995 resultados para Isotopic Composition


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Analyses of the isotopic composition of Pb in (1) western Pacific Ocean sediments [Jurassic(?) to Pleistocene in age, including clays and biogenic oozes], (2) Pacific Ocean basaltic rocks, (3) Mariana frontal arc volcanic rocks (Eocene to Miocene), and (4) Mariana active arc volcanic rocks [Pliocene (?) to Holocene] indicate that Pacific Ocean sediments could not have been a significant component of the source material for the Mariana arc volcanic rocks. Calculations involving the average concentrations and isotopic compositions of Pb in oceanic sediments, sea-floor basaltic rocks, and the Mariana arc volcanic rocks suggest that the sediment component must have been less than 1 percent of this source material. The Pb isotopic compositions of the Mariana arc volcanic rocks lie, within experimental error, along the trend of available Pacific Ocean basalt analyses in versus 207Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagrams. Isotopic analyses of Pb in Pacific Ocean sediments do not lie along this trend; they have higher 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb values for comparable 206Pb/204Pb ratios. Clayey sediments generally have higher 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/204Pb ratios than biogenic oozes regardless of the age of the sediment. Comparison of combined Sr and Pb isotopic analyses for (1) mantle-derived materials erupted through oceanic crust, (2) altered ocean-floor basaltic rocks, and (3) volcanic rocks from oceanic island arcs suggests that the Mariana arc volcanic rocks were derived, at least in part, from altered Pacific lithosphere subducted beneath the Mariana arc. Unaltered basalts from the Mariana inter-arc basin (Mariana Trough) have Pb and Sr isotopic compositions that are very similar to those reported for some Hawaiian volcanic rocks but distinct from Mariana active and frontal arc compositions. These observations, in addition to existing major-and trace-element data, support a mantle origin for the interarc basin volcanic rocks. Dacites dredged from the Mariana remnant arc (South Honshu Ridge) have Pb isotopic compositions that are within experimental error of the active-arc analyses, consistent with a genetic relation.


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In this work the results of a geochemical and isotopic survey of 37 gas discharges was carried out in continental Spain are presented and discussed. On the basis of the gas chemical composition, four different areas can be distinguished, as follows: 1) Selva-Emborda (SE) region; 2) Guadalentin Valley (GV); 3) Campo de Calatrava (CC) and 3) the inner part of Spain (IS). The SE, GV and CC areas are characterized by CO2-rich gases, while IS has N2 as main gas compound. The CO2-rich gases can be distinguished at their turn on the basis on the helium and carbon isotopic composition. The SE and CC areas have a strong mantle signature (up to 3 Ra). Nevertheless, the carbon isotopic composition of CC is within the mantle range and that of SE is slightly more negative (down to -8‰ PDB). The GV gases have a lower mantle signature (61 Ra) with respect to SE and CC and more negative carbon isotopes (6-10‰ PDB). It is worth to mention that the SE, GV and CC areas are related to the youngest volcanic activity in continental Spain, for example the Garrotxa Volcanic Field in Catalonia records the latest event dated at 10,000 years, and the isotopic features, particularly those of helium, are suggesting the presence of magmatic bodies still cooling at depth. The N2-rich gases, i.e. those from the IS area, has an atmospheric origin, as highlighted by the N2/Ar ratio that ranges between those of air and ASW (Air Saturated Water). The isotopic composition of carbon is distinctly negative (down to -21‰ PDB) and that of helium is typically crustal (0.02-0.08 Ra), confirming that these gas discharges are related to a relatively shallow source.


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Una apropiada evaluación de los márgenes de seguridad de una instalación nuclear, por ejemplo, una central nuclear, tiene en cuenta todas las incertidumbres que afectan a los cálculos de diseño, funcionanmiento y respuesta ante accidentes de dicha instalación. Una fuente de incertidumbre son los datos nucleares, que afectan a los cálculos neutrónicos, de quemado de combustible o activación de materiales. Estos cálculos permiten la evaluación de las funciones respuesta esenciales para el funcionamiento correcto durante operación, y también durante accidente. Ejemplos de esas respuestas son el factor de multiplicación neutrónica o el calor residual después del disparo del reactor. Por tanto, es necesario evaluar el impacto de dichas incertidumbres en estos cálculos. Para poder realizar los cálculos de propagación de incertidumbres, es necesario implementar metodologías que sean capaces de evaluar el impacto de las incertidumbres de estos datos nucleares. Pero también es necesario conocer los datos de incertidumbres disponibles para ser capaces de manejarlos. Actualmente, se están invirtiendo grandes esfuerzos en mejorar la capacidad de analizar, manejar y producir datos de incertidumbres, en especial para isótopos importantes en reactores avanzados. A su vez, nuevos programas/códigos están siendo desarrollados e implementados para poder usar dichos datos y analizar su impacto. Todos estos puntos son parte de los objetivos del proyecto europeo ANDES, el cual ha dado el marco de trabajo para el desarrollo de esta tesis doctoral. Por tanto, primero se ha llevado a cabo una revisión del estado del arte de los datos nucleares y sus incertidumbres, centrándose en los tres tipos de datos: de decaimiento, de rendimientos de fisión y de secciones eficaces. A su vez, se ha realizado una revisión del estado del arte de las metodologías para la propagación de incertidumbre de estos datos nucleares. Dentro del Departamento de Ingeniería Nuclear (DIN) se propuso una metodología para la propagación de incertidumbres en cálculos de evolución isotópica, el Método Híbrido. Esta metodología se ha tomado como punto de partida para esta tesis, implementando y desarrollando dicha metodología, así como extendiendo sus capacidades. Se han analizado sus ventajas, inconvenientes y limitaciones. El Método Híbrido se utiliza en conjunto con el código de evolución isotópica ACAB, y se basa en el muestreo por Monte Carlo de los datos nucleares con incertidumbre. En esta metodología, se presentan diferentes aproximaciones según la estructura de grupos de energía de las secciones eficaces: en un grupo, en un grupo con muestreo correlacionado y en multigrupos. Se han desarrollado diferentes secuencias para usar distintas librerías de datos nucleares almacenadas en diferentes formatos: ENDF-6 (para las librerías evaluadas), COVERX (para las librerías en multigrupos de SCALE) y EAF (para las librerías de activación). Gracias a la revisión del estado del arte de los datos nucleares de los rendimientos de fisión se ha identificado la falta de una información sobre sus incertidumbres, en concreto, de matrices de covarianza completas. Además, visto el renovado interés por parte de la comunidad internacional, a través del grupo de trabajo internacional de cooperación para evaluación de datos nucleares (WPEC) dedicado a la evaluación de las necesidades de mejora de datos nucleares mediante el subgrupo 37 (SG37), se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de las metodologías para generar datos de covarianza. Se ha seleccionando la actualización Bayesiana/GLS para su implementación, y de esta forma, dar una respuesta a dicha falta de matrices completas para rendimientos de fisión. Una vez que el Método Híbrido ha sido implementado, desarrollado y extendido, junto con la capacidad de generar matrices de covarianza completas para los rendimientos de fisión, se han estudiado diferentes aplicaciones nucleares. Primero, se estudia el calor residual tras un pulso de fisión, debido a su importancia para cualquier evento después de la parada/disparo del reactor. Además, se trata de un ejercicio claro para ver la importancia de las incertidumbres de datos de decaimiento y de rendimientos de fisión junto con las nuevas matrices completas de covarianza. Se han estudiado dos ciclos de combustible de reactores avanzados: el de la instalación europea para transmutación industrial (EFIT) y el del reactor rápido de sodio europeo (ESFR), en los cuales se han analizado el impacto de las incertidumbres de los datos nucleares en la composición isotópica, calor residual y radiotoxicidad. Se han utilizado diferentes librerías de datos nucleares en los estudios antreriores, comparando de esta forma el impacto de sus incertidumbres. A su vez, mediante dichos estudios, se han comparando las distintas aproximaciones del Método Híbrido y otras metodologías para la porpagación de incertidumbres de datos nucleares: Total Monte Carlo (TMC), desarrollada en NRG por A.J. Koning y D. Rochman, y NUDUNA, desarrollada en AREVA GmbH por O. Buss y A. Hoefer. Estas comparaciones demostrarán las ventajas del Método Híbrido, además de revelar sus limitaciones y su rango de aplicación. ABSTRACT For an adequate assessment of safety margins of nuclear facilities, e.g. nuclear power plants, it is necessary to consider all possible uncertainties that affect their design, performance and possible accidents. Nuclear data are a source of uncertainty that are involved in neutronics, fuel depletion and activation calculations. These calculations can predict critical response functions during operation and in the event of accident, such as decay heat and neutron multiplication factor. Thus, the impact of nuclear data uncertainties on these response functions needs to be addressed for a proper evaluation of the safety margins. Methodologies for performing uncertainty propagation calculations need to be implemented in order to analyse the impact of nuclear data uncertainties. Nevertheless, it is necessary to understand the current status of nuclear data and their uncertainties, in order to be able to handle this type of data. Great eórts are underway to enhance the European capability to analyse/process/produce covariance data, especially for isotopes which are of importance for advanced reactors. At the same time, new methodologies/codes are being developed and implemented for using and evaluating the impact of uncertainty data. These were the objectives of the European ANDES (Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability) project, which provided a framework for the development of this PhD Thesis. Accordingly, first a review of the state-of-the-art of nuclear data and their uncertainties is conducted, focusing on the three kinds of data: decay, fission yields and cross sections. A review of the current methodologies for propagating nuclear data uncertainties is also performed. The Nuclear Engineering Department of UPM has proposed a methodology for propagating uncertainties in depletion calculations, the Hybrid Method, which has been taken as the starting point of this thesis. This methodology has been implemented, developed and extended, and its advantages, drawbacks and limitations have been analysed. It is used in conjunction with the ACAB depletion code, and is based on Monte Carlo sampling of variables with uncertainties. Different approaches are presented depending on cross section energy-structure: one-group, one-group with correlated sampling and multi-group. Differences and applicability criteria are presented. Sequences have been developed for using different nuclear data libraries in different storing-formats: ENDF-6 (for evaluated libraries) and COVERX (for multi-group libraries of SCALE), as well as EAF format (for activation libraries). A revision of the state-of-the-art of fission yield data shows inconsistencies in uncertainty data, specifically with regard to complete covariance matrices. Furthermore, the international community has expressed a renewed interest in the issue through the Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC) with the Subgroup (SG37), which is dedicated to assessing the need to have complete nuclear data. This gives rise to this review of the state-of-the-art of methodologies for generating covariance data for fission yields. Bayesian/generalised least square (GLS) updating sequence has been selected and implemented to answer to this need. Once the Hybrid Method has been implemented, developed and extended, along with fission yield covariance generation capability, different applications are studied. The Fission Pulse Decay Heat problem is tackled first because of its importance during events after shutdown and because it is a clean exercise for showing the impact and importance of decay and fission yield data uncertainties in conjunction with the new covariance data. Two fuel cycles of advanced reactors are studied: the European Facility for Industrial Transmutation (EFIT) and the European Sodium Fast Reactor (ESFR), and response function uncertainties such as isotopic composition, decay heat and radiotoxicity are addressed. Different nuclear data libraries are used and compared. These applications serve as frameworks for comparing the different approaches of the Hybrid Method, and also for comparing with other methodologies: Total Monte Carlo (TMC), developed at NRG by A.J. Koning and D. Rochman, and NUDUNA, developed at AREVA GmbH by O. Buss and A. Hoefer. These comparisons reveal the advantages, limitations and the range of application of the Hybrid Method.


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A representative collection of hydrothermal manifestations was sampled practically from all hydrothermal mounds of the Broken Spur hydrothermal vent field with use of the Mir manned submersibles during three cruises of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh. Mineral associations characteristic for different morphological types of sulfide ores from hydrothermal pipes, plates, and diffusers are assessed. Particular attention is paid to distribution of minor elements and their distribution patterns determined by mineralogical zonation. Measured isotopic composition of sulfur in sulfide minerals varies from 0.4 to 5.2 per mil that indicates their similarity with ores from the Snake Pit vent field and is related to dilution of hot ore-bearing solutions by seawater and reduction of water sulfate ions to H2S with heavy isotopic composition.


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Strontium concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr values were measured on pore-water and sedimentary carbonate samples from sediments recovered at Sites 1049-1053 on the Blake Spur during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 171B. These sites form a 40-km-long depth transect extending along the crest of the Blake Spur from near the upper edge of the Blake Escarpment (a steep cliff composed of Mesozoic carbonates) westward toward the interior of the Blake-Bahama Platform. Although these sites were selected for paleoceanographic purposes, they also form a hydrologic transect across the upper eastern flank of the Blake-Bahama Platform. Here, we use pore-water strontium concentrations and isotopes as a proxy to define patterns of fluid movement through the flanks of this platform. Pore-water strontium concentration increases with depth at all sites implying that strontium has been added during sediment burial and diagenesis. The isotopic values decrease from seawater-like values in the shallow samples (~0.70913) to values as low as 0.707342 in one of the deepest samples (~625 meters below seafloor). The change in pore-water strontium isotopic values is independent of the strontium isotopic compositions predicted from the host sediment age and measured on bulk carbonate in some samples. In most cases the difference between predicted sediment strontium isotopic composition and measured value is less than ±2 about the mean of the measured strontium value. Both the increase in concentration and the decrease in the strontium isotope values with increasing depth indicate that strontium was expelled from older carbonates. The strontium concentration and isotope profiles vary between sites according to their proximity to the Blake-Bahama Platform edge. Profiles from Site 1049 (nearest the platform edge) show the greatest amount of mixing with modern seawater, whereas the site most distal to the platform edge (Site 1052) shows the most significant influence of older, deeper carbonates on the pore-water strontium isotopic composition.


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Seventeen surface sediment samples from the North Atlantic Ocean off NE-Greenland between 76° and 81°N, and nine samples from the South Atlantic Ocean close to Bouvet Island between 48° and 55°S were taken with the aid of a Multiple Corer and investigated for their live (Rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminiferal content within the upper 15 cm of sediment. Preferentially endobenthic Melonis barleeanum, Melonis zaandami, and Bulimina aculeata as well as preferentially epibenthic Lobatula lobatula were counted from 1-cm-thick sediment slices each and analyzed for stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of their calcareous tests. Live and dead specimens were counted and measured separately. The carbon isotopic composition of the foraminifera was compared to that of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) of simultaneously sampled bottom water. During a period of one month, one station off NE-Greenland was replicately sampled once every week and samples were processed as above. Live specimens of Lobatula lobatula are confined to the uppermost two centimeters of sediment. Live specimens of Melonis spp. are found down to 8 cm within the sediment but with a distinct sub-surface maximum between 2 and 5 cm. The down-core distribution of live Bulimina aculeata shows a distinct surface maximum in the top centimeter and constant but low numbers down to 11-cm subbottom depth. The average stable carbon isotopic composition (d13C versus per mil PDB) of live Lobatula lobatula off NE-Greenland is by 0.4±0.1 per mil higher than the d13CDIC of the ambient bottom water at the time of sampling. There is evidence that this species calcify before the ice-free season, when bottom water d13CDIC is supposed to be higher. This would reconfirm the one-to-one relationship between d13C of ambient water DIC and cibicids, widely used by paleoceanographers. Live Melonis barleeanum show a negative offset from bottom water DIC of -1.7±0.6 per mil in the uppermost sediment and of -2.2±0.5 per mil in 3-4-cm subbottom depth. All d13C values of live Melonis spp. decrease within the upper four centimeters, regardless of the time of sampling and site investigated. The offset of live Bulimina aculeata from bottom water d13CDIC values of 8 stations rather constantly amounts to -0.6±0.1 per mil, no matter what subbottom depth the specimens are from. At one station however, where is strong indication of elevated organic carbon flux, the negative offset averaged over all sub-bottom depths increases to -1.5±0.2 per mil. Buliminids actively move within the sediment and by this either record an average isotope signal of the pore water or the signal of one specific calcification depth. The recorded signal, however, depends on the organic carbon flux and reflects general but site-specific pore water d13CDIC values. If compared with epibenthic d13C values from the same site, not influenced by pore water and related phytodetritus layer effects, Buliminad13C values bear some potential as a paleoproductivity proxy. Specimens of Melonis spp. seem to prefer a more static way of life and calcify at different but individually fix depths within the sediment. Although live specimens thus record a stratified pore water d13C signal, there is no means yet to correct for bioturbational and early diagenetic effects in fossil faunas.


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The principal gaseous carbon-containing components identified in the first 400 m of sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 533, Leg 76, are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Below a sub-bottom depth of about 25 m, sediment cores commonly contained pockets caused by the expansion of gas upon core recovery. The carbon isotopic composition (d13C per mil relative to PDB standard) of CH4 and CO2 in these gas pockets has been measured, resulting in the following observations: (1) d13C-CH4 values increase with depth from approximately -94 per mil in the uppermost sediment to about -66 per mil in the deepest sediment, reflecting a systematic but nonlinear depletion of 12C with depth. (2) d13C-CO2 values also increase with depth of sediment from about -25 per mil to about -4 per mil, snowing a depletion of 12C that closely parallels the trend of the isotopic composition of CH4. The magnitude and parallel distribution of d13C values for both CH4 and CO2 are consistent with the concept that the formation of the CH4 resulted from the microbiological reduction of CO2 from organic substances. These results imply that CH4 and CO2 incorporated in gas hydrates at this site are biogenic.


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The upper branch of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation predominantly enters the Atlantic Ocean through the southeast, where the subtropical gyre is exposed to the influence of the Agulhas leakage (AL). To understand how the transfer of Indian Ocean waters via the AL affected the upper water column of this region, we have generated new proxy records of planktic foraminifera from a core on the central Walvis Ridge, on the eastern flank of the South Atlantic Gyre (SAG). We analyzed the isotopic composition of subsurface dweller Globigerinoides ruber sensu lato, and thermocline Globorotalia truncatulinoides sinistral, spanning the last five Pleistocene glacial-interglacial (G-IG) cycles. The former displays a response to obliquity, suggesting connection with high latitude forcing, and a warming tendency during each glacial termination, in response to the interhemispheric seesaw. The d18O difference between the two species, interpreted as a proxy for upper ocean stratification, reveals a remarkably regular sawtooth pattern, bound to G-IG cyclicity. It rises from interglacials until glacial terminations, with fast subsequent decrease, appearing to promptly respond to deglacial peaks of AL. Stratification, however, bears a different structure during the last cycle, being minimal at Last Glacial Maximum, and peaking at Termination I. We suggest this to be the result of the intensified glacial wind field over the SAG and/or of the invasion of the South Atlantic thermocline by Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Waters. The d13C time series of the two species have similar G-IG pattern, whereas their difference is higher during interglacials. We propose that this may be the result of the alternation of intermediate water masses in different circulation modes, and of a regionally more efficient biological pump at times of high pCO2.