933 resultados para JAPANESE OYSTER


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Two decades after Japanese-Peruvians and other South Americans of Japanese descent began to migrate back to Japan, the return-migration phenomenon has ended. Induced by the Japanese government in the name of shared ethnicity, Japanese policymakers now largely regard return migration as a failed policy. It failed because return-migrants did not, in the view of policy- makers, assimilate, integrate, or “make it” in Japan as expected. Thus, once-imagined ethnic bonds ceased to exist in Japan. However, ethnic bonds sustained themselves well outside Japan. The Japanese-Peruvian community in Peru has thrived and maintained continuous ties with Japan. What explains the rise and fall of diasporic ethnic bonds? Drawing on my ethnographic research in Japanese-Peruvian communities in Peru and Japan, I found that diasporic ethnic bonds are cultivated or weakened depending upon where diasporic populations are located in relation to their ancestral homeland, and how such ties are utilized, for what, and by whom.


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The methods and software for integration of databases (DBs) on inorganic material and substance properties have been developed. The information systems integration is based on known approaches combination: EII (Enterprise Information Integration) and EAI (Enterprise Application Integration). The metabase - special database that stores data on integrated DBs contents is an integrated system kernel. Proposed methods have been applied for DBs integrated system creation in the field of inorganic chemistry and materials science. Important developed integrated system feature is ability to include DBs that have been created by means of different DBMS using essentially various computer platforms: Sun (DB "Diagram") and Intel (other DBs) and diverse operating systems: Sun Solaris (DB "Diagram") and Microsoft Windows Server (other DBs).


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While storytelling in conversation has been extensively investigated, much less is known about storytelling in the English language classroom, particularly teachers telling their personal experience stories, termed teacher personal narratives in this study. Teacher personal narratives, a combination of the ancient art of human storytelling and the current practices of teaching, offer an innovative approach to language teaching and learning. This thesis examines teacher personal narrative use in Japanese university English language classrooms and is of relevance to both practicing classroom teachers and teacher educators because it explores the role, significance, and effectiveness of personal stories told by teachers. The pedagogical implications which the findings may have for language teaching and learning as well as for teacher education programs are also discussed. Four research questions were posed: 1. What are the characteristics of teacher personal narratives? 2. When, how, and why do language teachers use personal narratives in the classroom? 3. What is the reaction of learners to teacher personal narratives? 4. How do teacher personal narratives provide opportunities for student learning? A mixed methods approach using the tradition of multiple case studies provided an in-depth exploration of the personal narratives of four teachers. Data collection consisted of classroom observations and audio recordings, teacher and student semi-structured interviews, student diaries, and Japan-wide teacher questionnaires. Ninety-seven teacher personal narratives were analyzed for their structural and linguistic features. The findings showed that the narrative elements of orientation, complication, and evaluation are almost always present in these stories, and that discourse and tense markers may aid in student noticing of the input which can lead to eventual student output. The data also demonstrated that reasons for telling narratives mainly fall into two categories: affectiveoriented and pedagogical-oriented purposes. This study has shown that there are significant differences between conversational storytelling and educational storytelling.


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine how firms create and sustain competitive advantage in the inter-firm business relationships from a supplier's perspective. It also investigates what factors affect their competitiveness and relationship between buyers and suppliers. Design/methodology/approach - This is an exploratory study on keiretsu partnerships composed of four main phases: analysis of theoretical perspectives, construction of a conceptual framework, interview of a CEO, and finally, a survey questionnaire with Japanese automotive suppliers. Findings - As a result, this paper classified these 11 companies into four supplier groups (affiliated or independent Tier 1 suppliers; affiliated or independent Tier 2 suppliers) and analysed their competitiveness developing the research propositions further. The benefits of affiliation under a keiretsu partnership are discussed, showing that there may be little benefit in being an affiliated Tier 1 supplier. Even more critical, the results show that independent Tier 2 supplier may be more competitive than affiliated tier ones. Originality/value - These intriguing results reveal an urgent need of investigating Japanese automotive supply chains from the suppliers' perspectives in the future research. This paper extended the literatures on competitive advantage and business relationships at both theory and managerial practice.


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A tanulmány a japán vállalatvezetés kialakulásával, történelmi és társadalmi gyökereivel, valamint intézményesülésének vizsgálatával foglalkozik. Első részében a szerző áttekinti, milyen főbb földrajzi és történelmi tényezők, körülmények játszottak szerepet a japán vezetési gyakorlat formálódásában. Ezt követően egy meghatározott történelmi idősíkon követi nyomon az amerikai menedzsmenttörténet egyes korszakainak megfelelő japán változásokat, vállalatvezetési reakciókat – kezdve a klasszikus menedzsment tanaitól (taylorizmus, racionalizálás...) egészen a mai kor globális versenye által támasztott követelményekig. Rámutat arra, mikor és miért késtek fontos váltások Japánban a vállalatvezetésben élenjáró Amerikához képest, majd értékeli ennek elméleti és gyakorlati jelentőségét. Szándéka szerint ez a történelmi áttekintés képez alapot napjaink Japánnal kapcsolatos gazdasági-társadalmi eseményeinek, reformjainak értékeléséhez is. ____ This paper describes the development, the roots and the process of institutionalization of corporate management in Japan. In the first half the author will look at what major geographical factors and cultural characteristics could play a role in shaping the Japanese management practices. Then, along a historical time line, he scrolls through the Japanese reactions given to each of the major American historical eras: from the classical management (Taylorism, rationalization...) up to the challenges of today’s global competition. It is pointed out where paradigm shifts were delayed compared to the US, and while providing potential reasons, the author evaluates the significance of the differences. This historical comparison ought to provide a basis and scope of understanding for today’s events and ongoing reforms in Japan.


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The author reports the results of an exploratory study concerning the importance placed on attributes of hotel selection by Japanese and American guests and cultural differences between these two groups, which represent the largest market for Korean international tourist hotels. The findings suggest that Hofstede's (1960) four dimensions of cultural values can be used to help marketers better understand their guest's hotel selection criteria.


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This dissertation examined the formation of Japanese identity politics after World War II. Since World War II, Japan has had to deal with a contradictory image of its national self. On the one hand, as a nation responsible for colonizing fellow Asian countries in the 1930s and 1940s, Japan has struggled with an image/identity as a regional aggressor. On the other hand, having faced the harsh realities of defeat after the war, Japan has seen itself depicted as a victim. By employing the technique of discourse analysis as a way to study identity formation through official foreign policy documents and news media narratives, this study reconceptualized Japanese foreign policy as a set of discursive practices that attempt to produce renewed images of Japan's national self. The dissertation employed case studies to analyze two key sites of Japanese postwar identity formation: (1) the case of Okinawa, an island/territory integral to postwar relations between Japan and the United States and marked by a series of US military rapes of native Okinawan girls; and (2) the case of comfort women in Japan and East Asia, which has led to Japan being blamed for its wartime sexual enslavement of Asian women. These case studies found that it was through coping with the haunting ghost of its wartime past that Japan sought to produce "postwar Japan" as an identity distinct from "wartime imperial Japan" or from "defeated, emasculated Japan" and, thus, hoped to emerge as a "reborn" moral and pacifist nation. The research showed that Japan struggled to invent a new self in a way that mobilized gendered dichotomies and, furthermore, created "others" who were not just spatially located (the United States, Asian neighboring nations) but also temporally marked ("old Japan"). The dissertation concluded that Japanese foreign policy is an ongoing struggle to define the Japanese national self vis-à-vis both spatial and historical "others," and that, consequently, postwar Japan has always been haunted by its past self, no matter how much Japan's foreign policy discourses were trying to make this past self into a distant or forgotten other.


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Since the end of the Cold War, Japan's defense policy and politics has gone through significant changes. Throughout the post cold war period, US-Japan alliance managers, politicians with differing visions and preferences, scholars, think tanks, and the actions of foreign governments have all played significant roles in influencing these changes. Along with these actors, the Japanese prime minister has played an important, if sometimes subtle, role in the realm of defense policy and politics. Japanese prime ministers, though significantly weaker than many heads of state, nevertheless play an important role in policy by empowering different actors (bureaucratic actors, independent commissions, or civil actors), through personal diplomacy, through agenda-setting, and through symbolic acts of state. The power of the prime minister to influence policy processes, however, has frequently varied by prime minister. My dissertation investigates how different political strategies and entrepreneurial insights by the prime minister have influenced defense policy and politics since the end of the Cold War. In addition, it seeks to explain how the quality of political strategy and entrepreneurial insight employed by different prime ministers was important in the success of different approaches to defense. My dissertation employs a comparative case study approach to examine how different prime ministerial strategies have mattered in the realm of Japanese defense policy and politics. Three prime ministers have been chosen: Prime Minister Hashimoto Ryutaro (1996-1998); Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro (2001-2006); and Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio (2009-2010). These prime ministers have been chosen to provide maximum contrast on issues of policy preference, cabinet management, choice of partners, and overall strategy. As my dissertation finds, the quality of political strategy has been an important aspect of Japan's defense transformation. Successful strategies have frequently used the knowledge and accumulated personal networks of bureaucrats, supplemented bureaucratic initiatives with top-down personal diplomacy, and used a revitalized US-Japan strategic relationship as a political resource for a stronger prime ministership. Though alternative approaches, such as those that have looked to displace the influence of bureaucrats and the US in defense policy, have been less successful, this dissertation also finds theoretical evidence that alternatives may exist.


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Complement factor B and C2 are two central serine proteases of the alternative and classical complement pathways, respectively, that serve as the catalytic subunits of the C3 convertase. Research has been completed using a female Japanese medaka fish, (Oryzias latipes), and other teleost and elasmobrach species in order to isolate eDNA clones and perform linkage analysis of the Bf/C2 gene(s). To further analyze the evolution of the complement system in teleosts, different tissues than the ones from previous studies of medaka fish were analyzed for the constitutive gene expression of factor B and C2. Bf/C2 sequences were amplified by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction with primers corresponding to the common amino acid sequences shared by mammalian Bf and C2. Agarose gel electrophoresis was used to visualize sample bands and to calculate the concentration of gene expression of the Bf/C2 gene(s) in each tissue. All five tissue types, kidney, liver, muscle, testis, and spleen from a male medaka fish demonstrated Bf/C2 gene(s) expression, confirming that the messages of Bf/C2 gene(s) are distributed throughout the medaka fish. Tissues of the spleen, liver, and kidney contained the highest concentrations of expression of Bf/C2 gene( s ), while tissues of the muscle and testis contained the lowest concentrations. This research also determined that RT-PCR allowed for more sensitive analysis of gene expression than other molecular biology techniques such as Northern blotting analysis.


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The present study describes the biofouling composition of the surface of the mangrove oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828), cultivated in an Amazon estuary, located in the state of Pará, northern Brazil. In total, 6.124 macroinvertebrates were sampled in the months of July, August, October and December 2013. Collected epifauna was presented by five taxa (Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Polychaeta, Crustacea and Anthozoa), 20 families and 37 species. Bivalvia was the most abundant class, presenting 5.183 mussels Mytella charruana (d'Orbigny, 1842). Knowledge of biofouling composition associated to the surface cultured bivalves enables the implementation of mitigation measures to the impacts caused by this association.


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Ocean acidification, due to anthropogenic CO2 absorption by the ocean, may have profound impacts on marine biota. Calcareous organisms are expected to be particularly sensitive due to the decreasing availability of carbonate ions driven by decreasing pH levels. Recently, some studies focused on the early life stages of mollusks that are supposedly more sensitive to environmental disturbances than adult stages. Although these studies have shown decreased growth rates and increased proportions of abnormal development under low pH conditions, they did not allow attribution to pH induced changes in physiology or changes due to a decrease in aragonite saturation state. This study aims to assess the impact of several carbonate-system perturbations on the growth of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) larvae during the first 3 days of development (until shelled D-veliger larvae). Seawater with five different chemistries was obtained by separately manipulating pH, total alkalinity and aragonite saturation state (calcium addition). Results showed that the developmental success and growth rates were not directly affected by changes in pH or aragonite saturation state but were highly correlated with the availability of carbonate ions. In contrast to previous studies, both developmental success into viable D-shaped larvae and growth rates were not significantly altered as long as carbonate ion concentrations were above aragonite saturation levels, but they strongly decreased below saturation levels. These results suggest that the mechanisms used by these organisms to regulate calcification rates are not efficient enough to compensate for the low availability of carbonate ions under corrosive conditions.


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The malacocultura, particularly oyster farming, appears on the world stage as one of the most viable alternatives to fishing decline and supply of fresh product. In Brazil, the development of mollusc cultivationis through the genus oyster cultivation Crassostrea, among them Crassostrea rhizophorae (Guilding, 1828), known for oyster-the-swamp, one of the main species of farmed bivalves in the state of Pará. This so it aimed to characterize the biomorphometrics relations, estimate the Shape Stabilization Index (IEF) of the shell and the yield of edible meat C. rhizophorae grown in an Amazonian coast, state of Pará, northern Brazil. When all is sampled 1,028 individuals, in April 2016, measuring the external morphometric measures (length, width and height) and total and visceral biomass. The results obtained are C. rhizophorae with (1) excellent biomorphometrics relationships among both external measures, the measures of the shell and biomass generating equations that satisfy morphometric pet species, (2) yield of edible meat 15% of the total biomass and variation in the shell along its development to adulthood, with a tendency to stabilize the reach 60mm in length.


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This study explores the giant oyster Hyotissa hyotis as a novel environmental archive in tropical reef environments of the Indo-Pacific. The species is a typical accessory component in coral reefs, can reach sizes of tens of centimetres, and dates back to the Late Pleistocene. Here, a 70.2-mm-long oxygen and carbon isotope transect through the shell of a specimen collected at Safaga Bay, northern Red Sea, in May 1996, is presented. The transect runs perpendicularly to the foliate and vesicular layers of the inner ostracum near the ligament area of the oyster. The measured d18O and d13C records show sinusoidal fluctuations, which are independent of shell microstructure. The d13C fluctuations exhibit the same wavelength as the d18O fluctuations but are phase shifted. The d18O record reflects the sea surface temperature variations from 1957 until 1996, possibly additionally influenced by the local evaporation. Due to locally enhanced evaporation in the semi-enclosed Safaga Bay, the d18Oseawater value is estimated at 2.17 per mil, i.e., 0.3-0.8 per mil higher than published open surface water d18O values (1.36-1.85 per mil) from the region. The mean water temperature deviates by only 0.4°C from the expected value, and the minimum and maximum values are 0.5°C lower and 2.9°C higher, respectively. When comparing the mean monthly values, however, the sea surface temperature discrepancy between reconstructed and global grid datasets is always <1.0°C. The d13C signal is weakly negatively correlated with regional chlorophyll a concentration and with the sunshine duration, which may reflect changes in the bivalve's respiration. The study emphasises the palaeogeographic context in isotope studies based on fossils, because coastal embayments might not reflect open-water oceanographic conditions.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.