882 resultados para James, Henry, 1843-1916 - The ambassadors


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Dado el interés que se presenta con los temas de gobierno corporativo, este trabajo busca describir si la divulgación on-line de los contenidos de los códigos de buen gobierno, es determinante en el posicionamiento que tienen las Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) en el ranking QS. Partiendo de una muestra de 20 IES, se recolectaron un conjunto de datos dicotómicos para 30 variables independientes y se relacionaron con la variable dependiente denominada posicionamiento en el ranking. A partir de lo anterior, se elaboró un trabajo descriptivo y correlacional con el fin de probar las hipótesis de investigación. Este estudio reveló que la divulgación on-line de los contenidos de los códigos de buen gobierno en las IES, no es determinante para el posicionamiento en el ranking QS.


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La Playa es un sector de la ciudad de Bogotá, donde se encuentra la oferta de músicos informales más grande de Colombia: mariachis, tríos de cuerda y grupos vallenatos. En esta investigación, se analiza la migración de músicos vallenatos provenientes del Caribe colombiano a este sector de la capital del país; se examina el trabajo de estos músicos en La Playa; y se revisa el proceso de consolidación del vallenato como música nacional.


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Colombia es un país que gracias a sus características topográficas y ubicación privilegiada se destaca por su amplia variedad de ganado en las diferentes regiones del país, esto le ha permitido tener diversas ventajas frente a otros países. Sin embargo, desde el año 2012 entro en vigencia el Tratado de Libre Comercio con Estados Unidos, en donde se demostró que debido a los subsidios y al bajo costo en la producción ganadera, este país ofrece precios inferiores a los de Colombia, con los cuales es más difícil disputar. Por esto es importante que Colombia logré implementar estrategias para competir con precios como los de Estados Unidos y a su vez debe buscar la admisibilidad sanitaria para lograr exportar nuestros productos a esta Potencia. Además, Colombia debe identificar las oportunidades, fortalezas y amenazas que se tienen con el Tratado de Libre comercio, para establecer diferentes proyectos y programas los cuales permitan potencializar el subsector ganadero colombiano.


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Esta investigación se centra en la Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) como organización política. Intenta responder dos interrogantes primordiales: 1) ¿cómo la FIFA ha constituido el poder que tiene actualmente y, así, hacerse del monopolio indiscutido del fútbol? Y 2) ¿cómo ha cambiado en el tiempo la política interna de FIFA y su vínculo con la política internacional? Para lograr esto, se realiza un estudio histórico, basado principalmente en documentos, que intenta caracterizar y analizar los cambios de la organización en el tiempo. Se enfatizan las últimas dos presidencias de FIFA, de João Havelange y Joseph Blatter, como casos de estudio.


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The speed of convergence while training is an important consideration in the use of neural nets. The authors outline a new training algorithm which reduces both the number of iterations and training time required for convergence of multilayer perceptrons, compared to standard back-propagation and conjugate gradient descent algorithms.


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The distinction between learning to perform on an instrument or voice and learning music in a wider sense is one that is made in many countries, and is especially pertinent in England in the context of recent policy developments. This article argues that, whilst this distinction has come to represent curricula based on the opposing paradigms of behaviourist and constructivist approaches to learning, this opposition does not necessarily extend to the pedagogy through which the curricula are taught. A case study of the National Curriculum in England highlights the characteristics of a curriculum based on constructivist principles, along with the impact this has when taught in a behaviourist way. It is argued that conceiving the curriculum in terms of musical competencies and pedagogy in terms of musical understanding would provide a basis for greater continuity and higher quality in the music education experienced by young people.


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The objective of this paper is to apply the mis-specification (M-S) encompassing perspective to the problem of choosing between linear and log-linear unit-root models. A simple M-S encompassing test, based on an auxiliary regression stemming from the conditional second moment, is proposed and its empirical size and power are investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. It is shown that by focusing on the conditional process the sampling distributions of the relevant statistics are well behaved under both the null and alternative hypotheses. The proposed M-S encompassing test is illustrated using US total disposable income quarterly data.


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Understanding the effects of individual organisms on material cycles and energy fluxes within ecosystems is central to predicting the impacts of human-caused changes on climate, land use, and biodiversity. Here we present a theory that integrates metabolic (organism-based bottom-up) and systems (ecosystem-based top-down) approaches to characterize how the metabolism of individuals affects the flows and stores of materials and energy in ecosystems. The theory predicts how the average residence time of carbon molecules, total system throughflow (TST), and amount of recycling vary with the body size and temperature of the organisms and with trophic organization. We evaluate the theory by comparing theoretical predictions with outputs of numerical models designed to simulate diverse ecosystem types and with empirical data for real ecosystems. Although residence times within different ecosystems vary by orders of magnitude—from weeks in warm pelagic oceans with minute phytoplankton producers to centuries in cold forests with large tree producers—as predicted, all ecosystems fall along a single line: residence time increases linearly with slope = 1.0 with the ratio of whole-ecosystem biomass to primary productivity (B/P). TST was affected predominantly by primary productivity and recycling by the transfer of energy from microbial decomposers to animal consumers. The theory provides a robust basis for estimating the flux and storage of energy, carbon, and other materials in terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems and for quantifying the roles of different kinds of organisms and environments at scales from local ecosystems to the biosphere.


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This essay analyses the transmission of the texts of Shakespeare's final plays, Pericles, Coriolanus, Cymbeline, The Winter’s Tale, The Tempest, Henry VIII and The Two Noble Kinsmen, from author to censor to stage to print and argues that he had refined his writing, revision and collaborative practices.


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An examination of the medieval herald's role in international espionage. It is argued that heralds were used as spies, despite their creation oaths stipulating that their job should not encompass this task. The herald Roger Machado's involvement in the diplomacy surrounding the pretender to the English throne, Perkin Warbeck, is scrutinized and is offered as evidence that Machado did act as a spy for Henry VII on the international stage.


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Esta dissertação enfoca a relação entre gestão e estratégia numa autarquia voltada para o saneamento básico. O aspecto relevante do tema relaciona-se com a importância que tem o bom funcionamento desse tipo de organização para a melhoria de qualidade de vida de uma sociedade. Através de entrevistas em profundidade, levadas a efeito com os ex-Diretores da organização estudada, buscou-se determinar a estratégia dominante e seu modo de formação, bem como os principais papéis gerenciais exercidos no período de gestão enfocado pela pesquisa, na perspectiva do pensamento de Henry Mintzberg. A pesquisa revelou que a principal estratégia da organização é a gestática. A organização estudada consegue um bom desempenho no cumprimento de sua missão em decorrência de uma gestão inspirada na sua estratégia principal, levando-a a apresentar características de empresa privada, mas sem perder seu sentido de empresa voltada para o interesse público. Chegou-se à conclusão de que gestão é o meio pelo qual uma organização consegue infundir energia a uma estratégia, e estratégia é o meio pelo qual a gestão sinaliza a uma organização para onde deve dirigir suas energias. A organização enfocada é o Departamento Municipal de Água e Esgoto - DMAE, situado em Porto Alegre, fundado em 15 dezembro de 1961.


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This research aims to analyze the concept of childhood in the dimension of educational practice, which is present in the regimental school and historically constructed power relations during the period 1910 to 1930, in Rio Grande do Norte. To contextualize this study, it is necessary to address the Bylaws of the School Groups (1915), the Internal Isolated Schools (1925) and Education Reform (1916). The expansion of education in the State, aiming at preparing the individual for the new capitalist social order was the concern of all governments of the first republic. During this period, the school is conceived as a privileged scenario of a set of practices aimed at disciplining the children, to explore, in some respects, the concept of childhood. Over time, this cocepção was constructed historically. In addition, the school receives children, which in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, are inserted into an educational process in line with the state, embodied in laws, regulations and school discursive practices