site 1020 record. The present data span 380-920 and 620-950 ka at Sites 1014 and 1020, respectively.


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DSDP Site 516 contains a complete middle Eocene to lower Miocene interval with a well-developed Oligocene sequence that is more than 300 m thick. In this paper, the most important and characteristic benthic foraminiferal species from this interval are described and illustrated, and their quantitative and biostratigraphic distribution is given. Middle Eocene benthic assemblages, derived from pelagic intercalations in a partly turbiditic sequence, are low in diversity. Benthic assemblages of fairly high diversity occur in limestones, chalks, and oozes of the upper Eocene to lower Miocene. The consistently high rate of new species appearances at Site 516 during late Eocene and Oligocene contrasted greatly with the very slow rate of change in abyssal faunas at that time; there were no significant faunal changes at the Eocene/Oligocene boundary. The assemblages are dominated by Cibicidoides (mostly C. ungerianus or C. kullenbergi) and Lenticulina. Buliminids were also important during the Eocene and early Oligocene. Faunal comparison with other Atlantic DSDP sites and drill holes in the Gulf of Mexico suggest an approximately mid-bathyal (500-1500 m) depth of deposition during late Eocene and Oligocene.


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Numerous studies have shown that delta18O records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera, primarily a proxy of global ice volume variations, reflect Milankovitch periodicities. To study climatic response to orbital forcing at Ocean Drilling Program site 758, we have generated continuous delta18O and delta13C records from a single benthic foraminiferal species Cibicides wuellerstorfi for the last 3.6 m.y. and extended the planktonic foraminiferal isotope records of Farrell and Janecek (1991, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.121.124.1991) (0-2.5 Ma, based on Globigerinoides sacculifer) to 3.6 Ma (Chen, 1994). We then constructed an age model by matching, correlating and tuning the benthic delta18O record to a model simulation of ice volume (Imbrie and Imbrie, 1980, doi:10.1126/science.207.4434.943). The filtered 41- and 23-kyr signals based on the resultant astronomically tuned age model are highly correlated to obliquity (r=0.83) and precession (r=0.75), respectively. Although derived with methodology different from Shackleton et al. (1990) and Hilgen (1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90206-W, 1991, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(91)90082-S), our results generally agree with their published astronomical timescales for the time interval from 0 to 3.0 Ma, providing additional support for the newly emerging chronology based on orbital tuning. Slight discrepancies exist in the time interval from 3.0 to 3.6 Ma, suggesting several possibilities, including differences in the approaches of orbital tuning and the relatively low amplitude of delta18O variations in our record. However, even if the discrepancies are due to the relatively low amplitude of the isotope signals in our record at 3.0-3.6 Ma, our resultant timescale as a whole does not adversely affect our evaluation of the paleoclimatology and paleoceanography of the Indian Ocean, such as the evolution of the 100-, 41- and 23-kyr cycles, and variation of global ice volume and deepwater temperature during the past 3.6 m.y.


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Hudson Strait (HS) Heinrich Events, ice-rafting events in the North Atlantic originating from the Laurentide ice sheet (LIS), are among the most dramatic examples of millennial-scale climate variability and have a large influence on global climate. However, it is debated as to whether the occurrence of HS Heinrich Events in the (eastern) North Atlantic in the geological record depends on greater ice discharge, or simply from the longer survival of icebergs in cold waters. Using sediments from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1313 in the North Atlantic spanning the period between 960 and 320 ka, we show that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) did not control the first occurrence of HS Heinrich(-like) Events in the sedimentary record. Using mineralogy and organic geochemistry to determine the characteristics of ice-rafting debris (IRD), we detect the first HS Heinrich(-like) Event in our record around 643 ka (Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 16), which is similar as previously reported for Site U1308. However, the accompanying high-resolution alkenone-based SST record demonstrates that the first HS Heinrich(-like) Event did not coincide with low SSTs. Thus, the HS Heinrich(-like) Events do indicate enhanced ice discharge from the LIS at the end of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition, not simply the survivability of icebergs due to cold conditions in the North Atlantic.