950 resultados para Jessica Lee
This paper examines empirically the determinants of decentralization of decision- making in the firm for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that tend to be highly centralized. By decentralization of decisions we mean the delegation of decision rights from the owner or manager to the plant supervisor or even to floor workers. Our findings show that the allocation of authority to basic workers or a team of workers depends on firm characteristics such as firm size, the use of internal networks or the number of workplaces, and workers characteristics, in particular, the composition of the laborforce in terms of education and seniority and whether or not workers receive pay incentives. External factors such as the intensity of competition and the firm s export intensity are also important determinants of the allocation of authority.
Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada a la facultat de Medical Sciences de la Universitat de Bristol, Alemanya, entre 2011 i 2012. Aquest treball s'ha realitzat a la facultat de Medical Sciences de la Universitat de Bristol, al laboratori del Prof. Andrew Di cks,o ta la seva supe1visi6. Ei treball s'ha realitzat amb els seus col.laboradors, el Dr Richard Lee i Lauren Schew:tz. Objectiu: Els glucocorticoids (GCs) tenen diversos efectes sobre les cèl.lules T CD4+ per modular la resposta immune principalment mitjançant els seus efectes anti-proliferatius. Tot i això la dexametasona (Dex, glucocorticoid sintètic) també indueix la secreció de la citocina immunosupressora IL-10 . L'objectiu d'aquest treball ha estat comparar la capacitat dels glucocorticoids en modular la producció de citocines en cèl.lules T CD4+ en pacients uveítics sensibles (SS), i resistents (SR) a esteroids. Metodologia: Es van aïllar cèl• lules T CD4+ de pacients uveítics SS i SR. Es va induir la producció de cèl.lules T regulatories (Tregs) i mitjançant I'estimulació amb anti- CD3/CD28 en presència d'lL-2 i Després del cultiu es van analitzar els nivells d’expressió intracel•lular de les citocines IL-10, IL-4, IL-9, IL-17 i IFN-y per citometria de flux. D'altra banda, també es van separar cèl.lules T CD4t de pacients uveïtis segons I'expressió de CCR6 i es van polaritzar per obtenir els fenotips ThO i Th17 per estudiar I'efecte de Dex i ciclosporina (CsA) en aquests subtipus cel.lulars. Resultats: Les cèl.lules T CD4+ de pacients SR no van ser capaces de produir IL-10 en resposta al tractament amb Dex. Dex no va afectar els nivells d'expressió d'11-17, però va reduir els nivells de IL-4 i IFN-V. Els nivells d'lL-9 (marcador d'un subtipus cel.lular recentment descrit, Th9) v ise r sempre inferiors a 11%. En canvi, el traclament a amb CsA va reduir significativament els nivells d'lL-17 i IFN-y en cèl.lules Th17 i ThO. Conclusions: La Dex no és capaç d'induir cèl.lules Treg funcionalment supresores en pacients veiticsS R. Aquest fenòmen és Independent dels efectes en I'expressió d'altres citocines. Aquests resultats suggereixen que I'efecte de la Dex sobre la funció de cél.lules Treg és clau en el desenvolupament del fenotip SR en la uveïtis . D'altra banda, al llarg d'aquest temps he iniciat un nou projecte que ha donat lloc a un futur projecte de col elaboració. Resumidament, degut a que els nivells elevats de proteïna C-reactiva (CRP) són un factor de risc en la degeneració macular, malaltia inflamatòria crònica principal causa de ceguera en països industrialitzats, I'objectiu d'aquest altre treball ha estat iniciar un projecte per avaluar els efectes de les diferents isoformes de la CRP sobre la resposta inflamatòria d’epiteli pigmentari retinià.
There are suggestions of an inverse association between folate intake and serum folate levels and the risk of oral cavity and pharyngeal cancers (OPCs), but most studies are limited in sample size, with only few reporting information on the source of dietary folate. Our study aims to investigate the association between folate intake and the risk of OPC within the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) Consortium. We analyzed pooled individual-level data from ten case-control studies participating in the INHANCE consortium, including 5,127 cases and 13,249 controls. Odds ratios (ORs) and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated for the associations between total folate intake (natural, fortification and supplementation) and natural folate only, and OPC risk. We found an inverse association between total folate intake and overall OPC risk (the adjusted OR for the highest vs. the lowest quintile was 0.65, 95% CI: 0.43-0.99), with a stronger association for oral cavity (OR = 0.57, 95% CI: 0.43-0.75). A similar inverse association, though somewhat weaker, was observed for folate intake from natural sources only in oral cavity cancer (OR = 0.64, 95% CI: 0.45-0.91). The highest OPC risk was observed in heavy alcohol drinkers with low folate intake as compared to never/light drinkers with high folate (OR = 4.05, 95% CI: 3.43-4.79); the attributable proportion (AP) owing to interaction was 11.1% (95% CI: 1.4-20.8%). Lastly, we reported an OR of 2.73 (95% CI:2.34-3.19) for those ever tobacco users with low folate intake, compared with nevere tobacco users and high folate intake (AP of interaction =10.6%, 95% CI: 0.41-20.8%). Our project of a large pool of case-control studies supports a protective effect of total folate intake on OPC risk.
Background: Before the arrival of Europeans to Cuba, the island was inhabited by two Native American groups, the Tainos and the Ciboneys. Most of the present archaeological, linguistic and ancient DNA evidence indicates a South American origin for these populations. In colonial times, Cuban Native American people were replaced by European settlers and slaves from Africa. It is still unknown however, to what extent their genetic pool intermingled with and was 'diluted' by the arrival of newcomers. In order to investigate the demographic processes that gave rise to the current Cuban population, we analyzed the hypervariable region I (HVS-I) and five single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) coding region in 245 individuals, and 40 Y-chromosome SNPs in 132 male individuals. Results: The Native American contribution to present-day Cubans accounted for 33% of the maternal lineages, whereas Africa and Eurasia contributed 45% and 22% of the lineages, respectively. This Native American substrate in Cuba cannot be traced back to a single origin within the American continent, as previously suggested by ancient DNA analyses. Strikingly, no Native American lineages were found for the Y-chromosome, for which the Eurasian and African contributions were around 80% and 20%, respectively. Conclusion: While the ancestral Native American substrate is still appreciable in the maternal lineages, the extensive process of population admixture in Cuba has left no trace of the paternal Native American lineages, mirroring the strong sexual bias in the admixture processes taking place during colonial times.
Background: Peach fruit undergoes a rapid softening process that involves a number of metabolic changes. Storing fruit at low temperatures has been widely used to extend its postharvest life. However, this leads to undesired changes, such as mealiness and browning, which affect the quality of the fruit. In this study, a 2-D DIGE approach was designed to screen for differentially accumulated proteins in peach fruit during normal softening as well as under conditions that led to fruit chilling injury. Results:The analysis allowed us to identify 43 spots -representing about 18% of the total number analyzed- that show statistically significant changes. Thirty-nine of the proteins could be identified by mass spectrometry. Some of the proteins that changed during postharvest had been related to peach fruit ripening and cold stress in the past. However, we identified other proteins that had not been linked to these processes. A graphical display of the relationship between the differentially accumulated proteins was obtained using pairwise average-linkage cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Proteins such as endopolygalacturonase, catalase, NADP-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, pectin methylesterase and dehydrins were found to be very important for distinguishing between healthy and chill injured fruit. A categorization of the differentially accumulated proteins was performed using Gene Ontology annotation. The results showed that the 'response to stress', 'cellular homeostasis', 'metabolism of carbohydrates' and 'amino acid metabolism' biological processes were affected the most during the postharvest. Conclusions: Using a comparative proteomic approach with 2-D DIGE allowed us to identify proteins that showed stage-specific changes in their accumulation pattern. Several proteins that are related to response to stress, cellular homeostasis, cellular component organization and carbohydrate metabolism were detected as being differentially accumulated. Finally, a significant proportion of the proteins identified had not been associated with softening, cold storage or chilling injury-altered fruit before; thus, comparative proteomics has proven to be a valuable tool for understanding fruit softening and postharvest.
RESUMÉ Objectifs de la recherche: Depuis quelques années, l'utilisation de l'écologie dans le marketing a connu un essor considérable, aussi bien dans le monde académique que dans la pratique. De nos jours, la notion de label suscite un vif intérêt auprès des entreprises désireuses de promouvoir des produits "verts". Le principe de l'écolabellisation consiste à fournir aux consommateurs, en plus du prix, un nouvel élément de comparaison des produits. Les écolabels sont considérés comme l'un des meilleurs outils pour informer le consommateur, d'une manière claire et compréhensible, de l'impact du produit sur l'environnement. Nous nous intéressons, dans le cadre de notre travail, à l'étude du comportement d'achat des produits écolabellisés. En dépit de leur popularité croissante, les études académiques portant sur les labels écologiques sont relativement rares et de nombreuses problématiques demeurent en suspens. L'étude du comportement d'achat - au sens large - mérite notamment d'être approfondie. Notre recherche a plusieurs volets. Premièrement, nous étudions l'impact des valeurs, de l'implication vis-à-vis de l'écologie, du scepticisme, de la compréhension du label et de la connaissance de l'écologie sur le comportement d'achat de produits écolabellisés. Ensuite, nous testons la cohérence entre comportements écologiques en introduisant un comportement post- achat (le triage des déchets ménagers). Théories sous-jacentes: Notre étude repose sur différents apports académiques relatifs au comportement du consommateur "vert" mais également sur des concepts issus de la psychologie et de la sociologie. Nous présentons d'abord la littérature portant sur la caractérisation du consommateur "vert" (Webster, 1975; Arbuthnot, 1977; Van Liere et Dunlap, 1981; Balderjahn, 1988; Antil, 1984; Grunert et Juhl, 1995; Roberts, 1996). Nous abordons ensuite les études portant sur les valeurs (Schwartz, 1992; 1994), l'implication (Zaichkowsy, 1994), le scepticisme (Gray-Lee, Scammon et Mayer, 1994; Mohr et al., 1998), la compréhension des écolabels (van Dam et Reuvekamp, 1995; Thogersen, 2000) et la connaissance de l'écologie (Maloney et al., 1973, 1975; Arbuthnot, 1977; Pickett et al., 1993). Ces variables nous semblent être les plus à même d'influencer le comportement d'achat de produits écolabellisés. Enfin, sur la base des travaux de Valette-Florence et Roehrich (1993), nous développons un modèle de causalité, centré sur la relation entre les valeurs, l'implication et le comportement. Hypothèses de recherche et opérationnalisation des variables: Nous développons 16 hypothèses de recherche dont 12 portent sur les rapports de causalité entre construits. Par ailleurs, pour mieux comprendre la personnalité du consommateur de produits écolabellisés, nous distinguons les variables reflétant un intérêt collectif (altruisme) de celles reflétant un intérêt individuel (égocentrisme). La mesure des différents construits reposent sur la liste de Schwartz (1992, 1994) pour les valeurs, l'échelle d'implication de Zaichkowsy (1994) pour la publicité, l'échelle développée par Mohs et al. (1998) pour mesurer le scepticisme et une liste de questions portant sur l'écologie (Diekmann, 1996) pour tester le niveau de connaissance. Les comportements d'achat et post-achat sont mesurés respectivement à l'aide de questions relatives à la fréquence d'achat de produits écolabellisés et du triage des déchets ménagers. Collecte des données: Le recueil des données s'effectue par sondage, en ayant recours à des questionnaires auto-administrés. L'échantillon comprend de 368 étudiants provenant de diverses facultés de sciences humaines de Suisse Romande. Analyse des données et interprétation des résultats: Notre étude porte sur le comportement d'achat de trois labels écologiques et sur le triage de 7 déchets ménagers. Les différentes analyses montrent que certaines valeurs ont un impact sur l'implication et que l'implication a une influence positive sur le comportement d'achat et post-achat. Par ailleurs, nous montrons que l'implication sert de variable médiatrice entre les valeurs et le comportement. De plus, la compréhension de l'écolabel influence de manière positive l'achat de produits écolabellisés, la connaissance de l'écologie a une influence positive sur le comportement post-achat et le scepticisme vis-à-vis de l'utilité du triage des déchets ménagers influence négativement le comportement de triage. Implications managériales: Les résultats obtenus suggèrent qu'outre la valeur "protection de l'environnement", d'autres valeurs comme "la stimulation" ou encore "l'accomplissement" influencent de manière significative l'implication vis-à-vis de l'écologie qui à son tour influence l'achat de produits écolabellisés. Le manager doit donc tenir compte du fait que le consommateur est impliqué dans l'écologie. Ensuite, la compréhension du label joue un rôle prépondérant dans l'achat. De plus, le consommateur ne semble pas être sceptique par rapport aux informations fournies par les écolabels et le niveau de connaissance de l'écologie n'affecte pas son comportement. Enfin, le consommateur semble agir de manière cohérente en achetant différents produits écolabellisés. Apports, limites et voies de recherche: Notre étude contribue à l'enrichissement de la recherche sur le comportement du consommateur dans un contexte écologique à plusieurs égards, notamment par l'étude de la relation entre les valeurs, l'implication et le comportement. Néanmoins, la portée de notre recherche est naturellement restreinte en raison du nombre limité de cas étudiés, soit 3 labels écologiques relativement peu connus de notre échantillon. Il serait utile de répéter l'étude en utilisant des labels plus populaires. Par ailleurs, nous avons eu recours à des échelles développées dans des contextes quelque peu différents. En particulier, une échelle d'implication devrait être développée spécifiquement pour le contexte écologique.
In 1993, Iowa Workforce Development (then the Department of Employment Services) conducted a survey to determine if there was a gender gap in wages paid. The results of that survey indicated that women were paid 68 cents per dollar paid to males. We felt a need to determine if this relationship of wages paid to each gender has changed since the 1993 study. In 1999, the Commission on the Status of Women requested that Iowa Workforce Development conduct research to update the 1993 information. A survey, cosponsored by the Commission on the Status of Women and Iowa Workforce Development, was conducted in 1999. The results of the survey showed that women earned 73 percent of what men earned when both jobs were considered. (The survey asked respondents to provide information on a primary job and a secondary job.) The ratio for the primary job was 72 percent, while the ratio for the secondary job was 85 percent. Additional survey results detail the types of jobs respondents had, the types of companies for which they worked and the education and experience levels. All of these characteristics can contribute to these ratios. While the large influx of women into the labor force may be over, it is still important to look at such information to determine if future action is needed. We present these results with that goal in mind. We are indebted to those Iowans, female and male, who voluntarily completed the survey. This study was completed under the general direction of Judy Erickson. The report was written by Shazada Khan, Teresa Wageman, Ann Wagner, and Yvonne Younes with administrative and technical assistance from Michael Blank, Margaret Lee and Gary Wilson. The Iowa State University Statistical Lab provided sampling advice, data entry and coding and data analysis.
We report four patients who presented with a severe form of metaphyseal chondromatosis in association with D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria (D-2-HGA). All patients showed splaying columns of irregular ossification defects with bulbous metaphyses of the long tubular bones, as well as remarkable involvement of the short tubular and flat bones. The vertebral bodies revealed platyspondyly with irregular, stippled endplates. D-2-HGA has been described as a neurometabolic disorder manifesting a broad range of impairment in mental and motor development. Although hydroxyglutaric acid was excreted in high amounts in the urine of all four patients described herein, no significant neurologic abnormalities were evident. This unusual combination of characteristic skeletal and metabolic abnormalities has rarely been reported. Thus, our report will facilitate the recognition of this distinctive entity, and we suggest that a urine organic acid screening be obtained in patients who present with generalized enchondromatosis.
Estudio descriptivo, transversal, realizado en Santiago de Chile. Tuvo como objetivo evaluar el razonamiento científico y comunicación oral y escrita en el licenciado en enfermería. Muestra constituida por 37 estudiantes licenciados en la carrera de enfermería. La investigación fue diseñada en tres etapas: I) creación y validación del instrumento; II) capacitación del equipo de docentes participantes para la aplicación uniforme del instrumento; III) aplicación del instrumento y análisis de datos. Los principales resultados muestran porcentajes diferentes de competencia obtenidos por los licenciados en enfermería, prevaleciendo el logro del razonamiento científico (83,16%); seguido de la comunicación oral y escrita (78,37%). Esta investigación muestra la utilidad para las Escuelas de Enfermería de implementar un sistema para evaluar el perfil de egresados del grado de licenciado en enfermería que garantice la calidad de la formación.
Geographic differences in frequency and azole resistance among Candida glabrata may impact empiric antifungal therapy choice. We examined geographic variation in isolation and azole susceptibility of C. glabrata. We examined 23 305 clinical isolates of C. glabrata during ARTEMIS DISK global surveillance. Susceptibility testing to fluconazole and voriconazole was assessed by disk diffusion, and the results were grouped by geographic location: North America (NA) (2470 isolates), Latin America (LA) (2039), Europe (EU) (12 439), Africa and the Middle East (AME) (728), and Asia-Pacific (AP) (5629). Overall, C. glabrata accounted for 11.6% of 201 653 isolates of Candida and varied as a proportion of all Candida isolated from 7.4% in LA to 21.1% in NA. Decreased susceptibility (S) to fluconazole was observed in all geographic regions and ranged from 62.8% in AME to 76.7% in LA. Variation in fluconazole susceptibility was observed within each region: AP (range, 50-100% S), AME (48-86.9%), EU (44.8-88%), LA (43-92%), and NA (74.5-91.6%). Voriconazole was more active than fluconazole (range, 82.3-84.2% S) with similar regional variation. Among 22 sentinel sites participating in ARTEMIS from 2001 through 2007 (84 140 total isolates, 8163 C. glabrata), the frequency of C. glabrata isolation increased in 14 sites and the frequency of fluconazole resistance (R) increased in 11 sites over the 7-year period of study. The sites with the highest cumulative rates of fluconazole R were in Poland (22% R), the Czech Republic (27% R), Venezuela (27% R), and Greece (33% R). C. glabrata was most often isolated from blood, normally sterile body fluids and urine. There is substantial geographic and institutional variation in both frequency of isolation and azole resistance among C. glabrata. Prompt species identification and fluconazole susceptibility testing are necessary to optimize therapy for invasive candidiasis.
BACKGROUND: Conserved non-coding sequences in the human genome are approximately tenfold more abundant than known genes, and have been hypothesized to mark the locations of cis-regulatory elements. However, the global contribution of conserved non-coding sequences to the transcriptional regulation of human genes is currently unknown. Deeply conserved elements shared between humans and teleost fish predominantly flank genes active during morphogenesis and are enriched for positive transcriptional regulatory elements. However, such deeply conserved elements account for <1% of the conserved non-coding sequences in the human genome, which are predominantly mammalian. RESULTS: We explored the regulatory potential of a large sample of these 'common' conserved non-coding sequences using a variety of classic assays, including chromatin remodeling, and enhancer/repressor and promoter activity. When tested across diverse human model cell types, we find that the fraction of experimentally active conserved non-coding sequences within any given cell type is low (approximately 5%), and that this proportion increases only modestly when considered collectively across cell types. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that classic assays of cis-regulatory potential are unlikely to expose the functional potential of the substantial majority of mammalian conserved non-coding sequences in the human genome.
DP1, a dimerization partner protein of the transcription factor E2F, is known to inhibit Wnt/β-catenin signalling along with E2F, although the function of DP1 itself was not well characterized. Here, we present a novel dual regulatory mechanism of Wnt/β-catenin signalling by DP1 independent from E2F. DP1 negatively regulates Wnt/β-catenin signalling by inhibiting Dvl-Axin interaction and by enhancing poly-ubiquitination of β-catenin. In contrast, DP1 positively modulates the signalling upon Wnt stimulation, via increasing cytosolic β-catenin and antagonizing the kinase activity of NLK. In Xenopus embryos, DP1 exerts both positive and negative roles in Wnt/β-catenin signalling during anteroposterior neural patterning. From subcellular localization analyses, we suggest that the dual roles of DP1 in Wnt/β-catenin signalling are endowed by differential nucleocytoplasmic localizations. We propose that these dual functions of DP1 can promote and stabilize biphasic Wnt-on and Wnt-off states in response to a gradual gradient of Wnt/β-catenin signalling to determine differential cell fates.
OBJECTIVE: A single course of antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) is associated with a reduction in respiratory distress syndrome and neonatal death. Multiple Courses of Antenatal Corticosteroids Study (MACS), a study involving 1858 women, was a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial of multiple courses of ACS, given every 14 days until 33+6 weeks or birth, whichever came first. The primary outcome of the study, a composite of neonatal mortality and morbidity, was similar for the multiple ACS and placebo groups (12.9% vs. 12.5%), but infants exposed to multiple courses of ACS weighed less, were shorter, and had smaller head circumferences. Thus for women who remain at increased risk of preterm birth, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) are not recommended. Chronic use of corticosteroids is associated with numerous side effects including weight gain and depression. The aim of this postpartum assessment was to ascertain if multiple courses of ACS were associated with maternal side effects. METHODS: Three months postpartum, women who participated in MACS were asked to complete a structured questionnaire that asked about maternal side effects of corticosteroid use during MACS and included the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Women were also asked to evaluate their study participation. RESULTS: Of the 1858 women randomized, 1712 (92.1%) completed the postpartum questionnaire. There were no significant differences in the risk of maternal side effects between the two groups. Large numbers of women met the criteria for postpartum depression (14.1% in the ACS vs. 16.0% in the placebo group). Most women (94.1%) responded that they would participate in the trial again. CONCLUSION: In pregnancy, corticosteroids are given to women for fetal lung maturation and for the treatment of various maternal diseases. In this international multicentre randomized controlled trial, multiple courses of ACS (every 14 days) were not associated with maternal side effects, and the majority of women responded that they would participate in such a study again.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of the elderly residents of a long-stay nursing home on the process of institutionalization. We interviewed 14 subjects, five women and nine men, aged between 60 and 92 years. Data collection was conducted with a semi-structured sociodemographic interview, which presented the guiding question: “Tell me about how is your life, what do you do and how did you come to live here”. From the analysis, we found topics related to feelings of abandonment, loneliness, anger, ingratitude, living with chronic pain, satisfaction of property in the nursing home, productivity and social relationship. Given the thematic analysis, it was possible to group them into three categories such as: what the elderly feel, what the elderly perceive and what the elderly desire. As a result, we need public policies that addresses to the service provided by institutions regarding elderly expectations.