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A monoclonal antibody specific for the empty conformation of class II MHC molecules revealed the presence of abundant empty molecules on the surface of spleen- and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) among various types of antigen-presenting cells. The empty class II MHC molecules are developmentally regulated and expressed predominantly on immature DC. They can capture peptide antigens directly from the extracellular medium and present bound peptides to antigen-specific T lymphocytes. The ability of the empty cell-surface class II MHC proteins to bind peptides and present them to T cells without intracellular processing can serve to extend the spectrum of antigens able to be presented by DC, consistent with their role as sentinels in the immune system.


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In antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells, proteins are degraded to peptide fragments and loaded onto class II MHC molecules in a process involving the peptide exchange factors H-2M (murine) or HLA-DM (human). In many antigen-presenting cells these processes occur in intracellular endosomal compartments, where peptides are generated and loaded onto class II MHC proteins for subsequent transport to the surface and presentation to T cells. Here, we provide evidence for an additional antigen-processing pathway in immature dendritic cells (DC). Immature DC express at the cell surface empty or peptide-receptive class II MHC molecules, as well as H-2M or HLA-DM. Secreted DC proteases act extracellularly to process intact proteins into antigenic peptides. Peptides produced by such activity are efficiently loaded onto cell surface class II MHC molecules. Together these elements comprise an unusual extracellular presentation pathway in which antigen processing and peptide loading can occur entirely outside of the cell.


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To identify cellular functions involved in the early phase of the retroviral life cycle, somatic cell mutants were isolated after selection for resistance to infection. Rat2 fibroblasts were treated with chemical mutagens, and individual virus-resistant clones were recovered after selection for resistance to infection. Two clones were characterized in detail. Both mutant lines were resistant to infection by both ecotropic and amphotropic murine viruses, as well as by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 pseudotypes. One clone showed a strong block to reverse transcription of the retroviral RNA, including formation of the earliest DNA products. The second clone showed normal levels of viral DNA synthesis but did not allow formation of the circular DNAs normally found in the nucleus. Cell fractionation showed that the viral preintegration complex was present in a form that could not be extracted under conditions that readily extracted the complex from wild-type cells. The results suggest that the DNA was trapped in a nonproductive state and excluded from the nucleus of the infected cell. The properties of these two mutant lines suggest that host gene products play important roles both before and after reverse transcription.


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Antigen receptors (BCRs) on developing B lymphocytes play two opposing roles—promoting survival of cells that may later bind a foreign antigen and inhibiting survival of cells that bind too strongly to self-antigens. It is not known how these opposing outcomes are signaled by BCRs on immature B cells. Here we analyze the effect of a null mutation in the Syk tyrosine kinase on maturing B cells displaying a transgene-encoded BCR that binds hen egg lysozyme (HEL). In the absence of HEL antigen, HEL-specific BCRs are expressed normally on the surface of Syk-deficient immature B-lineage cells, but this fails to promote maturation beyond the earliest stages of B-lineage commitment. Binding of HEL antigen, nevertheless, triggers phosphorylation of CD79α/β BCR subunits and modulation of receptors from the surface in Syk-deficient cells, but it cannot induce an intracellular calcium response. Continuous binding of low- or high-avidity forms of HEL, expressed as self-antigens, fails to restore the signal needed for maturation. Compared with the effects in the same system of null mutations in other BCR signaling elements, such as CD45 and Lyn kinase, these results indicate that Syk is essential for transmitting a signal that initiates the program of B-lymphocyte maturation.


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The structural changes accompanying stretch-induced early unfolding events were investigated for the four type III fibronectin (FN-III) modules, FN-III7, FN-III8, FN-III9, and FN-III10 by using steered molecular dynamics. Simulations revealed that two main energy barriers, I and II, have to be overcome to initiate unraveling of FN-III's tertiary structure. In crossing the first barrier, the two opposing β-sheets of FN-III are rotated against each other such that the β-strands of both β-sheets align parallel to the force vector (aligned state). All further events in the unfolding pathway proceed from this intermediate state. A second energy barrier has to be overcome to break the first major cluster of hydrogen bonds between adjacent β-strands. Simulations revealed that the height of barrier I varied significantly among the four modules studied, being largest for FN-III7 and lowest for FN-III10, whereas the height of barrier II showed little variation. Key residues affecting the mechanical stability of FN-III modules were identified. These results suggest that FN-III modules can be prestretched into an intermediate state with only minor changes to their tertiary structures. FN-III10, for example, extends 12 Å from the native “twisted” to the intermediate aligned state, and an additional 10 Å from the aligned state to further unfolding where the first β-strand is peeled away. The implications of the existence of intermediate states regarding the elasticity of fibrillar fibers and the stretch-induced exposure of cryptic sites are discussed.


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Secretory granules store neuropeptides and hormones and exhibit regulated exocytosis upon appropriate cellular stimulation. They are generated in the trans-Golgi network as immature secretory granules, short-lived vesicular intermediates, which undergo a complex and poorly understood maturation process. Due to their short half-life and low abundance, real-time studies of immature secretory granules have not been previously possible. We describe here a pulse/chase-like system based on the expression of a human chromogranin B-GFP fusion protein in neuroendocrine PC12 cells, which permits direct visualization of the budding of immature secretory granules and their dynamics during maturation. Live cell imaging revealed that newly formed immature secretory granules are transported in a direct and microtubule-dependent manner within a few seconds to the cell periphery. Our data suggest that the cooperative action of microtubules and actin filaments restricts immature secretory granules to the F-actin-rich cell cortex, where they move randomly and mature completely within a few hours. During this maturation period, secretory granules segregate into pools of different motility. In a late phase of maturation, 60% of secretory granules were found to be immobile and about half of these underwent F-actin-dependent tethering.


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Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Miller) fruit discs fed with [2,3-14C]1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) formed 1-malonyl-ACC (MACC) as the major conjugate of ACC in fruit throughout all ripening stages, from immature-green through the red-ripe stage. Another conjugate of ACC, γ-glutamyl-ACC (GACC), was formed only in mature-green fruit in an amount about 10% of that of MACC; conjugation of ACC into GACC was not detected in fruits at other ripening stages. No GACC formation was observed from etiolated mung bean (Vigna radiata [L.] Wilczek) hypocotyls, etiolated common vetch (Vicia sativum L.) epicotyls, or pea (Pisum sativum L.) root tips, etiolated epicotyls, and green stem tissue, where active conversion of ACC into MACC was observed. GACC was, however, formed in vitro in extracts from fruit of all ripening stages. GACC formation in an extract from red fruit at pH 7.15 was only about 3% of that at pH 8.0, the pH at which most assays were run. Our present in vivo data support the previous contention that MACC is the major conjugate of ACC in plant tissues, whereas GACC is a minor, if any, conjugate of ACC. Thus, our data do not support the proposal that GACC formation could be more important than MACC formation in tomato fruit.


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In extracts of immature soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) seeds inositol tetrakisphosphate was formed from [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate but not from [3H]inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was purified to a specific activity of 3.55 min−1 mg−1 by polyethylenimine clarification and anion-exchange chromatography. The partially purified enzyme converted [3H]inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate to inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate as the major product and inositol 1,3,4,6- and/or 1,2,3,4-tetrakisphosphate as the minor product. Subsequent experiments revealed a separate inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate 6-kinase activity, which could link these enzymes to inositol hexakisphosphate synthesis via the previously reported inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate 2-kinase. The apparent Km values for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase were 200 ± 0 nm for inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and 171 ± 4 μm for ATP, and the reaction was not reversible. The kinetics were such that no activity could be detected using unlabeled inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate and [γ-32P]ATP, which suggested that other kinases may have been observed when less purified fractions were incubated with radiolabeled ATP. Inositol 1,3,4-trisphosphate kinase was nonspecifically inhibited more than 80% by various inositol polyphosphates at a concentration of 100 μm.


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Homotypic fusion of immature secretory granules (ISGs) gives rise to mature secretory granules (MSGs), the storage compartment in endocrine and neuroendocrine cells for hormones and neuropeptides. With the use of a cell-free fusion assay, we investigated which soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment receptor (SNARE) molecules are involved in the homotypic fusion of ISGs. Interestingly, the SNARE molecules mediating the exocytosis of MSGs in neuroendocrine cells, syntaxin 1, SNAP-25, and VAMP2, were not involved in homotypic ISG fusion. Instead, we have identified syntaxin 6 as a component of the core machinery responsible for homotypic ISG fusion. Subcellular fractionation studies and indirect immunofluorescence microscopy show that syntaxin 6 is sorted away during the maturation of ISGs to MSGs. Although, syntaxin 6 on ISG membranes is associated with SNAP-25 and SNAP-29/GS32, we could not find evidence that these target (t)-SNARE molecules are involved in homotypic ISG fusion. Nor could we find any involvement for the vesicle (v)-SNARE VAMP4, which is known to be associated with syntaxin 6. Importantly, we have shown that homotypic fusion requires the function of syntaxin 6 on both donor as well as acceptor membranes, which suggests that t–t-SNARE interactions, either direct or indirect, may be required during fusion of ISG membranes.


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The majority of T lymphocytes start to develop at around day 15 of gestation (d15)-d17 in the thymus and comprise the peripheral repertoire characterized by the expression of polymorphic T-cell antigen receptors (TCRs). Contrary to these conventional T cells, a subset of T cells, called natural killer (NK) T cells (most of them expressing an invariant TCR encoded by the Valpha14Jalpha281 gene with a 1-nt N-region), preferentially differentiates extrathymically and dominates the peripheral T-cell population at a high frequency (5% in splenic T cells and 40% in bone marrow T cells). Here, we investigated the development of NK T cells and found that the invariant Valpha14+ TCR transcripts and the circular DNA created by Valpha14 and Jalpha281 gene rearrangements can be detected in the embryo body at d9.5 of gestation and in the yolk sac and the fetal liver at d11.5-d13.5 of gestation, but not in the thymus, whereas T cells with Valpha1+ TCR expression, a major population in the thymus, were not observed at these early stages of gestation. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis also demonstrated that there exist CD3+ alpha beta+ T cells, almost all of which are Valpha14/Vbeta8+ NK+ T cells, during early embryogenesis. To our knowledge, this demonstrates for the first time that a T lymphocyte subset develops in extrathymic tissues during the early stages of embryogenesis.


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Dominant mutations of the SOD1 gene encoding Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase have been found in members of certain families with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). To better understand the contribution of SOD1 mutations in the pathogenesis of familial ALS, we developed transgenic mice expressing one of the mutations found in familial ALS. These animals display clinical and pathological features closely resembling human ALS. Early changes observed in these animals were intra-axonal and dendritic vacuoles due to dilatation of the endoplasmic reticulum and vacuolar degeneration of mitochondria. We have reported that the Golgi apparatus of spinal cord motor neurons in patients with sporadic ALS is fragmented and atrophic. In this study we show that spinal cord motor neurons of transgenic mice for an SOD1 mutation display a lesion of the Golgi apparatus identical to that found in humans with sporadic ALS. In these mice, the stacks of the cisternae of the fragmented Golgi apparatus are shorter than in the normal organelle, and there is a reduction in Golgi-associated vesicles and adjacent cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, the fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus occurs in an early, presymptomatic stage and usually precedes the development of the vacuolar changes. Transgenic mice overexpressing the wild-type human superoxide dismutase are normal. In familial ALS, an early lesion of the Golgi apparatus of motor neurons may have adverse functional effects, because newly synthesized proteins destined for fast axoplasmic transport pass through the Golgi apparatus.


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Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) is selectively activated by injecting either mos or MAPK kinase (mek) RNA into immature mouse oocytes maintained in the phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). IBMX arrests oocyte maturation, but Mos (or MEK) overexpression overrides this block. Under these conditions, meiosis I is significantly prolonged, and MAPK becomes fully activated in the absence of p34cdc2 kinase or maturation-promoting factor. In these oocytes, large openings form in the germinal vesicle adjacent to condensing chromatin, and microtubule arrays, which stain for both MAPK and centrosomal proteins, nucleate from these regions. Maturation-promoting factor activation occurs later, concomitant with germinal vesicle breakdown, the contraction of the microtubule arrays into a precursor of the spindle, and the redistribution of the centrosomal proteins into the newly forming spindle poles. These studies define important new functions for the Mos/MAPK cascade in mouse oocyte maturation and, under these conditions, reveal novel detail of the early stages of oocyte meiosis I.


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A mixed-class alcohol dehydrogenase has been characterized from avian liver. Its functional properties resemble the classical class I type enzyme in livers of humans and animals by exhibiting low Km and kcat values with alcohols (Km = 0.7 mM with ethanol) and low Ki values with 4-methylpyrazole (4 microM). These values are markedly different from corresponding parameters of class II and III enzymes. In contrast, the primary structure of this avian liver alcohol dehydrogenase reveals an overall relationship closer to class II and to some extent class III (69 and 65% residue identities, respectively) than to class I or the other classes of the human alcohol dehydrogenases (52-61%), the presence of an insertion (four positions in a segment close to position 120) as in class II but in no other class of the human enzymes, and the presence of several active site residues considered typical of the class II enzyme. Hence, the avian enzyme has mixed-class properties, being functionally similar to class I, yet structurally similar to class II, with which it also clusters in phylogenetic trees of characterized vertebrate alcohol dehydrogenases. Comparisons reveal that the class II enzyme is approximately 25% more variable than the "variable" class I enzyme, which itself is more variable than the "constant" class III enzyme. The overall extreme, and the unusual chromatographic behavior may explain why the class II enzyme has previously not been found outside mammals. The properties define a consistent pattern with apparently repeated generation of novel enzyme activities after separate gene duplications.