990 resultados para IMMUNE TOLERANCE


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OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the role of the spleen and splenic allograft in lipid control and evaluate its effect on the lipid profile of rats.METHOD: 32 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups: control group (1), total splenectomy group (2), splenectomy and implantation of allograft group (3) and double spleen group (4). Each group was subdivided into two subgroups: A and B, based on the death of the animals after 30 or 120 days of monitoring. The procedures in groups 2, 3 and 4 were made simultaneously, and splenectomized animals, groups 2 and 3 were donors, respectively, for the animals of groups 3 and 4. In group 4 the spleen was preserved and the animals received implants from the spleens of rats from group 3. The regeneration of splenic tissue was evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic analyzes of the grafts and own spleens, as well as with measurements of VLDL, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides.RESULTS: after 120 days, Group 4 showed levels of total cholesterol and LDL lower than the other groups. Group 1 had higher levels of lipids.CONCLUSION: The technique of double spleen was effective in the control of lipid metabolism, corroborating the function of the spleen as a reserve of lipids.


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Asthma and allergy are common diseases and their prevalence is increasing. One of the hypotheses that explains this trend is exposure to inhalable chemicals such as traffi c-related air pollution. Epidemiological research supports this theory, as a correlation between environmental chemicals and allergic respiratory diseases has been found. In addition to ambient airborne particles, one may be exposed to engineered nanosized materials that are actively produced due to their favorable physico-chemical properties compared to their bulk size counterparts. On the cellular level, improper activity of T helper (Th) cells has been connected to allergic reactions. Th cells can differentiate into functionally different effector subsets, which are identifi ed according to their characteristic cytokine profi les resulting in specifi c ability to communicate with other cells. Th2 cells activate humoral immunity and stimulate eradication of extracellular pathogens. However, persistent predominance of Th2 cells is involved in a development of number of allergic diseases. The cytokine environment at the time of antigen recognition is the major factor determining the polarization of a naïve Th cell. Th2 cell differentiation is initiated by IL4, which signals via transcription factor STAT6. Although the importance of this pathway has been evaluated in the mouse studies, the signaling components involved have been largely unknown. The aim of this thesis was to identify molecules, which are under the control of IL4 and STAT6 in Th cells. This was done by using system-level analysis of STAT6 target genes at genome, mRNA and protein level resulting in identifi cation of various genes previously not connected to Th2 cell phenotype acquisition. In the study, STAT6-mediated primary and secondary target genes were dissection from each other and a detailed transcriptional kinetics of Th2 cell polarization of naïve human CD4+ T cells was collected. Integration of these data revealed the hierarchy of molecular events that mediates the differentiation towards Th2 cell phenotype. In addition, the results highlighted the importance of exploiting proteomics tools to complement the studies on STAT6 target genes identifi ed through transcriptional profi ling. In the last subproject, the effects of the exposure with ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles was analyzed in Jurkat T cell line and in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells to evaluate their toxicity and potential to cause infl ammation. Identifi cation of ZnO-derived gene expression showed that the same nanoparticles may elicit markedly distinctive responses in different cell types, thus underscoring the need for unbiased profi ling of target genes and pathways affected. The results gave additional proof that the cellular response to nanosized ZnO is due to leached Zn2+ ions. The approach used in ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticle study demonstrated the value of assessing nanoparticle responses through a toxicogenomics approach. The increased knowledge of Th2 cell signaling will hopefully reveal new therapeutic nodes and eventually improve our possibilities to prevent and tackle allergic infl ammatory diseases.


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The study examined (1) the immune response in broiler chickens after oral immunization with recombinant flagellin (rFliC) from Salmonella Typhimurium conjugated with sodium alginate microparticles, and the immune response enhancement in association with recombinant cholera toxin B subunit protein (rCTB) and pool of Lactobacillus spp. (PL). The immune responses were evaluated by dosage of IgY serum and IgA from intestinal fluid and immunostaining of CD8+ T lymphocytes in the cecum. The immunized animals were challenged with Salmonella Typhimurium (ST) 21 days after treatment. In all immunized groups, a significant increase (p<0.05) was observed in IgA levels (μg/mL), especially three weeks after immunization. The serum IgY levels (μg/mL) were little affected by the treatments and differed significantly among groups only in the second post-immunization week (p<0.05). After the challenge, the number of CD8+ T cells differed significantly between the treatments and negative control. Retrieval of Salmonella Typhimurium was not detected at 48 hours after the challenge in T2 (rFliC+rCTb), T3 (rFliC+PL) and T4 (rFliC+rCTB PL). The rFliC administered orally with or without rCTB and Lactobacillus spp. produces significant induction of humoral immune response, and the immunized chickens were more effective in eliminating Salmonella after challenge.


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The present study aimed to assess the CD4, CD8 and γδ blood levels for Curraleiro Pé-duro, as well as the specific IFN-γ response after BCG vaccination using flow cytometry. The specific immune response against BCG was also evaluated by tuberculin skin test, performed before and 45 days after the vaccination. For comparison purposes, the same parameters were investigated on Nellore calves, an exotic bovine with resistance previously demonstrated. Naturally, Curraleiro Pé-duro animals had greater levels of CD4, CD8 and γδ lymphocytes (p<0.05). In response to vaccine, Curraleiro Pé-duro showed greater ability to respond specifically to BCG, generating resistance profile (Th1), evidenced by greater number of antigen specific CD4+ cells producing IFN-γ (p<0.05) and also higher tuberculin skin test reaction (p<0.05). Additionally, vaccinated Curraleiro Pé-duro calves had higher CD4 cells numbers than both Nellore control (p<0.05) and vaccinated groups (p<0.05). Curraleiro Pé-duro calves' higher basal lymphocytes blood level and stronger response in both IFN-γ and tuberculin skin test parameters probably play a positive role on protection/resistance to Mycobacterium bovis.


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The pathogens of the reproductive system in the male can penetrate and establish by ascending route, from to the prepuce to the urethra, accessory glands, epididymis and testicles. The aim of this paper is determine the distribution and number of cells involved in the immune response in prepuce and pelvic urethra of rams, without apparent clinical alterations in testicle, epididymis and prepuce. The distribution of some of the cells involved in the immune response at the level of the prepuce and the pelvic urethra was quantified in four one-year-old rams seronegative for B. ovis and A. seminis and without apparent lesions in the testicles, the epididymis, and the prepuce. At the moment of slaughter, samples were taken from the preputial fornix and the pelvic urethra and placed in 10% formalin and under freezing conditions. CD4, CD8, WC1, CD45RO, CD14 and CD1b cells were demonstrated by immunohistochemistry, and immunoglobulin-containing cells (ICC) of the IgA, IgG and IgM classes were demonstrated by immunofluorescence. The labeled cells present in the mucosa of both organs were counted with an image analyzer. The total number of cells was compared between both tissues and differentially between the epithelium and the connective tissue of the mucosa. Significant differences were found in the total number of CD4, CD45RO, and WC1 lymphocytes, in CD14 macrophages, and CD1b dendritic cells, with mean values being greater in the fornix than in the urethra (p<0.05) in all cases. Only dendritic cells were found in the prepuce. No differences were found in the number of CD8 lymphocytes between both organs. The ratio between each cell type in the connective and the intraepithelial tissues and between organs was 10/1 for CD4 in the fornix (p<0.05), against 7/1 in the urethra (p<0.05), while CD8 had a 1/1 distribution in both mucosae. The WC1 ratio was 5/1 in both mucosae (p<0.05). CD45RO labeling was 19/1 in the prepuce (p<0.05) and 1/1 in the urethra. IgA-containing cells did not show differences in the total number of cells in both tissues. In the urethra, no IgG-containing cells were observed and IgM-containing cells were scarce; in contrast, both cell types were present in the prepuce, in amounts greater than in the urethra (p<0.05). IgA-, IgG-, and IgM-containing cells were located in both organs in the mucosal connective tissue. The presence of antigen-presenting cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, as well as of lymphocytes CD4, CD8 TCR γδ (WC1), IgA-, IgG and IgM positive cells, and CD45RO cells suggests that both mucosae may behave as inductive and effector sites for the mucosal immune response.


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Imazapyr has presented excellent results in controlling coppices in stand reforms of eucalypt forests, despite differences in the efficacy levels. To find out whether these different responses are caused by the genetic variability of the cultivated materials, two experiments were carried out under greenhouse conditions with different imazapyr doses in a hydroponic system in plastic vases containing 2,500 mL solution. The clones IEF-1 (Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus sp. hybrid), GE 463 (E. urophylla x E. grandis), and MN 445 (E. grandis x Eucalyptus sp. hybrid) were used in the first assay, and IEF-1, IEF2 (E. grandis x E. urophylla) x Eucalyptus sp. hybrid) and the clones 129 and 7182 (E. grandis x Eucalyptus sp. hybrids) in the second assay. Thirty days after transplanting the seedlings to a nutritive solution, imazapyr was applied to the solution at doses of 0.00, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.40, 0.80, 1.60 and 3.20 muL L-1. Clone GE 463 proved to be more tolerant to imazapyr than clones IEF-1 and MN 445 in the first assay; however, in the second, clone 7182 was the most tolerant. Thus, doses should also be differentiated when controlling coppices, according to the cultivated clone.


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Knowledge of the minimum rate of glyphosate required to eradicate sugarcane ratoons can reduce the amount of herbicide used. To confirm this hypothesis, this study aimed to investigate the tolerance of different sugarcane cultivars to chemical eradication, at different glyphosate rates. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design in a split-plot scheme, with four replications. The sugarcane cultivars (IACSP94-2094, IACSP94-2101, IACSP93-3046, IACSP94‑4004, IAC86-2480, and RB72454) were allocated in plots and the glyphosate rates (0, 1,440, 2,160, 2,880, 3,600, and 4,320 g ha-1), in the sub plots. The traits evaluated were signs of poisoning symptoms; total chlorophyll content, plant height, percentage of dead tillers, and dry weight of the plants. At 45 days after application (DAA), the glyphosate rate of 1,440 g a.e. ha-1 eradicated the cultivars IACSP94-2094 and IACSP94-2101, as well as RB72454 with application of 2,160 g a.e. ha‑1. Application of glyphosate 2,880 g a.e. ha-1 eradicated both IACSP93-3046 and IAC86-2480 and glyphosate 3,600 g a.e. ha-1 eradicated IACSP94-4004. The most tolerant cultivar was IACSP94‑4004, eradicated at the rate of 3,600 g. a.e. ha-1. This confirms the hypothesis that knowing the cultivar's tolerance leads, in practice, to a smaller amount of herbicide applied to the environment, which also reduces production costs.


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This study aimed to evaluate the tolerance of sugarcane cultivars to ratoon eradication under different glyphosate rates by means of physiological responses. Therefore, a trial was carried out in randomized complete blocks with 4 x 4 factorial design (cultivars x rates) totaling 16 treatments with four replicates. The cultivars IAC91-5155, IACSP93-3046, and IAC86-2480 and IAC87-3396 and the glyphosate rates 0 g ha-1; 1,920 g ha-1; 2,400 g ha-1; 2,880 g ha-1 were tested. The variables analyzed were percentage of tiller mortality, quantum efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) and SPAD index. The results showed that there are differences among sugarcane cultivars for tiller eradication and for physiological responses with glyphosate different rates. The rate of 2,880 g ha-1 was the most efficient in eliminating sugarcane tillers. The cultivars IAC86-2480, IAC87-3396 and IACSP93-3046 were the most sensitive and the IAC91-5155 tolerated, for a longer period of time, the damage to the photosynthetic apparatus of the ratoons caused by glyphosate desiccation. Due to different responses, different managements should be considered for eliminating ratoons of different cultivars.


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Shallow coastal areas are dynamic habitats that are affected by a variety of abiotic and biotic factors. In addition to the natural environmental stress, estuarine and coastal seagrass ecosystems are exposed to effects of climate change and other anthropogenic impacts. In this thesis the effect of different abiotic (shading stress, salinity and temperature) and biotic stressors (presence of co-occurring species) and different levels and combinations of stressors on the performance and survival of eelgrass (Zostera marina) was assessed. To investigate the importance of scale for stress responses, varying levels of biological organization (genotype, life stage, population and plant community) were studied in field and aquarium experiments. Light limitation, decreased salinity and increased temperature affected eelgrass performance negatively in papers I, II and III, respectively. While co-occurring plant species had no notable effect on eelgrass in paper IV, the presence of eelgrass increased the biomass of Potamogeton perfoliatus. The findings in papers II and III confirmed that more extreme levels of salinity and temperature had stronger impacts on plant performance compared to intermediate levels, but intermediate levels also had more severe effects on plants when they were exposed to several stressors, as illustrated in paper II. Thus, multiple stressors had negative synergetic effects. The results in papers I, II and III indicate that future changes in light climate, salinity and temperature can have serious impacts on eelgrass performance and survival. Stress responses were found to vary among genotypes, life stages and populations in papers I, II and III, respectively, emphasizing the importance of study scale. The results demonstrate that while stress in general affects seagrass productivity negatively, the severity of effects can vary substantially depending on the studied scale or level of biological organization. Eelgrass genotypes can differ in their stress and recovery processes, as observed in paper I. In paper II, eelgrass seedlings were less prone to abiotic stress compared to adult plants, but stress also decreased their survival considerably. This indicates that recruitment and re-colonization through seeds might be threatened in the future. Variation among population responses observed in paper III indicates that long-term local adaptation under differing selection pressures has caused divergence in salinity tolerance between Baltic eelgrass populations. This variability in stress tolerance observed in papers I and III suggests that some eelgrass genotypes and populations have a better capacity to adapt to changes and survive in a changing environment. Multiple stressors and biological level-specific responses demonstrate the uncertainty in predicting eelgrass responses in a changing environment. As eelgrass populations may differ in their stress tolerance both within and across regions, conservation strategies at both local and regional scales are urgently needed in order to ensure the survival of these important ecosystems.


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Variation in salt tolerance of six natural populations of Stylosanthes humilis from three ecogeographic regions, Mata (wet tropical climate), Agreste and Sertão (semi-arid tropical climate) of Pernambuco State, Northeast Brazil, was evaluated on germination in 201 mM NaCl. There were significant differences among families of all populations for germination percentage and of five populations (except Tamandaré, from Mata) for germination rate. Populations from semi-arid regions presented high coefficients of genetic variation, those from Agreste being higher than those from Sertão. Populations from Mata showed low coefficients of genetic variation. The coefficients of genotypic determination were high for five populations, except Tamandaré, both for germination percentage ( > or = 0.89) and for germination rate ( > or = 0.79), indicating the possibility of selection for salt tolerance in these populations. An electrophoretic analysis of esterase and peroxidase isozymes was also performed in the six populations, and correlations were estimated between salt tolerance and allelic frequencies. The analysis of salt tolerant and salt sensitive families of populations from Agreste suggested an association of alleles of a peroxidase locus with salt tolerance during germination in the Caruaru population


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The objective of this study was to identify restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers linked to QTLs that control aluminum (Al) tolerance in maize. The strategy used was bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and the genetic material utilized was an F2 population derived from a cross between the Al-susceptible inbred line L53 and Al-tolerant inbred line L1327. Both lines were developed at the National Maize and Sorghum Research Center - CNPMS/EMBRAPA. The F2 population of 1554 individuals was evaluated in a nutrient solution containing a toxic concentration of Al and relative seminal root length (RSRL) was used as a phenotypic measure of tolerance. The RSRL frequency distribution was continuous, but skewed towards Al-susceptible individuals. Seedlings of the F2 population which scored the highest and the lowest RSRL values were transplanted to the field and subsequently selfed to obtain F3 families. Thirty F3 families (15 Al-susceptible and 15 Al-tolerant) were evaluated in nutrient solution, using an incomplete block design, to identify those with the smallest variances for aluminum tolerance and susceptibility. Six Al-susceptible and five Al-tolerant F3 families were chosen to construct one pool of Al-susceptible individuals, and another of Al-tolerant, herein referred as "bulks", based on average values of RSRL and genetic variance. One hundred and thirteen probes were selected, with an average interval of 30 cM, covering the 10 maize chromosomes. These were tested for their ability to discriminate the parental lines. Fifty-four of these probes were polymorphic, with 46 showing codominance. These probes were hybridized with DNA from the two contrasting bulks. Three RFLPs on chromosome 8 distinguished the bulks on the basis of band intensity. DNA of individuals from the bulks was hybridized with these probes and showed the presence of heterozygous individuals in each bulk. These results suggest that in maize there is a region related to aluminum tolerance on chromosome 8


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Opiates have been implicated in learned helplessness (LH), a phenomenon known to be related to opiate stress-induced analgesia (SIA). In the present study, we investigated the role of opiates in the induction of LH and SIA under different conditions. Adult female Wistar rats were trained either by receiving 60 inescapable 1-mA footshocks (IS group, N = 114) or by confinement in the shock box (control or NS group, N = 92). The pain threshold of some of the animals was immediately evaluated in a tail-flick test while the rest were used 24 h later in a shuttle box experiment to examine their escape performance. The opiate antagonist naltrexone (0 or 8 mg/kg, ip) and the previous induction of cross-tolerance to morphine by the chronic administration of morphine (0 or 10 mg/kg, sc, for 13 days) were used to identify opiate involvement. Analysis of variance revealed that only animals in the IS group demonstrated antinociception and an escape deficit, both of which were resistant to the procedures applied before the training session. However, the escape deficit could be reversed if the treatments were given before the test session. We conclude that, under our conditions, induction of the LH deficit in escape performance is not opiate-mediated although its expression is opiate-modulated


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Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a newly-discovered cytokine that is produced by activated monocytes early in the course of the innate immune response. IL-15 is able to bind to components of the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) despite the fact that it has no sequence homology with IL-2. IL-15 stimulates human natural killer cell proliferation, cytotoxicity, and cytokine production and can substitute for IL-2 under most conditions. In vitro studies indicate that monocyte-derived IL-15 may be an important determinant of IFN-gamma production by NK cells. In addition, IL-15 is able to promote the survival of natural killer cells under serum-free conditions. The IL-15 receptor is a heterotrimeric complex which is composed of the IL-2Rß and g chains in combination with a unique alpha chain (IL-15a). The IL-15Ra chain has strong sequence homology to the IL-2Ra chain and confers high affinity binding to the IL-15R. In contrast to IL-2, transcript for IL-15 and IL-15a is expressed in a number of tissues and indicates that IL-15 may be an important ligand for cells that express components of the IL-2R


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In the present review we address oral tolerance as an important biological phenomenon and discuss how it is affected by aging. Other factors such as frequency of feeding and previous digestion of the antigen also seem to influence the establishment of oral tolerance. We also analyze immunoglobulin isotypes of specific antibodies formed by tolerant and immunized animals of different ages submitted to different conditions of oral antigen administration. Isotypic patterns were studied as a parameter for assessing the pathways of B and T cell interactions leading to antibody production