995 resultados para Indian Refining Company Site (Lawrence County, Ill.)
"February 1980."
"January, 1968."
"FHWA-IL-EA- 03 - 93."
"This fact sheet has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Title 35 Illinois Administrative Code (35 IAC) Section 705.143. The fact sheet is intended to be a brief summary of the principal facts and significant factual, legal, methodological, and policy questions considered in preparing a draft Class 3 RCRA permit modification. This permit modification will allow the current permittee, Chevron Environmental Services Company (CESC), to establish an onsite Corrective Action Management Unit (CAMU) to manage remediation wastes generated during site remediation activities performed under the RCRA Corrective Action program and to establish a facility-wide Groundwater Management Zone (GMZ) for the duration of the corrective action work at the closed refinery. Pursuant to 35 IAC 705.143(a), this fact sheet is sent to the applicant, to the information repository and to any other person who requests it."
Bibliography: leaf 27.
Updates on-site environmental investigations by the PREMCOR Refining Group at the former Clark-Blue Island Refinery which began operations as the Great Lakes Refinery in the mid 1920s and continued operating at the Blue Island (Ill.) site until PREMCOR closed the refinery in 2001. Valero Energy Corporation purchased PREMCOR on Sept. 1, 2005.
Includes a list of the Reading Best Practice Sites in Illinois and a list of the possible teaching strategies that are appropriate with each of the fourteen Best Practices.
"August 2010."
"N-1-09"--p. [4] of cover.
"PA 094-059 (HB2411)"
Description based on: 1953.
Contamination in soil and groundwater was found during an investigation of a property located on the east side of the Fox River in McHenry, at 3004 W. Elm Street (Route 120) during 2003-2006. The property, currently owned by Inverse Investments, Inc., is enrolled in an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) cleanup program. It is the location of a car rental establishment. Gem Cleaners occupied the site from 1970 to 1977, after which it was occupied by a carpet dealer, an automotive repair facility, and a tire store. Historic use of solvents at the former dry cleaner location has resulted in contamination of the soil and groundwater with chlorinated organic compounds.
"April, 1969."
"December 1983."