995 resultados para Implantation ionique


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The advent of retrievable caval filters was a game changer in the sense, that the previously irreversible act of implanting a medical device into the main venous blood stream of the body requiring careful evaluation of the pros and cons prior to execution suddenly became a "reversible" procedure where potential hazards in the late future of the patient lost most of their weight at the time of decision making. This review was designed to assess the rate of success with late retrieval of so called retrievable caval filters in order to get some indication about reasonable implant duration with respect to relatively "easy" implant removal with conventional means, i.e., catheters, hooks and lassos. A PubMed search (www.pubmed.gov) was performed with the search term "cava filter retrieval after 30 days clinical", and 20 reports between 1994 and 2013 dealing with late retrieval of caval filters were identified, covering approximately 7,000 devices with 600 removed filters. The maximal duration of implant reported is 2,599 days and the maximal implant duration of removed filters is also 2,599 days. The maximal duration reported with standard retrieval techniques, i.e., catheter, hook and/or lasso, is 475 days, whereas for the retrievals after this period more sophisticated techniques including lasers, etc. were required. The maximal implant duration for series with 100% retrieval accounts for 84 days, which is equivalent to 12 weeks or almost 3 months. We conclude that retrievable caval filters often become permanent despite the initial decision of temporary use. However, such "forgotten" retrievable devices can still be removed with a great chance of success up to three months after implantation. Conventional percutaneous removal techniques may be sufficient up to sixteen months after implantation whereas more sophisticated catheter techniques have been shown to be successful up to 83 months or more than seven years of implant duration. Tilting, migrating, or misplaced devices should be removed early on, and replaced if indicated with a device which is both, efficient and retrievable.


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"Argent et stupéfiants, stupéfiants et argent" : c'est un binôme bien implanté dans l'imaginaire commun. La production, le transport et la vente de stupéfiants constituent l'un des principaux trafics illicites au niveau international et permettent, à travers le blanchiment de l'argent qui en est issu, de financer beaucoup d'activités illégales. Dans ce cadre, le monde judiciaire montre un intérêt tout particulier à pouvoir démontrer que des sommes d'argent ont été en contact avec des produits stupéfiants et donc de les relier à leur trafic. C'est dans cette optique que l'analyse des contaminations en produits stupéfiants que l'on retrouve sur les billets de banque constitue un outil intéressant. Il s'agit de pouvoir établir que des billets en circulation présentent peu de traces de stupéfiants alors que les billets saisis dans le cadre de la répression du trafic illicite de stupéfiants en présentent en quantité plus importante. Les résultats de cette étude confirment qu'il est possible de mettre en évidence une différence significative entre la population des billets en circulation et la population des billets saisis tant pour les francs suisses que pour les euros. La méthodologie développée pour déterminer si un lot de billets est relié au trafic de produits stupéfiants est ainsi validée et constitue une contribution nouvelle dans la lutte contre le trafic des stupéfiants.


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La présente publication s'intéresse à un nouveau domaine de recherche des politiques environnementales. Elle se propose de théoriser et d'analyser le sous-sol comme une ressource naturelle potentiellement menacée. Le sous-sol suisse est depuis quelques années l'objet d'une forte intensification des demandes d'utilisation. Une pression démographique croissante s'exerce sur le Plateau, entrainant une augmentation du nombre d'infrastructures. Parallèlement, l'accroissement général de la valeur des terrains dans les villes pousse à une utilisation accrue de l'espace souterrain. Les progrès techniques rendent possible l'implantation d'infrastructures dans presque tous les contextes géologique. Enfin, la volonté politique et sociale de voir certains ouvrages ou substances, comme les déchets nucléaires, enterrés peut s'avérer déterminante. L'approche théorique privilégiée dans cette étude pour aborder le thème de la gestion durable de l'exploitation du sous-sol est celle, développée à l'IDHEAP, des « Régimes institutionnels de ressources » (RIR). Cette démarche se caractérise par sa volonté d'aborder la gestion d'une ressource de manière globale, en faisant fi des découpages territoriaux et institutionnels. Les résultats de l'analyse des juridictions cantonales et fédérales indiquent un risque clair de surexploitation de la ressource. En cause, le flou qui règne autour de la définition des droits de propriété du sous-sol et la faible coordination des politiques publiques concernées. L'étude se conclut sur une mise en perspective des possibilités de régulation qui s'offrent aux décideurs politiques, s'ils décident de prendre en charge le risque de surexploitation du sous-sol.


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Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Résumé grand public Comme toute matière, la roche est sensible à son environnement et cherche à s'adapter pour acquérir un état stable (état d'équilibre). Les changements des conditions physiques (température et pression) vont ainsi impliquer des modifications dans la roche. Le métamorphisme est l'étude de ces changements. Les minéraux qui constituent la roche peuvent modifier, leur structure, leur chimie ou être remplacer par d'autres minéraux plus stables. Il est ainsi crucial de déterminer les processus responsables et limitant de la croissance minérale. Trois processus permettent la croissance ; (1) la dissolution des éléments du réactant, (2) le transport de ces éléments vers le site de croissance, (3) l'incorporation de ces éléments dans la nouvelle structure. Cette thèse se focalise sur les structures des minéraux de haute pression (forme, zonation chimique, structure interne) pour essayer de déterminer les facteurs importants à l'origine de leur état final. Les zones d'étude se situent dans la zone de Sésia. La première partie traite de la problématique liée à l'incorporation d'un élément dans une structure minérale. A l'image de la croissance humaine, les irrégularités minéralogiques permettent de mettre en lumière un dysfonctionnement de la croissance due à un excès ou à une carence d'un élément. Bien dosé, cet élément est cependant essentiel à la croissance. Les zoisites (épidotes) des métabasites de la région de Cima di Bonze montrent une zonation chimique en sablier. Dans cette zonation la teneur en fer excède la capacité maximum que peut contenir la structure orthorhombique de la zoisite. Des défauts de structure permettent l'accommodation de cet excès. La zoisite peut ainsi adapter sa structure pour permettre l'incorporation d'une relativement grande quantité de fer. Les études précédentes montraient, pour des conditions similaires, la formation de deux épidotes distinctes. La deuxième partie se penche sur la compétition entre le minéral qui fait sa croissance et les minéraux (réactants) qui l'entourent. Les métapélites de la région du Monte Mucrone contiennent des grenats atollaires. Des études détaillées de la texture et de la zonation chimique du grenat ainsi qu'une modélisation thermodynamique ont permis de mieux cerner les facteurs importants responsables de la forme atollaire. Cette structure est obtenue par un changement du comportement de la croissance du grenat le long d'un chemin P-T hercynien. Dans un premier stade, le grenat croît rapidement et consume peu le quartz de la matrice. La croissance se fait ainsi le long des jointures des grains de quartz. Dans un second temps, les changements de conditions PT donnent une croissance lente du grenat et une forte consommation du quartz. Le grenat peut ainsi développer sa forme dodécaédrale classique. La troisième partie s'intéresse aux distances de transport par diffusion d'un élément (ici l'argon) durant la haute pression. Pour ce faire, un profile d'âges 40Ar/39Ar sur biotite a été mesuré depuis un veine de haute pression riche en argon jusque dans son encaissant (granitoïd du Monte Mucrone). Le profile montre une répartition des âges suivant une courbe de diffusion. Le transport se fait sur une longueur de deux centimètre avec l'aide d'un fluide. Il est réduit à une échelle millimétrique quand la phase fluide disparaît. Cette étude montre ainsi les difficultés de transport des éléments durant la haute pression ne permettant pas un rééquilibrage de la roche à grande échelle. Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Résumé de thèse Les processus de croissance (diffusion des éléments et les réactions d'interface) et les conditions dans lesquelles les minéraux grandissent (température, pression, fluide, composition chimique de la roche), déterminent la texture ainsi que la zonation des minéraux. Cette thèse se focalise, par le biais de textures peu communes, sur trois différents processus impliqués dans la croissance minérale à haute pression (Zone de Sésia, Alpes de l'Ouest, Italie). L'incorporation d'un élément dans une structure minérale ne peut se faire que dans des sites en accord avec la taille et la charge ionique de l'élément. De plus, la balance de charge doit être maintenue dans le minéral. La régularité de la structure cristalline fixe ainsi une limite maximum de concentration d'un élément donné. Les zoisites provenant des métabasites de la région de Cima di Bonze montrent des zonations en sablier caractérisées par une concentration anormale en fer. La zonation se marque par une différente teinte de biréfringence et par un plus grand angle d'extinction que le reste de la zoisite. Une inter-croissance de clinozoisite à l'intérieur de la structure orthorhombique de la zoisite peut ainsi être suspectée. Les analyses XRD (diffraction des rayons x) ainsi que les analyses Raman ne confirment pas cette suspicion. Seules les analyses TEM (microscope à électrons transmis) montrent des défauts de structure pouvant être interprétés comme des modules de clinozoisite. Ils ne peuvent cependant pas être considérés comme une phase thermodynamique. Un nouveau trou d'immiscibilité entre deux zoisite (X ep= 0.1 and Xep = 0.15) a ainsi pu être établi. Dans les métapélites la région du Monte Mucrone, des grenats fortement zonés montrent une évolution texturale singulière. Ils présentent une forme initiale de `champignon' qui se développe pour former une structure atollaire finale. L'étude conjuguée de la structure 3D et des zonations, ainsi que l'établissement d'un model thermodynamique, indiquent que ces structures proviennent de deux épisodes de croissances : (1) La croissance du grenat durant un chemin prograde hercynien (de 525 °C et 6.2 kbar à 640 °C et 9 kbar) permet la formation des textures atollaires. Elles sont le résultat d'une croissance poecilitique initiale suivie d'une croissance idiomorphique du grenat. (2) La structure est rendue plus complexe par la cristallisation d'un grenat homogène tout autour ainsi qu'à l'intérieur du grenat hercynien durant la haute pression alpine (550 °C and 20 kbar). L'arrivée de l'eau durant la haute pression facilite le transport d'éléments et permet une cristallisation rapide du grenat. La diffusion peut être un facteur limitant de la croissance minéralogique. Elle a aussi une grande importance pour la géochronologie. Une veine de haute pression à l'intérieur du granitoïde du Monte Mucrone a été étudiée dans le but de déterminer la distance de diffusion de l'argon. Le profile d'âges 40Ar/39Ar sur biotites, établi de la veine vers le métagranitoïde, suit une courbe de diffusion. Les âges sont élevés proche de la veine (800 Ma) puis décroissent jusqu'à des âges homogènes (170-150 Ma) à deux centimètres de la veine. La présence de fluide, marqué par de hautes concentrations en chlore, permet une diffusion centimétrique. Cependant, la distance est réduite à une échelle millimétrique quand le fluide est absent. Les très faibles distances de diffusion préservent les âges pré-alpins et impliquent un événement géologique pour les âges de 170-150 Ma. Kinetics of crystal growth and equilibrium domains in eclogite of the Sesia Zone, Western Alps Darbellay Bastien Institut de Minéralogie et Géochimie Thesis abstract Rock textures and zonings are the consequence of growth processes (element diffusion and interface reaction) steered by the environment in which they grew (pressure, differential stress, temperature, fluid and rock composition). The thesis presented here focuses on three different topics, each of it dealing with aspects of mineral growth processes during subduction, in a high-pressure environment. All studies were conducted in the Sesia Zone of the Western European Alps, Italy. The first study addresses the crystallography and geochemistry of element incorporation in zoisite, one of the major hydrous minerals found in subduction zone rocks. Elements can be incorporated into a mineral structure only on crystallographic sites that offer enough space for the ion and the overall charge balance has to be maintained. Element concentrations are hence limited. Incorporation of some elements produces complex zoning, including hourglass like patterns, which are the focus of the first contribution. Zoisites from Cima di Bonze (Sesia Zone) show spectacular hourglass zoning defined by Fe-content variations. The hourglass zones have a distinct birefringence and a different extinction angle than the regular part of the zoisite. We show by detailed XRD (X-ray diffraction) and confocal Raman analyses that the high Fe-zones are nevertheless zoisite, and not clinozoisite as one might expect. High resolution TEM (transmission electron microscopy) analyses show planar defects on (100) that can be interpreted as small-scale clinozoisite modules. However, these clinozoisites cannot be interpreted as a distinctive thermodynamic phase and the entire mineral has to be considered as zoisite. The miscibility gap between two zoisites (Xep = 0.1 and Xep = 0.15) can be then definite at 550 ± 50°C and 14 to 20 Kbar. Strongly zoned garnets in quartz rich metapelite from the Monte Mucrone area (Sesia Zone) show evolution form 3D mushroom to atoll structure. The second contribution presents textural investigations, garnet zoning and thermodynamic modeling that demonstrate that atoll garnets are the result of two distinctive growth events. (1) Garnet atoll structure is already formed during a prograde Hercynian path from 525 °C and 6.2 kbar to 640 °C and 9 kbar. It results in an initial poikilitic growth followed by a final idiomorphic growth event. (2) Alpine HP garnet are homogenous (550 °C and 20 kbar) and grew around and also inside the Hercynian garnet. Lack of prograde Alpine garnet and fast growth of the HP garnet is explained by the absence of water during much of the prograde path. Water saturation was only observed towards the end, close towards the peak metamorphic conditions. Diffusion could be a limiting factor for crystal growth. It has also a great importance in geochronology. HP vein inside the metagranitoide of the Monte Mucrone (~300 Ma) was investigated to determine argon diffusion scales during high-pressure metamorphism. 40Ar/39Ar biotite ages profile from the vein toward the metagranodiorite show a diffusion curve: old ages (800 Ma) located close to the vein decrease until homogenous 170-150 Ma ages are obtained, two centimeter away from the vein. Centimeter-scale diffusion occurs with help of a fluid phase marked by high chlorine concentrations. Argon diffusion is reduced to a millimeter scale when free fluid is absent. Very short diffusion distance permits to preserve pre-Alpine ages. The 170-150 Ma ages are considered to be geologic meaningful, probably resulting from the extensional tectonics linked to opening of the Tethian ocean.


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BACKGROUND: The superficial femoral vein (SFV) is a well-established alternative conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructivenous hypertension after SFV harvest may however result in significant morbidity. This study reports the efficiency of SFV as conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and characterize the anatomic and physiologic changes in harvest limbs and their relationship to the development of venous complications. METHODS: From May 1999 through November 2003, 23 SFV were harvested from 21 patients undergoing infra-inguinal reconstructions. Bypasses were controlled by regular duplex-ultrasound. The venous morbidity was assessed by measurements of leg circumferences, strain-gauge plethysmography and quality of life, investigated by the VEINES-QOL scale. RESULTS: At a mean follow-up of 10.4 months (range 1-56), primary, secondary patency and limb salvage rates of infra-inguinal bypasses using SFV are 71.4%, 76.2% and 85.7% respectively. No patient had major venous claudication. Oedema was significantly present in nine patients. Strain-gauge plethysmography showed outflow obstruction in all patients. The VEINES-QOL assessment showed no limitation in social and domestic activity, moderate complain about leg heaviness despite presence of oedema. CONCLUSION: The SFV harvest is a reliable conduit for infra-inguinal reconstructions and results in moderate venous morbidity in terms of functional consequences and quality of life.


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Lung cancer is the most frequent cause of superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome. Malignant SVC syndrome is generally considered a contraindication to curative resection, although palliative bypasses are done for symptoms that do not respond to medical therapy. However, a majority of patients with such advanced disease die of complications caused by the primary tumor rather than distant metastasis. We present the case of one patient with lung cancer invading the mediastinal structures. Combined resection and replacement of the SVC with a segment of Dacron vascular graft was performed. Postoperative survival time was 24 months.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors associated with Contegra graft (Medtronic Minneapolis, MN, USA) infection after reconstruction of the right ventricular outflow tract. METHODS: One hundred and six Contegra grafts were implanted between April 1999 and April 2010 for the Ross procedure (n = 46), isolated pulmonary valve replacement (n = 32), tetralogy of Fallot (n = 24), double-outlet right ventricle (n = 7), troncus arteriosus (n = 4), switch operation (n = 1) and redo of pulmonary valve replacement (n = 2). The median age of the patients was 13 years (range 0-54 years). A follow-up was completed in all cases with a median duration of 7.6 years (range 1.7-12.7 years). RESULTS: There were 3 cases of in-hospital mortality. The survival rate during 7 years was 95.7%. Despite the lifelong endocarditis prophylaxis, Contegra graft infection was diagnosed in 12 (11.3%) patients at a median time of 4.4 years (ranging from 0.4 to 8.7 years). Univariate analysis of preoperative, perioperative and postoperative variables was performed and the following risk factors for time to infection were identified: female gender with a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.19 (P = 0.042), systemic-to-pulmonary shunt (HR 6.46, P < 0.01), hypothermia (HR 0.79, P = 0.014), postoperative renal insufficiency (HR 11.97, P = 0.015) and implantation of permanent pacemaker during hospitalization (HR 5.29, P = 0.075). In 2 cases, conservative therapy was successful and, in 10 patients, replacement of the infected valve was performed. The Contegra graft was replaced by a homograft in 2 cases and by a new Contegra graft in 8 cases. Cox's proportional hazard model indicated that time to graft infection was significantly associated with tetralogy of Fallot (HR 0.06, P = 0.01), systemic-to-pulmonary shunt (HR 64.71, P < 0.01) and hypothermia (HR 0.77, P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Contegra graft infection affected 11.3% of cases in our cohort, and thus may be considered as a frequent entity that can be predicted by both intraoperative and early postoperative factors. After the diagnosis of infection associated with the Contegra graft was confirmed, surgical treatment was the therapy of choice.


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Bisphosphonates are known for their strong inhibitory effect on bone resorption. Their influence on bone formation however is less clear. In this study we investigated the spatio-temporal effect of locally delivered Zoledronate on peri-implant bone formation and resorption in an ovariectomized rat femoral model. A cross-linked hyaluronic acid hydrogel was loaded with the drug and applied bilaterally in predrilled holes before inserting polymer screws. Static and dynamic bone parameters were analyzed based on in vivo microCT scans performed first weekly and then biweekly. The results showed that the locally released Zoledronate boosted bone formation rate up to 100% during the first 17 days after implantation and reduced the bone resorption rate up to 1000% later on. This shift in bone remodeling resulted in an increase in bone volume fraction (BV/TV) by 300% close to the screw and 100% further away. The double effect on bone formation and resorption indicates a great potential of Zoledronate-loaded hydrogel for enhancement of peri-implant bone volume which is directly linked to improved implant fixation.


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Cancer progression is dependent, in part, on interactions between tumor cells and the host microenvironment. During pregnancy, physiological changes occur that include inflammation and reduced immunity, both of which can promote tumor growth. Accordingly, tumors are observed to be more aggressive and to have greater proclivity toward metastasis during pregnancy. In this work, myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), a population of heterogeneous and pluripotent cells that can down-regulate immune responses during pathological conditions, were studied in the context of mouse and human gestation. The gene expression profile of mouse MDSC has been shown to differ in pregnant and virgin mice, and the profile in pregnant animals bears similarity to that of MDSC associated with the tumor microenvironment. Common induced genes include Fibronectin1 and Olfactomedin4, which are known to be involved in extracellular matrix remodeling and tissue permissiveness to tumor cells implantation. Our observations suggest that mouse MDSC may represent a shared regulatory mechanism of tissue permissiveness that occurs during the physiological state of gestation and tumor growth. Pregnancy-associated changes in immunosuppressive myeloid cell activity have also been studied in humans. We show that CD33+ myeloid cells isolated from PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) of pregnant women are more strongly immunosuppressive on T cells than CD33+ cells removed from non-pregnant subjects. During murine gestation, decreased natural killer (NK) cell activity is responsible, at least in part, for the increase in experimental metastasis. However, although peripheral blood NK cell numbers and cytotoxicity were slightly reduced in pregnant women, neither appeared to be regulated by CD33+ cells. Nevertheless, based on its observed suppression of T cell responses, the CD33+ PBMC subset appears to be an appropriate myeloid cell population to study in order to elucidate mechanisms of immune regulation that occur during human pregnancy. Our findings regarding the immunosuppressive function of CD33+cells and the role of NK cells during human pregnancy are consistent with the notion that changes in the function of the immune system participate in the constitution of a permissive soil for tumour progression.


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OBJECTIVE: Our aim is to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy, and patency of using coronary stents for the treatment of hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation. CONCLUSION: Hepatic artery stenosis after liver transplantation can be treated using coronary stents. The low rate of complication, high technical success, and 1-year patency rates are encouraging.


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The short and the long-term results of our experience with 25 consecutive patients who underwent multivalvular surgery for infective endocarditis are analysed. Preoperatively, 20/25 (80%) patients were in New York Heart Association (NYHA) stage III or IV, and 2/25 (8%) patients were in cardiogenic shock. All the diseased valves were replaced with mechanical bileaflet prosthesis except seven mitral valves and one tricuspid valve, which could be repaired. Major postoperative complications occurred in 3/25 (12%) patients: a fatal cerebral haemorrhage, a reversible cerebellar syndrome and an intractable heart failure, which required transplantation. During a mean follow-up of 4.7 years (range 6 months to 16.8 years), 7/25 (28%) patients suffered from valve-related complications: five bleedings (one died), one embolic event and one prosthetic valve thrombosis. The actuarial freedom of valve-related event at 10 years was 61.8 +/- 12.4%. There was no prosthetic endocarditis. At follow-up, 20/21 (95%) survivors were in NYHA stage I or II. Long-term outcome in our patient population operated on for multivalvular endocarditis, is satisfactory with no recurrent infection and excellent functional results.


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With the advent of new technologies, experience with long-term mechanical circulatory support (MCS) is rapidly growing. Candidates to MCS are selected based on concepts, strategies and classifications that are specific to this indication. As results drastically improve, supported by stronger scientific evidence, the trend is towards earlier implantation. An adequate pre-implant follow-up is mandatory in order to avoid missing the best window of opportunity for implantation. While on chronic support, the hemodynamic profile of patients with continuous-flow ventricular assist devices is unique and remarkably influenced by the hydration status. Optimal management of these patients from the pre-implant phase to the long-term support phase requires a multidisciplinary approach that is similar to that already long validated for organ transplantation.


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Takayasu arteritis, a nonspecific inflammatory arteritis, is particularly rare in children. We report the case of a 6-year-old girl presenting with severe arterial hypertension in the upper segment associated with an inflammatory syndrome. Investigations showed coarctation of the abdominal aorta at different levels, due to Takayasu arteritis. The patient was treated with percutaneous dilatation and stent implantation as well as prolonged anti-inflammatory therapy. Arterial hypertension in children needs to be investigated until its cause, which may be rare such as Takaysu arteritis, is determined.