935 resultados para In vitro ACE inhibitory activity


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As principais propriedades farmacológicas da Casearia sylvestris, uma espécie de árvore cujas folhas são utilizadas na medicina popular, já foram descritas na literatura. Recentemente foi demonstrada a potente atividade citotóxica in vitro da casearina X (CAS X), o diterpeno clerodânico majoritário isolado das folhas de C. sylvestris, contra linhagens de células tumorais humanas. Apesar dos resultados promissores, sua potente atividade citotóxica in vitro não pode ser extrapolada para uma potente atividade in vivo, a menos que possua boa biodisponibilidade e duração desejável do seu efeito. Tendo em vista que o avanço nas pesquisas de produtos naturais requer a avaliação pré-clínica de propriedades farmacocinéticas, no presente trabalho foi realizada a caracterização in vitro do metabolismo e da absorção intestinal da CAS X, com o objetivo de prever sua biodisponibilidade in vivo. Para os estudos de metabolismo in vitro, foi utilizado o modelo microssomal hepático de ratos e de humanos. Foi desenvolvido um método analítico para a quantificação da CAS X em microssomas, empregando a precipitação de proteínas com acetonitrila no preparo das amostras e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência para as análises. O método foi validado de acordo com os guias oficiais da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária e da European Medicine Agency (EMA). A CAS X demonstrou ser substrato para as reações de hidrólise mediada pelas carboxilesterases (CES) e apresentou um perfil cinético de Michaelis-Menten. Foram estimados os parâmetros de Vmax e KM, demonstrando que o clearance intrínseco em microssomas hepático de humanos foi 1,7 vezes maior que o de ratos. O clearance hepático foi estimado por extrapolação in vitro-in vivo, resultando em mais de 90% do fluxo sanguíneo hepático em ambas as espécies. Um estudo qualitativo para a pesquisa de metabólitos foi feito utilizando espectrometria de massas, pelo qual foi possível sugerir a formação da casearina X dialdeído como produto de metabolismo. Nos estudos de absorção intestinal in vitro foi utilizado o modelo de monocamadas de células Caco-2. Um método analítico por cromatografia líquida acoplada a espectrometria de massas foi desenvolvido e validado de acordo com o EMA, para as etapas de quantificação da CAS X no sistema de células. Os parâmetros cinéticos de permeabilidade aparente absortiva e secretória da CAS X foram estimados em um sistema celular, no qual a atividade hidrolítica da CES foi inibida. Assim, a CAS X foi capaz de permear a monocamada de células Caco-2, provavelmente por transporte ativo, sem a ocorrência de efluxo, mas com significativa retenção do composto dentro das células. Em conjunto, os ensaios in vitro realizados demonstraram a susceptibilidade da CAS X ao metabolismo de primeira passagem, como substrato para as CES específicas expressas no fígado e intestino.


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A alveolite seca (AS) é uma das complicações pós-operatórias mais comuns e sintomáticas na odontologia, porém, até o momento não há um protocolo de tratamento definido. O composto fenólico guaiacol (Gu) é um dos materiais utilizados para revestimento intra-alveolar devido às suas propriedades analgésicas, antioxidantes e antimicrobianas. Contudo, sua desvantagem é a dificuldade de manipulação decorrente da sua baixa estabilidade, alta volatilidade e sensibilidade à oxidação. Para melhorar suas propriedades e aumentar sua aplicabilidade clínica, um complexo de inclusão de Gu com ß-ciclodextrina (ßcd) foi desenvolvido. A formação do complexo supramolecular de Gu:ßcd foi caracterizada mediante a ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), nos experimentos de 1H e 2D ROESY. A atividade antibacteriana do Gu e Gu:ßcd frente a Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis e Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans foi analisada pelo método da microdiluição e sua citotoxicidade em osteoblastos de calvária de rato, foi estudado com o ensaio do MTT. O processo de reparo alveolar induzido pelo Gu:ßcd foi avaliado histologicamente após tratamento de alveolite seca em molares inferiores de ratos. A RMN mostrou correlações espaciais entre os hidrogênios internos (H3 e H5) da ßcd e os hidrogênios aromáticos, H(a) e H(b) do Gu, confirmando a formação do complexo. A complexação do Gu na ßcd potencializou seu efeito antibacteriano e reduziu sua citotoxicidade em osteoblastos. O estudo in vivo evidenciou a ocorrência de ossificação no ápice alveolar dos ratos tratados com Gu:ßcd, no 7o dia. No 14o dia, as trabéculas ósseas ocuparam também o terço médio do alvéolo e no 21o dia, todo o alvéolo se encontrava preenchido por osso neoformado. Estes resultados foram similares ao controle negativo e superiores ao controle positivo (Alvogyl®). Os benefícios obtidos pela inclusão do Gu na ßcd foram demonstrados pela melhora das propriedades biológicas do Gu in vitro e o adequado reparo alveolar in vivo.


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Os cursos de graduação em odontologia vêm privilegiando uma formação fundamentada na técnica, com práticas curativistas e individualizadas, tornando-se incapazes de formar a força de trabalho necessária à resolução dos problemas de saúde bucal da população. Com a implementação das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCN) para os cursos de graduação em odontologia, uma série de mudanças curriculares vêm sendo executadas no sentido de favorecer a formação adequada. Acredita-se que a educação pela experiência configure-se como um conjunto de ferramentas viável e eficaz para garantir a formação adequada e coerente com os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Cita-se, como uma dessas possibilidades, os Estágios Curriculares Supervisionados (ECS), previstos nas DCN para serem desenvolvidos de forma articulada e com complexidade crescente ao longo do processo de formação. O estudo destina-se a compreender a articulação ensino-trabalho-cidadania por diferentes olhares e, aliado a experiências vivenciais dessa articulação, construir um modelo de Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS) em serviço público de saúde, no âmbito da Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS), para cursos de graduação em odontologia. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo dividido em duas fases. Na primeira, foi experienciado um modelo de estágio vinculado à um projeto de pesquisa que se propõe à inovar as práticas de saúde bucal no SUS, utilizando-se de uma proposta de clínica ampliada. Nessa etapa, participaram a pesquisadora, estagiários e preceptores que foram entrevistados e/ou escreveram diários de campo. Na segunda fase, alunos de odontologia, profissionais e gestores de serviços de saúde do município de São Paulo manifestaram suas percepções por meio de grupos focais e entrevistas individuais, respectivamente. O material coletado foi analisado por intermédio da hermenêutica dialética e da triangulação de dados. Os dados descortinam a intimidade das clínicas de uma Faculdade de odontologia, revelando o que se denominou de ensino da odontologia \'in vitro\', distante da realidade e limitado no sentido de solucionar os problemas de saúde bucal do público atendido. Em contrapartida, foi evidente os benefícios que as vivências no mundo real, nos mais variados espaços, podem trazer para esses estudantes. Para os estagiários do modelo experienciado, a prática em clínica ampliada permite extrapolar a odontologia \'in vitro\' e se aproximar da realidade. Preceptores e gestores manifestam opiniões convergentes e explicitam, ainda, o poder transformador que a presença de estudantes denota para os serviços além de induzir à educação permanente dos profissionais que atuam como preceptores. Com bases nessas colocações, foi elaborado um modelo de ECS para cursos de odontologia, de modo a permitir que os estudantes experienciem a realidade de saúde e trabalhem na dimensão da clínica do corpo vivo, subjetivado e complexo. Deseja-se oferecer ao estudante a possibilidade de refletir e experienciar os espaços onde as ações em saúde são produzidas, em um processo de ensino-aprendizagem centrado metodologias ativas, com a mediação pedagógica desenvolvida por preceptores e docentes. Acredita-se que suas características, pensadas em função da triangulação dos diferentes olhares que compuseram o estudo, revertem-se de força suficiente para inquietar o instituído e metamorfosear a formação disfarçada da odontologia.


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Liver-on-chip systems are widely seen as having the potential to replace animal testing for long-term liver toxicity assessments. However, such systems necessitate solutions, such as electrochemical microsensors, to provide information about the cells exposed to chemical compounds in a confined space. This study describes the development of microsensors for the detection of alanine-aminotransferase (ALT), an intracellular enzyme found in hepatocytes, for monitoring the viability of in-vitro hepatic cell cultures. The electrochemical sensors were developed by using screen printed electrodes functionalized by drop-casting. These technologies are intended to produce disposable and low-cost sensors that can easily be exchanged once their performance is degraded. The sensors are capable of measuring ALT in a microfluidic environment through the detection of changes in glutamate concentration. The microsensors were found to be stable for more than 60 days and were successfully tested using hepatocellular lysates to assess their capability to quantify ALT activity in a hepatic cell culture. These results open the way to their integration in liver bioreactors to assess hepatocellular toxicity in-vitro.


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The current chemotherapeutic treatment of alveolar echinococcosis (AE) in humans is based on albendazole and/or mebendazole. However, the costs of treatment, life-long consumption of drugs, parasitostatic rather than parasiticidal activity of chemotherapy, and high recurrence rates after treatment interruption warrant more efficient treatment options. Experimental treatment of mice infected with Echinococcus multilocularis metacestodes with fenbendazole revealed similar efficacy to albendazole. Inspection of parasite tissue from infected and benzimidazole-treated mice by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) demonstrated drug-induced alterations within the germinal layer of the parasites, and most notably an almost complete absence of microtriches. On the other hand, upon in vitro exposure of metacestodes to benzimidazoles, no phosphoglucose isomerase activity could be detected in medium supernatants during treatment with any of these drugs, indicating that in vitro treatment did not severely affect the viability of metacestode tissue. Corresponding TEM analysis also revealed a dramatic shortening/retraction of microtriches as a hallmark of benzimidazole action, and as a consequence separation of the acellular laminated layer from the cellular germinal layer. Since TEM did not reveal any microtubule-based structures within Echinococcus microtriches, this effect cannot be explained by the previously described mechanism of action of benzimidazoles targeting β-tubulin, thus benzimidazoles must interact with additional targets that have not been yet identified. In addition, these results indicate the potential usefulness of fenbendazole for the chemotherapy of AE.


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BACKGROUND The monoclonal antibody natalizumab (NAT) inhibits the migration of lymphocytes throughout the blood-brain barrier by blocking very late antigen (VLA)-4 interactions, thereby reducing inflammatory central nervous system (CNS) activity in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). We evaluated the effects of different NAT treatment regimens. METHODS We developed and optimised a NAT assay to measure free NAT, cell-bound NAT and VLA-4 expression levels in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients using standard and prolonged treatment intervals and after the cessation of therapy. RESULTS In paired CSF and blood samples of NAT-treated MS patients, NAT concentrations in CSF were approximately 100-fold lower than those in serum. Cell-bound NAT and mean VLA-4 expression levels in CSF were comparable with those in blood. After the cessation of therapy, the kinetics of free NAT, cell-bound NAT and VLA-4 expression levels differed. Prolonged intervals greater than 4 weeks between infusions caused a gradual reduction of free and cell-bound NAT concentrations. Sera from patients with and without NAT-neutralising antibodies could be identified in a blinded assessment. The NAT-neutralising antibodies removed NAT from the cell surface in vivo and in vitro. Intercellular NAT exchange was detected in vitro. CONCLUSIONS Incorporating assays to measure free and cell-bound NAT into clinical practice can help to determine the optimal individual NAT dosing regimen for patients with MS.


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1 On rat isolated pulmonary arteries, vasorelaxation by S-nitrosocaptopril (SNOcap) was compared with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) and nitroprusside, and inhibition by SNOcap of contractions to angiotensin I was compared with the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor, captopril. 2 SNOcap was equipotent as a vasorelaxant on main (i.d. 2-3 mm) and intralobar (i.d. 600 mum)pulmonary arteries (pIC(50) values: 5.00 and 4.85, respectively). Vasorelaxant responses reached equilibrium rapidly (2-3 min). 3 Pulmonary vasorelaxant responses to SNOcap, like GSNO, were (i) partially inhibited by the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo(4,3-a)-quinoxalin-1-one; 3 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were abolished and (ii) potentiated by hydroxocobalamin (HCOB; NO. free radical scavenger; 100 muM) whereas responses to nitroprusside were inhibited. 4 The relative potencies for pulmonary vasorelaxation compared with inhibition of platelet aggregation were: SNOcap 7: 1; GSNO 25: 1; nitroprusside > 2000:1. 5 SNOcap, like captopril, concentration-dependently and time-dependently increased the EC50 for angiotensin I but not angiotensin II. The dependence on incubation time was independent of the presence of tissue but differed for SNOcap and captopril. This difference reflected the slow dissociation of SNOcap and instability of captopril, and precluded a valid comparison of the potency of the two drugs. After prolonged incubation (greater than or equal to 5.6 h) SNOcap was more effective than captopril. 6 Thus, in pulmonary arteries SNOcap (i) possesses NO donor properties characteristic of S-nitrosothiols but different from nitroprusside and (ii) inhibits ACE at least as effectively as captopril. These properties suggest that SNOcap could be valuable in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension.


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The aim of this study was to develop a simple, field-practical, and effective in vitro method for determining the sensitivity of fresh erythrocytic Plasmodium vivax isolates to a range of antimalarials. The method used is a modification of the standard World Health Organization (WHO) microtest for determination of P.falciparum drug sensitivity. The WHO method was modified by removing leukocytes and using a growth medium supplemented with AB(+) serum. We successfully carried out 34 in vitro drug assays on 39 P. vivax isolates collected from the Mae Sod malaria clinic, Tak Province, Thailand. The mean percentage of parasites maturing to schizonts (six or more merozoites) in control wells was 66.5% +/- 5.9% (standard deviation). This level of growth in the control wells enabled rapid microscopic determination (5 min per isolate per drug) of the MICs of chloroquine, dihydroartemisinin, WR238605 (tafenoquine), and sulfadoxine. P. vivax was relatively sensitive to chloroquine (MIC = 160 ng/ml, 50% inhibitory concentration [IC50] = 49.8 ng/ml) and dihydroartemisinin (MIC = 0.5 ng/ml, IC50 = 0.47 ng/ml). The poor response of P. vivax to both tafenoquine (MIC = 14,000 ng/ml, IC50 = 9,739 ng/ml) and sulfadoxine (MIC = 500,000 ng/ml, IC50 = 249,000 ng/ml) was due to the slow action of these drugs and the innate resistance of P. vivax to sulfadoxine. The in vitro assay developed in our study should be useful both for assessing the antimalarial sensitivity of P. vivax populations and for screening new antimalarials in the absence of long-term P. vivax cultures.


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Human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT (NKT) cells have immune regulatory activities associated with rejection of tumors, infections and control of autoimmune diseases. They can be stimulated to proliferate using alpha-galactosylceramide (KRN7000) and have the potential for therapeutic manipulation. Subpopulations of NKT cells (CD4(+)CD8(-), CD4(-)D8(+) and CD4(-)CD8(-)) have functionally distinctive Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles and their relative numbers following stimulation may influence the Th1/Th2 balance, which may result in or prevent disease. We aimed to determine the effect of different cytokines in culture during stimulation of NKT cells on the relative proportions of NKT cell subpopulations. Our results show that all NKT cell subpopulations expanded following stimulation with KRN7000 and IL-2, IL-7, IL-1 2 or IL-15. Expansion capacity differed between subpopulations, resulting in different relative proportions of CD4(+) and CD4(-) NKT cell subpopulations, and this was influenced by the cytokine used for stimulation. A Th1-biased environment was observed after stimulation of NKT cells. NKT cells expanded under all conditions evaluated demonstrated significant cytotoxicity against U937 tumor cells. In view of the potential for NKT cell subsets to alter the balance of Th1 and Th2 environment, these data provide insights into the effects of NKT cell manipulation for possible therapeutic applications in different disease settings.


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Burn sepsis is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity in patients with major burns. The use of topical anti-microbial agents has helped improve the survival in these patients. There are a number of anti-microbials available, one of which, Silvazine(TM) (1% silver sulphadiazine (SSD) and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate), is used only in Australasia. No study, in vitro or clinical, had compared Silvazine(TM) with the new dressing Acticoat(TM). This study compared the anti-microbial activity of Silvazine(TM), Acticoa(TM) and 1% silver sulphadiazine (Flamazine(TM)) against eight common burn wound pathogens. Methods: Each organism was prepared as a suspension. A 10 mul inoculum of the chosen bacterial isolate (representing approximately between 104 and 105 total bacteria) was added to each of four vials, followed by samples of each dressing and a control. The broths were then incubated and 10 mul loops removed at specified intervals and transferred onto Horse Blood Agar. These plates were then incubated for 18 hours and a colony count was performed. Results: The data demonstrates that the combination of 1% SSD and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Silvazine(TM)) results in the most effective killing of all bacteria. SSD and Acticoat(TM) had similar efficacies against a number of isolates, but Acticoat(TM) seemed only bacteriostatic against E. faecalis and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Viable quantities of Enterobacter cloacae and Proteus mirabilis rei named at 24 h. Conclusion: The combination of 1% SSD and 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (Silvazine(TM)) is a more effective anti-microbial against a number of burn wound pathogens in this in vitro study. A clinical study of its in vivo anti-microbial efficacy is required. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.


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The plant cyclotides, the largest known family of circular proteins, have tightly folded structures and a range of biological activities that lend themselves to potential pharmaceutical and agricultural applications. Based on sequence homology, they are classified into the bracelet and Mobius subfamilies. The bracelet subfamily has previously been shown to display anti-HIV activity. We show here that a member of the Mobius subfamily, kalata B1, also exhibits anti-HIV activity despite extensive sequence differences between the subfamilies. In addition, acyclic permutants of kalata B1 displayed no anti-HIV activity, suggesting that this activity is critically dependent on an intact circular backbone. (C) 2004 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ocular neovascularisation is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries and the most potent angiogenic factor associated with neovascularisation is vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). We have previously described a sense oligonucleotide (ODN-1) that possesses anti-human and rat VEGF activity. This paper describes the synthesis of lipid-lysine dendrimers and their subsequent ability to delivery ODN-1 to its target and mediate a reduction in VEGF concentration both in vitro and in vivo. Positively charged dendrimers were used to deliver ODN-1 into the nucleus of cultured D407 cells. The effects on VEGF mRNA transcription and protein expression were analysed using RT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. The most effective dendrimers in vitro were further investigated in vivo using an animal model of choroidal neovascularisation (CNV). All dendrimer/ODN-1 complexes mediated in a significant reduction in VEGF expression during an initial 24 hr period (40-60%). Several complexes maintained this level of VEGF reduction during a subsequent, second 24 hr period, which indicated protection of ODN-1 from the effects of endogenous nucleases. In addition, the transfection efficiency of dendrimers that possessed 8 positive charges (chi = 81(.)51%) was significantly better (P = 0(.)0036) than those that possessed 4 positive charges (chi = 56(.)8%). RT-PCR revealed a correlation between levels of VEGF protein mRNA. These results indicated that the most effective structural combination was three branched chains of intermediate length with 8 positive charges such as that found for dendrimer 4. Dendrimer 4 and 7/ODN-1 complexes were subsequently chosen for in vivo analysis. Fluorescein angiography demonstrated that both dendrimers significantly (P < 0(.)0001) reduced the severity of laser mediated CNV for up to two months post-injection. This study demonstrated that lipophilic, charged dendrimer mediated delivery of ODN-1 resulted in the down-regulation of in vitro VEGF expression. In addition, in vivo delivery of ODN-1 by two of the dendrimers resulted in significant inhibition of CNV in an inducible rat model. Time course studies showed that the dendrimer/ODN-1 complexes remained active for up to two months indicating the dendrimer compounds provided protection against the effects of nucleases. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel and precise assay that facilitates high-throughput screening of fibrinolytic agents was developed based on the automated assessment of the euglobulin clot lysis time in microtitre plates. Euglobulin fractions from fresh plasma samples were assessed over 28 days to determine the inter-assay and intra-assay precision. The intra-assay (coefficient of variation range, 0.7-2.6%) and inter-assay precision (coefficient of variation range, 6.8-12.1%) was found to be well within limits required by the Food and Drug Administration. On day 1 and day 28, the results of the microtitre plate euglobulin clot lysis time method were compared with tissue plasminogen activator activity, plasminogen activator inhibitor activity and results produced on fibrin plates. All comparisons were found to correlate significantly. The validity of this method for assaying fibrinolytic agents was assessed by comparing dose-response curves for streptokinase produced using fibrin plates and this method. The critical influence of ambient temperature on the inter-assay reproducibility of this method was established by testing samples over a range of temperatures between 20degreesC and 40degreesC. (C) 2004 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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In vitro evolution imitates the natural evolution of genes and has been very successfully applied to the modification of coding sequences, but it has not yet been applied to promoter sequences. We propose an alternative method for functional promoter analysis by applying an in vitro evolution scheme consisting of rounds of error-prone PCR, followed by DNA shuffling and selection of mutant promoter activities. We modified the activity in embryogenic sugarcane cells of the promoter region of the Goldfinger isolate of banana streak virus and obtained mutant promoter sequences that showed an average mutation rate of 2.5% after applying one round of error-prone PCR and DNA shuffling. Selection and sequencing of promoter sequences with decreased or unaltered activity allowed us to rapidly map the position of one cis-acting element that influenced promoter activity in embryogenic sugarcane cells and to discover neutral mutations that did not affect promoter Junction. The selective-shotgun approach of this promoter analysis method immediately after the promoter boundaries have been defined by 5' deletion analysis dramatically reduces the labor associated with traditional linker-scanning deletion analysis to reveal the position of functional promoter domains. Furthermore, this method allows the entire promoter to be investigated at once, rather than selected domains or nucleotides, increasing the, prospect of identifying interacting promoter regions.


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The effects of 31 plant extracts, which most are traditionally used to treat ciguatera fish poisoning in the Pacific area, were Studied on the cytotoxicity of mouse neuroblastoma cells produced by ouabain, veratridine and/or brevetoxin-3 or Pacific ciguatoxin-1. The cell viability was determined using a quantitative colorimetric method. A marked cytotoxicity of seven of the 31 plant extracts studied, was observed. Despite this, these plant extracts were suspected to contain active compound(s) against the cytotoxicity produced by brevetoxin (2 extracts), brevetoxin, ouabain and/or veratridine (3 extracts), or only against that of ouabain and/or veratridine (2 extracts). Among the 24 plant extracts that exhibited by themselves no cytotoxicity, 22 were active against the effect of brevetoxin or against that of both veratridine and brevetoxin. similar results were obtained when the seven most active plant extracts were reassayed using ciguatoxin instead of brevetoxin. In conclusion, the present work reports the first activity assessment of some plant extracts, achieved in vitro on a quite large scale. The fact that 27 plant extracts were found to exert, in vitro, a protective effect against the action of ciguatoxin and/or brevetoxin, paves the way for finding new active compounds to treat ciguatera fish poisoning, provided these compounds also reverse the effects of sodium channel activators. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.