975 resultados para JC virus DNA
Dps, found in many eubacterial and archaebacterial species, appears to protect cells from oxidative stress and/or nutrient-limited environment. Dps has been shown to accumulate during the stationary phase, to bind to DNA non-specifically, and to form a crystalline structure that compacts and protects the chromosome. Our previous results have indicated that Dps is glycosylated at least for a certain period of the bacterial cell physiology and this glycosylation is thought to be orchestrated by some factors not yet understood, explaining our difficulties in standardizing the Dps purification process. In the present work, the open reading frame of the dps gene, together with all the upstream regulatory elements, were cloned into a PCR cloning vector. As a result, the expression of dps was also controlled by the plasmid system introduced in the bacterial cell. The gene was then over-expressed regardless of the growth phase of the culture and a glycosylated fraction was purified to homogeneity by lectin-immobilized chromatography assay. Unlike the high level expression of Dps in Salmonella cells, less than 1% of the recombinant protein was purified by affinity chromatography using jacalin column. Sequencing and mass spectrometry data confirmed the identity of the dps gene and the protein, respectively. In spite of the low level of purification of the jacalin-binding Dps, this work shall aid further investigations into the mechanism of Dps glycosylation. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Hemophilia A is an X-linked, inherited, bleeding disorder caused by the partial or total inactivity of the coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Due to difficulties in the direct recognition of the disease-associated mutation in the F8 gene, indirect diagnosis using polymorphic markers located inside or close to the gene is used as an alternative for determining the segregation of the mutant gene within families and thus for detecting carrier individuals and/or assisting in prenatal diagnosis. This study characterizes the allelic and haplotype frequencies, genetic diversity, population differentiation and linkage disequilibrium of five microsatellites (F8Int1, F8Int13, F8Int22, F8Int25.3 and IKBKG) in samples of healthy individuals from Sao Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Pernambuco and of patients from Sao Paulo with haemophilia A to determine the degree of informativeness of these microsatellites for diagnostic purposes. The interpopulational diversity parameters highlight the differences among the analyzed population samples. Regional differences in allelic frequencies must be taken into account when conducting indirect diagnosis of haemophilia A. With the exception of IKBKG, all of the microsatellites presented high heterozygosity levels. Using the markers described, diagnosis was possible in 10 of 11 families. The F8Int22, F8Int1, F8Int13, F8Int25.3 and IKBKG microsatellites were informative in seven, six, five and two of the cases, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness of using these microsatellites in prenatal diagnosis and in carrier identification in the Brazilian population.
Transposons of the Mutator superfamily have been widely described in plants, but only recently have metazoan organisms been shown to harbour them. In this work we describe novel Mutator superfamily transposons from the genomes of the human parasites Schistosoma mansoni and S. japonicum, which we name Curupira-1 and Curupira-2. Curupira elements do not have Terminal Inverted Repeats (TIRs) at their extremities and generate Target Site Duplications (TSDs) of 9 base pairs. Curupira-2 transposons code for a conserved transposase and SWIM zinc finger domains, while Curupira-1 elements comprise these same domains plus a WRKY zinc finger. Alignment of transcript sequences from both elements back to the genomes indicates that they are subject to splicing to produce mature transcripts. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that these transposons represent a new lineage of metazoan Mutator-like elements with characteristics that are distinct from the recently described Phantom elements. Description of these novel schistosome transposons provides new insights in the evolution of transposable elements in schistosomes.
Objectives: To evaluate whether maternal HIV disease severity during pregnancy is associated with an increased likelihood of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs) in HIV-exposed, uninfected infants. Methods: HIV-exposed, uninfected, singleton, term infants enrolled in the NISDI Perinatal Study, with birth weight >2500 g were followed from birth until 6 months of age. LRTI diagnoses, hospitalizations, and associated factors were assessed. Results: Of 547 infants, 103 (18.8%) experienced 116 episodes of LRTI (incidence = 0.84 LRTIs/100 child-weeks). Most (81%) episodes were bronchiolitis. Forty-nine (9.0%) infants were hospitalized at least once with an LRTI. There were 53 hospitalizations (45.7%) for 116 LRTI episodes. None of these infants were breastfed. The odds of LRTI in infants whose mothers had CD4% <14 at enrollment were 4.4 times those of infants whose mothers had CD4% >= 29 (p = 0.003). The odds of LRTI in infants with a CD4+ count (cells/ mm(3)) <750 at hospital discharge were 16.0 times those of infants with CD4+ >= 750 (p = 0.002). Maternal CD4+ decline and infant hemoglobin at the 6-12 week visit were associated with infant LRTIs after 6-12 weeks and before 6 months of age. Conclusions: Acute bronchiolitis is common and frequently severe among HIV-exposed, uninfected infants aged 6 months or less. Lower maternal and infant CD4+ values were associated with a higher risk of infant LRTIs. Further understanding of the immunological mechanisms of severe LRTIs is needed. (C) 2010 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study was designed to compare cutaneous mycoflora isolation and CD4+:CD8+ ratio in feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)-infected cats with that in FIV-uninfected cats. Sixty cats were examined. Twenty-five were Fly-infected cats and 35 were RV-uninfected cats. All 60 cats were FeLV-negative. Fungi were speciated and immunophenotyping of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes was performed. At least one fungal colony was isolated from 22/25 (88%) FIV-infected cats. Among the FIV-uninfected cats fungal colonies were recovered from 13/35 (37%) specimens. Dermatophytes were recovered from 2/25 (8%) FIV-infected cats (one Microsporum gypseum, one Microsporum can is) and 3/35 (8.5%) FIV-uninfected cats (M gypseum). Malassezia species was the most commonly isolated organism from both groups of cats (51.6%). Malassezia species was more commonly isolated from FIV-infected cats than RV-uninfected cats (84% vs 28.6%). The CD4+ to CD8+ lymphocyte ratio for FIV-infected cats was significantly lower than the CD4+ to CD8+ ratio in the FIV-uninfected cats. The CD4+ to CD8+ lymphocyte ratio for FIV-infected cats with cutaneous overall fungal isolation was significantly lower than the CD4:CD8 lymphocyte ratio in the FIV-infected cats but without cutaneous fungal isolation. We can conclude that immunologic depletion due to retroviral infection might represent a risk factor to cutaneous fungal colonization in cats. (C) 2010 ISFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is among the most widespread livestock pathogens in many countries. Despite advances in understanding the pathogenesis of this disease, little is known about the involvement of oxidative stress. Therefore, this study examined the antioxidant status and the markers of oxidative stress in BLV-infected dairy cows. BLV infection was associated with an increase in triacylglycerol levels, a decrease in glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity and a tendency toward lower superoxide dismutase activity in the infected animals. No significant difference was observed in other markers of oxidative stress (i.e., conjugated dienes, hydroperoxides and malondialdehyde) in the infected animals compared to controls. A novel method for the analysis of oxidative stress, Z-scan based on the measurement of the mean-value of 9 in low density lipoprotein indicated that the infected animals had low-density lipoprotein particles that were slightly less modified than those from the healthy group. Thus, we conclude that BLV infection is associated with a selective decrease in GSH-Px activity without any alteration in the common plasma markers of oxidative stress. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Santos, K.B.; Daniel, A.G.T. & Hagiwara, M.K. [Reduced erythrocitary Glutathione and Heinz bodies in cats experimentally infected with the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.] Glutationa Reduzida Eritrocitaria e Corpusculos de Heinz em gatos infectados experimentalmente pelo Virus da Imunodeficieneia Felina. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 30(1):26-30, 2008. Centro Universitario Serra dos Orgaos, Rua Comendador Queiroz 52, Apto. 1403, Niteroi, RJ 24230-220, Brasil. E-mail: keilabsantos@)gmail.com The Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) produces a chronic infection with immunologic system disfunctions in domestic cats developing non-responsive anaemia. The feline immunologic status depression produces free radicals, whose imbalance between production and removal in the organism favour the oxidative injury occurrence. Heinz bodies in large amounts also can evident in vivo oxidative damage. Glutatione, a tripeptide found in the animal cells, is an important protection mechanism against oxidative damages. In this work erythrocyte reduced glutathione (GSH) concentrations for healthy and cats experimentally infected by FIV were determinated in relation to the hemogram and the Heinz bodies presence. All of the animals presents normal values for hemogram and Heinz bodies, however the GSH erythrocyte concentrations in the FIV positive cats were below the normality probably due to an passive depletion to GSH.
Although canine distemper is enzootic worldwide and has a wide host range, there are no reports of canine distemper virus there are no reports of canine distemper virus provide information on virus phylogeny and histopathologic lesions. The objective of this study is report and describe canine distemper in a crab-eating fox (C. thous), with a focus oil the phylogeny of the virus strain and the histopathologic lesions in the animal.
Rickettsia species antibodies have been detected in some cats but it is unknown whether infected cats develop clinical signs. The prevalence of Rickettsia species deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in blood from clinically ill cats has not been determined. The objective of this study was to determine if cats with fever (body temperature >= 102.5 degrees F [39.2 degrees C]) were more likely to have evidence of rickettsial infection than healthy, age-matched, control cats with a body temperature < 102.5 degrees F. Rickettsia species polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays were performed to detect rickettsial DNA extracted from blood (71 paired samples), indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA) were performed to detect serum antibodies against Rickettsia felis (90 paired samples) and Rickettsia rickettsii (91 paired samples), and the results between pairs were compared. All samples were negative for Rickettsia species DNA. More cats with fever were seropositive for R felis or R rickettsii than control cats, but results were not statistically significant. Results of this pilot study failed to show an association between Rickettsia species DNA or Rickettsia species antibodies and fever. (c) 2008 ESFM and AAFP. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The amino acid R or K at position 333 on the glycoprotein of the rabies virus is considered necessary for virulence in adult mice. Although some exceptions exist, substitution at this position causes expression of a phenotype that is either less pathogenic or non-virulent. To date, such substitutions have only been found in fixed strains of rabies virus. In this study, the authors found 333H, 333N, and 333Q substitutions at this position in rabies virus street strains isolated from non-hematophagous bats in Brazil. These strains showed pathogenicity and lethality on passage using adult mice with the intracerebral route and were confirmed rabies-positive by immunofluorescent assay. This suggests that these strains maintain virulence. Our findings indicate that rabies virus street strains with these substitutions exist in the field and may result in infection cycles.
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) causes a slow progressive degeneration of the immune system which eventually leads to a disease comparable to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. FIV has extensive sequence variation, a typical feature of lentiviruses. Sequence analysis showed that diversity was not evenly distributed throughout the genome, but was greatest in the envelope gene, env. The virus enters host cells via a sequential interaction, initiated by the envelope glycoprotein (env) binding the primary receptor molecule CD134 and followed by a subsequent interaction with chemokine co-receptor CXCR4. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize isolates of FIV from an open shelter in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The separated PBMC from 11 positive cats were co-cultured with MYA-1 cells. Full-length viral env glycoprotein genes were amplified and determined. Chimeric feline x human CD134 receptors were used to investigate the receptor utilization of 17 clones from Brazilian isolates of Fly. Analyses of the sequence present of molecular clones showed that all clones grouped within subtype B. In contrast to the virulent primary isolate FIV-GL8, expression of the first cysteine-rich domain (CRD1) of feline CD134 in the context of human CD134 was sufficient for optimal receptor function for all Brazilian FIV isolates tested. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rabies virus is a pathogen of major concern in free-ranging wild carnivores in several regions of the world, but little is known about its circulation in Brazilian wild carnivores. Sera from 211 free-ranging wild carnivores, captured from 2000 to 2006 in four locations of two Brazilian biomes (Pantanal and Cerrado), were tested for rabies antibodies. Twenty-six individuals (12.3%) had neutralizing antibody titers >= 0.10 IU/ml. The four sampled locations had antibody-positive animals, suggesting that Rabies virus circulates in all of these regions. Results underscore the risk posed by rabies for conservation of Brazilian carnivores and the possibility of the animals acting as reservoirs for the Rabies virus.
Insectivorous bats are the main reservoirs of rabies virus (RABV) in various regions of the world. The aims of this study were to (a) establish genealogies for RABV strains from different species of Brazilian insectivorous bats based on the nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes, (b) investigate specific RABV lineages associated with certain genera of bats and (c) identify molecular markers that can distinguish between these lineages. The genealogic analysis of N and G from 57 RABV strains revealed seven genus-specific clusters related to the insectivorous bats Myotis, Eptesicus, Nyctinomops, Molossus, Tadarida, Histiotus and Lasiurus. Molecular markers in the amino acid sequences were identified which were specific to the seven clusters. These results, which constitute a novel finding for this pathogen, show that there are at least seven independent epidemiological rabies cycles maintained by seven genera of insectivorous bats in Brazil. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
At present, the sporadic occurrence of human rabies in Brazil can be attributed primarily to dog- and vampire bat-related rabies viruses. Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) was employed as a simultaneous detection method for both rabies field variants within 60 min. Vampire bat-related rabies viruses could be distinguished from dog variants by digesting amplicons of the RT-LAMP reaction using the restriction enzyme Alwl. Amplification and digestion could both be completed within 120 min after RNA extraction. In addition, the RI-LAMP assay also detected rabies virus in isolates from Brazilian frugivorous bats and Ugandan dog, bovine and goat samples. In contrast, there were false negative results from several Brazilian insectivorous bats and all of Chinese dog, pig, and bovine samples using the RI-LAMP assay. This study showed that the RT-LAMP assay is effective for the rapid detection of rabies virus isolates from the primary reservoir in Brazil. Further improvements are necessary so that the RT-LAMP assay can be employed for the universal detection of genetic variants of rabies virus in the field. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rabies virus (RABV) isolates from two species of canids and three species of bats were analyzed by comparing the C-terminal region of the G gene and the G-L intergenic region of the virus genome. Intercluster identities for the genetic sequences of the isolates showed both regions to be poorly conserved. Phylogenetic trees were generated by the neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony methods, and the results were found to agree between the two methods for both regions. Putative amino acid sequences obtained from the G gene were also analyzed, and genetic markers were identified. Our results suggest that different genetic lineages of RABV are adapted to different animal species in Brazil.