998 resultados para Jean-François Régis (1597-1640)
Particulate samples from the water column were collected monthly from depths of 5-150 m, between May 1996 and March 1997, in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea (Ligurian Sea) as part of the DYFAMED project within the French JGOFS program. These samples were analyzed by gas chromatography-electron impact mass spectrometry for their phytol and 3-methylidene-3,7,11-trimethylhexadecan-1,2-diol (phytyldiol) content. The corresponding Chlorophyll Phytyl side chain Photodegradation Index, molar ratio of phytyldiol to phytol, was calculated and the mean amount of chlorophyll photodegraded within the euphotic zone estimated. Seasonal differences in the chlorophyll photodegradation process appear in the one-year study. The chlorophyll appeared more photodegraded in the surface water (generally more than 40% photodegraded at 5-10 m) than at the deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM) (40-50 m) observed in the summer stratified waters (about 20% photodegraded). This difference was attributed to the healthy state of the phytoplankton community (coincidence with the highest primary production levels) and to the lower intensity of irradiance at the DCM level. On the other hand, the bulk of the detrital chlorophyll (chlorophyll associated with phytodetritus, phaeopigments) undergoes photodegradation before it sinks out of the photic zone. However, in January (winter mixed water) the pigments exported towards the sea floor were less photodegraded. This is thought to result from a shorter period of residence of the pigments in the photic zone due to vertical convection and grazing activity of macrozooplankton (salps), which are producers of rapid sinking fecal pellets.
This dataset presents Differential Global Positioning System data (DGPS) acquired within the Bossons glacier proglacial area. Bossons glacier is a rapidly retreating glacier and its proglacial area is deglaciated for ~30 years. Bossons stream is one of the outlets of the subglacial drainage system. It starts as a 800 m steep cascade reach, then flows through an area with gentler slope : the Plan des Eaux (PdE). PdE is a 300 m long, 50 m wide proglacial alluvial plain with an increasing channel mobility in the downstream direction but decreasing slope gradient and incision. As it may act a sediment trap, studying periglacial and proglacial erosion processes in the Bossons catchment requires to quantify PdE sediment volume evolution. A several meter-sized block located within Bossons proglacial area was set up as GPS base : its location was measured by one antenna (Topcon Hyper Pro) by performing 600 consecutive measurements throughout one day. A second antenna (Topcon Hyper Pro) was then used to measure XYZ location of points in the proglacial area with a ~2 m grid. Radio communication between the two antennas allowed differential calculations to be automatically carried out on field using the Topcon FC-250 hand controller. This methodology yields 3 cm XY and 1.5 cm Z uncertainties. DGPS data have been acquired through 10 campaigns from 2004 to 2014; campaigns from 2004 to 2008 cover a smaller area than those from 2010 to 2014. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) have been interpolated from DGPS data and difference between two DEMs yields deposited and eroded volume within PdE. Maps of PdE volume variation between two campaigns show that incision mainly occurs in the upper and lower sections where as deposition dominates in the middle section. Deposition, denudation and net rate (deposition rate - denudation rate) are calculated by normalizing volumes by DEM areas. Deposition dominates results with a mean net rate of 29 mm/yr. However, strong inter-annual variability exists and some years are dominated by denudation : -36 mm/yr and -100 mm/yr for 2006 and 2011, respectively. Nonetheless, oldest campaigns (2004 to 2008) were carried out on the lower part part of the alluvial plain and ruling them out to keep only complete DEM (2010 to 2014) yields a mean net rate of ~15 mm/yr. This results is coherent with field observations of both strong deposition (e.g. flood deposits) and strong erosion (e.g. 30 cm incision) evidences. Bossons glacier proglacial area is thus dynamic with year-to-year geormorphological changes but may leans toward increasing its mean elevation through a deposition dominated system.
Resource pulses are common in various ecosystems and often have large impacts on ecosystem functioning. Many animals hoard food during resource pulses, yet how this behaviour affects pulse diffusion through trophic levels is poorly known because of a lack of individual-based studies. Our objective was to examine how the hoarding behaviour of arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) preying on a seasonal pulsed resource (goose eggs) was affected by annual and seasonal changes in resource availability. We monitored foraging behaviour of foxes in a greater snow goose (Chen caerulescens atlanticus) colony during 8 nesting seasons that covered 2 lemming cycles. The number of goose eggs taken and cached per hour by foxes declined 6-fold from laying to hatching, while the proportion of eggs cached remained constant. In contrast, the proportion of eggs cached by foxes fluctuated in response to the annual lemming cycle independently of the seasonal pulse of goose eggs. Foxes cached the majority of eggs taken (> 90%) when lemming abundance was high or moderate but only 40% during the low phase of the cycle. This likely occurred because foxes consumed a greater proportion of goose eggs to fulfill their energy requirement at low lemming abundance. Our study clearly illustrates a behavioural mechanism that extends the energetic benefits of a resource pulse. The hoarding behaviour of the main predator enhances the allochthonous nutrients input brought by migrating birds from the south into the arctic terrestrial ecosystem. This could increase average predator density and promote indirect interactions among prey.
Este artículo presenta y analiza un ejemplo del debate sobre la enseñanza de la Historia que tiene lugar en la mayoría de los países del mundo desde hace ya varios años. En este caso, es el que se realiza en Quebec sobre la enseñanza de la historia nacional en la escuela secundaria desde la reforma iniciada en 2001. Se señala que la enseñanza de la historia en Quebec se centra desde hace tiempo en la formación de ciudadanía, se muestra la reforma de los programas y el debate que han generado. A continuación, se analiza la relación entre los cursos de Historia actuales y el nacionalismo de Quebec y de Canadá. Por último, se analiza la posición de algunos estudiosos en este debate. Los autores no ocultan su oposición a los discursos nacionalistas de los chauvinistas de Quebec incluso si son ellos mismos nacionalistas de Quebec y no apoyan el programa o el estado, incluso si quieren negar las habladurías de los opositores del programa y si apoyan la idea de centrar el programa en el desarrollo de las habilidades y actitudes críticas relacionadas con la Historia. Con este artículo se quiere contribuir a una internacional de especialistas en didáctica que luchen contra el mismo problema
The magnitude and the chronology of anthropogenic impregnation by Hg and other trace metals of environmental concern (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Pb, including its stable isotopes) in the sediments are determined at the DYFAMED station, a site in the Ligurian Sea (Northwestern Mediterranean) chosen for its supposed open-sea characteristics. The DYFAMED site (VD) is located on the right levee of the Var Canyon turbidite system, at the end of the Middle Valley. In order to trace the influence of the gravity current coming from the canyon on trace metal distribution in the sediment, we studied an additional sediment core (VA) from a terrace of the Var Canyon, and material collected in sediment traps at the both sites at 20 m above sea bottom. The patterns of Hg and other trace element distribution profiles are interpreted using stable Pb isotope ratios as proxies for its sources, taking into account the sedimentary context (turbidites, redox conditions, and sedimentation rates). Major element distributions, coupled with the stratigraphic examination of the sediment cores point out the high heterogeneity of the deposits at VA, and major turbiditic events at both sites. At the DYFAMED site, we observed direct anthropogenic influence in the upper sediment layer (<2 cm), while on the Var Canyon site (VA), the anthropization concerns the whole sedimentary column sampled (19 cm). Turbiditic events superimpose their specific signature on trace metal distributions. According to the 210Pbxs-derived sedimentation rate at the DYFAMED site (0.4 mm yr-1), the Hg-enriched layer of the top core corresponds to the sediment accumulation of the last 50 years, which is the period of the highest increase in Hg deposition on a global scale. With the hypothesis of the absence of significant post-depositional redistribution of Hg, the Hg/C-org ratio changes between the surface and below are used to estimate the anthropogenic contribution to the Hg flux accumulated in the sediment. The Hg enrichment, from pre-industrial to the present time is calculated to be around 60%, consistent with estimations of global Hg models. However, based on the chemical composition of the trapped material collected in sediment traps, we calculated that epibenthic mobilization of Hg would reach 73%. Conversely, the Cd/C-org ratio decreases in the upper 5 cm, which may reflect the recent decrease of atmospheric Cd inputs or losses due to diagenetic processes.
Este artículo presenta y analiza un ejemplo del debate sobre la enseñanza de la Historia que tiene lugar en la mayoría de los países del mundo desde hace ya varios años. En este caso, es el que se realiza en Quebec sobre la enseñanza de la historia nacional en la escuela secundaria desde la reforma iniciada en 2001. Se señala que la enseñanza de la historia en Quebec se centra desde hace tiempo en la formación de ciudadanía, se muestra la reforma de los programas y el debate que han generado. A continuación, se analiza la relación entre los cursos de Historia actuales y el nacionalismo de Quebec y de Canadá. Por último, se analiza la posición de algunos estudiosos en este debate. Los autores no ocultan su oposición a los discursos nacionalistas de los chauvinistas de Quebec incluso si son ellos mismos nacionalistas de Quebec y no apoyan el programa o el estado, incluso si quieren negar las habladurías de los opositores del programa y si apoyan la idea de centrar el programa en el desarrollo de las habilidades y actitudes críticas relacionadas con la Historia. Con este artículo se quiere contribuir a una internacional de especialistas en didáctica que luchen contra el mismo problema