998 resultados para In-situ XAS


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Natural rubber latex (NRL) from Hevea brasiliensis was used as a matrix to synthesize gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), leading to an organic-inorganic hybrid latex of NRL-supported AuNPs (AuNPs@NRL). The in situ and environmentally friendly preparation of AuNPs in an NRL matrix was developed by thermal treatment without using any other reducing agents or stabilizers because natural rubber particles and non-rubber components present in serum can serve as supporters for the synthesized AuNPs. As a result, the nanosized and well-dispersed AuNPs not only are decorated on the surface of natural rubber particles, but also can be found in the serum of NRL. The size of the AuNPs presented in NRL matrix can be controlled by adjusting the concentration of NRL. Furthermore, the flexible surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates made from the AuNPs@NRL through vacuum filtration presented good enhancement of the Raman probe molecule of 4-mercaptopyridine and outstanding SERS reproducibility. The capability of synthesizing the bio-supported nanohybrid latex provides a novel green and simple approach for the fabrication of flexible and effective SERS substrates.


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The growth mechanism and kinetics of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were investigated for the first time by using a synchrotron time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis. The synchrotron SAXS offers unsurpassed time resolution and the ability to detect structural changes of nanometer sized objects, which are beneficial for the understanding of the growth mechanism of small MSNs (∼20 nm). The Porod invariant was used to quantify the conversion of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) in silica during MSN formation, and the growth kinetics were investigated at different solution pH and temperature through calculating the scattering invariant as a function of reaction time. The growth of MSNs was found to be accelerated at high temperature and high pH, resulting in a higher rate of silica formation. Modeling SAXS data of micelles, where a well-defined electrostatic interaction is assumed, determines the size and shape of hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) micelles before and after the addition of TEOS. The results suggested that the micelle size increases and the micelle shape changes from ellipsoid to spherical, which might be attributed to the solubilization of TEOS in the hydrophobic core of CTAB micelles. A new "swelling-shrinking" mechanism is proposed. The mechanism provides new insights into understanding MSN growth for the formation of functional mesoporous materials exhibiting controlled morphologies. The SAXS analyses were correlated to the structure of CTAB micelles and chemical reaction of TEOS. This study has provided critical information to an understanding of the growth kinetics and mechanism of MSNs.


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A recently established means of surface functionalization of unsized carbon fibres for enhanced compatibility with epoxy resins was optimised and evaluated using interfacial shear stress measurements. Interfacial adhesion has a strong influence on the bulk mechanical properties of composite materials. In this work we report on the optimisation of our aryl diazo-grafting methodology via a series of reagent concentration studies. The fibres functionalised at each concentration are characterised physically (tensile strength, modulus, coefficient of friction, and via AFM), and chemically (XPS). The interfacial shear strength (IFSS) of all treated fibres was determined via the single fibre fragmentation test, using the Kelly-Tyson model. Large increases in IFSS for all concentrations (28-47%) relative to control fibres were observed. We show that halving the reagent concentration increased the coefficient of friction of the fibre and the interfacial shear strength of the composite while resulting in no loss of the key performance characteristics in the treated fibre.


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This paper describes a non-destructive "peak parking" protocol in order to assess the axial heterogeneity of an in situ modified monolithic column for high performance liquid chromatography; a "gradient stationary phase" was designed whereby the ligand density decreases along the length of the rod in the "forward flow" configuration. The results of multi-location peak parking demonstrated a consistent increase in peak variance from the 1 cm position of the column to the 9 cm location. This increase in band broadening supported the theory of a decreasing ligand density along the length of this gradient column. This is consistent with efficiency measurements performed in both the forward and reverse flow directions, with an improved efficiency (15% increase in N m-1) in the reverse direction. These results are consistent with theoretical investigations into stationary phase gradients.


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Different functions were imparted to ramie fibers through treatment with noble metal nanoparticles including silver and gold nanoparticles. The in situ synthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles was achieved by heating in the presence of ramie fibers in the corresponding solutions of precursors. The unique optical property of synthesized noble metal nanoparticles, i.e., localized surface plasmon resonance, endowed ramie fibers with bright colors. Color strength (K/S) of fibers increased with heating temperature. Silver nanoparticles were obtained in alkaline solution, while acidic condition was conducive to gold nanoparticles. The optical properties of treated ramie fibers were investigated using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was employed to observe the morphologies of silver and gold nanoparticles in situ synthesized on fibers. The ramie fibers treated with noble metal nanoparticles showed remarkable catalytic activity for reduction of 4-nitrophenol (4-NP) by sodium borohydride. Moreover, the silver nanoparticle treatment showed significant antibacterial property on ramie fibers.


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Herein, a new graphene/Cu nanoparticle composite was prepared via the in situ reduction of GO in the presence of Cu nanoparticles which was then utilized as a sacrificing template for the formation of flexible and porous graphene capacitor electrodes by the dissolution of the intercalated Cu nanoparticle in a mixed solution of FeCl3 and HCl. The porous RGO electrode was characterized by atomic force microscopy (AFM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The as-prepared graphene/Cu nanoparticle composite and the pure graphene film after removal of Cu nanoparticles possessed high conductivity of 3.1 × 103 S m-1 and 436 S m-1 respectively. The porous RGO can be used as the electrode for the fabrication of supercapacitors with high gravimetric specific capacitances up to 146 F g-1, good rate capability and satisfactory electrochemical stability. This environmentally friendly and efficient approach to fabricating porous graphene nanostructures could have enormous potential applications in the field of energy storage and nanotechnology.


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This paper presents a hypothesis and its experimental validation that simultaneous improvement in the hardness and corrosion resistance of aluminium can be achieved by the combination of suitable processing route and alloying additions. More specifically, the corrosion resistance and hardness of Al- xCr (x= 0-10 wt.%) alloys as produced via high-energy ball milling were significantly higher than pure Al and AA7075-T651. The improved properties of the Al- xCr alloys were attributed to the Cr addition and high-energy ball milling, which caused nanocrystalline structure, extended solubility of Cr in Al, and uniformly distributed fine intermetallic phases in the Al-Cr matrix.


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An approach to achieving the ambitious goal of cost effectively extending the safe operation life of energy pipelines to, for instance, 100 years is the application of structural health monitoring and life prediction tools that are able to provide long-term remnant pipeline life prediction and in-situ pipeline condition monitoring. A critical step in pipeline structural health monitoring is the enhancement of technological capabilities that are required for quantifying the effects of key factors influencing buried pipeline corrosion and environmentally assisted materials degradation, and the development of condition monitoring technologies that are able to provide in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline damage. This paper provides an overview of our current research aimed at developing new sensors for monitoring, categorising and quantifying the level and nature of external pipeline and coating damages under the combined effects of various inter-related variables and processes such as localised corrosion, coating damage and disbondment, cathodic shielding. The concept of in-situ monitoring and site-specific warning of pipeline corrosion is illustrated by a case of monitoring localised corrosion under disbonded coatings using a new corrosion monitoring probe. A basic principle that underpins the use of sensors to monitor localised corrosion has been presented: Localised corrosion and coating failure are not an accidental occurrence, it occurs as the result of fundamental thermodynamic instability of a metal exposed to a specific environment. Therefore corrosion and coating disbondment occurring on a pipeline will also occur on a sensor made of the same material and exposed to the same pipeline condition. Although the exact location of localised corrosion or coating disbondment could be difficult to pinpoint along the length of a buried pipeline, the ‘worst-case scenario’ and high risk pipeline sections and sites are predictable. Sensors can be embedded at these strategic sites to collect data that contain ‘predictor features’ signifying the occurrence of localised corrosion, CP failure, coating disbondment and degradation. Information from these sensors will enable pipeline owners to prioritise site survey and inspection operations, and to develop maintenance strategy to manage aged pipelines, rather than replace them.


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O experimento realizado avaliou, através de incubações ruminais de um volumoso misturado a diferentes concentrados, a ocorrência de influência mútua entre esses alimentos. Foi utilizado um animal Hereford fistulado no rúmen, em três períodos experimentais e foram incubados, por 24 horas, os seguintes ingredientes: farelo de soja, farelo de arroz integral, milho integral moído misturados com volumoso (feno de capim coast-cross) nas seguintes proporções de concentrado: 100, 50, 40, 30, 20 e 0%. Foi estudada a degradação da MS e da FDN das misturas, através do desaparecimento de amostra e da análise dos resíduos e amostras. Ao comparar-se as medidas obtidas com as estimadas através do cálculo proporcional das degradabilidades individuais dos ingredientes não se obteve diferença significativa entre a degradabilidade obtida e estimada da MS de nenhum dos alimentos em nenhuma das proporções A mesma comparação realizada com a FDN mostrou algumas diferenças numéricas entre as medidas observadas e estimadas nas misturas de feno + farelo de soja e feno + milho moído. No entanto, esses resultados não foram estatisticamente significativos (P>0,05) possivelmente pela alta variabilidade da técnica em relação ao pequeno numero de repetições testadas. O farelo de arroz utilizado nesse experimento apresentou características muito próximas às encontradas no feno e por isso não houve diferença significativa entre as degradabilidades obtida e estimada na mistura de farelo de arroz com o feno. A técnica “in situ”, da forma como a metodologia foi testada, não foi capaz de mostrar benefícios ou prejuízos estatisticamente significativos a degradação da MS e FDN dos alimentos misturados.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar se a aplicação tópica de flúor fosfato acidulado (FFA) em alta concentração tem efeito adicional no controle de lesões de esmalte, comparado ao uso de dentifrício fluoretado (baixa concentração). A freqüência de FFA como auxiliar no tratamento de lesões de cárie e a deposição de flúor no esmalte após diferentes aplicações de flúor am alta e baixa concentração também foram avaliadas. Para tanto, 5 indivíduos utilizaram, por 42 dias, próteses parciais removíveis inferiores contendo blocos de esmalte bovino desmineralizados. Os espécimes de esmalte forma divididos em 5 grupos: (1) escovação 3 vezes ao dia com dentifrício fluoretado (DF) (1100 ppm F), (2) DF+1 aplicação tópica FFA (12300 ppm F), (3) DF+2 FFA, (4) DF+3 FFA, e 5) DF+4 FFA. O intervalo entre as aplicações foi de uma semana. Cinco blocos hígidos e 5 blocos desmineralizados foram utilizados como controle e não foram submetidos ao período intraoral. As alterações clínicas foram registradas com relação à textura, coloração e brilho superficiais. Análises de microdureza superficial (MS) e em cortes longitudinais (MCL), de rugosidade superficial (RS) e de conteúdo de flúor depositado no esmalte foram realizadas. Modificações clínicas semelhantes de coloração foram observadas em todos os grupos após formação da lesão in vitro, apesar da ausência de mudanças na textura e brilho superficiais. Após escovação e tratamento com flúor, todos os blocos desmineralizados (esbranquiçados), independentemente do tratamento, tornaram-se mais amarelados. Não foram detectadas mudanças na textura e brilho superficiais. Os valores de MS e de conteúdo de flúor aumentaram (p<0,05) em relação aos blocos demineralizados somente a partir de 2 FFA. Os valores de MCL não mostraram diferenças entre os blocos tratados e os desmineralizados em qualquer distância da superfície do esmalte. Os grupos DF+3 FFA e DF+ 4 FFA foram os únicos capazes de aumentar os valores de MS em relação aos blocos desmineralizados. Estes tratamentos levaram a um aumento significativo de flúor solúvel e insolúvel comparado aos espécimes hígidos e desmineralizados. Ainda que todas as lesões tenham sido controladas clinicamente e não mostrem diferenças de microdureza, parece que aquelas tratadas com maior número de FFA produziram um maior reservatório de flúor disponível para inibir novos processos de desmineralização.


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Evidências na literatura sugerem que a velocidade de progressão de cárie pode ser influenciada por diversos fatores, entre eles as peculiaridades químicas, morfológicas e fisiológicas pertinentes aos dentes decíduos e permanentes. Estas informações são fundamentais para a correta abordagem clínica do paciente odontopediátrico, principalmente quando esta não for invasiva. Este estudo in situ avaliou a progressão de lesões cariosas em esmalte de dentes decíduos e permanentes, em um mesmo desenho experimental, na presença e na ausência de dentifrício fluoretado (1100 ppm NaF). Onze voluntários, em duas fases distintas, utilizaram um dispositivo palatino de acrílico contendo blocos de esmalte decíduos e permanentes. Estes blocos foram tratados com sacarose 20%, 8x/dia, por 7, 14 e 21 dias. O biofilme formado sobre os blocos dentários foi coletado para análise bioquímica e as perdas minerais dos mesmos foram acessadas através da inspeção visual (IV), microdureza transversa (∆Z) e microscopia de luz polarizada (MLP). Os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de Tukey (p=0,05) e mostraram que o biofilme formado na presença de dentifrício fluoretado apresentou maiores (p<0,05) concentrações de Ca, Pi, F que o tratado com dentifrício placebo. A concentração de PI foi significativamente maior no biofilme tratado com dentifrício placebo. Os fatores substrato, dentifrício e tempo influenciaram de forma significativa nas perdas minerais mensuradas através da IV, ∆Z e MLP. Em todos os períodos e fases estudadas, a velocidade de progressão de cárie no esmalte do dente decíduo foi maior que no permanente (p<0,05).


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Os catalisadores metalocênicos Me2Si(Ind)2ZrCl2 e Me2Si(2-Me-Ind)2ZrCl2 foram suportados in-situ sobre SMAO e empregados na polimerização de propeno na presença de alquilalumínios tais como TEA, IPRA ou TIBA. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o tipo e a concentração de alquilalumínio presente no meio reacional influenciaram tanto a atividade catalítica quanto as propriedades dos polímeros gerados. Os polímeros obtidos com o catalisador suportado in-situ apresentaram propriedades distintas das obtidas no polímero gerado através da polimerização homogênea, além de morfologia controlada, confirmando que de fato a polimerização ocorreu sobre a superfície do SMAO. Através da deconvolução das curvas de GPC foi constatado o aumento do número de tipos de sítios ativos no sistema catalítico suportado in-situ, resultado que também confirmou a heterogeneização do catalisador sobre o suporte. Com o auxílio de cálculos teóricos e da deconvolução das curvas de GPC foi possível propor estruturas para os sítios ativos dos sistemas homogêneo metaloceno/MAO e heterogêneo (suportado in-situ) metaloceno/SMAO/alquilalumínio. Quando eteno foi utilizado como monômero, o comportamento do sistema catalítico metaloceno/SMAO/alquilalumínio suportado in-situ foi distinto do obtido com propeno. O catalisador Me2Si(Ind)2ZrCl2 suportado ex-situ sobre SMAO através de técnicas convencionais de suportação foi avaliado por EXAFS e foi constatado que a vizinhança eletrônica do zircônio é influenciada pela razão Zr/SMAO. Os resultados obtidos por EXAFS foram correlacionados com a variação na atividade catalítica na polimerização de eteno em função da alteração na razão Zr/SMAO.


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Bacterial cellulose/polymethacrylate nanocomposites have received attention in numerous areas of study and in a variety of applications. The attractive properties of methacrylate polymers and bacterial cellulose, BC, allow the synthesis of new nanocomposites with distinct characteristics. In this study, BC/poly(glycidylmethacrylate) (BC/PGMA) and BC/poly(ethyleneglycol)methacrylate (BC/PPEGMA) nanocomposites were prepared through in situ free radical polymerization of GMA and PEGMA, respectively. Ammonium persulphate (APS) was used as an initiator and N,N’methylenebisacrilamide (MBA) was used as a crosslinker in BC/PGMA. Chemical composition, morphology, thermal stability, water absorption, mechanic and surface properties were determined through specific characterization techniques. The optimal polymerization was obtained at (1:2) for BC/PGMA, (1:2:0.2) ratio for BC/GMA/MBA and (1:20) for BC/PPEGMA, with 0.5% of initiator at 60 ºC during 6 h. A maximum of 67% and 87% of incorporation percentage was obtained, respectively, for the nanocomposites BC/PGMA/MBA and BC/PPEGMA. BC/PGMA nanocomposites exhibited an increase of roughness and compactation of the three-dimensional structure, an improvement in the thermal and mechanical properties, and a decrease in their swelling ability and crystallinity. On the other hand, BC/PPEGMA showed a decrease of stiffness of three-dimensional structure, improvement in thermal and mechanical properties, an increase in their swelling ability and a decrease the crystallinity. Both BC/polymethacrylate nanocomposites exhibited a basic surface character. The acid treatment showed to be a suitable strategy to modifiy BC/PGMA nanocomposites through epoxide ring-opening reaction mechanism. Nanocomposites became more compact, smooth and with more water retention ability. A decrease in the thermal and mechanical proprieties was observed. The new nanocomposites acquired properties useful to biomedical applications or/and removal of heavy metals due to the presence of functional groups.