The systems with some system parameters perturbed are investigated. These systems might exist in nature or be obtained by perturbation or truncation theory. Chaos might be suppressed or induced. Some of these dynamical systems exhibit extraordinary long transients, which makes the temporal structure seem sensitively dependent on initial conditions in finite observation time interval.
The coherent structure in two-dimensional mixing layers is simulated numerically with the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized with high-order accurate upwind compact schemes. The process of development of flow structure is presented: loss of stability, development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, rolling up and pairing. The time and space development of the plane mixing layer and influence of the compressibility are investigated.
A new compact finite difference-Fourier spectral hybrid method for solving the three dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equations is developed in the present paper. The fifth-order upwind compact finite difference schemes for the nonlinear convection terms in the physical space, and the sixth-order center compact schemes for the derivatives in spectral space are described, respectively. The fourth-order compact schemes in a single nine-point cell for solving the Helmholtz equations satisfied by the velocities and pressure in spectral space is derived and its preconditioned conjugate gradient iteration method is studied. The treatment of pressure boundary conditions and the three dimensional non-reflecting outflow boundary conditions are presented. Application to the vortex dislocation evolution in a three dimensional wake is also reported.
Unsteady and two-dimensional numerical simulation is applied to study the transition process from steady convection to turbulence via subharmonic bifurcation in thermocapillary convection of a liquid bridge in the half-floating zone. The results of numerical tests show clearly the fractal structure of period-doubling bifurcations, and frequency-locking at f/4, f/8, f/16 with basic frequency f is observed with increasing temperature difference. The Feigenbaum universal constant is given by the present paper as delta(4) = 4.853, which can be compared with the theoretical value 4.6642016.
A coupled map lattices with convective nonlinearity or, for short, Convective Coupled Map (CCM) is proposed in this paper to simulate spatiotemporal chaos in fluid hows. It is found that the parameter region of spatiotemporal chaos can be determined by the maximal Liapunov exponent of its complexity time series. This simple model implies a similar physical mechanism for turbulence such that the route to spatiotemporal chaos in fluid hows can be envisaged.
The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for describing the turbulent flow in a straight square duct are formulated with two different turbulence models. The governing equations are then expanded as a multi-deck structure in a plane perpendicular to the streamwise direction, with each deck characterized by its dominant physical forces as commonly carried out in analytical work using triple-deck expansion. The resulting equations are numerically integrated using higher polynomial (H-P) finite element technique for each cross-sectional plane to be followed by finite difference representation in the streamwise direction until a fully developed state is reached. The computed results using the two different turbulence models show fair agreement with each other, and concur with the vast body of available experimental data. There is also general agreement between our results and the recent numerical works anisotropic k-epsilon turbulence model.
Burgers suggested that the main properties of free-turbulence in the boundless area without basic flow might be understood with the aid of the following equation, which was much simpler than those of fluid dynamics,
Turbulence was generated by an oscillating grid above a bed of sediment of spherical glass beads. As expected, part of the sediment was lifted up by the grid action and a suspension layer of depth D formed above the grid. This depth was found remaining independent of grid action but varying with the sediment layer depth when the grid action was kept constant. Volume concentration measurements show the existence of only weak concentration gradients over the layer depth with a rapid fall off in concentration at the outer edge. The theoretical analysis based on a concentration flux model is in good qualitative agreement with observations.
A new aerodynamic principle of flame stabilization and combustion intensification, the coflow jets with large velocity difference, is described. One or more small high-velocity jets of air or steam, injected off the axis and in the same direction as the low-velocity main fuel-air flow into the combustor, create a large recirculation zone of high turbulence intensity in which the combustibles and high temperature gases are effectively mixed, so that stable and intensive combustion can be maintained even for fuels with poor ignition. A pulverized coal combustor based on the principle mentioned above is shown to be characteristic of excellent combustoom and a simple structure. A number of precombustors of this type are in operation at some power stations and industrial boilers of China. Using such precombustor, successtul startups and part-load operation of the boilers have become available under conditions of unpreheated air and low-grade coal with volatiles as low as 15% and ash content as high as 30%. This principle shows good promise as an attractive new technology of combustion.
The statistical-mechanics theory of the passive scalar field convected by turbulence, developed in an earlier paper [Phys. Fluids 28, 1299 (1985)], is extended to the case of a small molecular Prandtl number. The set of governing integral equations is solved by the equation-error method. The resultant scalar-variance spectrum for the inertial range is F(k)~x−5/3/[1+1.21x1.67(1+0.353x2.32)], where x is the wavenumber scaled by Corrsin's dissipation wavenumber. This result reduces to the − (5)/(3) law in the inertial-convective range. It also approximately reduces to the − (17)/(3) law in the inertial-diffusive range, but the proportionality constant differs from Batchelor's by a factor of 3.6.
Using the approach of local expansion, we analyze the magnetostatic relations in the case of conventional turbulence. The turbulent relations are obtained consisten tly for themomentum equation and induction equation of both the average and fluctuation relations.In comparison with the magnetostatic relations as discussed usually, turbulent fluctuationfields produce forces, one of which 1/(4π)(α1×B0)×B0 may have parallel and perpendicular components in the direction of magnetic field, the other of which 1/(4π)K×B0 is introduced by the boundary value of turbulence and is perpendicular to the magnetic field. In the case of 2-dimensional configuration of magnetic field, the basic equation will be reduced into a second-order elliptic equation, which includes some linear and nonlinear terms introduced by turbulent fluctuation fields. Turbulent fields may change the configuration of magnetic field and even shear it non-uniformly. The study on the influence of turbulent fields is significant since they are observed in many astrophysical environments.