953 resultados para Input saturation


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This thesis investigates how people select items from a computer display using the mouse input device. The term computer mouse refers to a class of input devices which share certain features, but these may have different characteristics which influence the ways in which people use the device. Although task completion time is one of the most commonly used performance measures for input device evaluation, there is no consensus as to its definition. Furthermore most mouse studies fail to provide adequate assurances regarding its correct measurement.Therefore precise and accurate timing software were developed which permitted the recording of movement data which by means of automated analysis yielded the device movements made. Input system gain, an important task parameter, has been poorly defined and misconceptualized in most previous studies. The issue of gain has been clarified and investigated within this thesis. Movement characteristics varied between users and within users, even for the same task conditions. The variables of target size, movement amplitude, and experience exerted significant effects on performance. Subjects consistently undershot the target area. This may be a consequence of the particular task demands. Although task completion times indicated that mouse performance had stabilized after 132 trials the movement traces, even of very experienced users, indicated that there was still considerable room for improvement in performance, as indicated by the proportion of poorly made movements. The mouse input device was suitable for older novice device users, but they took longer to complete the experimental trials. Given the diversity and inconsistency of device movements, even for the same task conditions, caution is urged when interpreting averaged grouped data. Performance was found to be sensitive to; task conditions, device implementations, and experience in ways which are problematic for the theoretical descriptions of device movement, and limit the generalizability of such findings within this thesis.


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BACKGROUND: Retinal vessel oxygenation saturation measurements have been the focus of much attention in recent years as a potential diagnostic parameter in a number of ocular and systemic pathologies. This interest has been heightened by the ability to measure oxygen saturation in vivo using a photographic technique. METHODS: Retinal vessel oxygenation in venules and arterioles of 279 retinal vessels of 12 healthy Caucasian participants (mean age: 30 SD (+/- 6) years) were measured consecutively three times to evaluate short-term variation in oxygen saturation and regional variability of retinal vessel oxygen saturation using dual-wavelength technology (Oxymetry Modul, Imedos, Germany). All subjects underwent standard optometric assessment including non-contact intra-ocular pressure assessment as well as having their systemic blood pressure measured. RESULTS: Vessels were grouped as either near-macula or peripheral, depending on their location. Peripheral arterioles and venules exhibited significantly lower oxygen saturation compared to their near-macula counterparts (arterioles: 94.7% (SD 3.9) vs. 99.7% (SD 3.2); venules: 65.1% (SD 7.2) vs. 90.3% (SD 6.7)). Both arterioles and venules, main branches, and those feeding and draining the retina near the macula and periphery showed low short-term variability of oxygen saturation (arterioles: COV 1.2-1.8%; venules: COV 2.9-4.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Retinal arterioles and venules exhibit low short-term variation of oxygen saturation in healthy subjects. Regional differences in oxygen saturation could be a potential useful marker for risk stratification and diagnostic purposes of area-specific retinal pathology such as age-related macula degeneration and diabetic maculopathy.


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We consider the random input problem for a nonlinear system modeled by the integrable one-dimensional self-focusing nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). We concentrate on the properties obtained from the direct scattering problem associated with the NLSE. We discuss some general issues regarding soliton creation from random input. We also study the averaged spectral density of random quasilinear waves generated in the NLSE channel for two models of the disordered input field profile. The first model is symmetric complex Gaussian white noise and the second one is a real dichotomous (telegraph) process. For the former model, the closed-form expression for the averaged spectral density is obtained, while for the dichotomous real input we present the small noise perturbative expansion for the same quantity. In the case of the dichotomous input, we also obtain the distribution of minimal pulse width required for a soliton generation. The obtained results can be applied to a multitude of problems including random nonlinear Fraunhoffer diffraction, transmission properties of randomly apodized long period Fiber Bragg gratings, and the propagation of incoherent pulses in optical fibers.


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Astrocytes in the somatosensory ventrobasal (VB) thalamus of rats respond to glutamatergic synaptic input with metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) mediated intracellular calcium ([Ca²?](i)) elevations. Astrocytes in the VB thalamus also release the gliotransmitter (GT) glutamate in a Ca²?-dependent manner. The tripartite synapse hypothesis posits that astrocytic [Ca²?](i) elevations resulting from synaptic input releases gliotransmitters that then feedback to modify the synapse. Understanding the dynamics of this process and the conditions under which it occurs are therefore important steps in elucidating the potential roles and impact of GT release in particular brain activities. In this study, we investigated the relationship between VB thalamus afferent synaptic input and astrocytic glutamate release by recording N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated slow inward currents (SICs) elicited in neighboring neurons. We found that Lemniscal or cortical afferent stimulation, which can elicit astrocytic [Ca²?](i) elevations, do not typically result in the generation of SICs in thalamocortical (TC) neurons. Rather, we find that the spontaneous emergence of SICs is largely resistant to acute afferent input. The frequency of SICs, however, is correlated to long-lasting afferent activity. In contrast to short-term stimulus-evoked GT release effects reported in other brain areas, astrocytes in the VB thalamus do not express a straightforward input-output relationship for SIC generation but exhibit integrative characteristics.


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As mobile technologies continue to penetrate increasingly diverse domains of use, we accordingly need to understand the feasibility of different interaction technologies across such varied domains. This case study describes an investigation into whether speechbased input is a feasible interaction option for use in a complex, and arguably extreme, environment of use – that is, lobster fishing vessels. We reflect on our approaches to bringing the “high seas” into lab environments for this purpose, comparing the results obtained via our lab and our field studies. Our hope is that the work presented here will go some way to enhancing the literature in terms of approaches to bringing complex real-world contexts into lab environments for the purpose of evaluating the feasibility of specific interaction technologies.


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This paper discusses the first of three studies which collectively represent a convergence of two ongoing research agendas: (1) the empirically-based comparison of the effects of evaluation environment on mobile usability evaluation results; and (2) the effect of environment - in this case lobster fishing boats - on achievable speech-recognition accuracy. We describe, in detail, our study and outline our results to date based on preliminary analysis. Broadly speaking, the potential for effective use of speech for data collection and vessel control looks very promising - surprisingly so! We outline our ongoing analysis and further work.


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In this study, a new entropy measure known as kernel entropy (KerEnt), which quantifies the irregularity in a series, was applied to nocturnal oxygen saturation (SaO 2) recordings. A total of 96 subjects suspected of suffering from sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS) took part in the study: 32 SAHS-negative and 64 SAHS-positive subjects. Their SaO 2 signals were separately processed by means of KerEnt. Our results show that a higher degree of irregularity is associated to SAHS-positive subjects. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the KerEnt values of SAHS-negative and SAHS-positive groups. The diagnostic utility of this parameter was studied by means of receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. A classification accuracy of 81.25% (81.25% sensitivity and 81.25% specificity) was achieved. Repeated apneas during sleep increase irregularity in SaO 2 data. This effect can be measured by KerEnt in order to detect SAHS. This non-linear measure can provide useful information for the development of alternative diagnostic techniques in order to reduce the demand for conventional polysomnography (PSG). © 2011 IEEE.


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This letter compares two nonlinear media for simultaneous carrier recovery and generation of frequency symmetric signals from a 42.7-Gb/s nonreturn-to-zero binary phase-shift-keyed input by exploiting four-wave mixing in a semiconductor optical amplifier and a highly nonlinear optical fiber for use in a phase-sensitive amplifier.


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Erbium-doped fibre amplifiers (EDFA’s) are a key technology for the design of all optical communication systems and networks. The superiority of EDFAs lies in their negligible intermodulation distortion across high speed multichannel signals, low intrinsic losses, slow gain dynamics, and gain in a wide range of optical wavelengths. Due to long lifetime in excited states, EDFAs do not oppose the effect of cross-gain saturation. The time characteristics of the gain saturation and recovery effects are between a few hundred microseconds and 10 milliseconds. However, in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical networks with EDFAs, the number of channels traversing an EDFA can change due to the faulty link of the network or the system reconfiguration. It has been found that, due to the variation in channel number in the EDFAs chain, the output system powers of surviving channels can change in a very short time. Thus, the power transient is one of the problems deteriorating system performance. In this thesis, the transient phenomenon in wavelength routed WDM optical networks with EDFA chains was investigated. The task was performed using different input signal powers for circuit switched networks. A simulator for the EDFA gain dynamicmodel was developed to compute the magnitude and speed of the power transients in the non-self-saturated EDFA both single and chained. The dynamic model of the self-saturated EDFAs chain and its simulator were also developed to compute the magnitude and speed of the power transients and the Optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR). We found that the OSNR transient magnitude and speed are a function of both the output power transient and the number of EDFAs in the chain. The OSNR value predicts the level of the quality of service in the related network. It was found that the power transients for both self-saturated and non-self-saturated EDFAs are close in magnitude in the case of gain saturated EDFAs networks. Moreover, the cross-gain saturation also degrades the performance of the packet switching networks due to varying traffic characteristics. The magnitude and the speed of output power transients increase along the EDFAs chain. An investigation was done on the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) or the WDM Internet protocol (WDM-IP) traffic networks using different traffic patterns based on the Pareto and Poisson distribution. The simulator is used to examine the amount and speed of the power transients in Pareto and Poisson distributed traffic at different bit rates, with specific focus on 2.5 Gb/s. It was found from numerical and statistical analysis that the power swing increases if the time interval of theburst-ON/burst-OFF is long in the packet bursts. This is because the gain dynamics is fast during strong signal pulse or with long duration pulses, which is due to the stimulatedemission avalanche depletion of the excited ions. Thus, an increase in output power levelcould lead to error burst which affects the system performance.


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As mobile technologies continue to penetrate increasingly diverse domains of use, we accordingly need to understand the feasibility of different interaction technologies across such varied domains. This case study describes an investigation into whether speechbased input is a feasible interaction option for use in a complex, and arguably extreme, environment of use – that is, lobster fishing vessels. We reflect on our approaches to bringing the “high seas” into lab environments for this purpose, comparing the results obtained via our lab and our field studies. Our hope is that the work presented here will go some way to enhancing the literature in terms of approaches to bringing complex real-world contexts into lab environments for the purpose of evaluating the feasibility of specific interaction technologies.


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Engineers logbooks are an important part of the CDIO process, as a prequel to the logooks they will be expected to keep when in industry. Previously however, students logbooks were insufficient and students did not appear to appreciate the importance of the logbooks or how they would be assessed. In an attempt to improve the students understanding and quality of logbooks, a group of ~100 1st year CDIO students were asked to collaboratively develop a marking matrix with the tutors. The anticipated outcome was that students would have more ownership in, and a deeper understanding of, the logbook and what is expected from the student during assessment. A revised marking matrix was developed in class and a short questionnaire was implemented on delivery of the adapted matrix to gauge the students response to the process. Marks from the logbooks were collected twice during teaching period one and two and compared to marks from previous years. This poster will deliver the methodology and outcomes for this venture.