922 resultados para Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional


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Dengue fever is an infectious disease that causes thousands of deaths each year in Brazil and other tropical countries. This work demonstrates that the irregularity in the supply of water by public water supply systems is a major factor that contributes to the proliferation of breeding sites of the mosquito that transmits dengue, due to the impossibility of removing water storage tanks. 31 points in the water supply network in thirteen districts of Natal, Brazil, were monitored by the installation of pressure gauges type Datalogger. The data about pressure showed deficiency in water supplies in many neighborhoods, forcing residents to accumulate water in tanks at ground level. In addition, It was observed that in neighborhoods with regular water supply, Infestation Index per type of container (ITR) of type A2 (Deposit ground level) was 0.00% and where there were failures in the supply of water , the ITR was high (above 50%). We believe that policies to combat dengue in Brazil should be reassessed so that more resources can be directed to the improvement of water supply systems and supply companies should be blamed for the problem too


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Recently, World Health Organization ( WHO) and Medicins San Frontieres (MSF) proposed a classification of diseases as global, neglected and extremely neglected. Global diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular and mental (CNS) diseases represent the targets of the majority of the R&D efforts of pharmaceutical companies. Neglected diseases affect millions of people in the world yet existing drug therapy is limited and often inappropriate. Furthermore, extremely neglected diseases affect people living under miserable conditions who barely have access to the bare necessities for survival. Most of these diseases are excluded from the goals of the R&D programs in the pharmaceutical industry and therefore fall outside the pharmaceutical market. About 14 million people, mainly in developing countries, die each year from infectious diseases. From 1975 to 1999, 1393 new drugs were approved yet only 1% were for the treatment of neglected diseases [ 3]. These numbers have not changed until now, so in those countries there is an urgent need for the design and synthesis of new drugs and in this area the prodrug approach is a very interesting field. It provides, among other effects, activity improvements and toxicity decreases for current and new drugs, improving market availability. It is worth noting that it is essential in drug design to save time and money, and prodrug approaches can be considered of high interest in this respect. The present review covers 20 years of research on the design of prodrugs for the treatment of neglected and extremely neglected diseases such as Chagas' disease ( American trypanosomiasis), sleeping sickness ( African trypanosomiasis), malaria, sickle cell disease, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis and schistosomiasis.


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A great deal of effort has been devoted to elucidating the psychopharmacology underlying addiction and relapse. Long-term neuroadaptations in glutamate transmission seem to be of great relevance for relapse to stimulant abuse. In this study, we investigated amphetamine-induced conditioned place preference during adolescence and the reinstatement of the conditioned behavior following a priming injection of the drug 1 day (adolescence), 30 days (early adulthood) and 60 days (adulthood) after the extinction test. The nucleus accumbens was dissected immediately after the reinstatement test to examine alterations in GluR1 and NR1 subunits of glutamatergic receptors. Our results showed that a priming injection of amphetamine was able to reinstate the CPP 1 and 30 days after extinction. However, it failed to reinstate the conditioned response after 60 days. GluR1 levels were decreased on days 1 and 30 but not on day 60 while NR1 levels were unaltered in the reinstatement test. Using a relapse model we found that reinstatement of amphetamine-induced conditioning place preference during adolescence is long lasting and persists through early adulthood. Decreased levels of GluR1 in the nucleus accumbens might be related to the reinstatement of amphetamine-induced conditioning place preference. (C) 2008 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Bacterial meningitis (BM) is still an important infectious disease causing death and disability. Invasive bacterial infections of the central nervous systems (CNS) generate some of the most powerful inflammatory responses known, which contributes to neuronal damage. The DNA microarray technology showed alterations in the kynurenine (KYN) pathway that is induced in BM and other diseases associated with inflammation, leading to brain injury. Our main aim was to search SNPs previously described in the KYN path enzymes to investigate a putative association of this SNPs with imbalanced in this pathway in patients with BM. The patients included in this study were 33 males and 24 females, with ages varying from 02 months to 68 years. SNPs were located inside of the domain conserved in KYNU, IDO, KATI and KATII. Primers were designed for analysis of SNPs already described by PIRA-PCR followed by RFLP. The analysis of KYNU+715G/A SNP found a heterozygous frequency of 0.033. We did not found the variant allele of SNP KYNU+693G/A, KATI+164T/C, KATII+650C/T and IDO+434T/G. Despite of previews studies showing the importance of KYN pathway we did not found one association of these SNPs analyzed with susceptibility or severity of MB in study population.


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Este estudo teórico resgata a concepção processual e contextual de resiliência, a qual compreende esse fenômeno enquanto relação complexa entre indivíduo e ambiente na produção de fatores de risco e no provimento de fatores protetores da subjetividade do indivíduo, buscando aplicá-la à realidade organizacional, haja vista que o mundo do trabalho contemporâneo demanda uma força de trabalho específica, qual seja, o trabalhador flexível, polivalente, sujeito a mudanças - portanto, um trabalhador resiliente. A partir dessas considerações, realiza-se um processo de reflexão sobre as situações em que a resiliência pode ser promotora de saúde mental, bem como acerca dos contextos que contribuem para o processo de adoecimento do trabalhador, buscando aventar possibilidades de atuação do profissional psicólogo diante de um contexto de trabalho adverso, considerando-se que o principal objetivo dessa atuação profissional é garantir a proteção/promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho.


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The presence of fixed orthodontics appliances interfere on sanitation, allowing periodontal diseases to appear, despite the fact patients keep on visiting the dentist every month. This research aims to determine a protocol for the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional. A protocol that was able to maintain the periodontal health of the patients under orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances, and in order to do so, it used a non-controlled, randomized and blind clinical essay. The sample involved 40 adolescents who were under the installation of fixed orthodontics appliances and it was divided in three groups, as follows: monthly controlled group (group 1) composed of 11 patients, the quarterly controlled group (group 2) with 16 patients and the semestrial controlled group (group 3) with 13 patients. For data collection, an interview and clinical exams with probing depth measurement, quantity of keratinized mucosa, Gingival Index and the Plaque Index were used. On the initial exam all patients received brushing guidelines as well as the professional control of dental biofilm, with periodontal scaler, Robinson s brush and prophylactic paste. However, Group 1 returned every month for control procedures; Group 2 every three months and Group 3 after six months. The intervention had a six-month duration (for all the three groups), when all the exams were repeated by another examiner who did not know which group each patient was inserted in. Finally, the research concluded that despite the fact there is no statistically significant difference among the three groups, clinically the patients from the monthly group presented a better response to professional control, with less accumulation of dental biofilm and less rate of gingival inflammation. Thus, the mechanical control of the dental biofilm performed by the professional could not avoid gingival increase, characterized by the raise of probing depth measurement, neither the quantity of keratinized mucosa


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Periodontal disease is an infectious disease resulting from the immunoinflammatory response of the host to microorganisms present in the dental biofilm which causes tissue destruction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of cyclophilin A (CYPA), extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) and matrix metalloproteinase 7 (MMP-7) in human specimens of clinically healthy gingiva (n=32), biofilm-induced gingivitis (n=28), and chronic periodontitis (n=30). Immunopositivity for CYPA, EMMPRIN and MMP-7 differed significantly between the three groups, with higher percentages of staining in chronic periodontitis specimens, followed by chronic gingivitis and healthy gingiva specimens (p < 0.001). Immunoexpression of CYPA and MMP-7 was higher in the intense inflammatory infiltrate observed mainly in cases of periodontitis. Analysis of possible correlations between the immunoexpression of EMMPRIN, MMP-7 and CYPA and between the expression of these proteins and clinical parameters (probing depth and clinical attachment loss) showed a positive correlation of CYPA expression with MMP-7 (r = 0.831; p < 0.001) and EMMPRIN (r = 0.289; p = 0.006). In addition, there was a significant positive correlation between probing depth and expression of MMP-7 (r = 0.726; p < 0.001), EMMPRIN (r = 0.345; p = 0.001), and CYPA (r = 0.803; p < 0.001). These results suggest that CYPA, EMMPRIN and MMP-7 are associated with the pathogenesis and progression of periodontal disease


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Primary Health Care, especially in the family health strategy, it is expected that the joint assistance and actions of health promotion. The Ministry of health (BRAZIL, 2007) defines health education as an eyeshadow strategy of prevention and health promotion, based on reflective practices, which allow the user to their condition of historical, social and political subject, under the vision of an expanded clinic on the part of health professionals. In this sense, there are guidelines for it professionals to develop educational activities and that they can interfere in the health/disease process of the population, with a view to the development of autonomy of the subject. This research had as objective to understand in the light of the integrality of the care, as is the production of health education practices, within the framework of the family health strategy from ethnographic study in a family health unit (USF). The location of the research was the unit of USF Felipe Camarão II in West Health District, in the city of Natal, RN, Brazil, selected from preliminary mapping of educational practices deployed in units of health of the family of this municipality, based on criteria such as time-to-deployment of USF and sustainability of existing actions. Immersion in the field consisted of participant observation with journaling, held during the period of August 2012 to January 2013, in which she accompanied team work processes in clinical-welfare actions on the USF, in households and in educational activities of group character. The results presented in ethnographic description were analyzed based on the axes proposed by Ayres (2009) for identification of integrality in health practices:the axis of the needs; the axis of the purposes; the joint axis; and the axis of the interactionsThe evidence described from observation point the presence of each axle up health education practices developed by the teams, even incipient form, namely: articulation and appreciation of knowledge and practices of popular culture with local initiatives (Pastoril do Peixe Boi Encantado, Auto de Natal e Grupo Terapia e Arte); Clinical integration with health promotion actions and coordination of multidisciplinary knowledge, with professional-user link (course for pregnant women). However, a few challenges were identified to be faced in order to move forward in these practices in integral care: the need to break with the fragmentation of actions; strengthening teamwork; need for greater sustainability policy of collective actions; intersectoral work aimed at a better role of the State in the face of the health-disease process, adding to the action of individuals.The analysis produced from observation of the processes experienced indicates the need for a better recognition of local managers that actions similar to those that occur in the USF Felipe Camarão II enable advances in completeness as allows inclusion of actors involved in the processes of health work, and stimulate participation and shared responsibility in the fight for health-disease situations


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RACIONAL: As doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo afetam vários sistemas orgânicos, inclusive o digestório. Neste, as lesões variam em intensidade e freqüência na dependência da doença envolvida. A descrição das diferentes manifestações digestivas tem sido pouco freqüente, pouco detalhada e, não raro, baseada em experiências individuais e levantamentos retrospectivos. Tais formas de registro de dados produzem resultados muitas vezes conflitantes entre as diferentes casuísticas. OBJETIVO: Estabelecer de forma mais consistente, por intermédio de entrevista e questionário predefinido de sintomas, o conjunto e freqüência dos sintomas digestivos observados na esclerose sistêmica progressiva, artrite reumatóide, polimiosite/dermatomiosite, doença mista do tecido conjuntivo e lúpus eritematoso sistêmico. PACIENTES E MÉTODO: Estudaram-se 99 pacientes, 90% mulheres, com idade média de 45 anos. do total, 35 tinham artrite reumatóide, 26 esclerose sistêmica progressiva, 21 lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, 12 dermatomiosite/polimiosite e 5 doença mista do tecido conjuntivo. Todos foram submetidos, por investigador treinado, a entrevista e preenchimento de um questionário de sintomas digestivos, composto de 17 itens, previamente definidos. RESULTADOS: O estudo revelou elevada prevalência de sintomas gastrointestinais nas cinco doenças investigadas, muitas vezes afetando mais de 50% dos casos. Chamou a atenção a presença significativa de sintomas negligenciados pela literatura como a incontinência fecal. Discordante de trabalhos anteriores, os pacientes desta série com artrite reumatóide apresentaram variadas queixas digestivas, surpreendendo o achado de disfagia em 1/3 deles. CONCLUSÕES: As doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo são causas de freqüentes e numerosos sintomas digestivos. O uso de questionários predefinidos mostrou-se instrumento válido na identificação de substancial número de sintomas, alguns deles ainda não referidos pela literatura. Por fim, foi constatada escassez de trabalhos passados e atuais relativos às manifestações gastrointestinais das doenças difusas do tecido conjuntivo, o que prejudicou análises comparativas mais amplas.


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As borrelioses constituem um grupo de doenças infecciosas causadas por espiroquetas do gênero Borrelia. A borreliose de Lyme, também denominada doença de Lyme, é uma doença infecciosa, não contagiosa, causada por espiroquetas pertencentes ao complexo Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Lato e transmitida, mais frequentemente, por picada de carrapatos do gênero Ixodes. A doença apresenta quadro clínico variado, podendo desencadear manifestações cutâneas, articulares, neurológicas e cardíacas.


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Background Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis is an uncommon infectious disease caused by Cryptococcus neoformans or Cryptococcus gattii affecting immunosuppressed as well as immunocompetent patients. It is often misdiagnosed as it may mimic other cutaneous diseases. Materials and methods We report a series of cases diagnosed from 2005 to 2010 in two general hospitals. The diagnosis in all patients was made on the basis of histopathology and culture. Phenoloxidase and canavanine-glycine-bromothymol blue tests were used in order to identify the Cryptococcus species. Systematic investigation ruled out the systemic involvement in every case. Results Eleven patients, 81.8% male, were diagnosed during this study. The immunosuppression status was identified in 54.5% of patients, and all of them were under corticosteroid therapy due to a variable set of diseases. All patients presented with circumscribed lesions on their upper limbs. Most lesions showed an infiltrative or tumoral aspect with up to 40 cm diameter. Fluconazole, up to 400 mg/daily, was the main therapeutic regimen and proved to be efficient. Conclusions Primary cutaneous cryptococcosis has been diagnosed in both immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients. Its peculiar clinical aspect could facilitate early diagnosis. Culture and biochemical tests should be performed in order to define the species involved.


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Tuberculosis (TB), a chronic infectious disease, is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Expression of iNOS and consequent production of NO during the inflammatory process is an important defense mechanism against TB bacteria. We have tested whether pulmonary TB patients undergoing anti-tuberculosis treatment present DNA damage, and whether this damage is related to oxidative stress, by evaluating total hydrophilic antioxidant capacity and iNOS expression. DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients and healthy tuberculin test (PPD) positive controls was evaluated by single-cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay), and iNOS expression was measured by qPCR. We also evaluated total hydrophilic antioxidant capacity in plasma from patients and controls. Compared to controls, pulmonary TB patients under treatment presented increased DNA damage, which diminished during treatment. Also, the antioxidant capacity of these individuals was increased at the start of treatment, and reduced during treatment. TB patients showed lower iNOS expression, but expression tended to increase during treatment. Our results indicate that pulmonary TB patients under anti-TB treatment exhibit elevated DNA damage in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. This damage was not related to nitric oxide but may be due to other free radicals. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Leprosy is a complex infectious disease influenced by genetic and environmental factors. The genetic contributing factors are considered heterogeneous and several genes have been consistently associated with susceptibility like PARK2, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), lymphotoxin-alpha (LTA) and vitamin-D receptor (VDR). Here, we combined a case-control study (374 patients and 380 controls), with meta-analysis (5 studies; 2702 individuals) and biological study to test the epidemiological and physiological relevance of the interleukin-10 (IL-10) genetic markers in leprosy. We observed that the -819T allele is associated with leprosy susceptibility either in the case-control or in the meta-analysis studies. Haplotypes combining promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms also implicated a haplotype carrying the -819T allele in leprosy susceptibility (odds ratio (OR) = 1.40; P = 0.01). Finally, we tested IL-10 production in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with Mycobacterium leprae antigens and found that -819T carriers produced lower levels of IL-10 when compared with noncarriers. Taken together, these data suggest that low levels of IL-10 during the disease outcome can drive patients to a chronic and unprotective response that culminates with leprosy.


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OBJETIVO: Atualmente, entre as mulheres, a relação sexual é a forma de transmissão que mais tem contribuído para a feminização da epidemia de HIV/Aids. Na busca constante de se estabelecer padrões mais adequados de orientação para saúde, investigou-se o uso de medidas contraceptivas, que também sirvam de proteção da transmissão do HIV, entre mulheres portadoras de HIV/Aids. MÉTODOS: Estudo exploratório desenvolvido em um serviço público ambulatorial de um hospital universitário, referência aos portadores de HIV/Aids da região centro-sul do Estado de São Paulo, no período de cinco meses (2000 a 2001). Foram estudadas 73 mulheres portadoras da infecção pelo HIV, ou com Aids. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de um formulário que investigava a caracterização sociodemográfica, as formas de anticoncepção utilizada e a situação sorológica do parceiro sexual. Os dados foram analisados descritivamente e os conteúdos das respostas abertas, agrupados em temas. Foi aplicado o teste exato de Fisher para análise de algumas variáveis, em nível de 5%. Para a análise de conteúdo utilizou-se a proposta de Bardin. RESULTADOS: A maioria das mulheres estava em fase de vida reprodutiva, eram casadas e foram contaminadas quase exclusivamente por meio da relação heterossexual. Entre elas, 35,4% referiam parceiro sexual discordante quanto à sorologia anti-HIV, e 13,7% utilizavam formas inadequadas de anticoncepção que também não protegiam da transmissão do HIV. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados alertam para a necessidade de ações educativas continuadas quanto a experiências sexuais mais seguras entre portadoras de HIV/Aids, para que elas possam discutir com seus parceiros outras formas de exercerem sua sexualidade, sendo capazes de estabelecer opção contraceptiva mais consciente, de maneira a zelar pela sua saúde, do parceiro e até do concepto.