910 resultados para Incompatibles (Pharmacy)


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[No abstract is available for this article.]


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Purpose. To examine the thermal transition(s) between different polymorphic forms of Nifedipine and to define experimental conditions that lead to the generation of polymorph IV. Methods. Experiments were performed using a DSC 823e (Mettler Toledo). Nifedipine exists in four polymorphic forms, as well as an amorphous state. Examination of Nifedipine was conducted using the following method(s): cycle 1: 25ºC to 190ºC, 190ºC to 25ºC (formation of amorphous Nifedipine); cycle 2: 25ºC to X (60,70,80...150ºC), X to 25ºC; cycle 3: 25ºC to 190ºC and holding isothermally for 5 min between cycles (heating/cooling rate of 10ºC/min). Results. The amorphous state Nifedipine can sustain heating up to 90ºC without significant changes in its composition. Cycle 2 of amorphous material heated up to 90ºC shows only the glass transition at ~44ºC. In cycle 3 of the same material, a glass transition has been recorded at ~44ºC, followed by two exotherms (~100 and ~115ºC (crystallisation of polymorph III and II, respectively) and an endotherm (169ºC (melting of polymorphs I/II)). Samples that have been heated to temperatures between 100ºC and 120ºC in the second cycle showed a glass transition at ~44ºC and an additional exotherm at ~95ºC (crystallisation of polymorph III) on cooling a exotherm was observed at ~40ºC (crystallisation of polymorph IV). The same material showed no glass transition in cycle 3 but an endotherm at around 62ºC (melting of polymorph IV) an exotherm (~98ºC) and an endotherm (169ºC) melting of polymorph I/II. Heating the sample to a temperatures greater than 130ºC in cycle two results in a glass transition at ~44ºC, and two exotherms at ~102 and 125ºC (crystallisation of polymorphs III and I, respectively). Conclusions. DSC data suggests that polymorph IV can only be produced from amorphous or polymorph III samples. The presence of polymorph I or II drives the conversion of the less stable polymorphic form IV into the most stable form, I. Although form IV of Nifedipine can easily be created, following defined experimental conditions, it may only coexist with amorphous or polymorph III states. When polymorphs I and II are present in the sample polymorph IV cannot be etected.


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Freeze-dried (lyophilised) wafers and solvent cast films from sodium alginate (ALG) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) have been developed as potential drug delivery systems for mucosal surfaces including wounds. The wafers (ALG, CMC) and films (CMC) were prepared by freeze-drying and drying in air (solvent evaporation) respectively, aqueous gels of the polymers containing paracetamol as a model drug. Microscopic architecture was examined using scanning electron microscopy, hydration characteristics with confocal laser scanning microscopy and dynamic vapour sorption. Texture analysis was employed to investigate mechanical characteristics of the wafers during compression. Differential scanning calorimetry was used to investigate polymorphic changes of paracetamol occurring during formulation of the wafers and films. The porous freeze-dried wafers exhibited higher drug loading and water absorption capacity than the corresponding solvent evaporated films. Moisture absorption, ease of hydration and mechanical behaviour were affected by the polymer and drug concentration. Two polymorphs of paracetamol were observed in the wafers and films, due to partial conversion of the original monoclinic to the orthorhombic polymorph during the formulation process. The results showed the potential of employing the freeze-dried wafers and solvent evaporated films in diverse mucosal applications due to their ease of hydration and based on different physical mechanical properties exhibited by both type of formulations.


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In the context of trans-dermal drug delivery it is very important to have mechanistic insight into the barrier function of the skin's stratum corneum and the diffusion mechanisms of topically applied drugs. Currently spectroscopic imaging techniques are evolving which enable a spatial examination of various types of samples in a dynamic way. ATR-FTIR imaging opens up the possibility to monitor spatial diffusion profiles across the stratum corneum of a skin sample. Multivariate data analyses methods based on factor analysis are able to provide insight into the large amount of spectroscopically complex and highly overlapping signals generated. Multivariate target factor analysis was used for spectral resolution and local diffusion profiles with time through stratum corneum. A model drug, 4-cyanophenol in polyethylene glycol 600 and water was studied. Results indicate that the average diffusion profiles between spatially different locations show similar profiles despite the heterogeneous nature of the biological sample and the challenging experimental set-up.


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Attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to simultaneously follow the diffusion of model drugs and solvent across polydimethylsiloxane (silicone) membrane. Three model drugs, cyanophenol (CNP), methyl nicotinate (MN) and butyl paraben (BP) were selected to cover a range of lipophilicities. Isostearyl isostearate (ISIS) was chosen as the solvent because its large molecular weight should facilitate observation of whether the drug molecules are able to diffuse through the membrane independently of the solvent. The diffusion of the three drugs and the solvent was successfully described by a Fickian model. The effects of parameters such as the absorption wavelength used to follow diffusion on the calculated diffusion coefficient were investigated. Absorption wavelength which affects the depth of penetration of the infrared radiation into the membrane did not significantly affect the calculated diffusion coefficient over the wavelength range tested. Each of the model drugs was observed to diffuse independently of the solvent across the membrane. The diffusion of a CNP-ISIS hydrogen bonded complex across the membrane was also monitored. The relative diffusion rates of the solute and solvent across the membrane can largely be accounted for by the molecular size of the permeant.


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The uptake and diffusion of solvents across polymer membranes is important in controlled drug delivery, effects on drug uptake into, for example, infusion bags and containers, as well as transport across protective clothing. Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy has been used to monitor the effects of different solvents on the diffusion of a model compound, 4-cyanophenol (CNP) across silicone membrane and on the equilibrium concentration of CNP obtained in the membrane following diffusion. ATR-FTIR spectroscopic imaging of membrane diffusion was used to gain an understanding of when the boundary conditions applied to Fick's second law, used to model the diffusion of permeants across the silicone membrane do not hold. The imaging experiments indicated that when the solvent was not taken up appreciably into the membrane, the presence of discrete solvent pools between the ATR crystal and the silicone membrane can affect the diffusion profile of the permeant. This effect is more significant if the permeant has a high solubility in the solvent. In contrast, solvents that are taken up into the membrane to a greater extent, or those where the solubility of the permeant in the vehicle is relatively low, were found to show a good fit to the diffusion model. As such these systems allow the ATR-FTIR spectroscopic approach to give mechanistic insight into how the particular solvents enhance permeation. The solubility of CNP in the solvent and the uptake of the solvent into the membrane were found to be important influences on the equilibrium concentration of the permeant obtained in the membrane following diffusion. In general, solvents which were taken up to a significant extent into the membrane and which caused the membrane to swell increased the diffusion coefficient of the permeant in the membrane though other factors such as solvent viscosity may also be important.


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The potential of employing zinc polycarboxylate dental cement as a controlled release material has been studied. Benzalkonium chloride was used as the active ingredient, and incorporated at concentrations of 1, 2 and 3% by mass within the cement. At these levels, there was no observable effect on the speed of setting. Release was followed using an ion-selective electrode to determine changes in chloride ion concentration with time. This technique showed that the additive was released when the cured cement was placed in water, with release occurring by a diffusion mechanism for the first 3 h, but continuing beyond that for up to 1 week. Diffusion coefficients were in the range 5.62 × 10(−6) cm(2) s(−1) (for 1% concentration) to 10.90 × 10(−6) cm(2) s(−1) (for 3% concentration). Up to 3% of the total loading of benzalkonium chloride was released from the zinc polycarboxylate after a week, which is similar to that found in previous studies with glass-ionomer cement. It is concluded that zinc polycarboxylate cement is capable of acting as a useful material for the controlled release of active organic compounds.


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Composite resins and glass-ionomer cements were introduced to dentistry in the 1960s and 1970s, respectively. Since then, there has been a series of modifications to both materials as well as the development other groups claiming intermediate characteristics between the two. The result is a confusion of materials leading to selection problems. While both materials are tooth-colored, there is a considerable difference in their properties, and it is important that each is used in the appropriate situation. Composite resin materials are esthetic and now show acceptable physical strength and wear resistance. However, they are hydrophobic, and therefore more difficult to handle in the oral environment, and cannot support ion migration. Also, the problems of gaining long-term adhesion to dentin have yet to be overcome. On the other hand, glass ionomers are water-based and therefore have the potential for ion migration, both inward and outward from the restoration, leading to a number of advantages. However, they lack the physical properties required for use in load-bearing areas. A logical classification designed to differentiate the materials was first published by McLean et al in 1994, but in the last 15 years, both types of material have undergone further research and modification. This paper is designed to bring the classification up to date so that the operator can make a suitable, evidence-based, choice when selecting a material for any given situation.


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The water loss behaviour of a clinical glass-ionomer dental cement has been studied with and without the addition of alkali metal chlorides. Dehydrating conditions were provided by placing specimens in a desiccator over concentrated sulphuric acid. Cements were prepared using either pure water or an aqueous solution of metal chloride (LiCl, NaCl, KCl) at 1.0 mol/dm(3). In addition, NaCl at 0.5 mol/dm(3) was also used to fabricate cements. Disc-shaped specimens of size 6 mm diameter x 2 mm thickness were made, six performulation, and cured at 37 degrees C for 1 hour They were then exposed to desiccating conditions, and the mass measured at regular intervals. All formulations were found to lose water in a diffusion process that equilibrated after approximately 3 weeks. Diffusion coefficients ranged from 2.27 (0.13) x 10(9) with no additive to 1.85 (0.07) x 10(9) m(2)/s with 1.0 mol/dm(3) KCl. For the salts, diffusion coefficients decreased in the order LiCl > NaCl > KCl. There was no statistically significant difference between the diffusion coefficients for 1.0 and 0.5 mol/dm(3) NaCl. For all salts at 1.0 mol/dm(3) and also additive-free cements, equilibrium losses were, with statistical limits, the same, ranging from 6.23 to 6.34%. On the other hand, 0.5 mol/dm(3) NaCl lost significantly more water 7.05%.


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The role of aluminum in glass-ionomers and resin-modified glass-ionomers for dentistry is reviewed. Aluminum is included in the glass component of these materials in the form of Al(2)O(3) to confer basicity on the glass and enable the glass to take part in the acid-base setting reactions. Results of studies of these reactions by FTIR and magic-angle spinning (MAS)-NMR spectroscopy are reported and the role of aluminum is discussed in detail. Aluminum has been shown to be present in the glasses in predominantly 4-coordination, as well as 5- and 6-coordination, and during setting a proportion of this is converted to 6-coordinate species within the matrix of the cement. Despite this, mature cements may contain detectable amounts of both 4- and 5-coordinate aluminum. Aluminum has been found to be leached from glass-ionomer cements, with greater amounts being released under acidic conditions. It may be associated with fluoride, with which it is known to complex strongly. Aluminum that enters the body via the gastro-intestinal tract is mainly excreted, and only about 1% ingested aluminum crosses the gut wall. Calculation shows that, if a glass-ionomer filling dissolved completely over 5 years, it would add only an extra 0.5% of the recommended maximum intake of aluminum to an adult patient. This leads to the conclusion that the release of aluminum from either type of glass-ionomer cement in the mouth poses a negligible health hazard.


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Purpose: A novel methodology has been introduced to effectively coat intravascular stents with sirolimus-loaded polymeric microparticles. Methods: Dry powders of the microparticulate formulation, consisting of non-erodible polymers, were produced by a supercritical, aerosol, solvent extraction system (ASES). A design of experiment (DOE) approach was conducted on the independent variables, such as organic/CO2 phase volume ratio, polymer weight and stirring-rate, while regression analysis was utilized to interpret the influence of all operational parameters on the dependent variable of particle size. The dry powders, so formed, entered an electric field created by corona charging and were sprayed on the earthed metal stent. Furthermore, the thermal stability of sirolimus was investigated to define the optimum conditions for fusion to the metal surfaces. Results: The electrostatic dry powder deposition technology (EDPDT) was used on the metal strut followed by fusion to produce uniform, reproducible and accurate coatings. The coated stents exhibited sustained release profiles over 25 days, similar to commercial products. EDPDT-coated stents displayed significant reduced platelet adhesion. Conclusions: EDPDT appeared to be a robust accurate and reproducible technology to coat eluting stents.


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Purpose: To study the impact of powder flow properties on dosator filling systems, with particular focus on improvements in dose weight accuracy and repeatability. Method: This study evaluates a range of critical powder flow properties such as: flow function, cohesion, wall friction, adhesion to wall surfaces, density/compressibility data, stress ratio “K” and gas permeability. The characterisations of the powders considered in this study were undertaken using an annular shear cell using a sample size of 0.5 litres. This tester also incorporated the facility to measure bed expansion during shear in addition to contraction under consolidation forces. A modified Jenike type linear wall friction tester was used to develop the failure loci for the powder sample in conjunction with multiple wall samples (representing a variety of material types and surface finishes). Measurements of the ratio of applied normal stress versus lateral stress were determined using a piece of test equipment specifically designed for the purpose. Results: The correct characterisation of powders and the incorporation of this data into the design of process equipment are recognised as critical for reliable and accurate operation. An example of one aspect of this work is the stress ratio “K”. This characteristic is not well understood or correctly interpreted in many cases – despite its importance. Fig 1 [Omitted] (illustrates a sample of test data. The slope of the line gives the stress ratio in a uniaxial compaction system – indicating the behaviour of the material under compaction during dosing processes. Conclusions: A correct assessment of the bulk powder properties for a given formulation can allow prediction of: cavity filling behaviour (and hence dosage), efficiency of release from dosator, and strength and stability of extruded dose en route to capsule filling Influences over the effectiveness of dosator systems have been shown to be impacted upon by: bed pre-compaction history, gas permeability in the bed (with respect to local density effects), and friction effects for materials of construction for dosators


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Purpose: To develop an improved mathematical model for the prediction of dose accuracy of Dosators - based upon the geometry of the machine in conjunction with measured flow properties of the powder. Methods: A mathematical model has been created, based on a analytical method of differential slices - incorporating measured flow properties. The key flow properties of interest in this investigation were: flow function, effective angle of wall friction, wall adhesion, bulk density, stress ratio K and permeability. To simulate the real process and (very importantly) validate the model, a Dosator test-rig has been used to measure the forces acting on the Dosator during the filling stage, the force required to eject the dose and the dose weight. Results: Preliminary results were obtained from the Dosator test-rig. Figure 1 [Omitted] shows the dose weight for different depths to the bottom of the powder bed at the end of the stroke and different levels of pre-compaction of the powder bed. A strong influence over dose weight arising from the proximity between the Dosator and the bottom of the powder bed at the end of the stroke and the conditions of the powder bed has been established. Conclusions: The model will provide a useful tool to predict dosing accuracy and, thus, optimise the future design of Dosator based equipment technology – based on measured bulk properties of the powder to be handled. Another important factor (with a significant influence) on Dosator processes, is the condition of the powder bed and the clearance between the Dosator and the bottom of the powder bed.


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Purpose. To study thermal stability of Aspirin and define thermal events that are associated with the thermal degradation of aspirin. Methods. Experiments were performed using a DSC 823e (Mettler Toledo, Swiss). Aspirin is prone to thermal degradation upon exposure to high temperatures. The melting point of aspirin is 140.1±0.4ºC (DSC). Aspirin has been examined by heating samples to 120ºC, 155ºC and 185ºC with subsequent cooling to -55ºC and a final heating to 155ºC. Although different heating and cooling ranges have been used, only results obtained at a rate of 10ºC/min will be presented. All runs where conducted in hermetically sealed pans. Results. Upon heating the sample to 120ºC no significant thermal event can be detected. After cooling the sample and reheating a glass transition can be observed at ~-8ºC, followed by the melting of aspirin at ~139ºC. By heating the sample to 155ºC melting of aspirin has been detected at ~139ºC. On cooling and subsequent heating a glass transition occurs at ~-32ºC, together with a broad crystallisation (onset at ~38ºC and peak maximum at ~57ºC) followed by a broad melting with an onset at 94ºC and peak maximum at ~112ºC. Finally, by heating the sample to 185ºC melting at ~ 139ºC was observed, and upon cooling and reheating a glass transition was detected at ~-26ºC and no further events could be recorded. Conclusions. This research demonstrates that the degradation steps of Aspirin depend on the thermal treatment. The main degradation products of different thermal treatments are currently unknown it is clear that acetic acid, which is one of the degradation products, acts as an antiplasticiser by lowering the glass transition temperature. In addition, due to the presence of the degradation products in liquid form (observed by hot stage microscopy), Aspirin is still present in the sample and recrystallises during the second heating step and melts at much lower temperatures.


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Silica nanoparticles (MSNs) with a highly ordered mesoporous structures (103A) with cubic Im3 m have been synthesized using triblock copolymers with high poly(alkylene oxide) (EO) segments in acid media. The produced nanoparticles displayed large specific surface area (approximately 765 cm(2)/g) with an average particles size of 120 nm. The loading efficiency was assessed by incorporating three major antiepileptic active substances via passive loading and it was found to varying from 17 to 25%. The state of the adsorbed active agents was further analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD). Dissolution studies revealed rapid release profiles within the first 3 h. The viability of 3T3 endothelial cells was not affected in the presence of MSNs indicating negligible cytotoxicity. 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.